Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Connecticut Gun Control 002 BACKUP AND EXPOSURE OF CONNECTICUT TYRANNY BEGINS! -------------------------------------------------- Some Connecticut Police Stand Up for Second Amendment A showdown is developing between a sizable number of Connecticut state police officers and the politicians who passed into law highly restrictive gun control, gun bans, and bans on high capacity magazines. Gun rights legal expert and activist David Hardy reported Friday that 250 law enforcement officers in Connecticut have signed an open letter stating that they will not enforce the new anti-gun and magazine laws, which they consider to be a violation of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. A major news story on these developments is due to be published soon, but Hardy received an advanced notice via email from Tyler Jackson, the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers Association, the organization that sent the open letter. -------------------------------------------------- “I Cannot Wait to Get the Order to Kick Your Door In” Last weekend, I reported on Connecticut John Cinque's 2013 warning to lawmakers that he would not comply with their attempts to force the citizens of Connecticut to register their semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. Since that time, the video, though a year old, has gone viral. However, in a recent video between Mr. Cinque and Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Joe Visconti, Cinque reveals that a Branford, Connecticut police officer told him, “I cannot wait to get the order to kick your door in.” -------------------------------------------------- Connecticut Gun Group Issues Ultimatum to Government After gun owners in Connecticut revolted against a gun control law by refusing to register their assault rifles and high capacity magazines, one Second Amendment group is calling on the government to either enforce gun confiscation or repeal the law in full. -------------------------------------------------- Connecticut Veteran Stands Up to Tyrants MIRRORED » -------------------------------------------------- Connecticut State Policeman Says Opposing Gun Grab Is “Un-American” MIRRORED » -------------------------------------------------- List of Connecticut Gun Control Tyrants MIRRORED w/ reports » ZIP File ; Part 0000000000000000000000000000000002 -------------------------------------------------- * A VIGILANT BLOG AGAINST GUN CONTROL & TYRANNY * (10,477 reports | 7zip | 46.9MB) -------------------------------------------------- FOR MORE NEWS EXPOSING THE AMERICAN POLICE STATE ; ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
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