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INSANITY - people who think the same government that can’t even take care of those who fight it’s wars will somehow be able to help manage the whole countries’ health care system along with it. ¤ OBAMACARED! VA Hospital Staff Got $1,000,000 in Bonuses While Therapy Pool for Wounded Vets Shut Down :: Uncle Sam treats his pawns well. ¤ Relative Describes Squalid State of St. Louis VA :: ¤ Veteran to Colorado VA - You Owe Me a Leg :: ¤ Vets Around the Country Describe VA Hospital Experiences :: ¤ Shinseki Resigns :: Politicians want to sweep this injustice under the rug from bad publicity because elections are drawing near. In reality they don’t give a flying fuck about the vets. ¤ 1,700 Vets Left Off VA Hospital Wait List :: ¤ Internal VA Email Reveals Los Angeles VA Hospital Manipulated Records :: ¤ The VA - A Window Into the Future of Obamacare :: ¤ Texas VA Run Like a ‘Crime Syndicate,’ Whistleblower Says :: Last week, President Obama pledged to address allegations of corruption and dangerous inefficiencies in the veterans’ health-care system. But before the president could deliver on his pledge, the scandal has spread even further. New whistleblower testimony and internal documents implicate an award-winning VA hospital in Texas in widespread wrongdoing —and what appears to be systemic fraud. Emails and VA memos obtained exclusively by The Daily Beast provide what is among the most comprehensive accounts yet of how high-level VA hospital employees conspired to game the system. It shows not only how they manipulated hospital wait lists but why—to cover up the weeks and months veterans spent waiting for needed medical care. If those lag times had been revealed, it would have threatened the executives’ bonus pay. What’s worse, the documents show the wrongdoing going unpunished for years, even after it was repeatedly reported to local and national VA authorities. That indicates a new troubling angle to the VA scandal: that the much touted investigations may be incapable of finding violations that are hiding in plain sight. “For lack of a better term, you’ve got an organized crime syndicate,” a whistleblower who works in the Texas VA told The Daily Beast. “People up on top are suddenly afraid they may actually be prosecuted and they’re pressuring the little guys down below to cover it all up.” “I see it in the executives’ eyes,” the whistleblower added. “They are worried.” The current VA scandal broke in Phoenix last month, when a former doctor at a VA hospital there became the first whistleblower to gain national attention. The doctor's allegations of falsified appointments—and veterans dying while they waited for treatment —unleashed a wave of similar claims from VA employees nationwide. In Cheyenne, Wyoming, Chicago, and Albuquerque, more VA whistleblowers came forward claiming that the same fraudulent scheduling was being used in the hospitals where they worked. At last count, the VA inspector general’s investigation had expanded to 26 separate facilities. The torrent of claims led to Senate hearings, calls for VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign, multiple investigations and President Obama’s own public statement last week. Paul Rieckhoff, founder and chief executive officer of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), believes that even more revelations are coming. “This newest case just further illustrates that the scandal is much more far reaching than most people realize,” Rieckhoff said, “Phoenix was just the tip of the iceberg. Scandal has become the new normal, it’s the status quo at the VA right now.” But, despite the political uproar and the growing investigations, the root causes of the VA crisis have remained murky. New documents and whistleblower testimony obtained by The Daily Beast shed light on exactly how fraud is being perpetrated in the VA and its underlying causes. There’s enormous pressure to report favorable wait times for VA patients, the Texas whistleblower explained, even if those wait times are completely false. ANATOMY OF A FRAUD NOTES ON A SCANDAL PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES COVER-UP? ¤ Infowars Investigates the VA’s History of Neglect :: ¤ Yet Another Vet Obamacared - Widow Claims Veterans’ Hospital Police Beat Her Husband to Death :: ¤ FLASHBACK! Obama in 2008 - VA Will be Leader of Health Care Reform :: ¤ VA Scandal Is the Future of Obamacare Says Palin :: “Government health care will not reduce the cost; it will simply refuse to pay the cost,” Palin wrote in 2009 while predicting “death panels.” “And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course.” ¤ VETS OBAMACARED ; VA Has Already Admitted 23 Veteran Deaths Linked to Delays in Care :: Delays in endoscopy screenings for potential gastrointestinal cancer in 76 veterans treated at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals are linked to 23 deaths, most of them three to four years ago, according to the VA. The delays occurred at 27 VA hospitals with deaths at 13 of the facilities. ¤ VETS OBAMACARED ; Director of Phoenix VA Hospital Where Vets Died from Delays Received $8,500 Bonus :: ¤ VA Delay Obamacared Washington State Man :: ¤ 0-care ; Louisiana VA Staff Falsified Documents :: ¤ Whistleblower Reveals VA Corruption & Abuse :: VA Supervisor said older veterans should be “taken outside and shot in the head” to save money! ¤ Veterans Have Felt the Wrath of Obamacare for Years :: New scandle breaks out after veterans die while having to wait for medical care. ¤ How Much The Government Cares About You :: ¤ FLASHBACK - Obama Promised to End Deplorable Conditions at VA Hospitals - Now Spreads the VA Scandle Throughtout the Country With Obamacare :: ¤ Veterans Know “Obamacare” Because They Already Have It ... and It SUCKS! :: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ By now, the slow-motion train wreck that is Obamacare has been well documented, as new revelations about the law become known to the public. From antiquated technology to cost uncertainty to not keeping your doctor, the reality of government-mandated health care is smacking Americans in the face. But for America’s war veterans, this is all old news. If you’re looking for an even more damning glimpse of Obamacare’s future, ask a military veteran about their experiences with the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). You will not find their responses reassuring. ... ... When their benefit claims are stymied by the VA’s Kafkaesque bureaucracy, veterans often recite a mordantly cynical refrain: “Delay, deny, wait till I die.” ______________________________________ ¤ OBAMACARE ARCHIVE - MAY 21st 2014 :: ______________________________________ ¤ Veterans Obamacared! - Part 1 :: ¤ Veterans Obamacared! Part 2 :: ______________________________________ ¤ The Obamacare Gestapo 001 :: ¤ The Obamacare Gestapo 002 :: ______________________________________ ¤ Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (16 May 2014) :: ¤ Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (22 May 2014) :: ¤ Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (29 May 2014) :: ______________________________________ ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 01 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 02 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 03 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 04 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 05 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 06 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 07 :: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
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