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¤ Democrat Congressman on Obamacare: The Worst Is Yet to Come, “It’s Going to Hit the Fan” :: You ain’t seen nothing yet folks. Just wait. ¤ Obamacare Opens Door for Fee-industrial Complex :: Tax-preparing companies are getting paid by an Obamacare exchange to enroll people in Obamacare plans, The Daily Caller has learned. At least 79 tax service providers, including offices of major companies like Liberty Tax Service and Jackson Hewitt Tax Service, are listed as certified Obamacare enrollment entities in the state of California, according to state exchange records. ¤ HHS Moves to Cancel More Insurance Plans :: ¤ Surprise! More 0-care Victims Go Public :: A New York woman suffering from a neurological disease that has required four brain surgeries has been dropped by all of her doctors and denied medications due to her Obamacare plan. ¤ HHS Begins Fingerprinting Medicare Providers, Suppliers, Enrollees and Will Deny People They Just Don’t Like :: Medical dictatorship rolling into place as expected. The new rules will apply to both current and future enrollees who are classified as “high risk,” the stated purpose being to weed out “bad actors” in the Medicare program and prevent any more from enrolling. ¤ Smear Campaign Unleashed Against Obamacare Victims :: ¤ NEOCONS AND RINOs MUST LIKE OBAMACARE :: ¤ Thank Obamacare for Medicare Advantage Cuts :: ¤ DESPICABLE! NJ Obamacare Cancels Insurance Plans of 1,800 Children :: Obamacare’s new mandated requirements killed New Jersey’s low-cost children’s insurance coverage plan, FamilyCare Advantage. The plan, offered by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, was designed for children whose parents make too much money to qualify for Medicaid and offered medical, dental, and vision coverage for just $144 a month. The program, which was the first of its kind in the nation, was implemented six years ago and considered a model for others states seeking economical ways to provide quality coverage for kids from working class families. Yet, since FamilyCare Advantage lacked things like mental health services, Obamacare deemed the children's 1,800 plans illegal and the program shuttered last week. “This is enormously disappointing,” said NJ state Sen. Joseph Vitale (D) who co-sponsored the bill that created the program. “It was $5 for doctor visits, $1 for pharmacy and no deductible or cost sharing.” ¤ Insider Corporations Exempt From Obamacare :: ¤ GOP Seeks Coverage Choices in Obamacare :: ¤ IRS Wants More Money, Agents To Enforce 0-Care :: ¤ Mission Accomplished: Millions of Americans Will Pay Billions to Avoid Obamacare :: ¤ You Sick? You’ll Pay More for Treatment! :: Factoring in the health care law’s added mandates, fees, and regulatory burdens, employers anticipate cost hikes between $163 million and $200 million in 2016, a 4.3 percent increase. By 2023, employers will be paying 8.4 percent more than “what they would otherwise be spending” for their employees’ health care. ¤ First Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Nevada Obamacare Exchange :: Just days after the deadline to enroll for insurance coverage through Nevada Health Link, the first class-action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of residents who say they signed up and paid their premiums – but were never given coverage. ¤ Kansas Hospital Lays off Employees Due to ObamaCare :: ¤ REVEALED! ONLY THE RICH BENEFIT FROM OBAMACARE :: ¤ Obamacare Website Fails as Deadline Arrives :: ¤ 20 Million Bailout for :: Feds steal more taxpaid money to gamble on epic-fail. ¤ FRAUD ALERT! Most See Premium Costs Rise! :: ¤ Maryland Healthcare Exchange Broken Beyond Repair :: ¤ How Obamacare Victims Can Escape “Liberty Tax” :: Buried in Section 1501 on page 148 of the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is an exemption from the individual mandate for a “health care sharing ministry,” a group whose members “share a common set of ethical or religious beliefs and share medical expenses among members in accordance with those beliefs.” For any member of such group, the law says, “No penalty shall be imposed.” Read more about this here ... ¤ OBAMACARE IS ABOUT SLAVERY - NOT HEALTHCARE! :: “I don’t see Obamacare as something designed to offer healthcare. … I think the question comes down to a bigger one, which is, are we going to create a society where one hundred percent of everything is digitized and under central control?” ¤ FIST FUCK! 0-Care Premiums Skyrocket :: ¤ Dictatorship ; Obamacare to Target Gun Owners :: ¤ Dictatorship ; Shrinks Now Work for Police State :: ¤ America’s New Healthcare System ; Man Dies Waiting :: ¤ Obamacare Architect Brags About Cluster Fucking America’s Health Insurance :: Kiss insurance coverage goodbye, America! One of the architects behind prez Obama’s Affordable Care Act believes that “insurance companies as we know them are about to die.” Ezekiel Emanuel, a former White House senior health adviser and fellow at the Center for American Progress, wrote in an op-ed for the New Republic published Sunday that Obamacare will force insurance companies to “evolve or become extinct.” ¤ FRAUD! Another Nightmare for Doctors, Courtesy of an Over-bloated Federal Bureaucracy :: Tens of thousands of new regulations added. Will doctors ever be able to keep up with all this? ¤ SHARKS! Obama Regime Policy to Eliminate Existing Medicare Part D Plans :: The Obama regime’s new proposed rule for Medicare Part D would eliminate half of all Medicare Part D plans and raise prescription drug premiums for millions of seniors by up to 20 percent, according to a US House subcommittee chairman. ¤ Obamacare Taxes Now Appearing On Restaurant Bills :: Restaurants are very desperate to pay their extra Obamacare fees, they need more money from consumers. ¤ Bill to Begin Process of Obamacare Nullification Passes Out of Committee in Georgia :: ¤ Long Waits Anger People :: ¤ FRAUD ALERT! Once Signed Up, You Can’t Get Out :: ¤ READ OBAMACARE’S VICTIMS’ STORIES :: ¤ IRS Threatens Obamacare Victims ; Pay Up! :: ¤ 0-care Increases Cost Of Employer-Sponsored Insurance :: ¤ Fascists Declare War Against Obamacare Victims :: With numerous Obamacare cancer patients now telling their nightmare stories, Democrats have declared war against individuals willing to share their struggles with fellow Americans. ¤ Simple Obamacare Question Democrats Can Not Answer :: The question: “I thought the Affordable Care Act would save $2,500 per family. What happened?” ¤ Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Due to Obamacare Payment Cuts :: The fourth Georgia hospital in two years is closing its doors due to severe financial difficulties caused by Obamacare’s payment cuts for emergency services. ¤ Daycare Centers Shut Down Because of Obamacare :: ¤ Colorado Health-Exchange Director Indicted for Fraud, Theft :: McClure, 51, pleaded not guilty Feb. 6 in federal District Court in Montana to eight counts of theft and fraud from a nonprofit housing agency in Billings. She was indicted Jan. 16 and notified her current Denver employer, the state-sponsored health exchange, on Monday, a few days after the story broke in Montana media, Connect for Health spokesman Ben Davis said in a telephone interview. ¤ SCREWJOB! Obamacare Raises Cost of Medication :: ¤ Democrats Panic - Fear 0-care Screwjob Blowback :: ¤ ... And Failures Continue :: ¤ UK Health Record Data-grab Resembles Obamacare :: ¤ Republicans Present “Alternative” to Obamacare :: ¤ Americans Very Angry Over Obamacare :: ¤ Doctors Very Angry Over Obamacare :: ¤ Obamacare Will Kill Around 2 Million Jobs :: A historically high number of people will be locked out of the workforce by 2021, according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday. “CBO estimates that the ACA will reduce the total number of hours worked, on net, by about 1.5 to 2 percent during the period from 2017 to 2024, almost entirely because workers will choose to supply less labor — given the new taxes and other incentives they will face and the financial benefits some will receive,” CBO analysts wrote in their new economic outlook. ¤ Obamacare Blocks Sick Children From Receiving Care :: When Obama began campaigning for the Affordable Care Act early in his first term, he promised the American people that they would be able to keep their existing insurance plan under the new law. The opposite has quickly become true; many have lost coverage and are now being forced to pay more for Obamacare plans. That’s not all. The wannabe dictator also promised that those with preexisting conditions would be cared for and not turned away. But this promise too has become a bold-faced lie. ¤ More Patients Rejected Healthcare :: A month into the most sweeping changes to healthcare in half a century, people are having trouble finding doctors at all, getting faulty information on which ones are covered and receiving little help from insurers swamped by new business.,0,5417742.story ¤ Obamacare Computers Vulnerable to Espionage :: ¤ Obamacare Computers Not Equipped To Fix Errors :: ¤ Obamacare! Taxpayers to Bailout Insurance Companies :: “We should not allow private companies to use their political influence to allow them to write provisions and laws that allow them to be bailed out with taxpayer funding,” Rubio says in the video. “Now the federal government, meaning you and your taxpayer dollars, will have to come in and bail these companies out,” Rubio says. ¤ Obamacare Rationing Health Care Coverage :: ... just like what happens in Europe, weak people who need health care the most often die without it. ¤ Obamacare ; Hundreds in Ohio Lose Their Doctor :: “With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, some area medical facilities saying, they’re no longer able to use some insurance companies,” says the anchor. ¤ Obamacare Death Spiral, As Warned Before :: When asked Goodman how Americans would know if the system was crashing, he replied: “Well, there won’t be any neon signs that say ‘Death Spiral Underway,’ but what you’ll see is premiums keep rising, and if premiums keep rising, then fewer healthy people will buy in and we may get to a point where you need government subsidies to prop the whole thing up. By that I mean government subsidies to the insurance companies.” ¤ Cancer Patient’s Treatment Put on Hold Over Obamacare :: ¤ Obamacare Threatens Entire Healthcare Industry, Will Insurance Companies Go Bankrupt? :: So how does the federal government explain this scramble to hand over the IT contract (to a company made possible thanks to Enron) so late in the process? Simple: the usual mutually assured destruction tactic used so “effectively” in all other recent rushed decisions. As The Hill reports, unless Accenture finishes (and fixes) the back-end of the portal by mid-March, the healthcare law will be jeopardized, according to a procurement document posted on a federal website. The punchline: “It says insurers could be bankrupt and the entire healthcare industry threatened if the build out is not completed.” In other words, a newly retained consulting company has less than three months to fix all the errors of coding by a different company, and make sure is working properly ... all 500 million lines of code? ¤ Bailout Planned for Insurance Corporations :: ¤ Obamacare Blowback, Supporters Deny Support :: Democrats want to separate themselves from the disaster they helped create. ¤ Obamacare Designed to Deny Seniors Healthcare :: ¤ Lawsuite Over Exemptions for Congress :: The crooks who passed the epic fraud are exempt from those very laws they helped pass. ¤ FRAUD ALERT! Obamacare Triples Kentucky Family’s Insurance Overnight :: ¤ OBAMACARE GOAL - MEDICAL DICTATORSHIP :: Section 1311(h)(1)(b) of Obamacare reads: “Beginning on January 1, 2015, a qualified health plan may contract with … a health care provider ONLY IF such provider implements such mechanisms to improve health care quality as the Secretary may by regulation require.” In other words, insurance companies will be banned from doing business with doctors who do not comply with the regulations established by the health secretary – and there’s almost no limit on what these regulations may entail. ¤ Obama’s Useful Idiots Suggest Excessive Fines or Imprisonment as a Penalty for Not Buying Health Insurance Rip-off :: ... as millions of young Americans refuse to be victims of a fascist government train wreck. ¤ SUCKER PUNCH! ; Obamacare Debuts With More Canceled Plans Than Enrollments :: The health-care law requires that all insurance plans cover 10 “essential benefits,” eliminating millions of plans that don’t fit the bill and boosting costs for consumers that have to purchase coverage for services they may not want or need. All plans must include maternity coverage, for example — including plans for men and post-menopausal women. Even customers without children must purchase plans that cover pediatric services. Other newly established essential benefits include hospitalization, mental-health services and preventive and wellness services. ¤ ObamaCare Sucker Punch to the Middle Class :: As warned before, time for the “sticker shock.” ¤ Obamacare Contractor Blamed for Slow Medicare Payments to Hospitals :: ¤ Two States Want Their Money Back :: ¤ New ObamaCare Fees and Taxes to Mulct Low and Middle Class Families :: The cost of President Obama’s massive so-called health care law will hit Americans in 2014 as new taxes pile up on their insurance premiums and on their income-tax bills. Most insurers aren’t advertising the ObamaCare taxes that are added on to premiums, opting instead to discretely pass them on to customers while quietly lobbying lawmakers for a break. But one insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, laid bare the taxes on its bills with a separate line item for “Affordable Care Act Fees and Taxes.” The new taxes on one customer’s bill added up to $23.14 a month, or $277.68 annually, according to Kaiser Health News. It boosted the monthly premium from $322.26 to $345.40 for that individual. The new taxes and fees include a 2 percent levy on every health plan, which is expected to net about $8?billion for the government in 2014 and increase to $14.3 billion in 2018. Insurers pay a 3.5 percent user fee to sell medical plans on the web site, which still does not even work. ¤ Crashes During Obama PR Stunt :: ... and still crashing ... ¤ Democrat Senator Warns of Political Blowback :: “If it’s so much more expensive than what we anticipated and if the coverage is not as good as what we had, you’ve got a complete meltdown at that time,” Joe Manchin told CNN’s “State of the Union” program. As the old saying goes - “don’t try fixing something that’s not broken.” In the end, you’ll end up breaking what you assume needs to be fixed. That’s Obamacare in a nutshell. ¤ AMERICAN HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IS NOW DEAD :: Let it be known and remembered, Democrats killed the American health care system. ¤ Obama Lifts Mandate, Leaving a Dead-by-default System to Rot in America (Healthcare, RIP) :: ¤ FRAUD ALERT! ; MORE OBAMACARE RESTRICTIONS - LOCAL MEDICAL COVERAGE ONLY :: According to Stella Paul, Obamacare will indirectly impose limitations on travel. “Americans are among the most mobile people on earth, but ObamaCare may soon start freezing them in place,” she writes. “Millions are losing their health insurance policies and being forced onto the ObamaCare exchanges, where most plans only provide local medical coverage.” Millions of Americans “will have their insurance as a consideration for their mobility, which they never had before.” ¤ Obama Regime Knew of Security Risks Before Launch :: ¤ Illinois, You Have 4 Days to Comply and Sign Up to a Website That Does Not Exist! :: The state’s late announcement is leaving Illinois consumers with just four days to navigate before the Dec. 23 deadline to purchase insurance for Jan 1. UPDATED Obama has been forced to delay the mandate. ¤ Obamacare Navigator Training Manual :: ¤ SCREW JOB! ; It’s Not Just Patients, Doctors Now Being Dropped From Obamacare Coverage Networks :: Don’t look now, America, but another very predictable consequence of Obamacare is beginning to play out. Not only are customers losing their insurance plans – the plans Obama said they could keep – but now, insurance companies are dropping physicians from coverage plans as well. ¤ Erroneous WA Health Exchange Debits :: ¤ Man Claims Harassment From Telemarketers After Signing Up for Obamacare :: A man claims he was bombarded with telemarketing calls immediately after signing up at, prompting accusations that Obamacare enrollees are having their private information sold to companies or that the website has been compromised by hackers. ¤ Obamacare Threatens Fire Departments :: Is Obamacare a risk to national security? ¤ Obamacare Will Exclude Top Hospitals :: Americans who are buying insurance plans over online exchanges, under what is known as Obamacare, will have limited access to some of the nation’s leading hospitals, including two world-renowned cancer centres. ¤ Democrat Admits He Wants People to Lose Their Insurance Coverage on MSNBC :: Matt Cartwright called the possibility of more Americans losing their insurance policies under Obamacare “a good thing” in an interview on MSNBC Live Friday. “They have immense deductibles,” he said. “They have annual and lifetime caps. There’s so many people out there with what I call phony insurance policies, and the fact that they’re going to lose those policies, sooner or later, I think is a good thing. Because what we’re up to here is we are strengthening the health care system in this country.” (What about that expensive insurance mandate that was included in the law, dipshit? Is that a “good thing” too?) ¤ White House Turned Down Offer to Build Healthcare Website for FREE – Then Blew $1,000,000,000,000 Taxpayer Money Instead :: Darrell Issa (R-CA) told Bill Hemmer on America’s Newsroom today that an internet giant offered to build the Obamacare website for free. This was confirmed during testimony today before a Congressional committee. Issa, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman, said the Obama White House turned down the offer. Bill Hemmer: “Was it proven today that an internet company offered to build the website for free but the government passed on it? Was that true? Did that happen?” Darrell Issa: “It was stated under oath that it was true. No one argued that it wasn’t.” ¤ Blowback? :: ¤ People May End Up Ignoring Obamacare Laws and Refuse to Conform Warns CATO :: During a congressional committee hearing about the constitutional limits imposed on the presidency and the implications of prez Barack Obama’s disregard for implementing the Affordable Care Act as written, one expert testified that the consequences of the president’s behavior were potentially grave. He said that the precedent set by Obama could eventually lead to an revolt against the federal government. “There is one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restrains that the constitution places on the government,” Cannon said. “Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it.” “That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate,” he continued. “If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws then they will conclude that neither are they.” ¤ Yes, It’s That Bad :: In this week’s show we speak with TrustedSec CEO Dave Kennedy about his testimony to the US congress about the Obama administration’s website. It cost over $600m and it’s riddled with infosec 101 bugs. We find out just how bad it is and what can be done about it. ¤ Obamacare Website Crashes As Government Announces It Is Fixed :: ¤ House Republicans Aim to Block Obamacare IPAB Board’s Medicare Cuts :: ¤ Supporters Start Feeling the Betrayal :: ¤ Notre Dame Re-files ObamaCare Lawsuit Over Birth Control Mandate :: ¤ Almost 80 Million With Employer Health Care Plans Risk Having Coverage Canceled :: ¤ Veterans Know “Obamacare” Because They Already Have It ... and It SUCKS! :: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ By now, the slow-motion train wreck that is Obamacare has been well documented, as new revelations about the law become known to the public. From antiquated technology to cost uncertainty to not keeping your doctor, the reality of government-mandated health care is smacking Americans in the face. But for America’s war veterans, this is all old news. If you’re looking for an even more damning glimpse of Obamacare’s future, ask a military veteran about their experiences with the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). You will not find their responses reassuring. ... ... When their benefit claims are stymied by the VA’s Kafkaesque bureaucracy, veterans often recite a mordantly cynical refrain: “Delay, deny, wait till I die.” ¤ Obamacare Website Failures Only a Sideshow :: The strategy for these exchanges — to soak young healthy patients with exorbitant premiums to subsidize older and sicker ones — is a gamble, betting young people will take the bait. As companies continue to raise premiums on this cohort many are likely to jump ship, opting instead to pay the individual mandate penalty, which will be cheaper than the premium. Another tactic is exchange health plans contracting with a narrow network of doctors, hospitals, and providers. As these patients become more consolidated among fewer doctors, these health plans will likely use their market share to bludgeon down reimbursements. This scenario will thwart patient choice and personal preference by hindering patients from seeing the primary care physician or specialist that they have been seeing, may want to see, or need to see. For patients with complicated medical comorbidities that “like their doctor,” this will be a major hassle to have to start over with a new physician. It will waste patient and doctor time as well as foster additional inefficiencies in a system with scarce resources. Most importantly this could lead to delays and jeopardize patient care. Patients in the exchanges will be left with limited choices, worse coverage, and deteriorating medical care. ¤ UnitedHealth Drops Thousands of Doctors From Insurance Plans :: ¤ Obamacare - the Final Nail in the Coffin for the Middle Class :: ¤ FLASHBACK ; Nancy Pelosi in 2010 - “We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it” :: “I stand by what I said there: When people see what’s in the bill, they will like it, and they will,” Pelosi said, in utter defiance of reality. ¤ FLASHBACK ; Hillary Clinton in 2007 - “If you have a plan you like, you keep it” :: The remark came across as a stern rebuke of current White House policy — but it also proves the same lie by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is selected to be a globalist puppet dictator in 2016. When she was last a candidate for prez in 2007, Hillary Clinton unveiled the same health care proposal, which, like Obamacare, included beefed-up benefits and a catchy pitch: “If you have a plan you like, you keep it.” Obama went on to defeat Clinton, but he adopted her tag line to help win support for his own health care plan -- making the same promise, for which he recently apologized. ¤ Health Care Charts the Obama Regime Don’t Want You to See :: ¤ Seattle Hospital Sues After Obamacare Cuts Children’s Access :: Seattle Children’s Hospital filed suit against Washington State’s Office of the Insurance Commissioner this week, after Obamacare implementation caused the hospital to be cut from four of the six insurance plans offered by the Washington Health Benefit Exchange. ¤ Obama on Tape ; “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan” :: Mirror here » ¤ NBC Uncovers Obamacare Lies :: Mirror here » ¤ FOX Uncovers Obamacare Lies :: Mirror here » ¤ Obama Denies His Lies :: ¤ Obamacare Lies Are Exposed :: As the World Socialist Web Site correctly stated months before its passage in March of 2010, the Obama administration’s overhaul of the health care system is a “counterrevolution in health care” that is “of a piece with his entire domestic agenda,” aiming to increase social inequality. The political strategists of the corporate- financial elite are devising schemes, such as Obamacare, aimed at reducing life expectancy for workers. As they see it, advances in medical technology have created the undesirable result of workers living too long in retirement, sapping resources that could go to further enriching multi-millionaires and billionaires at the top of society. ¤ Obama Touts Health Care Bill in Mea Culpa Over Dropped Policies :: ¤ Health Care Law a Liability for Democrats :: ¤ Labor Union Drops Obamacare Navigator Program :: ¤ Democrats Pass Obamacare, Still Not Satisfied :: ¤ Democrats Frustrated over Obamacare Looting :: ¤ ‘Liberals’ Have Big Hearts but Small Brains :: Please consider the unintended consequences before supporting huge legislative reforms. Please learn from the unintended consequences. ¤ Supporters Duped Into Insurance Debt Slavery :: Many Americans shopping for better health insurance deals promised by the two-week-old Obamacare system are instead being slapped with rate shock, including savings-sapping deductibles and co-pays, according to multiple reports from around the country. For some able to get the problem-plagued Obamacare website to work, the so-called “deals” the system is coughing up around the country include $12,600 deductibles, co-pays of up to 40 percent, zero competition, and rate hikes of 260 percent. ¤ More Restrictions = More Consequences :: ¤ 900,000 to Lose Health Insurance in California as Obamacare Disaster Spreads :: ¤ More Cancellations, Higher Premiums :: ¤ Cancer Patient Looses Coverage :: ¤ Insurers Warn of Obamacare Fraud :: Allowing Americans more time to enroll for health coverage under Obamacare may raise premiums and cut into profits, insurers are telling members of Congress in a bid to stop such a move. ¤ We Told You It Wasn’t Free :: As Pam Kehaly, the president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, reported, she received a letter from one woman who saw her insurance rates rise by 50 percent due to Obamacare. She said “I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it.” ¤ 10 Signs Obamacare is Going to Wreck the US Economy (Even More) :: ¤ DEMOCRAT ADMITS THEY KNEW ‘OBAMACARE’ WAS A FRAUD :: House Democrat Whip Steny Hoyer conceded to reporters today that Democrats knew people would not be able to keep their current health care plans under Obamacare and expressed qualified contrition for President Obama’s repeated vows to the contrary. “We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage,” Hoyer said in response to a question from National Review.! ¤ Obama Regime Knew Too :: Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC News that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy expensive new policies will experience “sticker shock.” ¤ 539% Increase Health Insurance Costs :: It is crucial for the White House that the website continue to fail, because once the site actually starts functioning, Americans are going to be hit with such devastating rate shock that the Obama regime may never recover from the political blowback. ¤ SHOVE IT! “WE WILL NOT COMPLY!” :: ¤ DOCTORS START TO RESIST OBAMACARE! :: A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s new health-care plan. ¤ Second Week, No Improvement :: ¤ More States Warn Against Obamacare Fraud :: ¤ Why ObamaCare Will Fail to Solve Our Health Care Crisis :: Billions of public dollars and tremendous efforts are being spent to create new health insurance markets, advertise them, subsidize their products and actively solicit buyers for them. But the United States, as the only industrialized nation to use a market-based health care system, has already proven over the past 40 years, that this system doesn’t work. It is the most expensive, leaves the most out and leads to poor health outcomes. It means that people only receive the health care they can afford, not what they need. Market competition does not improve health outcomes because it consists of health insurance corporations competing for profit by selling policies to those who are the healthiest and denying and restricting payment for care. And regulation of insurers doesn’t work either. Although rules in the ACA give the appearance of changing insurance company behavior, insurers are already working around them. ¤ Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare :: ¤ Elderly Patients Sick Over Losing Doctors Under ObamaCare :: Elderly New Yorkers are in a panic after getting notices that insurance companies are booting their doctors from the Medicare Advantage program as a result of the shifting medical landscape under ObamaCare. That leaves patients with unenviable choices: keep the same insurance plan and find another doctor, pay out of pocket or look for another plan where their physician is a member. ¤ Obama’s Credibility is Melting :: The collapse of ObamaCare is the tip of the iceberg for the magical Obama presidency. ¤ Obamacare Legislative Warfare Causes More Cancellation Notices :: Insurance carrier Florida Blue sent out 300,000 cancellation notices, or 80 percent of the entire state’s individual coverage policies, Kaiser Health News reports. California’s Kaiser Permanente canceled 160,000 plans — half of its insurance plans in the state — while Blue Shield of California sent 119,000 notices in mid-September alone. ¤ Obamacare Operator Fired :: ¤ They Really Don’t Want You to Know :: When they fix the website, their real problems will begin. They’re going to look back on the last few weeks as the good old days. When people hack their way through the thicket of difficulties and get to the real choices that Obamacare offers, particularly the 2.7 million young people they’re counting on to sign up and the young people say, ‘this is awfully expensive for something I don’t want,’ and recoil. That is the difficulties today are actually keeping people from seeing the bad choice they’re going to have to make once they get onto the site. ¤ Democrat Wants to Delay Obamacare :: Joe Manchin on Wednesday said he plans to back Republican legislation that would delay ObamaCare’s individual mandate to have insurance. The West Virginia Democrat is set to announce during Wednesday night’s “The O'Reilly Factor” that he's joining forces with Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) on legislation that would delay the penalty by a year. “Well, we’re going to give everybody a chance to be on the right side of this,” Rubio said. “Eventually they’re going to have to do something about it. Because it’s going to take more than a few months to fix these websites, and it’s going to be unfair to go after people for not buying health insurance when the ability to buy it is not being made available.” ¤ IRS Comes to Police Obamacare Fines, WITH NO REAL WEBSITE TO GET COVERAGE :: Obamacare tax policy ; (1) you will NOT get covered because (2) you CAN NOT and for that (3) you will pay a fine to the IRS for (1) and (2). ¤ Team Obama and It’s Dysfunctional 500 Million Lines of Code :: The yuppies are scrambling to cover their political posteriors in the wake of the crash and burn of their multi-million dollar fiasco known as ¤ Obamacare Woes Widen as Insurers Get Wrong Data :: Insurers say the federal health-care marketplace is generating flawed data that is straining their ability to handle even the trickle of enrollees who have gotten through so far, in a sign that technological problems extend further than the website traffic and software issues already identified. ¤ 10 Ways the Obamacare Train Wreck is Screwing the American People :: ¤ Corporate Media Ignores Victims of Obamacare Fraud :: ¤ Veteran’s Coverage Dropped :: ¤ Take a Look at the Obamacare Regulation Stack - You Won’t Believe This :: Bureaucracies in the Obama regime have thus far published approximately 11,588,500 words of final Obamacare regulations ... A pile of regulations taller than you. ¤ Obamacare and the Assault on Workers’ Health Benefits :: Is there a reason for the method to the madness of not trusting politicians? ¤ Liberal Blogger Wakes Up to the Fact That He Was Betrayed - Big Time :: “My wife and I just got our updates from Kaiser telling us what our 2014 rates will be. Her monthly has been $168 this year, mine $150. We have a high deductible. We are generally healthy people who don’t go to the doctor often. I barely ever go. The insurance is in case of a major catastrophe. Well, now, because of Obamacare, my wife’s rate is going to $302 per month and mine is jumping to $284. I am canceling insurance for us and I am not paying any fucking penalty. What the hell kind of reform is this?” ¤ RIP OFF ALERT! ; HHS Didn’t Want Users to See Obamacare’s True Costs :: A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange is crashing. “An HHS spokeswoman said the agency wanted to ensure that users were aware of their eligibility for subsidies that could help pay for coverage, BEFORE they started seeing the prices of policies.” ¤ RIP OFF ALERT! ; High Costs, Limited Choices :: ¤ RIP OFF ALERT! ; “Third World Experience” :: ¤ RIP OFF ALERT! ; Huge Increase in Cost :: ¤ Liberals’ State of Shock as They Realize Free Health Care was Another Fairy Tale :: (Sorry folks, you ain’t getting nothing and those premium costs are going up to profit insurance monopolies - how sweet). ¤ Students Lose Health Coverage As Premiums Rise Under “Obamacare” :: Obamacare mandates are already forcing many colleges and universities to drop student insurance completely or reduce benefits extended to employee spouses, as the University of Virginia recently did. ¤ Sebilius Finally Admits Premiums Will Rise :: ¤ Thousands of Doctors Fired :: In the midst of major changes in health care, United HealthCare has sent thousands of pink slips to Connecticut doctors. Termination letters went to physicians caring for Medicare patients. Those letters were sent out to doctors caring for Medicare Advantage patients. ¤ Hospitals Cut Thousands of Jobs :: The payroll cuts are surprising because the Affordable Care Act (ACA), whose implementation took a big step forward this month, is eventually * expected * to provide health coverage to as many as 30 million additional Americans. ¤ Obamacare Site Has 90% FAILURE Rate :: In a new Associated Press poll, 9 out of 10 people who attempted to sign up for Obamacare online say they were not enrolled. ¤ One Big Failure After Another :: ¤ FLASHBACK ; Higher Insurance Premiums, the Obamacare Debate We Didn’t Have :: ¤ Beyond Glitches & Data Theft, Consumers Face Dramatically Higher Rates :: Problems with the main “Obamacare” website,, have dominated headlines since the site opened for business on Oct. 1. But another problem is surfacing: Some consumers who have been buying their own insurance are getting cancellation notices – and offers for insurance at dramatically higher rates. ¤ Yep, ObamaCare Raising Insurance Costs :: ¤ Democrat Voters Are Confused :: “Of course, I want people to have health care,” Vinson said. “I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.” “I like you Obama, but I’m broke.” ¤ 10,535 PAGES OF OBAMACARE REGULATIONS :: Henry Waxman who supports this new law has publicly refused to read it. ¤ OBAMACARE FRAUD LOOTING THE PUBLIC :: ¤ INSURANCE GIANTS SEE STOCKS SOAR ON LAUNCH OF OBAMACARE :: ¤ INSURANCE GIANTS THAT WROTE AND LOBBIED FOR “OBAMACARE” CASH IN :: Here’s a list of some of the top health insurance providers in the US, and a look at how their stocks have produced decent returns since Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in 2010. ¤ WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ‘OPTING OUT’ :: The penalties are not very high to begin with. In 2014, the fine to remain uninsured is $95 per person (up to a family maximum of $285, or 1 percent of family income, whichever is greater). But the penalty will increase more than sevenfold in the next two years, with the fine running as much as $695 per person by 2016. The family maximum would be as high as $2,085 (or 2.5 percent of family income, whichever is greater). ¤ 25% AMERICANS RESIST, PLAN TO PAY FINE :: ¤ BELIEVE IT OR NOT - MORE PEOPLE HATE “OBAMACARE” THAN SUSPECTED :: ¤ OBAMACARE CLAIMS ANOTHER VICTIM AS COMPANY FORCED TO CLOSE DOWN :: ¤ UNIONS NOW ANGRY AT “OBAMACARE” :: Unions are angry at the job loss that has resulted because of “Obamacare.” ¤ COST OF OBAMACARE BY STATE :: ¤ MAN THREATENED WITH A MUCH BIGGER FINE THAN WHAT WAS DEFINED WITHIN LEGISLATION :: ¤ Obamacare Leaves 31 Million Uninsured Who Can’t Afford It, Insurance Companies Reap Big Profits :: ¤ TOLD YA! “OBAMACARE” RIPS YOU OFF :: ¤ AMERICANS COMPLAIN OF SOARING COSTS :: ¤ INSURANCE PREMIUM COSTS RISE :: ¤ OBAMACARE WEBSITE QUIETLY DELETES REFERENCE TO “FREE HEALTH CARE” :: This is what happens when politicians run wild, changing standard policies and screwing around with common law. Now you will pay the price – literally. ______________________________________ ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 01 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 02 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 03 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 04 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 05 :: ¤ Electronic Health Record Theft 06 :: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
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