- 17:22:23 � �-�� #cs.rin.ru join ��-� �
- 17:22:53 +magcius � ChrisTX, I agree with you and CPAMX/RBFC1/cIntX
- 17:23:24 iceape � magcius can you tell my why?
- 17:23:36 ChrisTX � iceape, you dont even know half of the story
- 17:23:40 ChrisTX � so dont judge
- 17:23:55 Source_engine � wise words from the bad guy :)
- 17:23:57 iceape � i dont
- 17:24:12 +magcius � iceape, because first of all Mr.Deviance had this thing to create a huuge thread spouting every single thing that maybe did or didn't happen, which means he's a drama queen/kind/.
- 17:24:13 iceape � i don't fu****g judge
- 17:24:26 +magcius � s/kind/king/
- 17:24:40 iceape � not a good argument for me bug go on
- 17:24:44 Roggan � kind?
- 17:24:53 mq521 � ya rofl
- 17:24:55 +magcius � Roggan, learn sed
- 17:24:55 mq521 � such drama
- 17:24:57 mq521 � omg!1111111
- 17:25:04 Source_engine � magcius so there are no rules for you :)
- 17:25:19 &MrDeviance � ChrisTx
- 17:25:28 +cXhristian � Here we go again
- 17:25:31 &MrDeviance � if you want to stay on this chan in the future
- 17:25:34 Stryder � yup
- 17:25:39 &MrDeviance � stop bsing people
- 17:25:52 &MrDeviance � you know that the official version I write on rin is the real one
- 17:25:55 +magcius � Also, ChrisTX may have been a little over excessive in your war (like you did with the Windows battle)
- 17:25:56 Source_engine � ok end of story....
- 17:26:09 +magcius � So many Windows battles.
- 17:26:16 &MrDeviance � wrote*
- 17:26:29 mq521 � &MrDeviance � you know that the official version I write on rin is the real one
- 17:26:32 mq521 � arrogant much?
- 17:27:01 &MrDeviance � I don't know who are you
- 17:27:08 mq521 � you dont need to plz.
- 17:27:17 Source_engine � mq521 well not as arrogant as you were before
- 17:27:18 emiderg � ban plz
- 17:27:30 mq521 � Source_engine, i never arrogant plz?
- 17:27:37 Source_engine � he's the angry RIN IRC kid =)
- 17:27:40 Roggan � http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYokLWfqbaU
- 17:27:42 emiderg � mq521 is cock sucker
- 17:27:43 &MrDeviance sets mode: +b *!*@671EF9CA.60C77CB6.810DADF8.IP
- 17:27:57 &MrDeviance � MrDeviance ?(5:27 PM):
- 17:27:58 &MrDeviance � who is mq521
- 17:27:58 &MrDeviance � RessourectoR ?(5:27 PM):
- 17:27:58 &MrDeviance � the bigest troll of the internet
- 17:27:58 &MrDeviance � ban on sight please
- 17:28:10 Roggan � lol
- 17:28:14 Source_engine � yay....
- 17:28:23 emiderg � MrDeviance: write .kb mq521
- 17:28:25 Source_engine � c ya in 5 mins
- 17:28:34 mq521 was kicked by &MrDeviance (mq521)
- 17:28:36 Unable to join #cs.rin.ru (you're banned)
- 17:29:30 � �-�� #cs.rin.ru join ��-� �
- 17:29:38 mq521 � drama :(
- 17:29:45 +cXhristian � ye :(
- 17:29:50 &MrDeviance sets mode: +b *!*@692BA267.AEADA15D.EC29C2AF.IP
- 17:29:59 mq521 was kicked by &MrDeviance (because ban)
- 17:29:59 Unable to join #cs.rin.ru (you're banned)
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Posted by mrdev drama2 on September Sun 6th 3:45 PM - Never Expires
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