- 15:04:30 Sebihunter|BNC is now known as Sebihunter
- 15:09:35 @Cameron � hai sebihunter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
- 15:09:50 ~Sebihunter � usuk
- 15:23:54 mq521 � ^
- 15:24:01 +norby89 � usuk
- 15:24:15 mq521 � UUUUUUUU
- 15:24:22 mq521 � wer ivmp
- 15:24:23 mq521 � ya
- 15:24:24 mq521 � thot so
- 15:35:56 cessil ([email protected]) quits (Connection reset by peer)
- 15:42:56 Ryder ([email protected]) quits (Quit:)
- 15:52:23 ~Sebihunter � mq521 - you are really starting to annoy me
- 15:53:31 +norby89 � ohoh
- 16:10:37 mq521 � 0mg
- 16:10:47 mq521 � a sensitive guy on interwebs!11
- 16:10:51 mq521 � newsflash
- 16:11:17 mq521 � srsly
- 16:11:40 mq521 � you guys are making IVMP and do coding but its liek you're first time on the internet
- 16:11:43 mq521 � no offence
- 16:12:15 mq521 � at least you two
- 16:22:57 @Andreas ([email protected]) quits (Ping timeout)
- 16:24:59 Stoku ([email protected]) quits (Quit:)
- 16:29:01 @Cameron � mq521.. Sebihunter and me are fed up of you asking the same question over and over again... just wait like everyone else... if i hear you ask again.. i will temp ban you for a few hours...
- 16:29:15 mq521 � I never asked it
- 16:29:18 Andreas ([email protected]) joins #ivmp
- 16:29:19 &MrWhoopee sets mode: +o Andreas
- 16:29:21 mq521 � Seriously
- 16:29:24 mq521 � you're delusional
- 16:29:29 mq521 � I was being sarcastic all this time
- 16:29:30 mq521 � but nooooooo
- 16:29:42 mq521 � you need to be a big tough guy and threaten over a joke
- 16:29:44 mq521 � Holy shit
- 16:29:52 @Cameron � mq521... stop acting like a spazz that just came out if its cage
- 16:29:55 mq521 � and I already told you this many times
- 16:30:01 mq521 � Funny thing is
- 16:30:07 mq521 � You're the one spazzing over the question
- 16:30:18 @Cameron � and your the one who is going to get a temp ban
- 16:30:21 @Cameron � face it...
- 16:30:24 mq521 � Its liek you guys sit on needles whole day
- 16:30:27 mq521 � Oh shit
- 16:30:29 mq521 � Temp ban
- 16:30:33 @Cameron � your attitude towards the team is crap...
- 16:30:36 mq521 � Im not gonna be able to play IVMP!!!!!!
- 16:30:37 mq521 � NOOOOOOOO
- 16:30:39 mq521 � Dooomed.
- 16:30:41 @Cameron � you talk to us like we are shit..
- 16:30:46 mq521 � Thats what YOU think
- 16:30:49 mq521 � not how it IS
- 16:31:09 @Cameron � but you do...
- 16:31:11 mq521 � and seems you think that your opinion is correct.
- 16:31:13 mq521 � No I don't.
- 16:31:46 @Cameron sets mode: +b mq521!*maqzek@XXX
- 16:31:46 This mq521!*maqzek@XXX ban affects: mq521
- 16:31:48 @Cameron � have fun
- 16:31:58 � � � @Cameron slaps mq521 around a bit with a large trout
- 16:32:02 @Cameron � ha
- 16:32:20 mq521 was kicked by @Cameron (you will be alloud back in a few hours)
- 16:32:21 Unable to join #ivmp (you're banned)
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by ivmp prety ragd on December Sat 5th 2:41 PM - Never Expires
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