- <stew> why are you asking about centos in #debian?
- <tatootian> ? I was banned from #CentOS
- <stew> what does that have to do with #debian?
- <tatootian> i'm banned from all distros except for #debian
- <tatootian> might as well have a whack at #debian
- <stew> what problem are you having with debian?
- <stew> or do you mean "have a whack at" to mean something else?
- <tatootian> oh no, my present problem is with centos
- <tatootian> oh no, i meant
- <stew> what do you mean by "have a whack at"?
- <tatootian> i meant ask my centos issue in #debian
- <tatootian> thoguht it was worth a try...
- <stew> please don't
- <tatootian> oh ok
- <stew> we only support debian in #debian
- <tatootian> ok, so freenode is useless basically then?
- <stew> I can assume you are off-topic in other channels as well?
- <tatootian> banned from all distro channels for no reason
- <stew> i don't find it at all useless
- <tatootian> well, when i get banned for no reason at all
- <tatootian> ???
- <tatootian> basically
- <tatootian> gamesurge is more useful
- <stew> where were you banned for no reason?
- <tatootian> #centos #windows #ubuntu #linux
- <tatootian> #physics
- <stew> ok, well I see that you were banne din ##linux for asking about windows
- <tatootian> never did such a thing?
- <stew> you did
- <tatootian> um, no?
- <stew> 23:50 < tatootian> hey any1 here no how 2 use windows
- <tatootian> dunno
- <tatootian> somoene must be framing me
- <stew> someone perhaps using your computer besides you?
- <tatootian> nope
- <stew> ok, so you then
- <tatootian> yep
- <stew> why did you say that in ##linux?
- <tatootian> i just told you i didn't..
- <stew> so, its something wrong with my irc client?
- <tatootian> something is wrong with your irc daemon
- <stew> ok
- <stew> so
- <tatootian> you could install inspire ircd
- <stew> what can we do about this?
- <stew> since you are full of shit
- <stew> should I just ban you?
- <tatootian> are you trying to act tough on the internet?
- <stew> or do you want to talk about how we can move forward?
- <tatootian> not helping fix my problem?
- <stew> your problem that you troll channels on this network and forget that youdid?
- <stew> or what
- <stew> what problem are you talking about?
- <tatootian> ???
- <tatootian> i don't troll
- <tatootian> FUCK
- <stew> ok
- <tatootian> i hate when i get blamed for shit like this
- <tatootian> same goes for it in real-life
- <stew> what happened in ##linux then?
- <tatootian> someone gets a prank call? it was tatootian
- <tatootian> i just told you
- <stew> tell me again?
- <tatootian> I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING
- <tatootian> !!!
- <stew> ok
- <stew> someone else is using your computer then
- <tatootian> no
- <tatootian> you do realize irc packets can be spoofed right?
- <stew> no
- <tatootian> but you're obviously quick to blame me
- <stew> i don't
- <stew> this is a waste of time
- <tatootian> i realize that
- <tatootian> since you continuously say it's me...
- <stew> perhaps we should continue this via email
- <tatootian> why?
- <stew> becuase this is a waste of time
- <tatootian> why do i need to email you then?
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Posted by swet ragd on December Sat 26th 5:05 PM - Never Expires
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