- Former CIA Informant Talks About Attempted EMP Strike
- Exclusive report for pastebin dwellers!
- I�ve taken clips of audio interviews of Dr. Jim Garrow from many
- different sources. Dr. Jim Garrow explains in detail about an event
- that occurred in October of 2013 where three high brass officers inside
- the US military contacted dozens of informants (including Dr. Garrow) to
- help expose a (thwarted) attempt by US president Barack Obama to conduct a
- false flag EMP strike to knock out [fry] America�s power grid and work
- toward �a solution� by forcing through all notoriously resisted goals
- known as �Agenda 21.� This EMP was going to be blamed on a solar flare.
- The main reason this EMP strike failed was because of the DoD�s high
- security procedures involving both the USAF and Navy to successfully
- conduct a nuclear strike - in which many levels of authorization is
- required to activate access to the decentralized nuclear launch keys.
- Two brave generals (one from the Army and another from the US Air Force)
- including a high brass Admiral stood down and REFUSED ORDERS from the
- White House to authorize a successful nuclear strike into America�s
- upper atmosphere - which was set to occur during the solar flare.
- The EMP strike (if the false flag had been successful) would have occured
- during the solar flare which would have given president Barack Obama and
- his top science czar John P. Holdren the excuse to blame �global warming.�
- Thus, the only �solution� would have been the UN�s Agenda 21 policy.
- IF that false flag had been successful, you would not be reading this.
- The power grid would have been fried across America - any form of
- electronic communication would have been useless after the event.
- Major transportation would have come to a hault within a day, all
- water and waste filtering systems would have been knocked out. Almost
- everyone (not off-the-grid) would have been left in the dark without
- power - it would have been horrific and most of us would now be dead.
- Another �solution� under Agenda 21 noted: de-population.
- This attempted EMP strike sent shockwaves through the real news media,
- but not so much as a mutter from the mainstream corporate-whore press.
- It was also noted that many military officials now know that Obama is a
- traitor and should no longer be trusted.
- Former CIA Informant Talks About The Thwarted EMP Strike Against America!
- Audio (5:07) #1:
- http://fileb.ag/11t2635n9b0k
- Audio (6:39) #2:
- http://fileb.ag/6yqw32c14hu4
- Audio (5:56) #3:
- http://fileb.ag/pc48qk9bdpu9
- Audio (9:55) #4:
- http://fileb.ag/nml3x11yaulb
- Audio (10:57) #5:
- http://fileb.ag/m8cig8lz3w0y
- Dr. Jim Garrow has also been questioned what he thinks about the UN�s
- Agenda 21, you can listen to what Jim Garrow had to say about that.
- Audio (4:34) #6:
- http://90upload.com/?974
- More clips from Jim Garrow will be posted later on, the most intriguing
- and important topics and threats America now faces. I will also share an
- interview that is, personally, very embarrassing to Barack Obama, later.
- Here is a mirror to all six audio clips posted above, zipped. (90.2MB)
- http://fpsbay.com/download/64665X14073655962341X346921/Jim_Garrow_On_EMP_Alert.zip
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Posted by 1 on August Thu 14th 5:36 AM - Never Expires
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