- Three must-read reports are mirrored below: (1) �How Empires End�,
- (2) �This Is How Empires Collapse� and a follow-up to more current
- events documenting the current collapse of a fascist Western empire
- once dubbed �the land of the free� now being exposed as a police state:
- (3) �KING DOLLAR IS DEAD, HYPERINFLATION AHEAD� ... please take some
- time to read these reports and reflect on this American tragedy. We
- must find time to prepare for the worst because as many have been
- warning, even worse has yet to come.
- How Empires End
- �Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government
- those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations,
- perverted it into tyranny.� � Thomas Jefferson
- http://www.internationalman.com/articles/how-empires-end
- Histories are generally written by academics. They, quite naturally,
- tend to focus on the main events: the wars and the struggles between
- leaders and their opponents (both external and internal). Whilst these
- are interesting stories to read, academics, by their very nature, often
- overlook the underlying causes for an empire�s decline.
- Today, as in any era, most people are primarily interested in the �news�
- � the daily information regarding the world�s political leaders and their
- struggles with one another to obtain, retain, and expand their power.
- When the history is written about the era we are passing through, it
- will reflect, in large measure, a rehash of the news. As the media of
- the day tend to overlook the fact that present events are merely symptoms
- of an overall decline, so historians tend to focus on major events, rather
- than the �slow operations� that have been the underlying causes.
- The Persian Empire
- When, as a boy, I was �educated� about the decline and fall of the Persian
- Empire, I learned of the final takeover by Alexander the Great but was never
- told that, in its decline, Persian taxes became heavier and more oppressive,
- leading to economic depression and revolts, which, in turn led to even heavier
- taxes and increased repression. Increasingly, kings hoarded gold and silver,
- keeping it out of circulation from the community. This hamstrung the market,
- as monetary circulation was insufficient to conduct business. By the time
- Alexander came along, Persia, weakened by warfare and internal economic
- strife, was a shell of an empire and was relatively easy to defeat.
- The Tang Dynasty
- Back then, I also learned that the Tang Dynasty ended as a result of the
- increased power amongst the eunuchs, battles with fanzhen separatists, and
- finally, peasants� revolts. True enough, but I was not taught that the dynasty�s
- expansion-based warfare demanded increases in taxation, which led to the
- revolts. Continued warfare necessitated increasing monetary and land extortion
- by the eunuchs, resulting in an abrupt decrease in food output and further
- taxes. Finally, as economic deterioration and oppression of the citizenry
- worsened, citizens left the area entirely for more promise elsewhere.
- Is there a pattern here? Let�s have a more detailed look�at another empire.
- The Spanish Empire
- In 1556, Philip II of Spain inherited what was regarded as Europe�s most
- wealthy nation, with no apparent economic problems. Yet, by 1598, Spain was
- bankrupt. How was this possible?
- Spain was doing well but sought to become a major power. To achieve this,
- Philip needed more tax dollars. Beginning in 1561, the existing servicio tax
- was regularised, and the crusada tax, the excusado tax, and the millones tax
- were all added by 1590.
- Over a period of 39 years (between 1559 and 1598) taxes increased by 430%.
- Although the elite of the day were exempt from taxation (the elite of today
- are not officially exempt), the average citizen was taxed to the point that
- both business expansion and public purchasing diminished dramatically. Wages
- did not keep pace with the resultant inflation. The price of goods rose 400%,
- causing a price revolution and a tax revolution.
- Although Spain enjoyed a flood of gold and silver from the Americas at this
- time, the increased wealth went straight into Philip�s war efforts. However,
- the 100,000 troops were soon failing to return sufficient spoils to Philip to
- pay for their forays abroad.
- In a final effort to float the doomed empire, Philip issued government bonds,
- which provided immediate cash but created tremendous debt that, presumably,
- would need to be repaid one day. (The debt grew to 8.8 times GDP.)
- Spain declared bankruptcy. Trade slipped to other countries. The military,
- fighting on three fronts, went unpaid, and military aspirations collapsed.
- It is important to note that, even as the empire was collapsing, Philip did
- not suspend warfare. He did not back off on taxation. Like leaders before and
- since, he instead stubbornly increased his autocracy as the empire slid into
- collapse.
- Present-Day Empires
- Again, the events above are not taught to schoolchildren as being of key
- importance in the decline of empires, even though they are remarkably consistent
- with the decline of other empires and what we are seeing today. The very same
- events occur, falling like dominoes, more or less in order, in any empire,
- in any age:
- 1. The reach of government leaders habitually exceeds their grasp.
- 2. Dramatic expansion (generally through warfare) is undertaken without a clear
- plan as to how that expansion is to be financed.
- 3. The population is overtaxed as the bills for expansion become due, without
- consideration as to whether the population can afford increased taxation.
- 4. Heavy taxation causes investment by the private sector to diminish, and the
- economy begins to decline.
- 5. Costs of goods rise, without wages keeping pace.
- 6. Tax revenue declines as the economy declines (due to excessive taxation).
- Taxes are increased again, in order to top up government revenues.
- 7. In spite of all the above, government leaders personally hoard as much as
- they can, further limiting the circulation of wealth in the business community.
- 8. Governments issue bonds and otherwise borrow to continue expansion, with no
- plan as to repayment.
- 9. Dramatic authoritarian control is instituted to assure that the public continues
- to comply with demands, even if those demands cannot be met by the public.
- 10. Economic and social collapse occurs, often marked by unrest and riots, the
- collapse of the economy, and the exit of those who are productive.
- 11. In this final period, the empire turns on itself, treating its people as
- the enemy.
- The above review suggests that if our schoolbooks stressed the underlying causes
- of empire collapse, rather than the names of famous generals and the dates of
- famous battles, we might be better educated and be less likely to repeat the
- same mistakes.
- Unfortunately, this is unlikely. Chances are, future leaders will be just as
- uninterested in learning from history as past leaders. They will create empires,
- then destroy them.
- Even the most informative histories of empire decline, such as The Decline and
- Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon, will not be of interest to the leaders
- of empires. They will believe that they are above history and that they, uniquely,
- will succeed.
- If there is any value in learning from the above, it is the understanding that
- leaders will not be dissuaded from their aspirations. They will continue to
- charge ahead, both literally and figuratively, regardless of objections and
- revolts from the citizenry.
- Once an empire has reached stage eight above, it never reverses. It is a �dead
- empire walking� and only awaits the painful playing-out of the final three stages.
- At that point, it is foolhardy in the extreme to remain and �wait it out� in the
- hope that the decline will somehow reverse. At that point, the wiser choice might
- be to follow the cue of the Chinese, the Romans, and others, who instead chose
- to quietly exit for greener pastures elsewhere.
- Editor�s Note: Unfortunately there�s little any individual can practically do to
- change the trajectory of this trend in motion. The best you can and should do is
- to stay informed so that you can protect yourself in the best way possible, and
- even profit from the situation.
- This is what Doug Casey�s International Man is all about: helping you cut through
- the smoke and mirrors while making the most of your personal freedom and financial
- opportunities around the world. The free IM Communiqu� is a great place to start.
- http://www.internationalman.com/help/register
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- This Is How Empires Collapse
- http://www.silverdoctors.com/this-is-how-empires-collapse/
- Before an empire collapses, it first erodes from within.
- The collapse may appear sudden, but the processes of
- internal rot hollowed out the resilience, resolve, purpose
- and vitality of the empire long before its final implosion.
- What are these processes of internal rot? Here are a few
- of the most pervasive and destructive forces of internal
- corrosion:
- 1. Each institution within the system loses sight of its
- original purpose of serving the populace and becomes self-serving.
- This erosion of common purpose serving the common good is so
- gradual that participants forget there was a time when the
- focus wasn�t on gaming the system to avoid work and accountability
- but serving the common good.
- 2. The corrupt Status Quo corrupts every individual who works
- within the system. Once an institution loses its original
- purpose and becomes self-serving, everyone within either seeks
- to maximize their own personal share of the swag and minimize
- their accountability, or they are forced out as a potentially
- dangerous uncorrupted insider.
- The justification is always the same: everybody else is getting
- away with it, why shouldn�t I? Empires decline one corruptible
- individual at a time.
- 3. Self-serving institutions select sociopathic leaders whose
- skills are not competency or leadership but conning others into
- believing the institution is functioning optimally when in
- reality it is faltering/failing.
- The late Roman Empire offers a fine example: entire Army legions
- in the hinterlands were listed as full-strength on the official
- rolls in Rome and payroll was issued accordingly, but the legions
- only existed on paper: corrupt officials pocketed the payroll for
- phantom legions.
- Self-serving institutions reward con-artists in leadership roles
- because only con-artists can mask the internal rot with happy-story
- PR and get away with it.
- 4. The institutional memory rewards conserving the existing
- Status Quo and punishes innovation. Innovation necessarily
- entails risk, and those busy feathering their own nests (i.e.
- accepting money for phantom work, phantom legions, etc.) have
- no desire to place their share of the swag at risk just to
- improve sagging output and accountability.
- So reforms and innovations that might salvage the institution
- are shelved or buried.
- 5. As the sunk costs of the subsystems increase, the institutional
- resistance to new technologies and processes increases accordingly.
- Those manufacturing steam locomotives in the early 20th century
- had an enormous amount of capital and institutional knowledge
- sunk in their factories. Tossing all of that out to invest in
- building diesel-electric locomotives that were much more efficient
- than the old-tech steam locomotives made little sense to those
- looking at sunk costs.
- As a result, the steam locomotive manufacturers clung to the
- old ways and went out of business. The sunk costs of empire are
- enormous, as is the internal resistance to change.
- 6. Institutional memory and knowledge support �doing more of what
- worked in the past� even when it is clearly failing. I refer to
- this institutional risk-avoidance and lack of imagination as
- doing more of what has failed spectacularly.
- Inept leadership keeps doing more of what once worked, even when
- it is clearly failing, in effect ignoring real-world feedback in
- favor of magical-thinking. The Federal Reserve is an excellent
- example.
- 7. These dynamics of eroding accountability, effectiveness and
- purpose lead to systemic diminishing returns. Each failing
- institution now needs more money to sustain its operations, as
- inefficiencies, corruption and incompetence reduce output while
- dramatically raising costs (phantom legions still get paid).
- 8. Incompetence is rewarded and competence punished. The classic
- example of this was �Good job, Brownie:� cronies and con-artists
- are elevated to leadership roles to reward loyalty and the
- ability to mask the rot with good PR. Serving the common good
- is set aside as sychophancy (obedient flattery) to incompetent
- leaders is rewarded and real competence is punished as a threat
- to the self-serving leadership.
- 9. As returns diminish and costs rise, systemic fragility
- increases. This can be illustrated as a rising wedge: as
- output declines and costs rise, the break-even point keeps
- edging higher, until even a modest reduction of input (revenue,
- energy, etc.) causes the system to break down.
- A modern-day example is oil-exporting states that have bought
- the complicity of their citizenry with generous welfare benefits
- and subsidies. As their populations and welfare benefits keep
- rising, the revenues they need to keep the system going require
- an ever-higher price of oil. Should the price of oil decline,
- these regimes will be unable to fund their welfare. With the
- social contract broken, there is nothing left to stem the tide
- of revolt.
- 10. Economies of scale no longer generate returns. In the
- good old days, stretching out supply lines to reach lower-cost
- suppliers and digitizing management reaped huge gains in
- productivity. Now that the scale of enterprise is global,
- the gains from economies of scale have faltered and the high
- overhead costs of maintaining this vast managerial infrastructure
- have become a drain.
- 11. Redundancy is sacrificed to preserve a corrupt and failing
- core. Rather than demand sacrifices of the Roman Elites and the
- entertainment-addicted bread-and-circus masses to maintain the
- forces protecting the Imperial borders, late-Roman Empire
- leaders eliminated defense-in-depth (redundancy). This left
- the borders thinly defended. With no legions in reserve, an
- invasion could no longer be stopped without mobilizing the
- entire border defense, in effect leaving huge swaths of the
- border undefended to push back the invaders.
- Phantom legions line the pockets of insiders and cronies while
- creating a useful illusion of stability and strength.
- 12. The feedback from those tasked with doing the real work
- of the Empire is ignored as Elites and vested interests
- dominate decision-making. As I noted yesterday in The
- Political Poison of Vested Interests, when this bottoms-up
- feedback is tossed out, ignored or marginalized, all decisions
- are necessarily unwise because they are no longer grounded in
- the consequences experienced by the 95% doing the real work.
- This lack of feedback from the bottom 95% is captured by the
- expression �Let them eat cake.� (Though attributed to Marie
- Antoinette, there is no evidence that she actually said Qu�ils
- mangent de la brioche.)
- The point is that decisions made with no feedback from the
- real-world of the bottom 95%, that is, decisions made solely
- in response to the demands of cronies, vested interests and
- various elites, are intrinsically unsound and doomed to fail
- catastrophically.
- How does an Empire end up with phantom legions? The same way
- the U.S. ended up with ObamaCare/Affordable Care Act. The
- payroll is being paid but there is no real-world feedback,
- no accountability, no purpose other than private profit/gain
- and no common good being served.
- That�s how empires collapse: one corrupted, self-serving
- individual at a time, gaming one corrupted, self-serving
- institution or another; it no longer matters which one
- because they�re all equally compromised. It�s not just the
- border legions that are phantom; the entire stability and
- strength of the empire is phantom. The uncorruptible and
- competent are banished or punished, and the corrupt,
- self-serving and inept are lavished with treasure.
- This is how empires collapse: one complicit participant
- at a time.
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- http://www.silverdoctors.com/jim-willie-hyperinflation-bombshell-nato-is-dead-king-dollar-wrecked/
- The Paradigm Shift has reached a higher gear. The danger and risk levels have
- gone to critical levels. The risk of economic destruction has gone into recognizable
- critical levels.
- The Emperor�s court is showing critical internal defections. The biggest ray of
- light comes from Germany, which shows important signs of refusal to permit its
- economic destruction in order to suit the elite plans of a grander fascist state.
- The Germans have suffered hyper inflation before, and will not again. The Germans
- have suffered a national calamity from an integrated fascist state, and will not
- again. It is becoming excruciatingly clear that the Global Axis of Fascism is the
- US, UK, and its leash holder in the SouthEast Mediterranean. The entire global
- system has reached the critical phase. The breakdown phase is accelerating.
- The Russian sanctions have an obvious whiplash of severe impact to the US and Europe.
- The whiplash impact to the US is to expose the USDollar as a corrupted cancerous
- currency, for which coerced war and economic suicide are the high cost of continued
- support.
- The USGovt is left with no more options than war, since the financial front has been
- lost to insolvency, market interference, bond fraud, and leveraged corruption.
- A climax is fast approaching. The USDollar is stuck in the implosion stage. The
- USDollar will be rejected, the climax a Weimar implosion of the currency.
- The King Dollar has been wrecked, knocked off its throne, never to return to prestige.
- The source of the problem has become more easily identified. The typical tactics
- not only do not work, but expose the bully, the warmonger, the hegemony advocate,
- the wizard of violence, the imposer of self-serving rules, the crime syndicate bosses,
- the masters of espionage, the man with killer drone toys. The USDollar is defended
- by war, market interference (see LIBOR, FOREX, debt ratings), accounting rules
- gimmicks, rigged detonation of banking systems, pointed assassinations for heads
- of state, even fabricated natural events (see HAARP in Philippines).
- The entire system is supported by Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) which distorts
- asset values and discourages savings.
- The misallocation of resources matches the wet blanket effect (see Money Velocity
- shutdown). The entire system is supported by Quantitative Easing (QE) which has
- monetized the USGovt bond market, the US property market, the US stock market, and
- soon possibly the US municipal bond market. The capital destruction is rampant,
- severe, and entering vicious feedback loops. The entire financial and economic
- system was held together in 2013 by cables and ropes in grand lashing style.
- The entire financial and economic system is now held together in 2014 by strings
- and howitzers, not to mention the endless sanctions and destructive rules, even
- punitive bank fines. The United States seeks to remain Lord of the Flies, its
- domain extended over a wrecked European continent. The main question is whether
- Europe will sign on to make a perverse corporatist trade union with a sinking
- millstone.
- The United States seeks to pursue the Western totalitarian state by means of
- pulling down the European Economy, from the broken system to emerge the reconstruction
- of oppressive fascism. A wrecked Western Economy is pre-requisite. The small ray of
- light slips through, as the Fascist Business Model has a crack in it. Usually the
- big powerful corporations support the government fascist dictums. However, Exxon
- Mobil, Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Boeing stand in opposition to sanctions
- against Russia. The game is fast changing. The Emperor�s court is showing critical
- internal defections. The bigger ray of light comes from Germany, which shows
- important signs of refusal to permit its economic destruction in order to suit
- the elite plans of a grander fascist state. The Germans have suffered hyper
- inflation before, and will not again. The Germans have suffered a national
- calamity from an integrated fascist state, and will not again. It is becoming
- excruciatingly clear that the Global Axis of Fascism is the US, UK, and its
- leash holder in the SouthEast Mediterranean. The entire global system has reached
- the critical phase. The breakdown phase is accelerating.
- Recent events point to two important phenomena having occurred. NATO is undermined.
- The USDollar military plank is being opposed by its own US allies. This is
- unprecedented. The Jackass pays almost no attention to the COMEX gold price, the
- FOREX currency exchange rates, or the USTreasury Bond yields, all controlled
- corrupted and incontrovertibly wrong-footed. The entire Ukraine War has subjected
- Europe to severe economic damage. It will not stand. The Russian sanctions have
- an obvious whiplash of severe impact to the US and Europe. The whiplash impact
- to the US is to expose the USDollar as a corrupted cancerous currency, for which
- coerced war and economic suicide are the high cost of continued support. The
- effect is to force structural change. The whiplash impact to Europe is to cause
- sudden crippling economic effects, industrial output decline, job cuts, and severed
- business ties with a longstanding neighbor and partner. The effect is to force
- structural change. Witness Paradigm Shift on a global scale, the isolated party
- being the United States. Their NWO armbands fit side by side with the nazi symbols
- so easily recognized. The big victim is the King Dollar, which has been knocked
- off its throne. It might have been decapitated, but it surely has been wrecked.
- Its dying breath is venomous. Its last will is a testament to fascism and
- destruction, not equitable trade and fair commerce. Its last words are ugly lies.
- The irony is unusually thick, but hardly noticed by the masses, as the US marches
- to marxist fascism. The Europeans resist fascism and isolation. The Russians seek
- commerce, partnerships, and constructive engagement. The Chinese seek trade and
- commerce, while opening gates for a sort of colonization. The British seeks a
- new fence on which to sit, and possibly continue to capture the finance trade
- (while Frankfurt cleans up in the new great RMB Hub game). The entire British
- Commonwealth of nations kowtows to the American self-proclaimed global lords and
- rule makers. Witness the friction to prevent Eurasia from forming, as the insolvent
- Oceania fades in power, importance, and integrity. Orwell just winked.
- The motives for the Ukraine War are murky. Clearly to the cynic with a watchful
- eye on fascism spread, the motive seems to be designed to cut off Russian Gazprom
- influence, even to halt its conversion of Europe to an energy vassal client. The
- US-EU intentions seem to be scorched earth with a genocide twist, stirred by asset
- thefts (see Kiev Central Bank raid). The Ukraine situation has changed the entire
- game, put Europe on alert, and set traps left and right. The Europeans can no
- longer sit quietly and follow American Fascist orders. The Europeans are forced
- to take action, to choose sides. The US should never force its allies to choose
- sides, since the US camp is so detrimental and deeply damaging. Joining the US
- camp means injecting cancer in finance, undermining capital in industry, and
- enlisting war for its destruction.
- The big new twist which took the Jackass out of his chair was the professional
- hardened soldiers who have joined the Ukraine Liberation Movement (or whatever it
- is called), taking up positions against the NATO troops, against the Langley-Soros
- mercenaries. They are fighting against the Ukraine Regime in Kiev, against the
- fascists. These professional volunteer soldiers have captured some American
- Blackwater mercenaries, and are conducting interrogations. Later come the perp
- walks and criminal parades with photo ops. For these special forces from Germany,
- France, Netherlands, and Britain to show such extreme defiance is testimony to
- the broken nature of NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization in my opinion
- is dead, as in dead kaput dead. The United States violated the treaty long ago
- in two key ways. The US placed ballistic missiles on the Russian borders,
- calling them defensive. The US has used NATO bases to distribute heroin for
- over 20 years, with the last ten years being accelerated from the Afghan source.
- Since the USMilitary invasion of Afghanistan, at the time under the stated purpose
- of building a Chevron oil pipeline in a land without oil resources, the heroin
- production has risen 14-fold. But the Jackass digresses.
- NATO is dead, and the big new questions are whether Germany will tolerate USMilitary
- soldiers in occupation of its land at Ramstein AFBase, and whether Germany will
- permit further usage of the NATO base to distribute heroin to its population.
- Broken treaties are not new for the USGovt, which for two centuries has broken
- them at will, whenever it serves a greater purpose, like to manifest destiny.
- Atrocities and genocide are part of the American fabric at its highest offices.
- The basis of fascism, that seedy vile merger of state with corporation, is being
- more clearly seen as having its firm footing in the United States, the United
- Kingdom, and Israel. One should never leave out the Holy See of Rome in such
- identifications. The control rooms are more visible. The perpetrators of violence,
- terrorism, and false flag attacks (a fascist specialty for decades) have been
- enduring the spotlight in recent years, especially recent months. The string of
- executive decrees in the USGovt house with white paint testify to fascism emerging
- like a Washington Wailing Wall pasted with documents in pinups, not prayers. The
- USGovt reserves the right to kill any citizen, to arrest any citizen, to seize
- any citizen assets, to force any citizen into labor without pay, to obstruct
- citizen meetings, and to confiscate citizen firearms. Such is fascism in full
- glory. The Patriot Act (hardly patriotic) was a Fascist Manifesto which was
- imposed next to the formation of the American Gestapo. The British share the
- same fascist tendencies, the list long in unison. Tel Aviv struggles in the open
- with such fascist confronations. By the way, the huge off-shore oil discovery
- preceded the Gaza violence, and Hamas has been benefiting from Langley supply
- routes since they were exposed in Egypt, the brotherhood being the link.
- The major wild card coming into view is detailed evidence on the inside job of
- 911 at both the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Jackass chooses to cite
- this factor in passing. Let the Snowden Files and Veterans Today state the case,
- after the battle was waged by AE1000 and Architects & Engineers For Truth. Imagine
- inside the United States that people pursuing truth are labeled as subversive,
- another plank in the fascist platform. The full story will come out on the US,
- UK, and Med Sea leash holder involvement. The biggest decisions are where to post
- the information. The other question is whether the US citizens will be able to
- comprehend the sometimes complex data, given their ignorance and refusal to open
- eyes. The Jackass view is that when wearing red white & blue boxer shorts, the
- brain does not function well. Lastly, a question: Why was no information ever
- disclosed on the World Trade Center acting as the site of the largest private
- bank in the world? The event on that fateful day was a bank heist, the largest
- in humankind history. The loot was $100 billion in gold bullion, $100 billion
- in bearer bonds, and $100 billion in diamonds. Air travel restrictions against
- water bottles are to prevent the movement of diamonds, as the shoe restriction
- is a laughable accompaniment in distraction.
- During the 1990 decade, a few instances can be identified where the USDollar
- defense was felt with USMilitary activity. In the 1980 decade, the brief Panama
- War was to defend the USDollar, where their economy and banks still use the USD
- currency. In the early 2000 decade, examples were seen like after South Korea
- announced USTreasurys diversification plans. The US treated them to military
- exercises off their coastline. Recall SKorea is effectively an occupied nation
- (see USMilitary presence with 28,500 troops). In the 2000 decade, the most stark
- example of USDollar war defense was seen in the Iraq War. The tyrant Saddam
- Hussein openly boasted oil trade in Euros, and cited its advantages over a
- few year period. He did not expect the disadvantage of war attack, annexation,
- and his capture with hanging by the neck after his statue was toppled and the
- image of his head smacked with sandals. The Iran sanctions were founded in
- non-USD usage in their energy trade, the same Hussein crime. Thus Iran was
- painted by the dutiful Israelis as a nuclear threat. That card has been played
- way too often. Tehran still lacks both adequate nuclear material and missile
- delivery systems. No need to be factual, when propaganda is the name of the
- CFR game. The attack on Cyprus was not really about insolvent banks and Bank
- Bail-in models being arranged. The Cyprus operation was to cut off Russian
- usage of their banks as a window to the West for their banking system. The
- Cyprus operation was to cut off Russian usage of their banks in conversion of
- USTBonds to Gold bullion. The Cyprus operation was to cut off Gazprom at the
- pass, and to provide a prelude of the upcoming Ukraine War.
- No mask can cover the fact that the Ukraine War is to protect the USDollar,
- to ensure Europe is kept within the USD Corral, to prevent Europe from sitting
- at the Gold Standard table. The only trouble is that the Kiev Fascist Regime
- is going to fall very soon, and the Kiev leaders will be exposed for their
- Langley roots, their Soros roots, and the Mashwodd roots (which fills most
- ministry posts). The Europeans will not let their nations be wrecked in order
- to defend the violent corrupted cancerous USDollar. They will choose the Gold
- Standard, promoted by Russia & China. They will choose to preserve their
- economies and their national livelihoods.
- The two leading oil producer nations Saudi Arabia and Russia will no longer
- exclusively trade crude oil in USDollar terms. The Saudis are slower at the
- draw, but obvious in their monthly lovefest conferences with Chinese officials,
- ministers, and heads of state, even corporate leaders. When the Saudis announce
- acceptance of other non-USD currency for oil payments, the game will reach a
- higher pitch. Last week the Russian Gazprom Neft (oil division within Gazprom
- Corp) announced acceptance of Chinese Yuan and Russian Rubles for crude oil
- sold to Europe and to China. The news was another correct Jackass forecast,
- made back in March & April timeframe. The game is on, as the King Dollar is
- being kicked to the curb, its throne broken and toppled. Too much war, too
- many sanctions, too many hidden violent games, too much market rigging. The
- Petro-Dollar is effectively dead, the funeral yet to occur. The next standard
- will be the Energy for Gold and Energy for Yuan (aka RMB). The name Gaso-Yuan
- defacto standard has been heard, an awkward moniker indeed. This important
- step will be the practical step toward reinstallation of the Gold Standard.
- The Jackass is on record stating that the global trade settlement in Chinese
- RMB will be soon made equivalent in Gold Trade Notes as Letters of Credit.
- Time will tell.
- So word is coming out slowly that German caught wind in 2011 of the USGovt
- plan to create a scorched earth firewall in Ukraine, and to disrupt European
- energy supply. The German reaction was to demand its gold account repatriation,
- in direct response to the ugly Ukraine plan. Motive and action, in clear terms.
- So word is coming out that the USGovt and UKGovt pressured the German Govt to
- suppress the data that demonstrated how the Kiev Regime shot down the Malaysian
- airliner, the orders coming from the Kiev ministry offices. The outraged Germans
- responded with a special FU, followed by more direct indications of working with
- Russia & China on non-USD alternatives. The German corporate interests are at
- odds with the banker & political fortress. The corporate interests will prevail.
- The Jackass scoffs at the shallow fallacious fecal flow from Skousen who argues
- as if Germany is a homogeneous entity. The shallow basis of such thought is
- laughable. Germany is divided between the banker & politician offices they
- control, versus the corportate chieftains who will defy the fascists on the
- other side of the wall. Corporate interests will work against policies that
- are would render great harm to the German Economy. The Germans have already
- decided to endure heavy bank system damage (even derivative events), as they
- turn their backs on the King Dollar Throne. They will trigger a banking collapse,
- probably after the USGovt makes a dreadful error in prosecuting Deutsche Bank
- in purely hypocritical fashion.
- The Germans will instead defend their economy, defend their industry, and defend
- their laborers, as they work constructively with the BRICS nations in the non-USD
- alternative. That term (non-USD alternative) is the catch phrase that means Gold
- Standard Return, which will happen on the trade side. The banking system side
- will follow like from a vicious trade tug on the choker leash around the dog�s
- financial neck.
- As footnote, the Chinese Yuan full convertibility delay is just another signal
- that other events might be more important, like Yuan conversion to Gold bullion.
- When it comes to priority, the converstion to Thai Bhat, Kiwi Dollar, Colombia
- Peso, and Indian Rupee for the Chinese Yuan (aka RMB) takes a back seat to
- conversion to Gold bullion. The Shanghai Free Trade Zone will fortify its
- several hundred corporate and industrial connections, and deal with the
- convertible Yuan over time. Another higher priority is the marriage (more like
- living together out of wedlock) between the Russian Ruble and Chinese Yuan.
- They will fortify their bond with vows during the construction of energy
- pipelines, laying of hands over the Holy Grail, despite marital arguments
- along the way kept private and out of view.
- The entire world is moving in the direction of firm position against the
- corrupted cancerous USDollar. The emerging market nations no longer wish to
- have their FOREX reserves undermined by QE activity that serves Wall Street
- with backdoor bond bailouts. The panorama of global economy players no longer
- wish to have their economies subjected to rising costs as a result of QE
- activity. The capital destruction is both predictable and palpable. In a
- sense the entire world is becoming BRICS Associate nations. Their cause is
- in common with preservation of savings and of capital structures. With each
- new assassination (see the Brazilian free commerce candidate murder probably
- done by Langley agents), the BRICS gain momentum and support. The entire world
- has a common set of motives to remove the King Dollar from its throne, and to
- install the Gold Standard for fairness, equitability, and stability. The
- refusal by US bankers, UK bankers, and EU bankers to liquidate the big
- insolvent banks after the 2008 shock wave has resulted in a grotesque
- wreckage of the global economy and massive destruction of capital structures.
- Either the pinhead economists cannot notice the capital destruction and lack
- of stimulus, or else they are brainwashed at the Keynes Car Wash. The reality
- will strike hard and fast, as the Petro-Dollar is dead and NATO is dead.
- Isolation comes to the United States, worse than the Jackass imagined back
- in 2012 when first described.
- Many strong competent analysts are openly engaged in speculation as to where
- the ultimate systemic breakdown will occur. It is very difficult to say. The
- three areas of extreme vulnerability are gold market, bond market, and banking
- system. Take your pick for initial open bust evidence. In the Jackass opinion,
- as soon as any one of the three sectors experiences a mild calamity, all
- three will suffer a quick contagion event. To be sure, the COMEX gold arena
- is hardly a market. To qualify as a market, they must deliver on gold &
- silver futures contracts. To qualify as a market, they must contain gold
- in inventory, rather than in spurious data and sudden GLD/SLV raids. Notice
- the regrettable depletion of the Scotia Mocatta gold hoard in Satan�s service
- with genuflection and kissing of the blood ring. The USTreasury Bond market
- is held together by QE brute force (almost no valid buyers) and the Interest
- Rate Swap derivative (to create phony bond demand).
- The evidence of broken market is the Failures to Deliver in USTBonds. The
- financial press prefers to mention it like part of a rabid demand for the
- USGovt debt securities (of Third World type), a certain contradiction. The
- reality is that Interest Rate Swap devices create artificial demand for
- USTBonds, which the big US banks scurry to meet in forced purchases, thus
- the observed Failures to Deliver. The only problem is that not bond supply
- enough exist, floating about in the traded open market. So a shortage is
- exposed, an embarrassment to the informed who observe the IRSwap machinery.
- Fortunately for the USDept Treasury crime bosses, the majority of financial
- professionals, fund managers, and bank analysts are morons to the derivative
- world. The big banks are nothing but tall hollow reeds which stand as banners
- to a past robustness that has long ago faded away. The natural consequence
- to outsourcing industry is for banks to lose equity. Nowadays, the big banks
- are derivative casinos. They are bond carry trade arenas. They are narco
- money laundering houses. They are hollow pillars of corruption. They are
- political control centers, along with some energy firms.
- A sick almost comedy is in progress. The USGovt plans to impose sanctions on
- any nation which intends to diversify away from USTreasury Bonds, or which
- intends to work toward a non-USD alternative, or which actively strives to
- install the Gold Standard, or which stands in the way of putting a ring fence
- around Russia (despite its 12 time zones, and dominant commodity supply chain).
- Any and every USGovt sanction initiative has backfired, blowing a hole in the
- chest of Uncle Sam, even blowing off his testicalia. The new Reformed Rubin
- Doctrine should read: if it does not work, double the volume. The original
- Rubin Doctrine still reads: wreck the future to win another year of status
- quo. No sanctions have succeeded as intended by design. All have resulted in
- the United States being painted as a nasty partner, identified as a warmonger,
- exposed for deep criminality, and seen as a fascist operator. The USGovt will
- succeed with a series of new sanctions in isolating the majority of world
- nations. In doing so, it will isolate itself. The Fascists attack their
- enemies, defraud their allies, protect their players, enslave their subjects,
- and wreck their economies, while waving the flag and intensifying controls.
- They wage war as a business plan, while raiding banks and stealing gold.
- They are the global criminal elite class. They must be ring fenced and
- expunged.
- A climax is fast approaching. The USDollar is stuck in the implosion stage.
- Its many supporting structures are in simultaneous collapse. The paradox worth
- repeating is that the USDollar will rise and rise and rise, then vanish, as the
- United States must take its rightful place in the Third World. The USDollar will
- be rejected, the climax of its dismissal to come from the pain it causes. No
- nation can compete with the USDollar, as it is printed off the Weimar press
- by the US Federal Reserve, the oil burning, the screech audible from afar.
- The USGovt is left with no more options than war, since the financial front
- has been lost to insolvency, market interference, bond fraud, and leveraged
- corruption. The King Dollar has been wrecked, knocked off its throne, never
- to return to prestige.
- Emerging is the new Eastern Alliance based upon the three centers of Russia,
- China, and Germany. The Eurasian Trade Zone is coming into view. The SCO
- challenge is also becoming more visible, extending invitations to additional
- nations. Its original purpose of shared security and culture exchange have
- been made more broad. The difficult decisions must be made by Germany. It
- seems clear that a certain lip sevice is given by Berlin leaders to pacify
- and mollify the American Fascists, even the Brussels Fascists. They will
- continue to say the right words to WashingtonDC, Brussels, and London, while
- the corporate chieftains of Germany continue to spread commerce and the win/win
- formula to the Kremlin and Beijing. The arbiter of change must be the Bundesbank,
- the traditionally reliable, capable, respected manager of money. They are at
- odds with the despicable Draghi Euro Central Bank. The winner will be Gold &
- Silver, which will form the monetary basis of the BRICS alternative currency
- slowly taking shape. The winners will be Gold & Silver investors in bars & coins.
- The United States faces a liquidation in the near future, not the distant future.
- The US isolation will be incredibly painful, much like a viral quarantine. Its
- leaders seem busily importing viruses from Soros and Gates Labs in Africa.
- These are not investment labs or software labs. The Atlanta Center for Disease
- Control owns an Ebola patent, strangely, as though it might have a new improved
- fabricated version. Ugly times indeed. The United States will not host any RMB
- Hub site, and will not embrace any legitimate gold currency. What comes is the
- American Tragedy, a great leap from what Dreiser wrote about.
- Jim Willie CB is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail
- forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over
- 25 years. He aspires to thrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered
- by the limitations of economic credentials. Visit his free website to find
- articles from topflight authors at www.GoldenJackass.com
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Posted by How Empires End on September Tue 9th 6:50 PM - Never Expires
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