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Former CIA Informant Talks About Attempted EMP Strike Exclusive report for pastebin dwellers! I’ve taken clips of audio interviews of Dr. Jim Garrow from many different sources. Dr. Jim Garrow explains in detail about an event that occurred in October of 2013 where three high brass officers inside the US military contacted dozens of informants (including Dr. Garrow) to help expose a (thwarted) attempt by US president Barack Obama to conduct a false flag EMP strike to knock out [fry] America’s power grid and work toward “a solution” by forcing through all notoriously resisted goals known as “Agenda 21.” This EMP was going to be blamed on a solar flare. The main reason this EMP strike failed was because of the DoD’s high security procedures involving both the USAF and Navy to successfully conduct a nuclear strike - in which many levels of authorization is required to activate access to the decentralized nuclear launch keys. Two brave generals (one from the Army and another from the US Air Force) including a high brass Admiral stood down and REFUSED ORDERS from the White House to authorize a successful nuclear strike into America’s upper atmosphere - which was set to occur during the solar flare. The EMP strike (if the false flag had been successful) would have occured during the solar flare which would have given president Barack Obama and his top science czar John P. Holdren the excuse to blame “global warming.” Thus, the only “solution” would have been the UN’s Agenda 21 policy. IF that false flag had been successful, you would not be reading this. The power grid would have been fried across America - any form of electronic communication would have been useless after the event. Major transportation would have come to a hault within a day, all water and waste filtering systems would have been knocked out. Almost everyone (not off-the-grid) would have been left in the dark without power - it would have been horrific and most of us would now be dead. Another “solution” under Agenda 21 noted: de-population. This attempted EMP strike sent shockwaves through the real news media, but not so much as a mutter from the mainstream corporate-whore press. It was also noted that many military officials now know that Obama is a traitor and should no longer be trusted. Former CIA Informant Talks About The Thwarted EMP Strike Against America! Audio (5:07) #1: Audio (6:39) #2: Audio (5:56) #3: Audio (9:55) #4: Audio (10:57) #5: Dr. Jim Garrow has also been questioned what he thinks about the UN’s Agenda 21, you can listen to what Jim Garrow had to say about that. Audio (4:34) #6: More clips from Jim Garrow will be posted later on, the most intriguing and important topics and threats America now faces. I will also share an interview that is, personally, very embarrassing to Barack Obama, later. Here is a mirror to all six audio clips posted above, zipped. (90.2MB)
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