- Censorship Resistant Software
- (Full Updated Archives | ZIPPED | 15.7GB)
- https://mega.co.nz/#F!kJw0jZZb!qDpY2xGsWjsgbEv8toWAQQ
- Following listed archives included:
- Bitcoin Darkmarket.zip | 452.6MB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!VJZyyRKZ!HauGiRAaDkUEt0ZQfNoZ0yhgeiGkU5aQ4W4bBtnxKRE
- Bit Torrent Backup.zip | 3.60GB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!gExG2YZY!RUxEJb1h5lv2GFXDOm9jnhy8rsm7ZPPv0m2-T0p3doU
- Censorship Resistant Operating Systems.zip | 2.89GB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!oMh1iD5J!Mo8n5pVi08B9DQTErpxzWSg1U9QuXrTsid6YDcG8T10
- Censorship Resistant Protocols.zip | 6.1MB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!VJ4mlJYS!qa6EZtKEQMheItMWC0B8hdFvpLuJscB-3Cg2Vnl7-XQ
- Censorship Resistant XPIs.zip | 55.1MB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!FMgFDARb!8ZcX5I0tYVXW-qpqdWZrVOFDUnP1UpB93Lyg3PGKP88
- Decentralized P2P Clients.zip | 434.4MB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!gYoCmJgR!eZXZ0tR99bX_M85ys8G-rXL5hRlliUF64HSL9yiJTKk
- Deepweb Software.zip | 611.9MB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!UYZzXRyT!oSXyydad25jO-0wfVUbH2CBjjh8VsB2vdUMMceCtyDw
- Encryption, Recovery and Portable Anonymity.zip | 3.16GB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!ZAZR3Bib!AtX1jTbHKFACuPHCG6Q9iypffIAX5dq9QTcgPiOlUM8
- Torrent Clients.zip | 492.3MB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!NEpn0KIL!4YcC5BD9W2ZlGq9k_aM7a35iAJHQj4wJJNFagj00jZM
- World Wide Web.zip | 3.01GB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!xBYAxKqI!q2fuAaBaoMcRtsEcBmof587MoHtkROVkMSn2j85SQk4
- These updated archives include loads more software and tools to counter online censorship
- than the recent archives released in December of 2014! The Alpha release contained around
- ~6GB total - this new Beta release contains around ~16GB total! This release contains tools
- used by Russian and Chinese people to counter censorship (DPI) as well. It also contains a
- brand new archive with three seperate Operating Systems used by people around the world to
- access the internet during times of crisis!
- Download the full Beta compression with all the archives here:
- Censorship Resistant Software.tar.gz | 14.66GB
- https://mega.co.nz/#!gdI03CDK!YnLiP4cUdLPa__62TG5LwEP1zoAEndvOyBxD1eLlWIE
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by Censorship Resis on February Tue 17th 5:39 PM - Never Expires
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