- DOWNLOAD THE PDF OF THIS FULL UPDATE � http://fileb.ag/f8adoo1b0xre
- All gun grabbing, microchipping AND human kidnapping reports are being
- documented and archived. Obamacare IS NOT healthcare, it�s fascistic
- control over human beings� lives!
- Reported kill tally: 3 victims so far
- Reported gun grab tally: 6+ victims so far
- Reported kidnapping-arrest tally: 11 victims so far
- Reported forced quarantine tally: 30+ incidents reported so far
- Reported forced microchipping tally: 1 major report so far
- These tallies are hard to keep up with, and may not be up-to-date.
- Fascist provocateurs ordered to police medical dictatorship exposed
- by real press so far ; police departments, psychiatrists, public school
- psychiatric clinics, Center for Disease and Control, Health and Human
- Services, (State) Department of Human Services, Department of Children
- and Families, the Internal Revenue Service, Child Protection Service,
- Adult Protection Service, �hospital security� and the Veterans Administration.
- NOTE: In a recent case, the 6th Circuit ruled that it is unconstitutional
- for a mental institution to seize a firearm from someone who is mentally
- stable. The cops in New York have cited the gun-ban �SAFE Law� that was
- passed last year. Whether the recent court case protecting gun owners from
- such fascist draconian policy overrules the NY gun-ban remains to be seen.
- One thing is for sure: if you live in New York and are a gun owner, by no
- means should you be stupid enough to tell them you have a gun: just lie!
- Also, try avoiding these kinds of fascist-run institutions, they are run
- by wannabe-nazi control freaks and these people WANT to dig up dirt on you.
- http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/02/veteran-and-former-cop-sues-after-guns-confiscated-because-he-sought-treatment-for-insomnia/
- http://downtrend.com/robertgehl/navy-vet-retired-cop-was-having-trouble-sleeping-ny-labels-him-mental-defective-seizes-his-guns/
- http://www.infowars.com/lawsuit-cops-confiscate-guns-from-vet-diagnosed-with-insomnia/
- � HORRIFIC! Fascist CPS Kidnaps Twins From Parents Due to Medical Dispute ::
- This is another tragic example of totalitarian scum running our country.
- http://medicalkidnap.com/2014/12/24/another-medical-kidnap-in-illinois-infant-twins-seized-from-parents-over-medical-dispute/
- � Gun Ban for �Mentally Ill� Declared Too Broad, Unconstitutional ::
- A federal law prohibiting anyone who has ever been committed to a mental
- institution from owning a firearm is unconstitutional, the 6th Circuit ruled.
- "The government's interest in keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally
- ill is not sufficiently related to depriving the mentally healthy, who had a
- distant episode of commitment, of their constitutional rights," US Circuit
- Judge Danny Boggs said, writing for the three-judge panel.
- US Circuit Jude Julia Gibbons joined the majority, but also wrote her own
- concurring opinion.
- Clifford Tyler, a 73-year-old resident of Hillsdale County, Michigan, brought
- a 2nd Amendment challenge to a federal law prohibiting the possession of firearms
- by a person "who has been committed to a mental institution."
- Tyler was committed for less than a month 28 years ago when his wife served him
- divorce papers, ran away with another man, and depleted his bank account.
- Feeling "overwhelmed," Tyler's children found him "in the middle of the floor at
- home pounding his head." A psychological evaluation found that Tyler was depressed,
- sobbing, had suicidal thoughts, and had not been sleeping.
- He remained at a psychiatric center for two to four weeks before returning home.
- Since then, Tyler has never had another depressive episode. He remarried, remained
- in the workforce for 19 years, and has no criminal record.
- A psychologist recently determined that Tyler's prior involuntary commitment
- "appeared to be a brief reactive depressive episode in response to his wife
- divorcing him," and that he now has no sign of mental illness.
- "We have no trouble concluding that � 922(g)(4), which prohibits possession of
- firearms by individuals 'adjudicated as a mental defective' or who have 'been
- committed to a mental institution,' furthers compelling interests," Boggs said.
- But the court added that the law must be narrowly tailored to achieve the government's
- interest, without being so overbroad as to step on citizen's constitutional rights
- unnecessarily.
- For example, "Congress probably can regulate firearms at schools, but it probably
- cannot ban all teachers from owning firearms. Such a prohibition would no doubt
- implicate the government's interest in preventing violent crime at schools, but it
- would also cover a substantial amount of conduct not implicating the interest,"
- the court said.
- The US Supreme Court's 2008 ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller supports a
- law forbidding gun possession by the mentally ill, according to the judgment.
- But "[n]ot all previously institutionalized persons are mentally ill at a later
- time, so the law is, at least somewhat, overbroad," Boggs said.
- The court said its finding is supported by Congress' decision to create a relief
- -from disabilities program that permits formerly institutionalized citizens to
- regain their firearm rights by showing that they are unlikely to present a threat.
- However, this option is not available to Tyler because Congress has chosen not to
- fund the program since 1992.
- "We have reviewed scores of opinions presenting post-Heller Second Amendment
- challenges, and we do not believe that any other court of appeals in a reasoned
- opinion has reviewed a firearm restriction as severe as this one - one that forever
- deprives a law-abiding, non-violent, non-felon of his Second Amendment rights,"
- Boggs said.
- The district court must declare the law unconstitutional, unless the government
- can show why Tyler should be considered a dangerous person, the Cincinnati-based
- appeals court ruled.
- "It may be true that '[n]o Second Amendment challenge since Heller to any of
- [� 922's 'who'] provisions has succeeded' in the courts of appeals. But no court
- has grappled with the provision at issue here under such circumstances," the
- panel said.
- In her concurrence, Judge Gibbons explained she was moved to write separately to
- "express my view that we should avoid extensive discussion of the degree of scrutiny
- to be applied and the ultimate application of strict scrutiny."
- "While I have substantial doubts as to whether strict scrutiny applies in this
- particular context -- especially considering the general trend of our sister
- circuits -- it is unnecessary to reach the issue," she wrote.
- http://www.courthousenews.com/2014/12/19/gun-ban-for-mentally-ill-stricken-as-too-broad.htm
- � ALERT! New York Confiscating Guns from Owners Deemed �Mentally Unstable� ::
- Legal gun owners in New York State deemed mentally unfit by �health
- professionals� are unknowingly being added to a state database for
- probable future gun confiscation.
- As part of provisions listed in the state�s draconian SAFE Act, New York�s
- Division of Criminal Justice Services has found 278 gun owners whom physicians
- and other �mental health professionals� have identified as mentally unstable,
- according to a FOIA request submitted by the Syracuse Post-Standard.
- Gun owners can be identified by physicians, psychologists, registered nurses
- or licensed clinical social workers as unfit without their knowledge, as the
- law does not require health professionals to inform a patient or ask their
- permission before reporting them to the state.
- Some of those identified in the database have reportedly already been
- visited by police and had their guns confiscated.
- Via the Post-Standard:
- � Cayuga County sheriff�s deputies confiscated guns and took back pistol
- permits from three residents, one more than the database shows, according
- to Sgt. John Leja of the Cayuga County Sheriff�s Office.
- Police in Cortland County confiscated guns from at least one permit holder,
- according to Cortland County Clerk Elizabeth Larkin, whose office processes
- gun permits. �We had another man who came in and voluntarily handed us his
- permit and gave his weapons to the police and said, �I don�t want them
- anymore,�� Larkin said. �
- New York allows gun owners to co-register their weapons with another
- permitted family member. In that case, Cortland County Clerk Elizabeth
- Larkin says, �[T]he sheriff�s office or state police would not confiscate
- them.�
- Critics of the mental health database say the fear of being identified will
- keep many people from seeking much-needed treatment.
- �It�s bigger than I had thought,� New York Association of Psychiatric
- Rehabilitation Services Executive Director Harvey Rosenthal told the
- Post-Standard regarding the amount of people identified. �It sends a
- message to those who might need care that there are a lot of people who
- are going to be in a database.� ... ...
- Police were already sending notices to people listed on another registry
- uncovered last year, which targeted New York residents who possessed firearm
- makes and models now banned under the SAFE Act.
- http://www.infowars.com/new-york-confiscating-guns-from-owners-deemed-mentally-unstable/
- � Toddlers Kidnapped by CPS After Christian Parents Give Home Birth ::
- It is another medical kidnapping according to the parents. The Rengos
- have chosen a wholesome, holistic lifestyle, based in their Christian
- faith. But CPS has stepped in to override the parents� decisions. Now
- Erica and Cleave are living what they call a nightmare, separated from
- their children for reasons that don�t make any sense at all to them.
- Decision to Home Birth
- It was only natural for Erica to choose normal, family-centered birth.
- Erica herself was born at home, and says that her mother was a homebirth
- educator and La Leche League leader (a world-wide support and education
- group for breastfeeding mothers). She and Cleave chose a birth-center
- birth with their first baby, but decided to birth at home the second time.
- She knew that her body was perfectly designed to work for birth. She
- believed this was the direction God was showing them for the birth. Erica
- was very careful during her pregnancy to watch her diet and exercise, in
- preparation for the birth. She read, researched, and prepared.
- She describes her homebirth as �exquisite� and �empowering.� Morna Kai
- Grace and Daniel Clemente were born into their parents� loving arms.
- The birth was perfect. There were no complications with the birth or
- afterwards. But Erica and her husband Cleave had agreed to notify the
- local paramedics, in an effort to appease concerned family members who
- were fearful of their decision to birth at home. That is where their
- problems began. Because they chose not to go to the hospital at that time,
- the paramedics allegedly called the CPS.
- http://medicalkidnap.com/2014/11/25/breastfed-homebirthed-babies-taken-away-from-parents-for-not-using-hospital/
- http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/breastfed-homebirthed-babies-taken-away-from-parents-for-not-using-hospital/
- http://www.prisonplanet.com/cps-confiscates-children-after-family-chooses-home-birth.html
- � Child Kidnapped by CPS, Beaten Bloody Because Mother Smoked Marijuana ::
- ROUND ROCK, TX � A little girl was confiscated from her loving parents
- because they smoked marijuana, and given away to a foster mother who put
- her into a coma and killed her. Alexandria �Alex� Hill, age 2, succumbed to
- her injuries after being �thrown to the ground.�
- �We never hurt our daughter. She was never sick, she was never in the
- hospital, and she never had any issues until she went into state care,�
- said the girl�s father, Joshua Hill, to KVUE.
- Alex was seized by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Service
- (TDFPS) after her parents were accused of smoking marijuana while the girl
- slept. She was taken into state custody in November 2012.
- Mr. Hill said that she was put into more than one dangerous foster home.
- �She would come to visitation with bruises on her, and mold and mildew in
- her bag,� Mr. Hill told KVUE. �It got to a point where I actually told CPS
- that they would have to have me arrested because I wouldn�t let her go back.�
- The girl�s final home was with Sherill Small, a foster care contractor in
- Rockdale, Texas. The TDFPS trusted Ms. Small enough to take custody of
- multiple children displaced by the agency.
- On the evening of July 29th, 2013, Mr. Hill got an urgent call to come to
- the local hospital. When he got there, he found that Alex was in a coma.
- The girl had suffered traumatic head injuries after being thrown to the
- ground. She was also bruised on her buttocks, arm, and chin, and had so much
- hair ripped out that she was �nearly bald.� Alex died 2 days later.
- �I was blown away to find out she was in a coma,� Hill told KXAN. �That�s
- not what you expect, especially when your child is in state custody for
- �safety,� and now they�re suffering more injuries and more harm than they
- ever have in their entire life before that.�
- http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/alex-hill/
- � Dictator Obama Exempts Fascists From Being Sued For Medical Tyranny ::
- ACA - �Grant program to establish interdisciplinary health teams�
- (Section 3502, p. 1048)
- http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/brittany-m-hughes/obama-indemnifies-gov-t-contractors-damages-arising-importing-ebola
- � Obama�s Mental Health Screening in Schools Will Disarm Gun Rights:
- �Databases to Follow Academic Career and Beyond� ::
- Under the auspices of helping struggling school children to grapple with
- complex emotions and mental health issues, students will be screened not
- for their own benefit, but to further the aims of total gun control.
- The Obama executive orders written in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting
- introduced a number of policy-laws designed to mandate mental health programs
- and screening, and include �gun talk� as part of the deal.
- Funding for these programs has now followed suit.
- WND reported:
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/11/schools-to-mine-kids-for-mental-health-issues-with-feds-money/
- Using �gun violence� as its cover, the Obama administration has quietly
- unleashed a cache of federal dollars that will be used for testing students
- for signs of mental health issues in K-12 schools.
- Critics say personal information scooped up in the screenings will be logged
- into databases that will follow the child throughout his or her academic career
- and beyond.
- Public schools, which have increasingly taken on aspects of psychiatric
- clinics in recent years, will get infused with more than $150 million in
- federal grants to further this agenda under the auspices of Obama�s 2013
- executive action titled �Now is the Time to Do Something About Gun Violence.�
- And while it may initially sound reasonable to some, the influx of guidance
- counseling and mental health services is designed to create a paranoid snitch
- culture inside the doctor-patient and counselor relationship to put a black mark
- against potential future gun owners that may well haunt them.
- On Sept. 22, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia M.
- Burwell announced $99 million in new federal grants to school districts for
- mental health services. The money will be used �to train new mental health
- providers, help teachers and others recognize mental health issues in youth
- and connect them to help and increase access to mental health services for
- young people.�
- [...] Both HHS and DOE cited Obama�s �Now is the Time� declaration as the
- basis for the new programs.
- Of the DOE�s $70 million package, $13 million is allocated to aiding school
- districts in creating �high-quality school emergency plans.� Another $14 million
- goes toward �Project Prevent grants� for violence-plagued schools to �be used
- for school-based counseling services, or referrals to community-based counseling
- services for assistance in coping with trauma or anxiety.�
- It is undoubtedly a net that will be used to disbar any number of children from
- their 2nd Amendment rights before they even reach adulthood.
- The latest case fueling that fire is the shooting in Marysville, Washington,
- which served to give its billionaire-backed gun control ballot initiative a
- final boost of public support just ahead of the election. A Seattle Times
- staff editorial argued for gun controlinitiative 594, and for restriction
- of gun rights due to �mental illness�:
- Instead, I-594 represents a restatement of the compact gun owners have with
- society: The fundamental right to keep and bear arms is not absolute.
- Some members of society lose that right, due to mental illness or criminality,
- yet can easily buy firearms via unregulated online gun bazaars.
- http://www.infowars.com/obamas-mental-health-screening-in-schools-will-disarm-gun-rights-databases-to-follow-academic-career-and-beyond/
- � Obama Orders Mental-health Gestapo To Police and Snitch On Children :;
- These are the goals that came out of Biden�s task force:
- � Strengthen the background check system for gun sales
- � Require background checks for all gun sales
- � Pass a new, stronger ban on assault weapons
- � Limit ammunition magazines to 10 rounds
- � Finish the job of getting armor-piercing bullets off the streets
- � Give law enforcement additional tools to prevent and prosecute gun crime
- � End the freeze on gun violence research
- � Make our schools safer with new resource officers and counselors,
- better emergency response plans and more nurturing school climates.
- � Ensure quality coverage of mental health treatment, particularly for
- young people.
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/11/schools-to-mine-kids-for-mental-health-issues-with-feds-money/
- � Fascists Plan Medical Enslavement Technologies Against Public Will ::
- Apple Inc. can take a fucking hike off a clip - there is no way in
- fucking hell I would ever put up with this! My guns are LOADED scumbags!
- If a doctor ever even so much as suggests me do this, I�ll cancle all
- future appointments with that doctor, ASAP!
- https://au.news.yahoo.com/technology/a/25293925/nine-real-technologies-that-will-soon-be-inside-you/
- � Cops Pulled Man Away From Dead Stepson, Shot Him With Taser in Hospital ::
- A family told Channel 11 it is suing police after an alleged incident
- after their son was shot and died in the hospital.
- The Rev. Earl Baldwin Jr. said when his stepson, Mileek Grissom, died
- in UPMC Mercy Hospital�s emergency room, police officers crossed the line.
- �I needed to tell him his family was going to be OK. I was going to do
- everything I could to make sure they were OK,� Baldwin said.
- Video shows Baldwin being ripped away from Grissom by a group of police
- officers. One officer used a Taser on Baldwin.
- UPMC claims Baldwin was interfering with attempts to revive his stepson.
- �Watch the video. Not only was the child not being treated. The child was
- dead,� said the Baldwin�s family attorney, Joel Sansone.
- According to Sansone, police stopped Tori Baldwin in front of the hospital,
- refusing to let her see her son.
- �I wanted to rub his head. I wanted to kiss him. I know he was calling
- for his mom,� said Tori Baldwin.
- Pittsburgh police did not comment Thursday after Channel 11 talked to the
- family. Police will be required to publicly respond to the lawsuit claims
- in a matter of days.
- This is yet another example of a medical dictatorship being set up within
- hospitals and therapeutic centers by a militarized police state.
- http://www.wpxi.com/news/news/local/man-says-officers-pulled-him-away-dead-stepson-tas/nhT9b/
- � Yet Another Vet Obamacared - Widow Claims Veterans� Hospital Police
- Beat Her Husband to Death ::
- https://www.courthousenews.com/2014/05/25/68182.htm
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/27/family-alleges-va-police-killed-vet/
- ���������������������������������������������������������������������������
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/executive-order-quarantine-list/
- http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Texas/2014/10/06/Ebola-So-Contagious-Presidential-Order-Dictates-Quarantines
- http://www.infowars.com/media-agrees-not-to-report-on-suspected-ebola-cases-in-u-s/
- http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/11/breaking-obama-administration-pushes-news-outlets-to-not-report-suspected-ebola-cases/
- Americans now being rounded up and quarantined regardless of whether
- or not the show any signs of having Ebola. Medical dictatorship is here!
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-10-04/ebola-patient-s-girlfriend-overwhelmed-by-quarantine.html
- http://www.intellihub.com/texas-ebola-family-ordered-21-day-lockdown-isolation-face-arrest-told-give-blood-command/
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/as-ebola-patient-in-texas-fights-for-his-life-his-family-copes-with-stigma-and-isolation/2014/10/05/d3c8b2ac-4cc7-11e4-8c24-487e92bc997b_story.html
- http://fluboard.rhizalabs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=12514
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2782303/Teenager-Ebola-like-symptoms-quarantined-Miami-getting-sick-following-trip-West-Africa.html
- http://fluboard.rhizalabs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12539
- http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-metro-bus-ebola-20141013-story.html
- http://www.infowars.com/report-patient-3-suspected-in-dallas-nurses-boyfriend-quarantined/
- http://www.infowars.com/breaking-austin-resident-under-quarantine-after-potential-ebola-exposure/
- http://www.newsradioklbj.com/news/austin-local-news/breaking-austin-officials-monitoring-travis-county-resident-was-flight-1143
- http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/19/us/life-in-quarantine-for-ebola-exposure-21-days-of-fear-and-loathing.html?_r=0
- http://dailybuzzlive.com/ebola-patients-transferred-fema-camps-georgia/
- http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/10/22/maricopa-county-sheriffs-deputy-quarantined-put-on-ebola-watch/
- http://www.azfamily.com/news/Arpaio-orders-detention-officer-returning-from-West-Africa-to-stay-home-279971812.html
- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/oct/24/after-1st-ebola-case-in-nyc-3-others-quarantined/
- http://www.dallasnews.com/ebola/headlines/20141025-uta-grad-isolated-at-new-jersey-hospital-as-part-of-ebola-quarantine.ece
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2807902/Nurse-returning-West-Africa-New-Jersey-rushed-compulsory-hospital-quarantine-despite-testing-NEGATIVE-Ebola-demands-dignity-humanity.html
- http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/25/obama-facts-not-fear-public-response-ebola-usa
- http://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/26/health/new-jersey-quarantined-nurse/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
- http://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/27/politics/soldiers-monitored-ebola/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
- http://news.yahoo.com/maine-governor-vows-full-extent-authority-ebola-nurse-191712151.html
- http://fluboard.rhizalabs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12868
- http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/kaci-hickox-quarantine/
- http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/active-monitoring-ebola-doctor-Craig-Spencer-bellevue-hospital-281671121.html
- http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/health/2014/11/06/ebola-quarantine-iowa-department-of-public-health/18619615/
- http://www.stripes.com/news/us/pentagon-names-military-bases-as-ebola-troop-quarantine-sites-1.312898
- http://www.myfoxny.com/story/27345187/cbs-logan-quarantined-after-ebola-report
- ebola-quarantines-update-005.rar
- https://anonfiles.com/file/eac99730793c0f4b3928b7338d5c51b3
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDPGn39OpAI
- �We�d like to have at least one hospital in every state that does feel
- they could manage a patient from start to finish,� said Abbigail Tumpey,
- the CDC official in charge of the education outreach.
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-10-13/ebola-monitoring-to-include-medical-staff-after-infection.html
- Fox News, always ahead of the curve on panicking the general public into
- giving up all their rights, aired programming Monday during which an analyst
- openly called for quarantine camps to be set up all over the country to
- house those with Ebola like symptoms.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOXZMwdQSWI
- http://www.infowars.com/ebola-camps-fox-analyst-calls-for-quarantine-camps-in-every-city/
- Globalist puppet for Police State USSA Barack Obama called for monitoring
- the spread of the Ebola virus �in a much more aggressive way� after a
- top-level White House meeting.
- He directed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to
- organize and send what he referred to as a medical �SWAT team� within
- 24 hours of a diagnosis.
- His comments came after a meeting in which government response coordination
- was the primary topic. It was attended by CDC, department of Health and Human
- Services and Department of Defense representatives, a statement from the
- White House said.
- It followed after an investigation began into how an infected nurse, who
- treated an Ebola patient in Texas, was allowed to travel on a plane. Officials
- are seeking the 132 people who were aboard the plane.
- Obama added he approved of the approach to prevent the virus from spreading
- in the United States, claiming �These protocols work. If we do these protocols
- properly ... the likelihood of widespread Ebola outbreaks in this country are
- very, very low.�
- Federal PR prostitutes have been called to testify before Congress Thursday
- to respond to questions regarding the handling of the issue within the United
- States.
- http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/upiUPI-20141016-071751-4136
- http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/09/27/american-ebola-quarantine-zones-will-be-genocidal-death-traps/
- http://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1825-25045-8027/emergency_support_function_8_public_health___medical_services_annex_2008.pdf
- http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/10/11/ebola-patients-exposed-persons-to-be-sent-to-death-camps-according-hhs-documents/
- https://anonfiles.com/file/b3017f0397b855c9924065391af1f889
- ���������������������������������������������������������������������������
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- � Medical Dictatorship - Man Hospitalized Against His Will ::
- The fascists in the US federal government are not only paying public
- psychiatrists to snitch on Americans� private lives - now they have
- targeted suicide hotlines to be on their gestapo�s doll.
- Albers describes the chain of events like this: He called a suicide
- hotline on the advice of his therapist, who suggested it as a means of
- stress management � to keep from bottling things up. He indicated that
- his case was not an emergency and opted to use the online chat function.
- After he had waited five hours, he got a chat message indicating that
- call volume was too high to address his concerns right away, and that
- he would be in line for the following day. Albers was angered by having
- to wait and voiced his frustration with the long wait time. �There was
- no doubt in my mind that if he continued to treat people that way he
- would eventually happen across someone who was in crisis and push them
- over the edge into doing themselves permanent if not fatal harm,� Albers
- told Credit.com via email.
- After that, he shut down his computer. And around midnight, police arrived,
- summoned by someone at the hotline, who feared Albers would harm himself.
- The hospital, who colluded with police to kidnap John Albers, now expect
- him to pay a medical bill for a so-called �service� he never agreed to in
- the first place. Americans should suspect any �medical service� (including
- suicide hotlines) to be infiltrated by the fascist gestapo and are being
- recommended to remain calm and katy bar their doors.
- http://finance.yahoo.com/news/hospitalized-against-pay-103003087.html
- � Medical Gestapo Releases Social Media Spyware to Surveillance Public
- Reactions to Gun Grabbing, Forced Vaccines and Other Tactics ::
- ChatterGrabber has also been used to monitor tickborne diseases, such
- as Lyme disease, public sentiment involving vaccines, and gun violence
- and terrorism, serving as an early warning system for public health
- officials through suspicious tweets or conversations.
- �New social media surveillance tool vital to public health preparedness�
- researchers say.
- http://www.activistpost.com/2014/08/new-social-media-surveillance-program.html
- � Obamacared! Chicago Cuts Funds for Mental Health Patients ...
- and Spied On Them Instead ::
- It�s all about the money, they don�t give a flying shit about you.
- http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/police-infiltrate-mental-health-clinics-nato-three/Content?oid=14519438
- � Obamacare Gestapo Gears Up To Force Microchips ::
- If you want to keep any you�re dignity and privacy, you�ll have no
- choice but to resist Obamacare regulations - even if it costs you
- you�re job and access to healthcare.
- http://www.businessinsider.com/microchip-implants-in-healthy-people-2014-7
- � Mental Health Patients Obamacared ::
- http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/police-infiltrate-mental-health-clinics-nato-three/Content?oid=14519438
- � Why Are Police Training for Future Conflicts At Hospitals?
- Why would criminals be holding hostages at hospitals?
- Was this drill to train for conflicts that could soon occur due
- to oppressive laws passed the public is not yet aware of?
- Again. Why would criminals be holding hostages at hospitals?
- http://benswann.com/traumatized-nurse-held-hostage-in-active-shooter-drill-sues/
- A Northern California transient who was charged after gestapo punks
- said he refused treatment for tuberculosis has been found and arrested,
- according to San Joaquin County officials.
- Eduardo Rosas Cruz, 25, was arrested on Monday during a traffic stop
- in Kern County, prosecutors said.
- His crime?
- Cruz was diagnosed with tuberculosis in March after he went to an
- emergency room and complained of a severe cough.
- After he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, medical staff told him to
- stay in a Stockton motel room, where a health worker would deliver
- his medication and watch him take it. But officials say �he took off,�
- ending his treatment - which by the way, would be 100% up to him to
- decide IF he lived in a free country, but apparently not anymore.
- http://abc7.com/health/california-tuberculosis-patient-found-arrested/226305/
- � Teen Forced Into Foster Care When Mom Sought 2nd Medical Opinion ::
- When a woman attempted to transfer her chronically-ill son
- from one hospital to another, she was accused of �medical child
- abuse� and her 16-year-old son was stripped from her custody and
- placed into the hands of the state.
- http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/isaiah-rider-custody-battle/
- � Johns Hopkins Hospital Pays $190,000,000 Over Wiretapping Lawsuit ::
- Doctor secretly recorded and stored footage of naked patients.
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28410304
- � Medical Gestapo Arrest Mother at Hospital for Taking Pictures ::
- A mother is upset over getting detained and ordered to turn
- over her personal cell phone at her son�s latest doctor�s
- appointment last week at Mercy Hospital.
- The security guard told her she had violated federal privacy
- laws, referred to as HIPAA.
- �I went to take a picture of him during his current hearing
- test and she was like you cannot take pics here, it�s against
- policy, she was right in my face waving her hands and I was
- like� I�ve been able to take pics here before, I don�t really
- know what the problem is� you�ve never said anything before I've
- always taken pictures while he was in the hospital and she just
- wouldn�t even give me the time of day when I was trying to speak
- to her about it, and then finally I got her attention by saying
- excuse me, I�m trying to figure out what you are talking about,
- what is this picture of your daughter that you are so upset about�
- and why cant I take pictures, whats this policy? And she comes
- storming out of the booth and in my face again� and said something
- is wrong with you, you have a picture of my daughter on the
- Internet, and I still didn�t know what she was talking about
- because this picture was so small� and that�s when I was like
- you crossed the line, I want to see the director of this
- department right now,� Wilson explained.
- http://www.ky3.com/news/local/mother-takes-photo-of-son-at-hospital-fears-shed-wind-up-in-jail-after-security-guard-confrontation/21048998_27077064
- Full of reports, government/medical/educational documentation.
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1184/
- A scientific study in America claims around 1/3 of all whom
- were tested had been microchipped, most were not even aware!
- The study has provided proof that many medical patients have
- been chipped without any consent nor even knowledge of.
- Medical centers are being exploited by government and �big
- data� firms, right here in police state USA!
- ? Scientific Study Showed That 1 in 3 of All Americans Already
- Implanted with RFID Chip! ::
- http://www.zengardner.com/13-americans-already-implanted-rfid-chip
- READ EVEN MORE @ http://code.hackerspace.no/1184/
- � Indiana �Department of Health� Secretly Collecting DNA From
- Blood Samples From Children WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT ::
- Collection started in 1991, cloaked in total secrecy.
- http://rt.com/usa/172208-indiana-baby-blood-samples/
- http://www.infowars.com/indiana-stored-babies-dna-blood-for-research-without-parental-consent/
- � Pre-Crime Police Target Mental Health ::
- Arizona is the latest to begin using pre-crime models to
- supposedly thwart attacks by those who are �near the breaking
- point.� The video below highlights how mental health police
- units look to harvest everything from medical records to gun
- purchases to online posts. Citing the crimes of Jared Loughner
- and Elliot Rodger, these units are being given the green light
- with new legislation to INVOLUNTARILY DETAIN those who are flagged.
- http://www.activistpost.com/2014/06/pre-crime-police-target-mental-health.html
- � Police Kidnap Healthy Baby Because She Was Born At Home,
- Woman Now Thinking About Leaving Police State USA ::
- A Pennsylvania woman claims doctors took her seven-day-old
- healthy baby and called police and social workers simply because
- she gave birth at home. She also says that doctors at St. Joseph�s
- Hospital transferred her baby to another hospital without her
- permission.
- �[The doctor] came in the room with a stern look and said if
- you refuse to transfer her, we WILL CONTACT DHS (Department of
- Human Services) AND THE POLICE,� said the woman, Fatima Doumbouya.
- Doumbouya and her husband refused permission, but they didn�t
- realize that the doctors had already decided to move their
- daughter to Children�s Hospital of Philadelphia.
- The mother and her husband, Bilal Smith, only learned of the
- transfer when a nurse told them the baby was being moved. They
- had never given permission nor signed any paperwork authorizing
- the action. Doctors informed her that the baby would have to be
- transferred to Children�s because St. Joseph�s lacked the proper
- instruments to examine her.
- Police Called on Couple
- The mother�s nightmare began when she took her daughter to an
- emergency room at St. Joseph�s Hospital for a checkup. Doumbouya
- had given birth at home and had stopped prenatal visits because she
- felt that she was receiving unnecessary medical treatment.
- �I informed her that she cannot physically force me to take my child
- to another hospital,� Doumbouya wrote at a blog called Ms. Wright�s
- Way. �I knew what awaited us there were her vaccines and the silver
- nitrate eye [medicine].�
- When the couple objected to the transfer, doctors called the police.
- Three officers were waiting for them in the next room. The officers
- forced the couple to go with the baby to the other hospital.
- A hospital worker later told Doumbouya that the hospital�s action
- was probably illegal and that she could get her daughter discharged
- by filling out American Medical Association (AMA) forms at the front
- desk.
- �When I asked the front desk for those papers, THEY BLATANTLY
- IGNORED ME,� Doumbouya wrote. �I kept asking and asking, [and]
- no one would answer me, they all looked at each other and kept
- doing what they were doing. It was like something out of a movie.�
- Baby Subjected to Tests without Parents� Permission
- She contends that she had to wait an hour and a half for an
- ambulance to come and take her baby to Children�s Hospital. At
- Children�s Hospital, the baby was subjected to a series of tests
- and found to be completely healthy.
- �They ran test after test after test HOPING TO FIND SOMETHING,�
- Doumbouya wrote.
- The tests were done without her permission. She believes the reason
- for the tests was to find a pretext for the Department of Human
- Services to take her baby.
- In a final insult to injury, Doumbouya and her husband received
- a bill from the hospital for the ambulance ride they didn�t want in
- the first place. In a recent post on the blog, she wrote:
- �I received a bill today � Remember in my story when we were
- FORCED to transfer hospitals? Well the ambulance ride was $3,320.00.
- Healthcare is the second biggest scam in this country.�
- It is easy to see why Doumbouya, an immigrant from Africa, is
- thinking of leaving the United States.
- http://healthydebates.com/police-confiscate-healthy-baby-born-home/
- � Hospitals Start Spying for Obamacare ; Smokers and Fast Food
- Junkies to Be Charged Extra Fees, Face �Intervention� ::
- You may soon get a call from your doctor if you�ve let your
- gym membership lapse, made a habit of picking up candy bars at
- the check-out counter or begin shopping at plus-sized stores.
- That�s because some hospitals are starting to use detailed
- consumer data to create profiles on current and potential
- patients to identify those most likely to get sick, so the
- hospitals can INTERVENE before they do.
- Information compiled by data brokers from public records and
- credit card transactions can reveal where a person shops, the
- food they buy, and whether they smoke. The largest hospital
- chain in the Carolinas is plugging data for 2 million people
- into algorithms designed to identify high-risk patients, while
- Pennsylvania�s biggest system uses household and demographic
- data. Patients and their advocates, meanwhile, say they�re
- concerned that big data�s expansion into medical care will
- hurt the doctor-patient relationship and threaten privacy.
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-06-26/hospitals-soon-see-donuts-to-cigarette-charges-for-health.html
- � Vet Killed at Close Range After Refusing to Go to Hospital ::
- Chicago police shot a 95-year-old WWII veteran to death with
- bean bag rounds at close range because he refused to go to
- hospital, a lawsuit brought by the man�s family claims.
- The incident, which occurred on July 26 last year, involved
- John Wrana, Jr, a resident at Park Forest Assisted Living Center
- in Park Forest, Illinois.
- Wrana, who was just 12 days shy of his 96th birthday, was
- suffering from a suspected urinary tract infection. However,
- when Victory Center employees attempted to persuade Wrana to
- get in an ambulance and go to hospital, he refused to leave his
- room. Wrana subsequently brandished a knife and a long shoehorn
- in an attempt to resist paramedics.
- Five police officers, Clifford Butz, Michael Baugh, Craig Taylor,
- Lloyd Elliot, Charlie Hoskins and Mitch Greer, were called to the
- scene before Commander Michael Baugh ordered force to be used
- against Wrana.
- On entering the room and missing with a Taser dart, Taylor fired
- �five rounds of bean bag cartridges from a 12 gauge shotgun within
- a distance of approximately only six to eight feet from Mr. Wrana,
- far less than the distance allowed for discharging that shotgun,
- and, consequently, savagely wounding and killing Mr. Wrana,�
- according to the lawsuit.
- http://www.courthousenews.com/2014/06/23/68943.htm
- http://www.infowars.com/lawsuit-police-shot-95-year-old-wwii-veteran-to-death-with-bean-bag-rounds/
- ? UPDATE! Massachusetts Judge Orders Police State to Free
- Kidnapped Teenager, Return Her to Her Parents ::
- After spending sixteen months being obamacared under the
- Massachusetts Department of Children and Families gestapo,
- a Massachusetts judge has ordered that 16-year-old Justina
- Pelletier will be officially returned to her parents in
- Connecticut Wednesday.
- http://benswann.com/massachusetts-judge-orders-justina-pelletier-to-be-returned-to-her-parents/
- �All I really want to be with is my family and my friends
- and that�s all I want is to be with my family and friends
- back home,� she says. �You can do it. You�re the one that�s
- judging this. Please let me go home.�
- The state of Massachusetts took charge of Pelletier when
- her parents and doctors at Children�s Hospital clashed over
- her diagnosis and treatment in 2013.
- Pelletier was eventually moved to a rehabilitation facility
- (aka consintration camp) in Framingham, and then to Thompson,
- Connecticut where she is currently suffering.
- http://boston.cbslocal.com/2014/06/10/video-shows-conn-teen-begging-mass-judge-to-let-her-go-home/
- � Parents Interrogated for Giving Birth to Child by Medical
- Gestapo, CPS and Thug Cops in Black Uniforms ::
- Natural birthing parents say they were harassed and forced
- to prove that the baby was put under government-approved
- medical supervision. The fascist government hates parents
- because THEY lust for total control over you�re children!
- http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/fatima-doumboya/
- � Medical Dictatorship Rolling Out - Children and Parents
- Loosing Their Human Rights ::
- Secret interrogation of children to reveal private family
- lifestyles for paranoid government gestapos to scrutinize.
- Intentions may be to kidnap children away from politicaly
- �radical� parents like YOU.
- http://oneduffy.blogspot.nl/2014/06/whos-in-charge.html
- http://www.infowars.com/new-medical-law-mandates-private-conversation-with-child-before-every-doctor-visit/
- http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/shock-medical-law-we-need-to-have-a-short-5-minute-private-conversation-with-your-child_06052014
- � FLASHBACK ; Political Abuse of Psychiatry ::
- http://cryptomeorg.siteprotect.net/psychiatry-political-abuse.pdf
- Mirrored � http://upstore.net/ZtWdpw
- � Psychiatrist Reported Gun Owner to Police, Raid Followed ::
- The medical gestapo are comming for you�re guns!
- http://www.infowars.com/court-upholds-warrantless-entry-seizure-of-gun-rights-activist/
- UPDATE! The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals may have just
- dealt a serious blow to the US Constitution.
- In a unanimous decision earlier this month the Court
- determined that law enforcement officers are not required
- to present a warrant or charges before forcibly entering
- a person�s home, searching it, and confiscating their
- firearms if they believe it is in the individual�s best
- interests.
- The landmark suit was brought before the court by Krysta
- Sutterfield of Milwaukee, who had recently visited a
- psychiatrist for outpatient therapy resulting from some
- bad news that she had received. According to court records
- Sutterfield had expressed a suicidal thought during the
- visit, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, when she said �I guess
- I�ll go home and blow my brains out.� This prompted her
- doctor to contact police.
- The police then raided her home without a warrant and
- confiscated her firearms - all because of a psychiatrist
- who snitched. Psychiatrists can no longer be trusted in
- the police state and neither can the cops.
- http://www.infowars.com/shock-fedgov-court-ruling-police-can-kick-in-your-door-and-seize-guns-without-warrant-or-charges/
- � Illinois Department of Human Services Targets Patient�s
- Second Amendment Rights ::
- An Infowars.com reader has emailed a brochure released
- by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). The
- brochure describes the responsibility of doctors and
- health care professionals under the Firearm Owner
- Identification (FOID) Mental Health Reporting System
- as part of the Firearm Concealed Carry Act (PA 98-063).
- The law requires clinicians and facilities to report
- patients who own firearms they believe pose a �clear
- and present danger� to themselves or others.
- http://www.infowars.com/2nd-amendment-clear-and-present-danger-in-illinois/
- � Psychiatrists Are the New Federal Gun Control Agents
- and Political Thought Police ::
- Meet the new gestapo under Obamacare being recruited.
- http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/psychiatrists-are-the-new-federal-gun-control-agents-and-political-thought-police_04272014
- � Dictatorship ; Obamacare to Target Gun Owners ::
- http://www.infowars.com/obamas-surgeon-general-pick-guns-are-a-public-health-issue/
- � Dictatorship ; Shrinks Now Work for Police State ::
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/see-a-shrink-lose-your-gun/
- � RESIST! Obamacare Agenda Includes RFID Microchips ::
- Civils who care about their privacy will never comply.
- http://www.infowars.com/medical-drug-pumping-microchip-plan-to-be-carried-out-by-2017/
- �I don�t see Obamacare as something designed to
- offer healthcare. � I think the question comes down
- to a bigger one, which is, are we going to create a
- society where one hundred percent of everything is
- digitized and under central control?�
- http://traffic.libsyn.com/casey/Catherine_Austin_Fitts_FINAL.mp3
- https://www.caseyresearch.com/sound-money/episode-22-the-popsicle-index-catherine-austin-fitts-interview
- ______________________________________
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (PASTEBINS MIRRORED) ::
- OBAMACARED-27-SEP-2014.zip
- (49 pastes | ZIP | 1.27MB)
- http://fileb.ag/q0pb2mynqbsk
- ______________________________________
- � OBAMACARE ARCHIVE - MAY 21st 2014 ::
- https://www.quickleak.org/vPUifhRg
- ______________________________________
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 1 ::
- http://0paste.com/6207
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 2 ::
- http://0paste.com/6208
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 3 ::
- http://0paste.com/6209
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 4 ::
- http://0paste.com/6210
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 5 ::
- http://0paste.com/6211
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 6 ::
- http://0paste.com/6212
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 7 ::
- http://0paste.com/6213
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 8 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/225ffae8
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 9 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/553ff886
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 10 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/01a95435
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 11 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/d168c84d
- ______________________________________
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 001 ::
- http://0paste.com/6214
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 002 ::
- http://0paste.com/6215
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 003 ::
- http://0paste.com/6216
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 004 ::
- http://0paste.com/6217
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 005 ::
- http://0paste.com/6218
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 006 ::
- http://0paste.com/6219
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 007 ::
- http://0paste.com/6220
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 008 ::
- http://0paste.com/6221
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 009 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/7b5a8faa
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 010 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/45540ba7
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 011 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/abb97a48
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 012 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/1b30e193
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 013 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/88154c96
- ______________________________________
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (22 May 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/1e110603
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (29 May 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/d88dac61
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (16 June 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/3e433922
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (27 June 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/ac38de95
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (21 August 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/edc784eb
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (05 September 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/debcf706
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (26 September 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/a01bcfc9
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (15 October 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/4b740996
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (11 November 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/aa0e602d
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (19 November 2014) ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/3151e4cb
- ______________________________________
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 01 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1024/ (defunct)
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 02 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1025/ (defunct)
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 03 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1026/ (defunct)
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 04 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1027/ (defunct)
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 05 ::
- http://slexy.org/view/s214D3fIrB
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 06 ::
- http://slexy.org/view/s21jhrxqxU
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 07 ::
- http://slexy.org/view/s2Yws3z87a
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 08 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/5b5eb151
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 09 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/cc8ae718
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 10 ::
- http://paste.thelovebug.org/view/4301c5f8
- ��������������������������������������
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Posted by The Obamacare Ge on January Mon 5th 8:17 PM - Never Expires
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