- Former CIA Informant - Obamas No. 1 Agenda
- Former CIA informant Dr. Jim Garrow has worked hard to help
- reveal and expose the fascists� Number One agenda in America ;
- to fully disarm the American people.
- In order to force Agenda 21 to micromanage and fully control the
- American population, the fascists must either (A) disarm the citizens
- of the United States, or (B) they must kill those who refuse to be
- disarmed. Obama is only a puppet [s]elected by these fascist elites who
- desire to rule the planet, all it�s resources and suppress the masses
- into DE-industrialization, poverty and 21st century neo-feudal serfdom.
- Only an armed, informed and prepared minority stand in the way of the
- UN�s goals for their �New World Order� (btw, that�s their own term!)
- A dire warning for those who disregard Agenda 21: you are not exempt
- from this agenda - this is designed by dictators around the world to
- enslave you as well! It is NOT - I repeat - NOT about �environmentalism.�
- IN FACT - major oil oligarchs have also stood behind the scenes in support
- of the UN�s Agenda 21. This agenda only benefits and exempts the super-rich
- 1% and everyone else will be under authoritarian neo-feudal police state which
- is designed to ban organic farming, promote toxic GMO, the confiscation of
- property, abolishing civil rights and endless fees and regulations that
- are set to make you an obedient, defenseless surf who will be forced to
- live in government-run urban stack-n-pack micro-apartments where you�re
- movement is under constant surveillance and slave labor would become you�re
- only option of survival.
- In January 2013, a new litmus test began being applied to America�s
- military leaders - one of the questions that was asked is �if orders
- were given to confiscate firearms from American civilians and a civilian
- refused to relinquish the firearms, would you fire upon that citizen?�
- This shocked many top brass officials and Jim Garrow had been informed.
- Audio (3:21) #1
- http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=77589
- Audio (2:15) #2
- http://megacache.net/znirnxrjs3je/Ex-CIA_Jim_Garrow_Gun_Confiscation_02.mp3.html
- Audio (9:34) #3
- http://upstore.net/Johnay
- Audio (4:56) #4
- http://www.crocko.com/FB894ADA365D42BFA1FB9E864B09FD8A/Ex-CIA_Jim_Garrow_Gun_Confiscation_04.mp3
- Audio (5:39) #5
- http://bitshare.com/files/t36evinz/Ex-CIA_Jim_Garrow_Gun_Confiscation_05.mp3.html
- Soon after, many military leaders were removed from their positions
- and later replaced by orders from Barack Obama. There has been a purge
- within the US military ever since then to remove those who would protect
- the American people from their positions of authority.
- Here is a mirror to all five audio clips posted above, zipped. (56.4MB)
- http://fileb.ag/8wbripxayqjf
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Posted by 2 on August Thu 14th 5:37 AM - Never Expires
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