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The Obamacare Gestapo 005 All gun grabbing, microchipping AND child kidnapping reports will be documented and archived. Obamacare IS NOT healthcare, it’s fascistic control over human beings’ lives! Reported kill tally: 1 victim so far Reported gun grab tally: 1 victim so far Reported forced microchipping tally: 0 Reported kidnapping tally: 2 victims so far Hired provocateurs ordered to police medical dictatorship as exposed by the press so far ; police departments, psychiatrists, Health and Human Services, (State) Department of Human Services, Department of Children and Families, Child Protection Service, “hospital security” and the Veterans Administration. ¤ Hospitals Start Spying for Obamacare ; Smokers and Fast Food Junkies to Be Charged Extra Fees, Face “Intervention” :: You may soon get a call from your doctor if you’ve let your gym membership lapse, made a habit of picking up candy bars at the check-out counter or begin shopping at plus-sized stores. That’s because some hospitals are starting to use detailed consumer data to create profiles on current and potential patients to identify those most likely to get sick, so the hospitals can INTERVENE before they do. Information compiled by data brokers from public records and credit card transactions can reveal where a person shops, the food they buy, and whether they smoke. The largest hospital chain in the Carolinas is plugging data for 2 million people into algorithms designed to identify high-risk patients, while Pennsylvania’s biggest system uses household and demographic data. Patients and their advocates, meanwhile, say they’re concerned that big data’s expansion into medical care will hurt the doctor-patient relationship and threaten privacy. ¤ Vet Killed at Close Range After Refusing to Go to Hospital :: Chicago police shot a 95-year-old WWII veteran to death with bean bag rounds at close range because he refused to go to hospital, a lawsuit brought by the man’s family claims. The incident, which occurred on July 26 last year, involved John Wrana, Jr, a resident at Park Forest Assisted Living Center in Park Forest, Illinois. Wrana, who was just 12 days shy of his 96th birthday, was suffering from a suspected urinary tract infection. However, when Victory Center employees attempted to persuade Wrana to get in an ambulance and go to hospital, he refused to leave his room. Wrana subsequently brandished a knife and a long shoehorn in an attempt to resist paramedics. Five police officers, Clifford Butz, Michael Baugh, Craig Taylor, Lloyd Elliot, Charlie Hoskins and Mitch Greer, were called to the scene before Commander Michael Baugh ordered force to be used against Wrana. On entering the room and missing with a Taser dart, Taylor fired “five rounds of bean bag cartridges from a 12 gauge shotgun within a distance of approximately only six to eight feet from Mr. Wrana, far less than the distance allowed for discharging that shotgun, and, consequently, savagely wounding and killing Mr. Wrana,” according to the lawsuit. ? UPDATE! Massachusetts Judge Orders Police State to Free Kidnapped Teenager, Return Her to Her Parents :: After spending sixteen months being obamacared under the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families gestapo, a Massachusetts judge has ordered that 16-year-old Justina Pelletier will be officially returned to her parents in Connecticut Wednesday. ? OBAMACARED! TEEN KIDNAPPED BY POLICE STATE AFTER PARENTS AND DOCTORS ARGUE AT HOSPITAL :: “All I really want to be with is my family and my friends and that’s all I want is to be with my family and friends back home,” she says. “You can do it. You’re the one that’s judging this. Please let me go home.” The state of Massachusetts took charge of Pelletier when her parents and doctors at Children’s Hospital clashed over her diagnosis and treatment in 2013. Pelletier was eventually moved to a rehabilitation facility (aka consintration camp) in Framingham, and then to Thompson, Connecticut where she is currently suffering. ¤ Parents Interrogated for Giving Birth to Child by Medical Gestapo, CPS and Thug Cops in Black Uniforms :: Natural birthing parents say they were harassed and forced to prove that the baby was put under government-approved medical supervision. The fascist government hates parents because THEY lust for total control over you’re children! ¤ Medical Dictatorship Rolling Out - Children and Parents Loosing Their Human Rights :: Secret interrogation of children to reveal private family lifestyles for paranoid government gestapos to scrutinize. Intentions may be to kidnap children away from politicaly “radical” parents like YOU. ¤ FLASHBACK ; Political Abuse of Psychiatry :: Mirrored » ¤ Psychiatrist Reported Gun Owner to Police, Raid Followed :: The medical gestapo are comming for you’re guns! UPDATE! The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals may have just dealt a serious blow to the US Constitution. In a unanimous decision earlier this month the Court determined that law enforcement officers are not required to present a warrant or charges before forcibly entering a person’s home, searching it, and confiscating their firearms if they believe it is in the individual’s best interests. The landmark suit was brought before the court by Krysta Sutterfield of Milwaukee, who had recently visited a psychiatrist for outpatient therapy resulting from some bad news that she had received. According to court records Sutterfield had expressed a suicidal thought during the visit, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, when she said “I guess I’ll go home and blow my brains out.” This prompted her doctor to contact police. The police then raided her home without a warrant and confiscated her firearms - all because of a psychiatrist who snitched. Psychiatrists can no longer be trusted in the police state and neither can the cops. ¤ Illinois Department of Human Services Targets Patient’s Second Amendment Rights :: An reader has emailed a brochure released by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). The brochure describes the responsibility of doctors and health care professionals under the Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) Mental Health Reporting System as part of the Firearm Concealed Carry Act (PA 98-063). The law requires clinicians and facilities to report patients who own firearms they believe pose a “clear and present danger” to themselves or others. ¤ Psychiatrists Are the New Federal Gun Control Agents and Political Thought Police :: Meet the new gestapo under Obamacare being recruited. ¤ Dictatorship ; Obamacare to Target Gun Owners :: ¤ Dictatorship ; Shrinks Now Work for Police State :: ¤ RESIST! Obamacare Agenda Includes RFID Microchips :: Civils who care about their privacy will never comply. ¤ OBAMACARE IS ABOUT SLAVERY - NOT HEALTHCARE! :: “I don’t see Obamacare as something designed to offer healthcare. … I think the question comes down to a bigger one, which is, are we going to create a society where one hundred percent of everything is digitized and under central control?” ______________________________________ ¤ OBAMACARE ARCHIVE - MAY 21st 2014 :: ______________________________________ ¤ Veterans Obamacared! Part 1 :: ¤ Veterans Obamacared! Part 2 :: ¤ Veterans Obamacared! Part 3 :: ¤ Veterans Obamacared! Part 4 :: ¤ Veterans Obamacared! Part 5 :: ¤ Veterans Obamacared! Part 6 :: ¤ Veterans Obamacared! Part 7 :: ______________________________________ ¤ The Obamacare Gestapo 001 :: ¤ The Obamacare Gestapo 002 :: ¤ The Obamacare Gestapo 003 :: ¤ The Obamacare Gestapo 004 :: ______________________________________ ¤ Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (16 May 2014) :: ¤ Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (22 May 2014) :: ¤ Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (29 May 2014) :: ¤ Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (16 June 2014) :: ______________________________________ ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 01 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 02 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 03 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 04 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 05 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 06 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 07 :: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
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