- 13:21 -!- Irssi: #rev-crew: Total of 21 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 19 normal]
- 13:21 -!- Channel #rev-crew created Mon Aug 24 02:09:56 2009
- 13:21 -!- Irssi: Join to #rev-crew was synced in 1 secs
- 13:21 < Khruschev> Playing: " Red Army Choir - National Anthem of the U.S.S.R - The Best of the Red Army Choir: The Definitive Collection ( 3:45 - 956kbps
- FLAC - 44100Hz - Stereo)"
- 13:21 < Siyo> i smell communism
- 13:21 < Khruschev> so do i bro
- 13:21 <&waffel1> i somehow even smell mq
- 13:22 < cXhristian> COMMUNIST
- 13:22 < Khruschev> SIEG HEIL
- 13:22 < cXhristian> no..
- 13:22 < cXhristian> thats a nazi
- 13:22 < Khruschev> srsly want pecful coex wit u guiz
- 13:22 < cXhristian> you are a communist
- 13:22 < Khruschev> plz
- 13:22 < Siyo> and a lossless rip :o
- 13:22 < Siyo> dat su mquality communism
- 13:22 < Khruschev> flac ftw plz
- 13:22 < Khruschev> bai
- 13:22 < Khruschev> mq dun has the flac
- 13:22 < Khruschev> bai
- 13:22 < Khruschev> culatr
- 13:23 <&waffel1> well 1.) he is not new
- 13:23 < Siyo> plz
- 13:23 < cXhristian> dont forget the picture
- 13:23 < cXhristian> quick
- 13:23 < Siyo> shitty radiohead fucked my FLAC-only music library
- 13:23 <&waffel1> second of all he atleast partially came as a shitstirrer
- 13:23 < Khruschev> http://www.n3t-t3z.com/misc/culatr.jpg
- 13:23 < Siyo> with their 320kbps mp3 exclusive single
- 13:23 < cXhristian> Siyo, you go fuckyourself for what you just said.
- 13:23 < cXhristian> Radiohead does not fuck up your stuff
- 13:23 < Siyo> yes they do
- 13:24 < cXhristian> I am pretty sure that was you.
- 13:24 < Siyo> now my library is 99% FLAC
- 13:24 < Khruschev> what.cd
- 13:24 < Khruschev> bai
- 13:24 <&waffel1> Khruschev you are warned
- 13:24 < Khruschev> nobosy threatens soviet russia
- 13:24 < Siyo> soviet russia threatens you duh
- 13:24 <&waffel1> youre not russia youre a shitstirrer
- 13:24 < Khruschev> exatcly bro
- 13:24 < Khruschev> but waf pretty ragd
- 13:24 < cXhristian> Soviet russia pretty sucky
- 13:25 < Khruschev> THE GAME
- 13:25 < Siyo> soviet russia is pretty cool guy eh kills jews and doesm't afraid of anything
- 13:25 <&waffel1> Khruschev tell me right now who you are
- 13:25 < Khruschev> i am Boxxy
- 13:25 < Khruschev> u c?
- 13:26 <&waffel1> .kb Khruschev wrong answer
- 13:26 -!- mode/#rev-crew [+b *!*@C7C1DC4C.866BA4BF.29E25E3E.IP] by Teacher
- 13:26 -!- Khruschev was kicked from #rev-crew by Teacher [wrong answer]
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Posted by Waffel1 pretty r on December Wed 16th 9:27 PM - Never Expires
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