- 01:00:29 +AlicanC � mq521, what a waste of oxygen
- 01:00:39 mq521 � u stil ragd
- 01:00:39 mq521 � ?
- 01:00:40 mq521 � crazy
- 01:01:27 +AlicanC � want to copy paste it to a website and show to friends to be cool?
- 01:01:39 mq521 � alrdy did
- 01:01:40 mq521 � ur slow
- 01:02:15 +AlicanC � I'm not trying to catch up so please, don't act like I am
- 01:02:24 mq521 � its k
- 01:02:32 mq521 � dun pretend like ur not catchin up
- 01:02:39 mq521 � i understnd
- 01:04:10 +AlicanC � mq521, you need help
- 01:04:11 &RessourectoR � :D
- 01:04:20 mq521 � ya sur
- 01:04:24 mq521 � i could use sum help
- 01:04:29 mq521 � cud u suck my dick,
- 01:04:30 mq521 � ?
- 01:05:23 &RessourectoR � so I take it you are gay?
- 01:05:39 mq521 � how is gay
- 01:05:40 mq521 � ?
- 01:05:51 mq521 � i mean mouth is mouth rite?
- 01:06:11 mq521 � unless u cud enlighten us wid ur expertise in dis area
- 01:06:11 &RessourectoR � well this is the third time that you are expressing your desire of getting a blowjob from a male..
- 01:06:11 mq521 � ?
- 01:06:20 mq521 � blowjob is blowjob
- 01:06:22 mq521 � ur prety dum
- 01:06:22 mq521 � ?
- 01:06:29 &RessourectoR � :|
- 01:06:32 mq521 � ur the 1 concerned about males
- 01:06:33 &RessourectoR � well it's you after all.
- 01:06:33 mq521 � not me
- 01:06:38 mq521 � so
- 01:06:42 mq521 � u ned help afteral
- 01:06:51 mq521 � unless ur ok wid bein gay
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Posted by sems res is gay on November Wed 18th 11:20 PM - Never Expires
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