- Here are the last original mirrors (KILLCEN 001 - 333)
- http://709fde35cb41470b.paste.se/
- http://paste.z0p.org/view/ced3aa86
- http://paste.analyticsninja.co/view/997a558b
- http://cyberwarzone.com
- cyberwarzone-update.7z
- (36,875 reports | 7zip | 38.1MB)
- http://fileb.ag/opumk5d9u77t
- cyberwarzone-com.7z
- (7,418 reports | 7zip | 14.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/uuc3qq2deif6
- http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com
- economiccollapse.update.7z
- (6,744 reports | 7zip | 33.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/zu6vryio19o7
- economiccollapse.7z
- (7,182 reports | 7zip | 37.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/g5nzqxxw6uc2
- http://prisonplanet.com
- http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/
- update.prisonplanet.7z
- (21,389 reports | 7zip | 36.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/jk44zpyd2a16
- recent.prisonplanet.7z
- (5,721 reports | 7zip | 13.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4cp3ei02h6bf
- more.prisonplanet.7z
- (6,629 reports | 7zip | 15.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1gtp15ix3fml
- http://infowars.com
- infowars.reports.update.7z
- (17,489 reports | 7zip | 26.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/0ep35rrmpkp2
- infowars.reports.7z
- (16,442 reports | 7zip | 25.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/0uc60bq1dozx
- recent.infowars.7z
- (8,646 reports | 7zip | 20.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/dwjeub4lwg0e
- infowars.random.reports.7z
- (1,228 reports | 7zip | 1.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/imvnrhdngwbk
- http://globalresearch.ca
- globalresearch.update.7z
- (23,419 reports | 7zip | 74.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/h5teo89tygrd
- globalresearch.7z
- (6,788 reports | 7zip | 23.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/donf9kjxdgc6
- http://mediafreedominternational.org
- mediafreedominternational.org.zip
- (918 reports | ZIP | 11.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/fpaxhsc3nqtj
- http://naturalnews.com
- naturalnews.update.7z
- (71,115 reports | 7zip | 104MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vznv6g447zbb
- naturalnews.7z
- (28,773 reports | 7zip | 59.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/xdn0idtboask
- http://www.infowars.net
- incomplete.infowars_net.zip
- (3,125 reports | ZIP | 42.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1wfpx48srwdb
- infowars_net-direct.grid.7z
- (17,307 reports | 7zip | 92.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/izn0i9wd7q8u
- http://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/
- thebureauinvestigates.zip
- (2,248 reports | ZIP | 20.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/pc2ato7pbdk4
- http://www.counterpunch.org
- counterpunch.7z
- (36,611 reports | 7zip | 101MB)
- http://fileb.ag/m0jncerf332q
- http://www.andyworthington.co.uk/
- andyworthington.7z
- (4,048 reports | 7zip | 15.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/tbdvajqepy6w
- http://citizenjeff.com/
- citizenjeff.zip
- (527 reports | ZIP | 4.56MB)
- http://fileb.ag/oa661tvpvyzf
- http://theintelhub.com/
- theintelhub.7z
- (8,504 reports | 7zip | 15.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/
- update.theintelhub.7z
- (1,493 reports | 7zip | 3.87MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vbnggso721bt
- http://news.antiwar.com/
- antiwar.update.7z
- (16,243 reports | 7zip | 54.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/n9libg8k7nyc
- news.antiwar.7z
- (17,834 reports | 7zip | 20.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/eud641zfjdwh
- http://falkvinge.net/
- falkvinge.update.zip
- (1,210 reports | ZIP | 43.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/aetoslngag28
- falkvinge.zip
- (827 reports | ZIP | 29.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/lddvpg85dni9
- http://www.cyberciti.biz/
- cyberciti.7z
- (29,596 reports | 7zip | 18.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/0slj2af4kfnx
- http://sgtreport.com/
- sgtreport.2013.7z
- (1,372 reports | 7zip | 1.45MB)
- http://fileb.ag/xrn7pizrrd5p
- sgtreport.2012.7z
- (3,956 reports | 7zip | 6.16MB)
- http://fileb.ag/8lbyeqtv5572
- sgtreport.2011.7z
- (6,320 reports | 7zip | 5.91MB)
- http://fileb.ag/t5bf6jqge71t
- http://www.goldmoney.com/
- goldmoney.7z
- (17,783 reports | 7zip | 14.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/g79xcusy1deq
- http://www.4thmedia.org/
- 4thmedia.7z
- (11,573 reports | 7zip | 97.1MB)
- http://fileb.ag/hxi4z6t0snnj
- http://www.informationweek.com/
- http://analytics.informationweek.com/
- http://reports.informationweek.com/
- informationweek.7z
- (21,485 HTML(s) | 7zip | 28.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/a3gp4z8ssaur
- analytics.informationweek.7z
- (7,562 HTML(s) | 7zip | 5.48MB)
- http://fileb.ag/iqvadgd75jx3
- reports.informationweek.7z
- (7,564 HTML(s) | 7zip | 5.49MB)
- http://fileb.ag/mm6989iuptmm
- http://tsaoutofourpants.wordpress.com/
- Includes both documents DoJ wants censored,
- two Infowars reports regarding the documents,
- TSA gag order against Mr. Corbett and Infowars
- Nightly News video report (mp4 format).
- tsa.out.of.our.pants.update.zip
- (545 reports | ZIP | 72.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/2b8k210pr3xz
- tsa.out.of.our.pants.zip
- (279 reports | ZIP | 4.94MB)
- http://fileb.ag/6vjrm1l2tyiu
- http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/
- wired.dangerroom.7z
- (13,177 reports | 7zip | 27.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/16jqv1yy9ouv
- http://explosivereports.com/
- explosivereports.zip
- (467 reports | ZIP | 6.36MB)
- http://fileb.ag/w0a2m8oqc8b5
- explosivereports_update.zip
- (288 reports | ZIP | 4.28MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1wfly119rlev
- http://www.silverbearcafe.com/
- silverbearcafe.7z
- (5,192 reports | 7zip | 18.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/n5khxg2o2h0r
- http://www.boilingfrogspost.com
- boilingfrogs.7z
- (9,948 reports | 7zip | 18.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/uqu089yamexv
- http://www.marketoracle.co.uk
- marketoracle.7z
- (39,752 reports | 7zip | 101MB)
- http://fileb.ag/600xb32953t7
- http://bwcentral.org/
- bwcentral.7z
- (3,557 reports | 7zip | 16.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/rz5pi2vw8ja9
- http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com
- (This was backed up before Hurricane Sandy
- ruined Mr. Higgins house & blog. Nice to
- know someone already backed it up, huh?)
- blog.alexanderhiggins.7z
- (11,896 reports | 7zip | 23.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/klmvmjgqxhn4
- http://fukushima-diary.com/
- fukushima-diary.7z
- (9,695 reports | 7zip | 11.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/9hwj91qoc19f
- http://www.aclu.org
- aclu_2012.7z
- (14,843 reports | 7zip | 17.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/o271hc5bj6aw
- aclu_2013.7z
- (20,485 reports | 7zip | 24.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/h4wouk92scq2
- http://www.nanowerk.com
- nanowerk.7z
- (31,387 reports | 7zip | 27.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/sqjp94z81jqb
- http://wattsupwiththat.com
- wattsupwiththat.7z
- (14,488 reports | 7zip | 172MB)
- http://fileb.ag/sanf5wtvlk9b
- http://dealbook.nytimes.com/
- old.dealbook.nytimes.7z
- (12,616 reports | 7zip | 27.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/cg8y1278jgg5
- new.dealbook.nytimes.7z
- (15,213 reports | 7zip | 33.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/tgw8w8e0xu4h
- http://www.americanfreepress.net
- americanfreepress.zip
- (730 reports | ZIP | 14.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vx29yii1jgwg
- americanfreepress_updated.zip
- (752 reports | ZIP | 11.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/oawwzruf2nmz
- http://aftermathnews.wordpress.com/
- aftermathnews.part1.7z
- (7,782 reports | 7zip | 44.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/hns0k13ymjjo
- aftermathnews.part2.7z
- (6,332 reports | 7zip | 21.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/c3zlxvklkysd
- http://newsbusters.org
- newsbusters.7z
- (29,000 reports | 7zip | 108MB)
- http://fileb.ag/bsoihaeb3hnc
- http://rt.com/
- http://rt.com/news/
- http://rt.com/politics/
- rt.update.7z
- (28,844 reports | 7zip | 51.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/t8lceltya2x4
- russian.times.news.7z
- (12,663 reports | 7zip | 32.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/2rq5tc9bqflp
- russian.times.politics.7z
- (10,166 reports | 7zip | 25.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/gr4312ufc65j
- http://dronewarsuk.wordpress.com/
- random.drone.wars.uk.zip
- (480 reports | ZIP | 7.26MB)
- http://fileb.ag/pfaqq8cd9wk6
- 2012.drone.wars.uk.zip
- (67 reports | ZIP | 1.31MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4697plybr8mx
- 2011.drone.wars.uk.zip
- (77 reports | ZIP | 1.46MB)
- http://fileb.ag/a1h1fao1q6lb
- http://libertyfight.com/
- libertyfight.zip
- (262 reports | ZIP | 1.36MB)
- http://fileb.ag/jxnq0x5gs9n9
- http://www.veteranstoday.com/
- veteranstoday.7z
- (17,375 reports | 7zip | 70.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/csxa5jjefq9g
- http://newsworldwide.wordpress.com/
- news.worldwide.7z
- (15,708 reports | 7zip | 26.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/q78kzoc65221
- http://principia-scientific.org/
- http://scientificqa.blogspot.co.uk
- principia-scientific.7z
- (541 reports | 7zip | 12.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/e86mbev2tak9
- http://personalliberty.com/
- recent.personalliberty.zip
- (501 reports | ZIP | 18MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ut1be0cii3cz
- http://www.hstoday.us/
- hstoday.7z
- (11,881 reports | 7zip | 10.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/336nq1feqp7k
- http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/
- info.sec.institute.7z
- (1,984 reports | 7zip | 5.63MB)
- http://fileb.ag/5ul4hae4xxxb
- http://healthfreedoms.org/2012/
- healthfreedoms.7z
- (5,983 reports | 7zip | 17.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/cjs6cmz3hik5
- http://peacersvp.wordpress.com/
- peacersvp.wordpress.7z
- (2,919 reports | 7zip | 8.97MB)
- http://fileb.ag/7gm2cjtz7ffb
- http://www.richardsilverstein.com/
- richardsilverstein.7z
- (5,462 reports | 7zip | 27.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/6xiyqcmy58wu
- http://pastebin.com/MPpT7xaf
- �Download these documents, share them,
- mirror them, don�t allow them to make
- them disappear. Spread them wide and far.
- Let these people know, that we will not
- be silenced, that we will not be taken
- advantage of, and that we are not happy
- about this unwarranted, unnecessary,
- unethical spying of our private lives,
- for the monetary gain of the 1%.�
- (12 files | ZIP | 14.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/auevpl74vl6a
- http://usawatchdog.com/
- recent.usawatchdog.7z
- (826 reports | 7zip | 6.12MB)
- http://fileb.ag/dkaye9axz9p3
- http://pjmedia.com
- pjmedia.7z
- (13,490 reports | 7zip | 98.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/6cakatx7nj8m
- http://www.hangthebankers.com/
- hangthebankers.7z
- (5,826 reports | 7zip | 6.56MB)
- http://fileb.ag/luybuggt4230
- http://financialsurvivalnetwork.com/
- 2013.financial.survival.7z
- (1,441 reports | 7zip | 1.12MB)
- http://fileb.ag/nformjdjfdvf
- 2012.financial.survival.7z
- (1,166 reports | 7zip | 0.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/laqk6gsoh6c1
- random.financial.survival.7z
- (1,804 reports | 7zip | 1.48MB)
- http://fileb.ag/7y48jgkswnrb
- http://goldstocksforex.com/
- goldstocksforex.7z
- (5,209 reports | 7zip | 8.91MB)
- http://fileb.ag/lhdowk8dzywj
- http://www.washingtonsblog.com/
- http://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/
- washingtons.blogs.update.7z
- (7,298 reports | 7zip | 38.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1z06mo6hf5f3
- washingtons.blogs.7z
- (14,038 reports | 7zip | 51.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/efw7vs227i23
- http://bigstory.ap.org/article/
- bigstory.ap.7z
- (12,406 reports | 7zip | 29.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/fzxk5m41fyl3
- http://www.dronejournalismlab.org
- dronejournalism.zip
- (117 reports | ZIP | 0.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/twsch3yjiqb3
- http://criminalisewar.org
- criminalise_war.zip
- (590 reports | ZIP | 4.68MB)
- http://fileb.ag/0564f31rqgwu
- http://goodtimesweb.org/
- goodtimesweb.7z
- (1,286 reports | 7zip | 1.69MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vp7howc52icf
- http://aheadoftheherd.com/
- aheadoftheherd.7z
- (1,549 reports | 7zip | 5.86MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ll1qk8b0iuvo
- http://www.schneier.com
- schneier.7z
- (5,851 reports | 7zip | 43.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/e0s8kv7ggwpv
- http://www.scmp.com/news/
- scmp.7z
- (4,237 reports | 7zip | 9.63MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ree0jtdswr9y
- http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/
- paulcraigroberts.7z
- (8,070 reports | 7zip | 8.97MB)
- http://fileb.ag/x9pm5kl2walz
- http://www.thedailybell.com/
- thedailybell.7z
- (32,966 reports | 7zip | 121MB)
- http://fileb.ag/xwf9w4290yzv
- http://dailycaller.com/
- dailycaller.7z
- (23,292 reports | 7zip | 49MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ol2jvt95mkjz
- http://dollarvigilante.com/
- dollarvigilante.update.7z
- (6,512 reports | 7zip | 8.39MB)
- http://fileb.ag/v4od8whr186o
- dollarvigilante.7z
- (1,702 reports | 7zip | 6.14MB)
- http://fileb.ag/wzlhyz8l3qz7
- http://www.mybudget360.com/
- mybudget.360.7z
- (2,289 reports | 7zip | 4.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/16szs0n8hzgh
- http://endoftheamericandream.com/
- dead_american_dreams.7z
- (7,680 reports | 7zip | 30.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/nce008asfrcc
- http://economyincrisis.org/
- economyincrisis.zip
- (929 reports | ZIP | 12MB)
- http://fileb.ag/pt7rignex2vu
- http://dollarcollapse.com/
- dollarcollapse.update.7z
- (2,673 reports | 7zip | 7.92MB)
- http://fileb.ag/46zjf5bt5qp3
- dollarcollapse.7z
- (1,743 reports | 7zip | 5.54MB)
- http://fileb.ag/8y4mv1bo50mu
- C:\Bilderberg_Archive\0\0\3\ ...
- � Bilderberg_2014.zip
- (251 files | ZIP | 54.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vgfuqq8bbtoc
- � Bilderberg_2013.zip
- (120 files | ZIP | 7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/acau0ktvuabe
- � Palm Tree Conference of 2012 �
- PalmTreeConference2012.zip
- (201 files | ZIP | 103MB)
- http://fileb.ag/lhy3ioujhvpg
- � Bilderberg Cartel Participant Lists �
- Participant_Lists.zip
- (40 files | ZIP | 3.33MB)
- http://fileb.ag/m1h50pxjwt6t
- (53 cables | ZIP | 0.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/z24gi6shz45c
- � Old Meeting Disclosures �
- Old_Meeting_Disclosures.zip
- (14 files | ZIP | 35.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/nz1u30dm7ib7
- http://blog.eset.com
- blog.eset.7z
- (8,756 reports | 7zip | 7.33MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4zk2evwajlry
- http://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/
- socio.eco.history.7z
- (15,927 reports | 7zip | 42.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/v90s9swxmwbw
- http://www.phrack.org
- phrack.7z
- (2,596 reports | 7zip | 13.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/0jc1bpiwvwow
- http://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/
- swissinfo.7z
- (6,143 reports | 7zip | 10.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/xj1xq855bqwi
- http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/
- informationclearinghouse.7z
- (712 reports | 7zip | 2.55MB)
- http://fileb.ag/fei62zj3etxn
- http://21stcenturywire.com/
- 21stcenturywire.7z
- (6,740 reports | 7zip | 31MB)
- http://fileb.ag/cpmldgf4qhmp
- http://currenteventsusa.wordpress.com/
- random_current.events.usa.7z
- (2,256 reports | 7zip | 1.19MB)
- http://fileb.ag/c7jzmgttdb28
- 2012_current.events.usa.zip
- (86 reports | ZIP | 1.66MB)
- http://fileb.ag/poob1nt53nhz
- http://blogs.technet.com/
- & http://grey-corner.blogspot.com/
- & http://carnal0wnage.attackresearch.com/
- & http://blog.brucon.org/
- & http://www.skullsecurity.org/blog/
- blogs.technet.7z
- (27,511 reports | 7zip | 63.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/qitdnmjg22bn
- http://www.dailyjobcuts.com/
- recent.dailyjobcuts.7z
- (1,445 reports | 7zip | 8.86MB)
- http://fileb.ag/mqnz8cvpu1mg
- http://uncoverthenews.com/
- http://uncoverthenews.com/2010/
- http://uncoverthenews.com/2011/
- http://uncoverthenews.com/2012/
- random.uncoverthenews.zip
- (159 reports | ZIP | 2.09MB)
- http://fileb.ag/lx2e1pkxx2fa
- 10.11.12.uncoverthenews.7z
- (2,333 reports | 7zip | 2.56MB)
- http://fileb.ag/6w9ms29us6xt
- http://cryptodox.com/
- cryptodox_01.7z
- (19,637 HTML(s) | 7zip | 6.17MB)
- http://fileb.ag/wbnd8holbsol
- cryptodox_02.7z
- (34,298 HTML(s) | 7zip | 7.62MB)
- http://fileb.ag/2kriok6uuclq
- definitions.only.cryptodox.7z
- (23,754 HTML(s) | 7zip | 6.24MB)
- http://fileb.ag/cc3m5quuemju
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/
- telefap.7z
- (36,913 reports | 7zip | 64.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/iay6rcowqpuo
- http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/
- landdestroyer.blog.zip
- (701 reports | ZIP | 18.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ettuay2el700
- landdestroyer.blog.updates.7z
- (1,883 reports | 7zip | 9.23MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4aphc2paux8l
- http://livinginamadhouse.wordpress.com/
- living.in.a.mad.house.7z
- (968 reports | 7zip | 5.86MB)
- http://fileb.ag/b0iiitf2i4hj
- http://maxkeiser.com/
- maxkeiser.zip
- (1,111 reports | ZIP | 10.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1ciq14rgt5xr
- http://offgridsurvival.com/
- offgridsurvival.7z
- (1,013 reports | 7zip | 3.65MB)
- http://fileb.ag/3kux4bdon9so
- http://txchnologist.com/
- txchnologist.7z
- (1,358 reports | 7zip | 1.03MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1p9mckye1pf0
- http://www.alternet.org/
- alternet.random.7z
- (30,604 reports | 7zip | 48.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/cf7a9y35kozn
- http://msnoworldorder.co.uk/
- msnoworldorder.7z
- (4,248 reports | 7zip | 7.28MB)
- http://fileb.ag/9c7p3vo7sjgg
- http://endthelie.com/
- end_the_lie.7z
- (5,361 reports | 7zip | 16.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/rt40lkyx6f4w
- http://www.newssniffer.co.uk/
- newssniffer.zip
- (786 reports | ZIP | 3.02MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ba6456objhjb
- http://razor.occams.info/
- razor.occams.blog.zip
- (431 reports | ZIP | 1.89MB)
- http://fileb.ag/yvdobcrw8gag
- http://waronyou.com/
- waronyou.reports.7z
- (8,725 reports | 7zip | 17.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/u5ihickew9dz
- waronyou.comments.7z
- (16,709 HTML(s) | 7zip | 30.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/378kfwr62y7i
- http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/
- sjlendman.blog.7z
- (1,963 reports | 7zip | 9.24MB)
- http://fileb.ag/2sg9m0yiim27
- http://www.fluoridealert.org
- fluoridealert.7z
- (8,794 reports | 7zip | 17.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/a898k25u2ysn
- http://hacksperger.wordpress.com
- hacksperger.7z
- (1,805 reports | 7zip | 3.65MB)
- http://fileb.ag/31nzn0cxwr3w
- hacksperger_more.7z
- (2,338 reports | 7zip | 4.87MB)
- http://fileb.ag/jgq0g5lwihfq
- http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/
- wired.threatlevel.7z
- (10,128 reports | 7zip | 21.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/tkr62k1gflbz
- http://comsecllc.blogspot.com/
- comsecllc.blog.7z
- (1,852 reports | 7zip | 4.56MB)
- http://fileb.ag/l4hbxvaza7y0
- http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/
- hat-4-uk.7z
- (12,736 reports | 7zip | 34.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/bl9s5v2318nb
- http://drjeffsnyder.wordpress.com/
- drjeffsnyder.zip
- (202 reports | ZIP | 1.82MB)
- http://fileb.ag/jta86oh5qwg3
- http://www.worldnetdaily.com/
- worldnetdaily.7z
- (34,443 reports | 7zip | 36.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/3bma5xkub00i
- http://civiliansinconflict.org
- civilians.in.conflict.zip
- (204 reports | ZIP | 0.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/bjl3xe7y620r
- http://www.mcclatchydc.com/
- mcclatchydc.7z
- (33,173 reports | 7zip | 37.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/8n6v5mgzix16
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/
- washington.compost.7z
- (63,049 reports | 7zip | 160MB)
- http://fileb.ag/6n3dqaysh4qz
- http://www.policecrimes.com/
- police.state.usa.7z
- (59,225 reports | 7zip | 19.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/d5uwf1y7mmst
- http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com
- thirdworldtraveler.7z
- (5,844 reports | 7zip | 24.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/scyks500k8vb
- http://personalliberty.com
- recent.personal.liberty.7z
- (3,717 reports | 7zip | 62.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/g23c5ixavhj9
- http://www.vdare.com/
- vdare.7z
- (13,847 reports | 7zip | 41.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/dypb25p41gyj
- http://www.zeropaid.com/news/
- http://www.zeropaid.com/bbs/
- zeropaid.news-recent.7z
- (2,590 reports | 7zip | 6.18MB)
- http://fileb.ag/8iu2t20wygul
- zeropaid.news-full-grid.7z
- (3,136 reports | 7zip | 7.06MB)
- http://fileb.ag/38w4ihqbd1ya
- zeropaid.bbs-grid.7z
- (24,827 reports | 7zip | 43MB)
- http://fileb.ag/bkwcy8kspxwu
- http://www.defense-update.com
- defense-update.7z
- (11,895 reports | 7zip | 22.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/oo4sfagnbfaw
- http://www.oldthinkernews.com
- oldthinkernews-grid.7z
- (793 reports | 7zip | 1.82MB)
- http://fileb.ag/q5bz99h2bt4c
- http://politicalpiehole.com/
- politicalpiehole.7z
- (2,423 reports | 7zip | 1.38MB)
- http://fileb.ag/pesfsbvjpbmg
- http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/
- stopthedrugwar.7z
- (16,568 reports | 7zip | 45.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/8u71hi31c2d3
- http://www.cannabisculture.com/
- cannabis.culture.7z
- (26,056 HTML(s) | 7zip | 30.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/v5i6fae0kz4c
- http://rare.us/
- rare.zip
- (817 reports | ZIP | 11.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/hb9s68bahwbk
- http://darkernet.in/
- darkernet.7z
- (1,624 reports | 7zip | 2.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/8jt87mfabzgl
- http://wsws.org
- wsws.update.7z
- (57,094 reports | 7zip | 155MB)
- http://fileb.ag/tjdafmxvu3qq
- wsws-full.grid.7z
- (53,416 reports | 7zip | 155MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ofb8fgq0vdrf
- http://sadhillnews.com
- sadhillnews.7z
- (3,604 reports | 7zip | 10.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/n3kdsrc6pmus
- http://globalpoliticalawakening.blogspot.com
- globalpoliticalawakening.blog.7z
- (6,328 reports | 7zip | 32.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/rhseibfos3k7
- http://www.megapastebin.com.ar/
- (This website has been defunct.)
- megapastebin.zip
- (160 reports | ZIP | 2.19MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vh9ugcttx5ky
- megapastebin_2.zip
- (207 reports | ZIP | 2.93MB)
- http://fileb.ag/yrv6bdshz0td
- megapastebin_3.zip
- (206 reports | ZIP | 3.16MB)
- http://fileb.ag/b6pdwr00h734
- http://www.opensecrets.org/
- opensecrets.7z
- (49,765 HTML(s) | 7zip | 74.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vgvvfe4x78bv
- http://www.propublica.org/
- http://bailout.propublica.org/
- propublica.7z
- (7,403 reports | 7zip | 35.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/5dei6vtdds6p
- propublica.bailouts.7z
- (1,077 reports | 7zip | 0.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/x771m3mu5njb
- http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/
- geoengineeringwatch.7z
- (1,773 reports | 7zip | 4.57MB)
- http://fileb.ag/p6ap6dtlj9k8
- http://farmwars.info/
- farmwars.7Z
- (3,906 reports | 7zip | 4.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/43o4c01e35dy
- http://www.theglobalistreport.com/
- globalistreport.zip
- (536 reports | ZIP | 7.23MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4tiaihc5sukz
- http://www.nacion.com/
- nacion.7z
- (34,924 reports | 7zip | 49.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/orglyqnlo4hp
- http://thepensivequill.am/
- thepensivequill.7z
- (2,418 reports | 7zip | 14.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ngzu1mc52j1q
- http://cryptome.org/2013/09/tpq/tpq-defies-censors.htm
- Pensive_Quill_Defies_Censorship.zip
- (11 files | ZIP | 3.18MB)
- http://fileb.ag/rqmswsonnnd2
- http://usnews.com/news
- usnews.7z
- (24,341 reports | 7zip | 41.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/tqxltbu8ekep
- http://wakeup-world.com/
- wakeup-world.7z
- (2,733 reports | 7zip | 15MB)
- http://fileb.ag/6wy4l2g6d5xv
- http://www.captainsjournal.com/
- captainsjournal.7z
- (6,582 reports | 7zip | 20MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4vh49vvemki2
- http://whowhatwhy.com/
- whowhatwhy.7z
- (1,037 reports | 7zip | 3.1MB)
- http://fileb.ag/33qn36wwqj73
- whowhatwhy_update.7z
- (1,356 reports | 7zip | 4.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/7jsfrnxhsxtg
- http://www.infoworld.com
- infoworld.7z
- (39,421 reports | 7zip | 64.1MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1jnkpw91kw9r
- http://www.prnewswire.com/
- pr.newswire.grid.7z
- (25,397 reports | 7zip | 57.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/pa9yksf5rdb3
- http://jonathanturley.org
- jonathanturley.7z
- (8,499 reports | 7zip | 67.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/cz8pks4re93p
- http://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/
- geopoliticalmonitor.7z
- (7,400 reports | 7zip | 10.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/40tdf158t4qd
- http://tarpley.net/
- http://tarpley.net/2009/
- http://tarpley.net/2010/
- http://tarpley.net/2011/
- http://tarpley.net/2012/
- http://tarpley.net/2013/
- tarpley.
- (197 reports | ZIP | 4.17MB)
- http://fileb.ag/5n4n40cwazdo
- tarpley.grid.7z
- (400 reports | 7zip | 1.38MB)
- http://fileb.ag/gqk6xetc5fur
- http://www.presstv.ir/
- presstv.update.7z
- (27,645 reports | 7zip | 27MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ndw1sdmkvvir
- presstv.grid.7z
- (15,542 reports | 7zip | 15.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/jwapp41fklu6
- http://www.truthdig.com
- truthdig.grid.7z
- (11,876 reports | 7zip | 57.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/dwihrzc5r4rt
- http://www.activistpost.com/
- activistpost.7z
- (15,758 reports | 7zip | 58.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/nv4xk75s2dar
- http://www.crooksandliars.com/
- crooksandliars.7z
- (15,837 reports | 7zip | 87.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/etzia9tifjis
- http://modernsurvivalblog.com/
- modernsurvivalblog.7z
- (3,920 reports | 7zip | 13.8MB)
- http://fileb.ag/zxps9oqxn4od
- http://labornotes.org
- labornotes.grid.7z
- (2,191 reports | 7zip | 4.78MB)
- http://fileb.ag/2ck4eo69jb26
- http://www.westernjournalism.com/
- westernjournalism.7z
- (19,080 reports | 7zip | 68.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/02sidwohb9fd
- http://www.pakalertpress.com
- pakalertpress.grid.7z
- (9,372 reports | 7zip | 37.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/c8l8baxwpurd
- pakalertpress.update.7z
- (9,337 reports | 7zip | 37.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/wrkgr504aql0
- http://www.redressonline.com/
- redressonline.7z
- (1,049 reports | 7zip | 2.81MB)
- http://fileb.ag/g3q1drti7o8w
- http://godfatherpolitics.com/
- godfatherpolitics.7z
- (13,931 reports | 7zip | 61.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/7g5a5q4qj7w7
- http://news.goldseek.com
- news.goldseek.7z
- (4,857 reports | 7zip | 13.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/8dvl8ke0r8u6
- news.goldseek.update.7z
- (7,287 reports | 7zip | 20.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/36mlt50awnt5
- http://www.publicintegrity.org/
- publicintegrity.7z
- (27,561 reports | 7zip | 52MB)
- http://fileb.ag/scn1vjarcb26
- http://www.thiscantbehappening.net/
- thiscantbehappening.update.7z
- (8,710 reports | 7zip | 3.53MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ucwrcjjx2vup
- thiscantbehappening.7z
- (2,015 reports | 7zip | 1.96MB)
- http://fileb.ag/7taxhioxo9at
- http://www.newmediajournal.us/
- newmediajournal.7z
- (3,054 reports | 7zip | 6.03MB)
- http://fileb.ag/04xikubejnly
- http://www.wikileaks-forum.com/
- wikileaks-forum.7z
- (46,989 reports | 7zip | 80.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/dek83poxojws
- http://www.weeklystandard.com/
- weeklystandard.7z
- (44,479 reports | 7zip | 56.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/74hiqswgondl
- http://antifascist-calling.blogspot.com/
- antifascist-calling.zip
- (1,016 reports | ZIP | 27.1MB)
- http://fileb.ag/eutlig4113pe
- http://www.plosone.org
- PLOSone.7z
- (38,101 HTML(s) | 7zip | 73.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/pxxphmgnzld7
- http://www.sott.net
- sott.7z
- (13,768 reports | 7zip | 27.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/wspe1laz95ft
- http://thewatchtowers.com/
- thewatchtowers.7z
- (5,016 reports | 7zip | 7.67MB)
- http://fileb.ag/csrsliswckpe
- http://torrentfreak.com/
- torrentfreak.update.7z
- (7,700 reports | 7zip | 53.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1ta5rqfpq9pf
- torrentfreak.7z
- (9,009 reports | 7zip | 68.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/17tsfmin2n4i
- http://www.consortiumnews.com/
- consortiumnews.update.7z
- (5,835 reports | 7zip | 15.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/14xqdhmq8cct
- consortiumnews.7z
- (3,954 reports | 7zip | 11.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4fj0fclu87he
- http://www.information-age.com/
- information-age.7z
- (13,748 reports | 7zip | 25.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/a392vv08vxkz
- http://threatpost.com/
- threatpost.7z
- (12,799 reports | 7zip | 26.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/nyse8wbpeyu9
- http://techdirt.com
- techdirt.7z
- (20,717 reports | 7zip | 93.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ii8li5jqt10c
- http://washingtonexaminer.com/
- washingtonexaminer.7z
- (30,576 reports | 7zip | 35.1MB)
- http://fileb.ag/x35oksnd1tiy
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/
- (58,886 reports | 7zip | 207MB)
- http://fileb.ag/klhoejfkvbb9
- http://electrospaces.blogspot.com/
- electrospaces.blog.zip
- (97 reports | ZIP | 2.64MB)
- http://fileb.ag/gl646fo98hy4
- http://buggedplanet.info/
- buggedplanet.7z
- (58,053 HTML(s) | 7zip | 10.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/79thui4mpes5
- http://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/
- securityaffairs.7z
- (3,498 reports | 7zip | 4.85MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1m7m408j615y
- http://www.uruknet.info/
- uruknet.7z
- (6,857 reports | 7zip | 4.08MB)
- http://fileb.ag/uvroj99yt83l
- http://rogerhollander.wordpress.com/
- rogerhollander.blog.7z
- (19,476 reports | 7zip | 71.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/kzuya7vx1cqo
- http://truthalliance.net/
- truthalliance.7z
- (9,088 reports | 7zip | 78.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/azv4ruiuh5w0
- http://arstechnica.com/
- arstechnica.7z
- (4,805 reports | 7zip | 9.97MB ~10MB)
- http://fileb.ag/tcvq9ob664da
- http://motherboard.vice.com/
- motherboard.vice.7z
- (18,422 reports | 7zip | 24.3MB)
- http://fileb.ag/79tdt53xtfz6
- http://redtape.msnbc.msn.com
- http://redtape.nbcnews.com/
- redtape.msnbc.msn.7z
- (2,598 reports | 7zip | 5.08MB)
- http://fileb.ag/1moxuiufp6un
- redtape.nbcnews.7z
- (4,622 reports | 7zip | 6.16MB)
- http://fileb.ag/f6cp48x6pvg5
- http://www.theblaze.com/
- theblaze.7z
- (17,590 reports | 7zip | 30.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4b9fhsbpymkc
- KILLCEN ; Eyeballing_Snowden_Info.7z
- Includes most reports, slides and
- documents all related to the recent
- Snowden leaks so far up to December
- 4th of 2013. I�m still collecting
- any information that comes out and
- will provide updated archives from
- time to time. Grab this while you can.
- After decompression - the folder is
- titled �Eyeballing_Snowden_Info� and
- holds a total of 371MB decompressed.
- This was stored on an offline system,
- without any WiFi card so the archive is
- safe from being modified or stolen.
- Eyeballing_Snowden_Info.7z
- (783 files | 7zip | 286MB)
- http://fileb.ag/iv8x797lqzdw
- http://mondoweiss.net/
- mondoweiss.7z
- (22,963 reports | 7zip | 187MB)
- http://fileb.ag/co3tt7zh06ai
- http://detaineetaskforce.org/
- detaineetaskforce.zip
- (861 reports | ZIP | 8.18MB)
- http://fileb.ag/em0coqpuxogp
- http://newspirates.com/
- newspirates.zip
- (551 reports | ZIP | 6.76MB)
- http://fileb.ag/yn3xdgiaid6f
- http://eslkevin.wordpress.com/
- eslkevin.wordpress.7z
- (6,195 reports | 7zip | 14.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/44k4tu6t0pqq
- http://dailybail.com/
- dailybail.7z
- (46,802 reports | 7zip | 30.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/2hzs0iybzihn
- http://www.thedailybeast.com/
- dailybeast.7z
- (36,046 reports | 7zip | 68.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/5ed2zbjksfum
- http://dailycapitalist.com/
- dailycapitalist.7z
- (8,649 reports | 7zip | 16.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/fuwnssfp41xm
- http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/
- dailymaverick.7z
- (11,047 reports | 7zip | 59.0MB)
- http://fileb.ag/fktr4i45wrur
- http://www.dailydot.com/
- dailydot.7z
- (6,300 reports | 7zip | 14.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vndyntr0us6x
- http://dailyreckoning.com/
- dailyreckoning.7z
- (3,722 reports | 7zip | 24.7MB)
- http://fileb.ag/2tvlzws3qq3u
- http://www.dailybinarynews.com/ (404d)
- This website was shut down for reasons
- unknown, most reports were backed up.
- dailybinarynews.update.7z
- (3,704 reports | 7zip | 5.25MB)
- http://fileb.ag/fs3e4b1sukof
- dailybinarynews.7z
- (2,433 reports | 7zip | 3.67MB)
- http://fileb.ag/4txsv8b02v43
- http://xtrafile.com (404'd)
- XtraUpload is a turn-key PHP application
- for setting up a file hosting enviroment.
- It automates the uploading and downloading
- of files shared by your users and is
- extremely customizable. It is built on
- the CodeIgniter PHP Framework and is
- compatable with a large majority of
- web server configurations. XtraUpload
- has support for multiple user groups,
- premium users with unlimited tiers,
- multiple file upload, password protected
- file links, file folders, image galleries,
- automatic image processing, loads of
- configuration options, skins, plugins,
- and so much more. Download XtraUpload and
- help expand the file sharing community!
- XtraUpload_Backup.zip
- (5 files | ZIP | 15.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/946mbrnme1yj
- http://www.lewrockwell.com/
- (35,628 reports | 7zip | 82.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/vfsoemswrg5l
- http://leaksource.wordpress.com/
- leaksource.blog.7z
- (10,932 reports | 7zip | 28MB)
- http://fileb.ag/7hbar7ho0i2j
- http://scottystarnes.wordpress.com/
- scottystarnes.blog.7z
- (16,497 reports | 7zip | 46.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/9g02236ncksb
- http://www.exposingthetruth.co/
- exposingthetruth.zip
- (580 reports | ZIP | 10.2MB)
- http://fileb.ag/refhzc95c29m
- http://spreadlibertynews.com/
- spreadlibertynews.zip
- (374 reports | ZIP | 4.78MB)
- http://fileb.ag/yr1dk8xfmvki
- http://drdavidbrownstein.blogspot.com/
- dr.david.zip
- (180 reports | ZIP | 1.42MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ozqtav1dugxd
- http://www.whiteoutpress.com/
- whiteoutpress.zip
- (707 reports | ZIP | 6.07MB)
- http://fileb.ag/0jejhrrgeem8
- http://www.infowars.com/
- http://www.prisonplanet.com/
- C:/globalist.scum (an extra bundle)
- (73,239 reports | 7zip | 230MB)
- http://fileb.ag/hi3553djaro7
- http://freebeacon.com/
- freebeacon.7z
- (30,611 reports | 7zip | 27.1MB)
- http://fileb.ag/5td556lhdbwz
- http://touchstoneblog.org.uk/
- touchstone.blog.7z
- (7,338 reports | 7zip | 10.6MB)
- http://fileb.ag/ozykncdqk62d
- http://webofdebt.com/
- webofdebt.zip
- (300 reports | ZIP | 1.77MB)
- http://fileb.ag/x661rolx80lk
- (521 pastes | ZIP | 4.66MB)
- http://fileb.ag/2e1drtygn9us
- http://www.emptywheel.net/
- emptywheel.7z
- (11,405 reports | 7zip | 68.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/c1uz1pcbtiww
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by ORIGINAL KILLCEN on August Wed 20th 4:17 PM - Never Expires
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