- 16:34:31 Cameron � you there?
- 16:34:37 mq521 � wat u want
- 16:34:37 mq521 � ?
- 16:34:45 mq521 � When is IVMP released
- 16:34:46 mq521 � ?
- 16:34:51 mq521 � u mad again
- 16:34:51 mq521 � ?
- 16:35:02 Cameron � i banned you for a while becuase of how annoying me and sebi have found you.. you might say its a joke.. but its annoyning
- 16:35:12 Cameron � you will be unbanned in a few hours
- 16:35:13 mq521 � not my prob
- 16:35:18 mq521 � you guys need a ban yourselves
- 16:35:19 mq521 � to relax
- 16:35:33 mq521 � instead of acting like on Speed
- 16:35:37 Cameron � no.. we ban people like you who are annoying
- 16:35:47 mq521 � no
- 16:35:49 mq521 � correction
- 16:35:50 mq521 � you act unprofessional
- 16:36:28 Cameron � No... we ban you cause your annoying, like i said before, you will ben unbanned in a few hours. END
- 16:36:59 mq521 � as I said, you act unprofessional
- 16:37:07 mq521 � Im not sure you will end up somewhere with such attitude
- 16:37:21 mq521 � Might aswell scrap IVMP
- 16:37:22 Cameron � and i say this, if you keep going on at me after i say enough... i wont unban you
- 16:37:26 Cameron � stop.
- 16:37:32 mq521 � And how will that affect me?
- 16:38:26 Cameron � so shut up.. and i willunban you in a bit ok...
- 16:39:18 mq521 � not ok.
- 16:39:34 mq521 � You can't comprehend my point
- 16:39:42 mq521 � That's why it's not ok
- 16:39:48 Cameron � and you cant shutup
- 16:40:02 mq521 � Because I don't need to.
- 16:40:11 Cameron � you do
- 16:40:15 mq521 � Who said?
- 16:40:30 Cameron � * Added mq521!*@* to ignore list
- 16:40:32 Cameron � shut up
- 16:40:38 mq521 is now known as mq522
- 16:40:39 mq522 � Nope
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Posted by ivmp ragd pt2 on December Sat 5th 2:45 PM - Never Expires
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