- �� Ebola - Pre-text For Martial Law! Martial Law Is Now In Place! ��
- Steve Quayle�s USAF contact proved to be dead-on correct! Bio weapons
- are in the cards of the globalist�s war games after the economic collapse
- is spearheaded. Ebola may be the bio-weapon of choice! Now the US government
- has their excuse to fully undermine constitutional rights and human rights
- in the name of �national security� while the whole fiat system collapses!
- Who needs �internment camps� when you can Isolate and Quarantine civilians
- against their will? Same thing w/ complete plausible deniability!
- My advice! Don�t go near hospitals or doctors offices! When SHTF and a full
- Ebola outbreak is confirmed - you will see the rotten fruits of Martial Law!
- At that point, quite you�re job, bunker in and avoid all contact - for those
- who have not prepared by now, they will live to regret that. Obama amended
- Executive Order 13295 granting the right to detain anyone on American soil
- who has a respiratory illness - this is now open hunting season for federal
- goons and wannabe-tyrants in a growing �medical police state.�
- US military had advanced knowledge of Ebola outbreak.
- http://www.intellihub.com/dod-issues-ebola-detection-kits-military-units-50-states-global-authorities-alert/
- Despite concerns around the globe that the Ebola virus may continue to
- spread and mutate into something even more deadly, the director of the CDC
- attempted to assuage fears about the possibility of an outbreak on US soil.
- �It is not a potential of Ebola spreading widely in the US,� director
- Thomas Friedman told reporters on a conference call Thursday. �That is
- not in the cards.�
- But while the CDC downplays the potential threat, emergency planners behind
- the scenes have been getting ready since as early as April of this year. In
- a report presented to Congress while the virus was spreading in West Africa,
- the Department of Defense said that it has dispatched biological detection
- kits to National Guard units in all 50 states with the capability of diagnosing
- the virus in infected patients in as little as 30 minutes.
- And, in a move that raised some eyebrows this morning, President Obama
- amended a 2003 Executive Order that gives the Federal government, as noted
- by Paul Joseph Watson, the power to �mandate the apprehension and detention
- of Americans who merely show signs of respiratory illness.�
- Although Ebola was listed on the original executive order signed by Bush,
- Obama�s amendment ensures that Americans who merely show signs of respiratory
- illness, with the exception of influenza, can be forcibly detained by medical
- authorities.
- Though the government and media are doing everything in their power to keep
- the panic to a minimum, going so far as to suggest that the possibility of
- Ebola spreading in the United States is almost non-existent, the fact that
- over 750 people in six West African countries have died from the virus
- suggests otherwise.
- Even the World Health Organization recently claimed that the virus is out of
- control and all attempts to contain it thus far have failed.
- Michael Snyder�s recent analysis on what is going to happen if Ebola comes
- to America sheds some light on how the government might behave. Though Obama
- didn�t sign the Executive Order allowing for the rounding up and detention of
- Americans suspected of respiratory illnesses until today, Snyder correctly
- pointed out just 48 hours before the order that �isolation would not be a
- voluntary thing.�
- The federal government would start hunting down anyone that they �reasonably
- believed to be infected with a communicable disease� and taking them to the
- facilities where other patients were being held. It wouldn�t matter if you
- were entirely convinced that you were 100% healthy. If the government wanted
- to take you in, you would have no rights in that situation. In fact, federal
- law would allow the government to detain you �for such time and in such manner
- as may be reasonably necessary.�
- And once you got locked up with all of the other Ebola patients, there would
- be a pretty good chance that you would end up getting the disease and dying
- anyway.
- It turns out that not only is the government prepared to identify, isolate
- and detain potentially contagious individuals, but they already have the
- facilities in place.
- According to the Centers for Disease Control there are twenty (20) quarantine
- centers actively prepared to accept patients as of this writing.
- The following map provided by the CDC shows where these centers are located.
- http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/pdf/us-quarantine-stations-new.pdf
- http://shtfplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CDC-quarantine-stations.jpg
- President Obama�s recently updated Executive Order gives the organization
- the authorization to detain anyone suspected of having been infected with
- a contagious disease.
- CDC has the legal authority to detain any person who may have an infectious
- disease that is specified by Executive Order to be quarantinable.
- http://www.infowars.com/obama-signs-executive-order-to-detain-americans-with-respiratory-illnesses/
- Such �quarantinable� diseases may include Cholera, Smallpox, Plague, SARS,
- Hemorrhagic fevers (like Ebola), and now even �respiratory illnesses� that
- may have symptoms similar to those of deadly viruses.
- It was no accident that President Obama added the Executive Order amendment
- this morning. They can downplay the seriousness of Ebola all they want, but
- the fact is that hundreds of medical workers, including the World Health
- Organization, have failed to contain its spread.
- In anticipation of the virus hitting US shores, President Obama has set the
- legal authorization to essentially declare martial law in stone. The US
- military, including the National Guard, also has contingency plans in place.
- The minute this virus is detected in �the wild� on US soil these directives
- will be executed.
- Though what happens next is unpredictable, preparing for a pandemic ahead
- of time may be the best way to not only avoid contracting a deadly virus, but
- staying out of a government run quarantine station.
- http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/map-of-ebola-quarantine-stations-heres-where-theyll-send-those-suspected-of-ebola-or-respiratory-illnesses_08012014
- Atlanta�s CBS46 News is reporting that �within days� an Ebola patient
- will soon be transferred to Emory Hospital in Atlanta. No details were
- provided except to say that the patient is an American and a health care
- worker who was assisting in the treatment of the Ebola virus when they
- contracted it.
- We, as Americans may have the worst regular healthcare in the Western world.
- The United States has only the 51st longest lifespan (behind Cuba at 50th)
- due to the scourge of managed care and now Obamacare, however, the United
- States still has the best emergency critical care in the world. Our
- life-sustaining treatments following accidents or acute illness are beyond
- compare. Further, our expertise in treating and containment of potential
- pandemic viruses and diseases is also the best in the world. Therefore,
- when an American healthcare worker contracts Ebola in the treatment of
- the virus, this should be front page news on every radio station, TV station
- and newspaper in the country. This is the proverbial canary in the mine.
- This CBS 46 minor press release should speak volumes about the gravity of
- the situation regarding the actual spread of Ebola. IF the best critical
- care system in the world cannot prevent one of its own from contracting
- Ebola, there is an obvious lack of knowledge on display with regard to
- the transmission of this deadly virus which kills 90% of its victims
- within days as the patient�s organs literally dissolve as the person bleeds
- out of every orifice before succumbing.
- I am certainly not a doctor, but I talk to medical experts and the gravity
- of this previous statement, within a statement, cannot be overstated. When,
- not if, Ebola gains a firm foothold in the United States, where are people
- going to go for treatment? Ebola patients will be inundating their local
- healthcare facilities and will be treated by medical personnel who will
- have no idea how to contain the deadly virus. In Africa, containment
- procedures are not protecting healthcare workers. Soon, the same will
- be true in the United States.
- It is an understatement to proclaim that the United States is utterly
- defenseless in the fight against Ebola. Further, our nation�s officials
- lack of action, that I would characterize as abject stupidity and ignorance,
- is going to prove responsible for hastening this pandemic within our country
- as Patient Zero, Patrick Sawyer, was responsible for exposing, according to
- the CDC, 30,000 people to the virus. My calculations based upon connecting
- flights, associated with Patient Zero, tell us that 10 times that number
- were exposed within six hours of this man boarding and deplaning. Containment
- was lost at this point. And our knowledge about transmission is woefully
- misunderstood as the CDC cannot even keep their own story straight.
- http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/08/01/the-federal-government-has-left-america-defenseless-against-ebola/
- http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/08/100-health-workers-fighting-ebola-contracted/
- According to Reuters, �more than 100 health workers� that have been
- fighting Ebola in Africa have contracted the virus themselves. Considering
- the extraordinary measures that these health workers take to keep from
- getting the disease, that is quite chilling. We are not just talking about
- one or two �accidents�. We are talking about more than 100 of them getting
- sick. If Ebola is spreading this easily among medical professionals in
- biohazard body suits that keep any air from touching the skin, what chance
- are the rest of us going to have if this virus gets out into the general
- population?
- http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/08/01/us-health-ebola-healthworkers-idUKKBN0G14FR20140801
- This is a call for an immediate, thorough, and independent investigation
- of Tulane University researchers and their Fort Detrick associates in the
- US biowarfare research community, who have been operating in West Africa
- during the past several years.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulane_University
- http://tulane.edu/publichealth/caeph/caeph_faculty_staff.cfm
- http://tulane.edu/som/departments/microbiology/people.cfm
- What exactly have they been doing?
- Exactly what diagnostic tests have they been performing on citizens of
- Sierra Leone?
- Why do we have reports that the government of Sierra Leone has recently
- told Tulane researchers to stop this testing?
- Have Tulane researchers and their associates attempted any experimental
- treatments (e.g., injecting monoclonal antibodies) using citizens of the
- region? If so, what adverse events have occurred?
- The research program, occurring in Sierra Leone, the Republic of Guinea,
- and Liberia�said to be the epicenter of the 2014 Ebola outbreak�has the
- announced purpose, among others, of detecting the future use of fever-viruses
- as bioweapons.
- Is this purely defensive research? Or as we have seen in the past, is this
- research being covertly used to develop offensive bioweapons?
- For the last several years, researchers from Tulane University have been
- active in the African areas where Ebola is said to have broken out in 2014.
- These researchers are working with other institutions, one of which is
- USAMRIID, the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases,
- a well-known center for biowar research, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
- In Sierra Leone, the Tulane group has been researching new diagnostic tests
- for hemorrhagic fevers.
- Note: Lassa Fever, Ebola, and other labels are applied to a spectrum of
- illness that result in hemorrhaging.
- Tulane researchers have also been investigating the use of monoclonal
- antibodies as a treatment for these fevers�but not on-site in Africa,
- according to Tulane press releases.
- Here are excerpts from supporting documents.
- ulane University, Oct. 12, 2012, �Dean�s Update: Update on Lassa Fever Research�
- https://tulane.edu/som/dean/upload/Deans-Update-October2012.pdf
- �In 2009, researchers received a five-year $7,073,538 grant from the
- National Institute of Health to fund the continued development of detection
- kits for Lassa viral hemorrhagic fever.
- �Since that time, much has been done to study the disease. Dr. Robert Garry,
- Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, and Dr. James Robinson, Professor
- of Pediatrics, have been involved in the research of Lassa fever. Together
- the two have recently been able to create what are called human monoclonal
- antibodies. After isolating the B-cells from patients that have survived
- the disease, they have utilized molecular cloning methods to isolate the
- antibodies and reproduce them in the laboratory. These antibodies have been
- tested on guinea pigs at The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston
- and shown to help prevent them from dying of Lassa fever�
- �Most recently, a new Lassa fever ward is being constructed in Sierra Leone
- at the Kenema Government Hospital. When finished, it will be better equipped
- to assist patients affected by the disease and will hopefully help to end
- the spread of it.� [The Kenema Hospital is one of the centers of the Ebola
- outbreak.]
- Here is another release from Tulane University, this one dated Oct. 18, 2007.
- �New Test Moves Forward to Detect Bioterrorism Threats.�
- http://tulane.edu/news/newwave/101807_bioterrorism.cfm
- �The initial round of clinical testing has been completed for the first
- diagnostic test kits that will aid in bioterrorism defense against a deadly
- viral disease. Tulane University researchers are collaborating in the project.
- �Robert Garry, professor of microbiology and immunology at Tulane University,
- is principal investigator in a federally funded study to develop new tests for
- viral hemorrhagic fevers.
- �Corgenix Medical Corp., a worldwide developer and marketer of diagnostic
- test kits, announced that the first test kits for detection of hemorrhagic
- fever have competed initial clinical testing in West Africa.
- �The kits, developed under a $3.8 million grant awarded by the National
- Institutes of Health, involve work by Corgenix in collaboration with Tulane
- University, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases,
- BioFactura Inc. and Autoimmune Technologies.
- �Clinical reports from the studies in Sierra Leone continue to show amazing
- results,� says Robert Garry, professor of microbiology and immunology at the
- Tulane University School of Medicine and principal investigator of the grant.
- �We believe this remarkable collaboration will result in detection products
- that will truly have a meaningful impact on the healthcare in West Africa, but
- will also fill a badly needed gap in the bioterrorism defense.
- ��The clinical studies are being conducted at the Mano River Union Lassa Fever
- Network in Sierra Leone. Tulane, under contract with the World Health Organization,
- implements the program in the Mano River Union countries (Sierra Leone, Liberia
- and Guinea) to develop national and regional prevention and control strategies
- for Lassa fever and other important regional diseases.
- �Clinical testing on the new recombinant technology demonstrates that our
- collaboration is working,� says Douglass Simpson, president of Corgenix. �We
- have combined the skills of different parties, resulting in development of
- some remarkable test kits in a surprisingly short period of time. As a group
- we intend to expand this program to address other important infectious agents
- with both clinical health issues and threat of bioterrorism such as ebola.�
- The third document is found on the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation
- Facebook page (no login required), dated July 23 at 1:35pm. It lays out emergency
- measures to be taken. We find this curious statement: �Tulane University to stop
- Ebola testing during the current Ebola outbreak.�
- https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=322983307878518&id=281064805403702
- Why? Are the tests issuing false results? Are they frightening the population?
- Have Tulane researchers done something to endanger public health?
- In addition to an investigation of these matters, another probe needs to be
- launched into all vaccine campaigns in the Ebola Zone. For example. HPV vaccine
- programs have been ongoing. Vials of vaccine must be tested to discover ALL
- ingredients. Additionally, it�s well known that giving vaccines to people whose
- immune systems are already severely compromised is dangerous and deadly.
- Thanks to birdflu666.wordpress.com for discovering hidden elements of the Ebola story.
- http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/what-are-us-biowar-researchers-doing-in-the-ebola-zone/
- http://www.infowars.com/what-are-us-biowar-researchers-doing-in-the-ebola-zone/
- I just heard on National Public Radio two things that have totally destroyed
- what tiny bit of belief I still had in American leadership. I have concluded
- that the term �intelligent American� is an oxymoron.
- American elites have decided that Americans are not sufficiently threatened
- by war and economic chaos, so they are bringing the ebola virus to America.
- National Public Radio reported that two people infected with the ebola virus,
- which cannot be cured and is usually deadly, are being brought to Emory
- University Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.
- All it takes is one cough, one sneeze, one drop of saliva, and the virus is
- loose in one of the main transportation centers of the US.
- Pandemic anyone? Little doubt but that most of the world would emit a great
- sigh of relief to be rid of Washington.
- Allegedly the ebola carriers will be quarantined in special rooms. But we
- already know that American hospitals cannot even contain staph infections.
- What happens to the utensils, plates, cups, and glasses with which the ebola
- infected persons eat and drink? And who gets to clean the bed pans? One
- slip-up by one person, one tear in a rubber glove, and the virus is loose.
- http://www.infowars.com/if-nuclear-war-doesnt-exterminate-us-ebola-virus-might/
- A Northern California transient who was charged after gestapo punks
- said he refused treatment for tuberculosis has been found and arrested,
- according to San Joaquin County officials.
- Eduardo Rosas Cruz, 25, was arrested on Monday during a traffic stop
- in Kern County, prosecutors said.
- Cruz was diagnosed with tuberculosis in March after he went to an
- emergency room and complained of a severe cough.
- After he was diagnosed with tuberculosis, medical staff told him to
- stay in a Stockton motel room, where a health worker would deliver
- his medication and watch him take it. But officials say �he took off,�
- ending his treatment - which by the way, would be 100% up to him to
- decide IF he lived in a free country.
- http://abc7.com/health/california-tuberculosis-patient-found-arrested/226305/
- The New York City Department of Health will be conducting a massive
- emergency preparedness drill at 30 facilities across the city on Friday.
- They are testing the delivery of emergency medications in the event
- of a biological attack, such as anthrax, or other large-scale public
- health emergency in the city. The majority of the deliveries will take
- place to public school buildings.
- It�s the largest surprise drill in the city�s history. The drill was
- scheduled to take place from approximately 6:30 am until 3:00 pm
- The majority of [victims] were given no notice to �better test� and
- �simulate� a real emergency and response.
- �The NYC Health Department is responsible for developing and executing
- plans for the mass dispensing of life-saving medicine in response to
- public health emergencies,� said Dr. Oxiris Barbot, First Deputy
- Commissioner of the Health Department. �This exercise demonstrates
- our commitment to ensuring we have the capability and resources to
- protect the health and safety of all New Yorkers in times of crisis.�
- The city warned that supply trucks would be escorted by NYPD and other
- law enforcement vehicles across the city.
- http://www.myfoxny.com/story/26170612/drill-in-new-york-city
- http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2014/08/01/health-department-conducts-largest-no-notice-emergency-response-drill-in-nyc-history/
- As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, Prez Barack Obama has
- signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate
- the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of
- �respiratory illness.�
- The executive order, titled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable
- Diseases, amends executive order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April
- 2003, which allows for the, �apprehension, detention, or conditional
- release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or
- spread of suspected communicable diseases.�
- The amendment signed by Obama replaces subsection (b) of the original
- Bush executive order which referred only to SARS. Obama�s amendment allows
- for the detention of Americans who display, �Severe acute respiratory
- syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs
- and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of
- being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing,
- or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are
- highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly
- controlled.�
- http://www.infowars.com/obama-signs-executive-order-to-detain-americans-with-respiratory-illnesses/
- A fear-mongered Ebola � far less threatening to the average American
- than a stay at the hospital or driving a car � will be used to impose
- new restrictions on the movement of citizens. The CDC website reveals
- what the government plans to do in the event the difficult to spread
- disease arrives in America � enforce isolation, quarantine, and government
- decree enforced at gunpoint. �In addition to serving as medical functions,
- isolation and quarantine also are �police power� functions, derived from
- the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the
- benefit of society,� the CDC states.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oczt9WnbxzY
- http://www.infowars.com/dont-fear-ebola-fear-the-state/
- At least one, but possibly two US citizens with Ebola is due to fly
- from West Africa to Atlanta during the next few days. Barbara Reynolds
- spokeswoman for the CDC in Atlanta said that she is not aware of any
- Ebola patient ever been treated in the United States before.
- Emory Hospital in Atlanta has issued a statement saying it is well
- prepared to receive the patients, and that it has the facilities to
- safely care for them without any risk to the public.
- http://www.infowars.com/ebola-infected-u-s-aid-workers-due-to-arrive-at-emory-university-hospital-atlanta/
- http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/31/health/ebola-outbreak/index.html
- http://www.ajc.com/news/news/breaking-news/emory-healthcare-to-treat-ebola-patient/ngrtm/
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zDmuO4UrwE
- http://www.infowars.com/truth-raider-warns-of-ebola-false-flag/
- Federal health authorities could exercise authoritarian powers to control
- an Ebola outbreak if the deadly disease hits the United States under the
- Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, legislation passed in the wake of
- 9/11 which attracted controversy at the time for its draconian scope.
- With the Ebola outbreak in West Africa having been declared the worst in
- history by the World Health Organization, concerns are mounting that the
- disease could spread via international air travel. Asked whether the virus
- could arrive in the United States, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay
- Gupta said, �It�s going to happen at some point.�
- The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, drafted during the 2001 anthrax
- attacks, has since been adopted in whole or in part by 33 states. The Association
- of American Physicians and Surgeons warned that the legislation �could turn
- governors into dictators,� while constitutional lawyer Phyllis Schlafly labeled
- it �an unprecedented assault on the constitutional rights of the American people.�
- Describing the legislation as a �threat to fundamental rights,� the Heritage
- Foundation summarized a list of ways the law would be applied in the event of
- a public health emergency being declared.
- Under the legislation, public health authorities and governors would rely on
- expanded police powers to;
- � Force individuals suspected of harboring an �infectious disease� to undergo
- medical examinations.
- � Track and share an individual�s personal health information, including
- genetic information.
- � Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases.
- � Mandate that all health care providers report all cases of persons who harbor
- any illness or health condition that may be caused by an epidemic or an infectious
- agent and might pose a �substantial risk� to a �significant number of people or
- cause a long-term disability.� (Note: Neither �substantial risk� nor �significant
- number� are defined in the draft.)
- � Force pharmacists to report any unusual or any increased prescription rates
- that may be caused by epidemic diseases.
- � Preempt existing state laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to
- privacy, medical licensure, and�this is key�property rights.
- � Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including
- pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities,
- and communications devices.
- � Mobilize all or any part of the �organized militia into service to the state to
- help enforce the state�s orders.�
- � Ration firearms, explosives, food, fuel and alcoholic beverages, among other
- commodities.
- � Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.
- http://www.infowars.com/feds-would-exercise-draconian-emergency-powers-if-ebola-hits-u-s/
- http://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/air/managing-sick-travelers/interim-guidance-ebola-virus-infection-airline-flight-crews-cleaning-cargo-personnel.html
- http://www.infowars.com/if-ebola-hits-u-s-even-healthy-americans-will-be-quarantined/
- http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/07/29/the-u-s-is-quietly-establishing-ebola-quarantine-centers/
- http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/ebola-spiders-web-infection-growing-3939374
- http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/01/world/africa/sierra-leone-declares-health-emergency-over-ebola.html?_r=0
- http://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=33&d=1040
- All right, folks, today is actually Wednesday, July the 16th, 2014, and
- this is the Guerrilla, reporting to you live. I don�t have any background
- music to run. I don�t think I need any background music, because, you know,
- what I am about to tell you is something that is very, very dramatic. It
- is very serious. Without giving too much information away and sources and
- things of that sort, I have had a major confirmation by a gentleman who
- is a Four Star General.
- I had a conversation with this source until about like 1 AM in the morning
- last night, and I had to post this audio interview, because as this audio
- interview was being put together, I was thinking about what to say, you know,
- as it was actually happening. I was working on this article, the article
- that I just posted, �The New World Reordered.� It is not my longest article,
- but there is enough information there that you can begin to see an emerging
- picture here. It�s very key � it�s very, very important, and this audio that
- I am giving you guys is also very, very important.
- This Four Star General � let me give you a little background about this guy.
- He is Air Force � he�s actually a real prominent individual within the Air
- Force. He�s a very elite individual, in the sense that he is one of the few
- who went from being a Major to a Four Star General within a span of four
- years. That�s how much of a hot shot this guy is. He is also in charge �
- or was in charge � of Asymmetrical Warfare. Okay, so they war gamed a lot
- of things � and if you do not know what asymmetrical warfare is, basically,
- it is fighting a war in an unconventional way, that it defeats the enemy
- without firing a shot. That�s asymmetrical warfare, but of course the reality
- is, shots are always fired.
- That being said, this gentleman was called upon because he was going to be
- the next in line for Joint Chiefs of Staff after Dempsey gets down, and he
- will be representing the United States Air Force. So they�ve approached him
- with a FISA contract � it is a contract that is bound for life. The stipulations
- on the contract are that he, as a commanding officer, should be able to fire
- and kill � and give the orders to kill � American citizens on American soil.
- This was something that was so out of the ordinary, so out of left field,
- that it absolutely shook this gentleman to the core. He would have no part
- in it, no part in it whatsoever. He in fact went on to say that he angered
- the people that were sitting around the conference room table � that he was
- escorted from Langley by two armed guards.
- Shortly thereafter, some weird things started occurring � one of which was,
- they started messing with him. Credit cards that he owned � some of which are
- companies that he�s had for over 20 years, like American Express per se �
- would all of a sudden be shut, out of the blue, from nowhere. These are just
- one of the signs that you know that they are messing with you. So the man is
- totally freaked out. He goes ahead and puts his house on the market � it�s up
- for sale right now as we speak. He has cleared what he needed out of his house.
- His wife is with him, his wife is on board with him, believes in the very
- things this man stands for and says. He�s only taken � they�ve only taken �
- their necessities. In other words, that house is for sale; their furniture
- is still in there. Their belongings � a great deal of their belongings �
- are still in there. He doesn�t want any � he just wants to get out. He wants
- to get out of the country, and that�s how he came into contact with one of
- my contacts, who happened to also work in the intelligence business in covert
- operations. And through him, he was able to get ahold of me, and this is not
- W but a totally different guy. This is a covert operational source.
- So the General described in detail � and what was given to me was this � and
- I had to take a notebook out, and I sat there listening, and I sat there
- listening very somberly, and the more information that he gave to me, the more
- somber I became, because it began to confirm to me many of the dates that my
- financial sources have told me, and it also began to corroborate with the dates
- that W�s intelligence sources have told him.
- So here it goes. This is important � this is probably the most important thing
- I will ever tell you. This is a life-altering event for me, speaking to this
- man. This is how serious the game is, and whether we are off by six months or
- what not is not the point. It�s the event � it�s the build-up to the events
- and how it happens � and to let all the folks know that we are, in fact, reading
- the tea leaves correctly.
- So what the General said was this. This whole illegals that are being dumped
- in the border � right now it is three hundred thousand, soon to be a million,
- coming across the border per month. And, folks, I�ve warned you of this in prior
- reports. This is a longstanding, ten-to-eleven year plan. This is part of a
- written timetable, and it follows the text.
- Number one, complete undermining of the United States Dollar by the end of 2015.
- Remember when I told you back in December of 2013 that April of 2014 will begin
- the push off point for the world to start moving away from the dollar? We�ve
- seen what happened in Ukraine � we�ve seen what happens globally � as the world
- shifts away from the dollar. We�re seeing this build-up, where nations are coming
- forward and saying, What is the point of even having the dollar? But members and
- readers and listeners to this website and followers � they all know this. You
- guys all know this � I am not going to rehash it � but a complete undermining
- of the dollar by the end of 2015. That means everything � the whole Russian
- blowback against Ukraine, which will occur; the BRICS Bank, which has already
- been signed into deal, a hundred billion, ready to fund. It�s happening very
- quickly, folks, just as we�ve warned. So the undermining will begin.
- Then he went on to say that we will move � by 2017 and no later, the United
- States will no later exist. And this coincides with the undermining of the US
- dollar, which will kill and destroy the United States economy. And at which
- point � with the dumping of these illegals � that�s why the borders remained
- wide open. They�re going to shotgun merge us with the Mexicans and the Canadians.
- In other words, the North American Union is back in play. At the end of 2017,
- it will be announced that we no longer exist as a functional government � in
- other words, we will probably default on our debt. When that default occurs,
- you�ll be looking at major economic upheaval. The General also said that press
- covers and announcements have already been prepared. The cover pages for the
- media � that are going to be given to the media � have already been prepared.
- Now, as the General was laying this out, he also made mention of something
- very profound, which touches base with this article that�s just been written �
- and a few other articles � of the Teutonic Silk Road that has been written as
- well, by me. He said that eight billion dollars, conservatively � figures
- could be anywhere up to thirty-two billion � but eight billion that he knows
- of, of black ops money, was utilized to help rebuild the Silk Road. And folks,
- if you read this article, �The New World Reordered� � I made mention of the
- South Korean President who spoke in the Uzbek city � which is a vital pathway,
- a vital point in the Silk Road � and that President said that the Silk Road
- will stretch from where, folks, from where? From London � ah, there is that
- city again, that people are writing off as dead � and all the way to Busan,
- the southernmost port city of South Korea, second largest city in South Korea
- after Seoul, which will be the exit for the pipeline � so we see this massive
- road.
- Well, the General said that the eight billion dollars will go ahead to create
- this road, that is made of three-foot super concrete, with one-inch bars and
- twelve-inch centers. In other words, this concrete is tough as nails. It�s
- super strong � there is no way you can crumble it or break it. It is incredibly
- strong, and it will be covered in three feet of structural asphalt � that is,
- asphalt that is intermingled with fiberglass � so it is going to be very, very
- strong. There is going to be nothing that is going to break this thing apart
- � that is what the Silk Road is going to be. And only commercial and military
- transports and operations will be done on it � only used for military and
- commercial needs � that�s it, nobody else. And I�ve detailed for you in this
- article how the Silk Road takes a 42-day sea route and reduces it down to 14 days.
- The General said that this de-industrialization project of the United States
- has begun with Nixon and was accelerated under Clinton; hence, a lot of our trade
- secrets went over to the Chinese � that�s why we were de-industrialized. The way
- the breakdown is going to be � the financial control system, as the General puts
- it, will be the city of London. The religious component of this entire thing
- will be the Vatican. The military node � that is going to be very key into this
- whole operational end to it � will be DC, which will be repositioned in Denver,
- Colorado, and I will get to later why � and the manufacturing/economic engine
- of the New World Incorporated will be China. Of course, that will come as no
- surprise. The General also said that we are on schedule, if not slightly ahead.
- Now, on to the civilian situation. One of the things that he made known to me
- was the drone pilot program, and he named a specific drone pilot. This is a young
- gentleman, who is a rising star � who was a rising star � at Colorado Springs
- Air Force Academy. The kid is very distraught, because last week he�s killed
- about 37 civilians abroad, using a Predator. This young gentleman said that he
- feels worse than Hitler because of what he is doing � killing innocent men,
- women, and children, who are just civilians � he knows they�re not part of any
- sort of terrorist organization or what not. You see, when these drone guys target
- you, they can see you as if you are twenty yards away, so it is very close �
- so when you do explode, they have a clear view, via satellite uplink, of what
- happens to a human body when it�s hit with a high explosive round or a munition
- or a missile, whatever have you. So, he went on to detail the drone programs
- that are run in the United States that are really dark and really highly
- compartmentalized.
- He says drone pilots do not have contact with one another. They�re not allowed
- to socialize with one another; they�re not allowed to talk to one another. They
- sit there; they do their two-man mission, and they are gone. And when they�re
- dismissed, they are dismissed thirty minutes apart � and they are tailed home
- by an armed guard to make sure they are going home � and they do not mingle
- with anybody else. They are always monitored, and they are never alone. That�s
- serious. The reason is � they are looking for people that can kill others
- using a drone with no qualms and no problems.
- This ties in to the American civilians� questions on resistance, which is a
- question that I asked General. I asked him, What about the resistance? What
- about the sleeping giant, that we always talk about in terms of the American
- citizen? And the General said � in his own words � �There is no way to stop
- this.� He said, �The giant is dead. While the giant was sleeping, we had a
- special op team come by and bleed the giant out and kill him.�
- He said most of the people that are buying firearms and playing soldier in
- a firing range are not emotionally ready for the job � they�re not emotionally
- ready to kill. They don�t have the emotional training to handle the situation
- properly; they cannot go up against a tactical team. And the second thing that
- the General said is they have no idea of the size of force that is coming against
- them. And he made mention of tens and hundreds of thousands of merks � mercenary
- groups. That would be Academy, formally know as XE, formally known as Blackwater,
- G4S, Becto, Halliburton, Kraft International � I mean, you name it � there�s
- going to be a ton of these guys out there. He said that one of the things people
- fail to realize is that these weapons systems that are force multipliers will
- kill � like one weapon system could kill thousands � one drone could kill hundreds,
- or even thousands, of people � those are force multipliers.
- The second thing that the General said is this: when they bring down the United
- States in 2017 � when this whole thing comes apart � they have, in key locations
- in the United States, bio weapons placed. And the example that he gave me was
- this. If you have a 33 oz. can of Folgers coffee, and you take that can of coffee
- and you have this bio agent in there, and all of a sudden you walk into a busy
- area � let�s say an overpass in Dallas, Texas, or the George Washington Bridge
- right here in New York, or something similar to that, where you have a very
- heavy traffic area � and you just happen to open up that Folgers can. And if
- the wind outside was about � let�s say about three miles per hour or so � you
- could have twenty million dead in three days. Twenty million dead in three days.
- The General went on to say that this type of bio agent will affect the water,
- the food, and the air. It will take three days to kill, with a near 98 percent
- kill ratio � and he said that the initial beta tests are on the pneumonic plague
- and lowgrade pneumonic plague.
- Now, this is what divine providence is � what I was talking about. As soon as
- he said pneumonic plague, I had one of my contacts send me an article � send me
- an alert � stating that there was a man in Colorado that has contracted the
- pneumonic plague. In fact, Ken Shortgen, one of the writers over here at Rogue
- Money, actually wrote an article on it � out of the blue. It�s incredible.
- The General went on to say that the weapon signature will not be known. In
- other words, if there is a lab that chooses to research the virulent agents �
- what its protein makeup is and how to kill it or even identify it properly �
- it would be impossible. In other words, the autopsies will be impossible to do.
- What does that mean, folks? It means complete plausible deniability for the
- parties involved. The government will have complete plausible deniability.
- The other thing the General said is that when this thing happens, they�re going
- to shut down all passports. All passports will be cancelled. All your airports
- and shipping ports will be shut down. He said the recent spat of evidence in
- terms of gun boats � high speed gun boats, that were sighted in Texas, that
- were sighted right here in New York and in New Jersey and in California, Louisiana,
- Florida � that they are being operated by special op covert operational teams.
- Not the ones you see in the black woods in Texas, where you have the Texas
- State Police riding in � I am not talking about those � these are different
- boats. The reason for that is this, folks � usually in a collapse situation,
- people with means will like to hire a skipper, so they can get off land. These
- boats are there to ensure that anybody that tries to leave will be sent direct
- to the bottom.
- This is a very high level of covert operational activity, and it is designed to
- create chaos � and that is the thing that this General has talked about � and he
- is scared, and this man is not scared of anything. But what is coming upon this
- country, and what they have planned, has so shaken him to core, that he has
- contacted me to get out, to leave. He is concerned about his children, that
- still live and work here, and he is concerned about his grandchildren. But apart
- from that, he wants to get out of the way. And his thing here, folks � he said,
- it is important to get this information out, because he wants people to get out
- of the line of fire. This is exactly what W and I spoke about a few months ago,
- when we said you gotta get out of the way. The 2017 date is key, and we�ve seen
- in the last few weeks how things are coming apart. Everything we predicted, we
- talked about � you want to talk about a proven track record � we told you, folks,
- that the silver price will be electronic. It will be an electronic price fix,
- and it would be headed by the CME � we told you about this, and now it�s here,
- just as we said it was.
- The times are critical, and this bit of information, and now this General �
- this guy is just coming out of the blue, sharing with me the information. The
- time tables and protocols match perfectly what we have been saying. A guy who
- is a Four Star. Who was up for Joint Chiefs but walked away from it. A guy who
- was in charge of Asymmetric Warfare, which, by the way � another example would
- be as he said � they would just come and blow your wife and kids away to stop
- you from fighting. How do you like them apples? That has shaken me to the core.
- Look, I am not in the business of scaring the crap out of people at all. I like
- offering solutions. But take this information � you pray about it, you think
- upon it, you chew on it, you think it through thoroughly � and you do what you
- gotta do in the days that are ahead. If you can get out of the country, and I
- don�t care where the hell you want to go � you don�t have to � I am not telling
- you to come down to southern Chile and get involved with what we are doing down
- there. If you can flee to the north, go north. If you can flee to the south, go
- south. If you can get on a yacht right now with a little rich friend of yours
- who you know, and you want to sail out to the middle of nowhere, you go ahead
- and do that. Or if you just disappear off the grid � stay away from heavily
- populated areas in these heavily populated states � I�d recommend you do that.
- Things are going to get ugly.
- This is why the whole border has completely failed, and why this takedown is
- occurring right now. So take this information and think it through, and act on
- it. Do not hesitate. Do not wait.
- This is the Guerrilla, over and out.
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Posted by MARTIAL LAW IN F on August Sat 2nd 6:24 PM - Never Expires
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