- ? NSA Spooks Deny The Evidence (Provided Below) Exists ::
- Did the NSA forget Ed Snowden contacted NBC and released
- the evidence contacting authorities regarding his concerns?
- https://news.vice.com/article/the-nsa-has-revealed-new-details-about-its-exhaustive-search-of-edward-snowdens-emails
- ? FLASHBACK! Snowden Strikes Back at NSA, Emails NBC News ::
- Fugitive Edward Snowden on Friday challenged the
- NSA�s insistence that it has no evidence he tried
- to raise concerns about the agency�s surveillance
- activity before he began leaking government documents
- to reporters, calling the response a �clearly tailored
- and incomplete leak ... for a political advantage.�
- �The NSA�s new discovery of written contact between
- me and its lawyers -- after more than a year of denying
- any such contact existed - raises serious concerns,�
- Snowden said in an email Friday to NBC News. �It
- reveals as false the NSA�s claim to Barton Gellman
- of the Washington Post in December of last year, that
- �after extensive investigation, including interviews
- with his former NSA supervisors and co-workers, we
- have not found any evidence to support Mr. Snowden�s
- contention that he brought these matters to anyone�s
- attention.��
- Snowden�s email followed Thursday�s release by the US
- Office of the Director of Intelligence of an email
- exchange between Snowden and the NSA�s Office of the
- General Counsel. The Washington Post received and
- published a similar response from Snowden on Thursday.
- http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/edward-snowden-interview/snowden-strikes-back-nsa-emails-nbc-news-n118821
- ? NSA Oversight Training, OVSC1800 Minimization Training,
- NSA OGC Snowden Emails on OVSC1800 Course ::
- http://cryptome.org/2014/05/nsa-oversight.pdf
- http://cryptome.org/2014/05/nsa-ovsc1800.pdf
- http://cryptome.org/2014/05/nsa-ogc-snowden.pdf
- ---------------------------------------
- � NBC Interviews Edward Snowden (Full) ::
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNhMXyAdjp8
- Mirror here � http://upstore.net/62ocku
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Posted by NSA Denies Havin on September Wed 17th 4:05 PM - Never Expires
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