- 07:01:27 � �-�� #bsod join ��-� �
- 07:01:28 mq521 � sup
- 07:01:34 Scuba � i busted a cap while working on my PSU for my mini
- 07:01:35 FoxxOTG � ey'
- 07:01:45 mq521 � lols @ Scuba
- 07:01:51 FoxxOTG � how did you manage that?
- 07:02:28 mq521 � prob noob
- 07:02:29 Scuba � was removing the giant heat sinks and bent one of the caps out of the way and it just popped
- 07:02:43 FoxxOTG � mq521, you new here?
- 07:02:46 mq521 � no
- 07:02:48 mq521 � ?
- 07:03:03 FoxxOTG � i dont recall ever seeing your nick
- 07:03:23 mq521 � wel
- 07:03:28 mq521 � dis my new nick
- 07:03:29 mq521 � mayb?
- 07:03:48 FoxxOTG � dont recognize your hostmask either
- 07:04:04 mq521 � ya new proxy
- 07:04:10 mq521 � ????
- 07:04:15 FoxxOTG � we dont allow proxies here
- 07:04:17 Sythen � must be, ive never seen that nick before
- 07:04:20 mq521 � ye
- 07:04:23 mq521 � y not
- 07:04:23 FoxxOTG � !AUP
- 07:04:24 UncleSam � LostCarrier Acceptable Use Policy: http://www.lostcarrier.net/policy.php
- 07:04:35 FoxxOTG � you are apparently new here and are just being a dick about it
- 07:04:35 mq521 � cant join without proxy
- 07:04:37 mq521 � so
- 07:05:01 mq521 � not rly a proxy if you think its my personal one
- 07:05:01 mq521 � so
- 07:05:12 mq521 � not against policy
- 07:05:38 FoxxOTG � you mind quitting with the txt spk and use real words...
- 07:05:46 mq521 � wat wrong?
- 07:06:00 mq521 � dis IRC
- 07:06:00 Sythen � its abuse of the english language heh
- 07:06:04 mq521 � not a letter 2 prez
- 07:06:09 mq521 � no?
- 07:06:14 Sythen � yup
- 07:06:22 FoxxOTG � plus it makes you seem like an idiot, and you will be treated as such
- 07:06:23 mq521 � w/e makes u sleep betr @ night?
- 07:06:29 mq521 � omg
- 07:06:29 mq521 � :(
- 07:06:32 mq521 � y hurt feelings
- 07:06:36 Sythen � Ha!
- 07:06:39 FoxxOTG � well, im telling you to stop
- 07:06:43 mq521 � if im an idiot
- 07:06:47 FoxxOTG � and i dont give a fuck about your feelings
- 07:06:51 mq521 � den mayb you tell how u forge fragmented syn packets
- 07:06:52 Scuba � HAHA at mq521
- 07:06:52 mq521 � ????
- 07:07:04 mq521 � so ya
- 07:07:07 mq521 � HAHA at Foxx
- 07:07:22 mq521 � als0
- 07:07:24 mq521 � y swear?
- 07:07:30 FoxxOTG � anyone else had enough of mq521's crap?
- 07:07:33 � � � FoxxOTG raises his hand
- 07:07:35 tatootian � n0
- 07:07:40 mq521 � no1 gives a fuk bout ur hand
- 07:07:41 � � � Sythen raises hand
- 07:07:41 tatootian � no*
- 07:07:49 � � � mq521 shoots hands
- 07:07:52 mq521 � thx
- 07:07:53 FoxxOTG sets mode: +b *!*@9B4DB8BB.D1798E93.357AE05B.IP
- 07:08:09 mq521 was kicked by FoxxOTG (bye)
- 07:08:09 Unable to join #bsod (you're banned)
- <FoxxOTG> i just google mq251's name...
- <FoxxOTG> i dont know whats more sad, the fact that hes a hacc0r poz3r
- <FoxxOTG> or the fact that he ueses twitter to post about it
- / HOLYISHIET????1/!////???? HE KNO HOW 2 USE GOGL?!11111 IM FUKD!1111
- / nd jus fyi FoxxOTG, i use twitr cuz very convenitn 2 integrat 2 site? nd wer ur fragmented syn packets tutorial plz?
- thx 4 attn.
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Posted by foxx prety ragd on August Sat 22nd 5:21 AM - Never Expires
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