- A US federal government agency called the �Child Protective Service�
- has been politically targeting parents, kidnapping children from their
- homes and families without providing any evidence of abuse. Some of
- the victims are people of faith and others are legal gun owners.
- It�s Independence Day: Mom Declared Innocent, Free Dylan Immediately
- http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/07/04/its-independence-day-mom-declared-innocent-free-dylan-immediately/
- July 4th, 2014
- by Dave Hodges
- There�s good news in Fairfax County, Virginia, as the Virginia CPS
- hired mediator, attorney Jim Pope, ruled that there was no evidence
- to sustain the child abuse allegation leveled against Monika Wesolowski,
- in a recent CPS administrative hearing.
- Pope concluded that the unfounded allegation will be thrown out.
- Therefore, Dylan will soon be coming home to his mother, right? Well,
- not exactly, not just yet. One should not expect the Virginia CPS/DFS
- and the Fairfax County Attorney�s office to play fair. These groups
- show signs of concocting yet more strategies, and another false set
- of charges, that will keep the abused mother and son apart.
- Monika Wesolowski was branded a �Level One Child Abuser� by the Virginia CPS.
- This designation would have stayed with Monika for 18 years. The prior CPS
- administrative hearing would give any Kangaroo Court a good name. At the
- original hearing, Monika was not allowed to present evidence in her behalf.
- In particular, Monika was in possession of a pediatrician�s medical report,
- that this author has seen, which concluded that her son, Dylan, was NOT
- assaulted by his mother. As this first hearing, the presiding CPS hearing
- officer refused to consider any evidence from Monika and, as a result, the
- boy was illegally stolen from the mother and put into the custody of two
- foster fathers where the boy has failed to thrive.
- Monika�s declaration of being declared a Level One Child Abuser could have
- led to the loss of her State Department security clearance as this would
- have resulted in the loss of her job and also would have practically barred
- her from obtaining most future employment. Monika was only a few months away
- from losing Dylan, all together, when she contacted me and asked for my help.
- The Bullies From the Virginia CPS/DFS
- The terms justice and the Virginia CPS/DFS are not synonymous terms and should
- not be used in the same sentence. It is a system of justice befitting the
- worst ethics of a third world country as these two organizations financially
- benefit from stealing children and subsequently money, not truth and child
- welfare, become the main motivating force. We the people need to force the
- federal government from giving federal funds to these criminal organizations
- because it incentivizes child kidnapping by misusing the power of the law.
- Many of my readers and listeners are aware of the horrible abuse perpetrated
- upon Monika Wesolowski and her son Dylan, as they have suffered through
- unimaginable horrors brought on by vigilante style of justice by the Virginia
- CPS, Department of Family Services and the County Attorney� s office of Fairfax
- County, Virginia. Since the time of Dylan�s seizure by CPS, Monika and Dylan�s
- lives have been a living hell.
- While in foster care, Dylan, age 5, regressed to wearing diapers and would
- move his arms in a sexually suggestive manner and would call for his mother
- to cut his arms off. The boy also developed a rash in the vicinity of his
- rectum and the mother cried sexual abuse and reported these symptoms to the
- local authorities and to the Virginia CPS. The aforementioned tax supported
- organizations did not investigate in either a timely or meaningful manner,
- thus, leaving the boy in a continual state of stress and danger. No reasonable
- person could conclude that these rogue entities gave a damn about this kid,
- but they did get their federal money.They did extort money out Monika to
- support their bogus and invalidated rehabilitation programs.
- It Is About Winning, Not Justice
- Being a sore loser, the Assistant County Attorney, M. Chris Sigler, of
- Fairfax County, Virginia, is still attempting to justify the unwarranted
- theft of Dylan. He is trying to get Monika to take yet ANOTHER psychological
- evaluation for the second time, because he did not get the insanity results
- he was looking for the first time she took the exam. He is obviously hoping
- that he can get an unscrupulous psychological evaluator who will play ball
- with the system and declare Monika to be insane after the fact and this will
- become the NEW justification to keep Dylan away from his mother.
- In the first psychological profile, the presiding psychologist concluded the
- boy should be returned to his mother. The psychological evaluation was conducted
- by Dr. Sing. Despite being paid by CPS for his services, Dr. Sing concluded
- that �the bond between mother and son is strong and there is no reason that
- mother and son should not be reunified�. However, that was not good enough for
- M. Chris Sigler and the Department of Family Services social worker, Magda Alarcon.
- Monika was ordered by CPS to obtain, at her cost, a therapist. CPS approved
- the selection of Jenna Duffy as the therapist. Alarcon has subsequently
- pressured the therapist to diagnose Monika with a mental illness. Duffy has
- refused and has stated as much in her response to Alarcon�s unethical demand.
- These facts clearly exposes the NEW strategy being used to keep Dylan from
- Monika. They are forum shopping for a different psychological report (Sigler)
- and unethically pressuring therapists, that CPS approved, to make false and
- politically pressured diagnoses (Alarcon). If I lived in Virginia, I would
- be looking to clean house. Justice should start by unelecting the County
- Attorney in the next election and then Mr. Sigler would likely be looking
- for other employment. Everyone connected with this case, in CPS/DFS should
- be immediately fired. If you think this is a strong statement, read the
- following statement and you will see that this is righteous justice.
- In the recent hearing, the CPS officials, under oath could not even cite
- their own level one abuse regulations and procedures, that they did not
- follow, as these procedures related to the child abuse allegations brought
- against Monika. Monika�s attorney made them look like incompetent amateurs
- as he exposed their arrogance and lawlessness of each CPS witness questioned
- on this matter.
- CPS Says One Can�t Be a Gun Owner AND a Parent!
- Also at the hearing, Monika was told by CPS that they had serious concerns
- about releasing the boy to his mother because she is a registered gun owner.
- As incredulous as is this Second Amendment violation is, it should be noted
- that the two original foster fathers, who were given custody of Dylan, are
- reportedly gun owners as well. Again, CPS is grasping at straws because
- they were caught with their professional pants down and the Assistant County
- Attorney is going to have a very difficult time defending these violators
- of the public trust in a court of law.
- What They Were Not Counting On
- What Sigler, Alarcon and the CPS officials were not betting on is that
- they would encounter a petite, 5�1 blonde who would have more intestinal
- fortitude than the parties who have acted in such a heinous manner towards
- Monika and Dylan.
- What they were not counting on was the fact that Monika would find me, and
- through the incredible generosity of my readers and listeners, would be able
- to raise enough money to mount a formidable legal defense against this tyranny.
- What they were also not counting on was the fact that other media, like
- Steve Quayle, Sheila Zilinski, John B. Wells, Ernie Hancock and Doug and
- Joe Hagmann, as well as many Americans with a loving heart would take an
- intense interest in this case and would lend a helping hand. It is no longer
- the Virginia CPS vs. Monika and Dylan Wesolowski, this is now the case of
- the fair-minded people of this nation vs. an over-reaching and out of
- control bureaucratic monstrosity that is undermining the American family!
- A Word to the Wise
- At the hearing, Monika�s adversaries stated that they had moved Dylan out
- of the foster home of the two fathers and placed Dylan with a Catholic family
- which is what should have happened in the first place since Monika is a
- Catholic and the CPS regulations require that the foster environment duplicate
- the original home environment as much as possible. Rather than admitting
- their prior mistakes, these public servants blamed The Common Sense Show
- and yours truly for needing to remove Dylan from the previous foster home.
- The reason that they gave for moving the boy was that Dave Hodges had put
- Dylan at risk by publishing articles and airing shows about the case. They
- alleged that I placed the foster fathers in danger by somehow advocating
- for violence against them and subsequently I put Dylan at risk as well.
- First of all, I do not know the foster fathers names and addresses and I
- never insinuated or asked for anyone to commit any act of aggression towards
- anyone in this case. My sole actions have consisted of alerting the public
- to these illegal behaviors on the part of the identified organizations and
- individuals. Secondly, I helped to raise money for a legal defense fund for
- Monika and Dylan. That is the extent of my actions. in this case. These
- allegations made against my show and myself are on the court reporter�s
- record and constitute a blatant set of lies as these events have been
- related to me.
- If these authorities continue down this path with this type of reported
- slander towards The Common Sense Show, they will be traveling to Maricopa
- County, AZ. in order to face a civil action.
- The Future
- Unless the Virginia CPS/DFS and the County Attorney�s office returns Dylan
- immediately, Monika is going to file an action in civil court in Virginia.
- With the allegation of child abuse removed, these parties have no material
- reason as to why they are still hanging on to the child. However, instead
- of admitting their egregious mistakes, they continue to try and justify
- the abduction of Dylan.
- Thanks to everyone�s generosity, we have raised $25,000 dollars. However,
- this will not be enough if the bad guys continue to ignore the law and also
- act with their spirit of retribution towards Monika and Dylan.
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- Virginia Moms Have Lost Their Constitutional Rights
- http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2014/06/05/virginia-moms-have-lost-their-constitutional-rights/
- Dave Hodges
- June 5, 2014
- The Common Sense Show
- Ironically, Monika Wesolowski�s escaped Poland as she and her family fled
- communism, only to be victimized by the communist policies of the
- Virginia CPS with regard to the evisceration of her Constitutional
- rights and the subsequent unwarranted theft of her child.
- Dangerous Ground
- As my readers and media colleagues are keenly aware, I was recently targeted
- for extreme harassment after I began covering the topic of unwarranted child
- seizures and allegations of child sex trafficking associated with some public
- agencies. I responded by seeking legal advice and decided to suspend my
- activities for three days while contemplating my options. As Steve Quayle
- has told me, you know you are over the target when start getting flack.
- Ernie Hancock also cautioned me that if you are going to be �on the list�,
- you�d better be at the top of the list. I have returned to my previous
- investigations. Publicly, I will tell you that I fear the reach of the
- shadowy forces associated with CPS agencies across this country. The late
- State Senator, Nancy Schaefer, who met an untimely end while exposing the
- international component parts of these alleged nefarious practices. I am
- aware of the tenuous nature of my investigation. This article is also about
- public officials who have denied a mother due process and are continuing to
- disparage her for exercising her Constitutional rights.
- As of this date, I do not have concrete proof that the Virginia CPS is sex
- trafficking in children. I do have significant cause to believe that foster
- children in Virginia are usually in greater danger after being taken from
- their parents for very flimsy or totally false reasons. This is one of these
- stories.
- A New and Tragic Day for American Families
- After learning about new Obamacare provisions which have turned CPS agents
- into de facto federal agents, operating under a 110 page document published
- by HHS, I predicted that the �convenient� disappearance of children, through
- CPS child seizures, would increase exponentially. Totally gone is any pretense
- of due process and following the rule of law. If you are a parent in Virginia,
- your parental authority and rights hang by a thread each and every day that
- you live in that state. Under the Obamacare regulations, children can be taken
- from their parents for such innocuous behaviors such as poor grades, although
- it is unspecified as to what a poor grade is. A child can be taken if there
- is a gun in the home, or the child has been grounded for disobedience or the
- child has missed 5 days of school in any 30 day period. The myriad of reasons
- that a child can be stolen from its parents are seemingly endless.
- A Watershed Case Example
- Briefly, as I have highlighted before, current State Department employee,
- Monika Wesolowski who holds a significant security clearance, was �swat-teamed�
- by her local police and CPS at 830pm, one December night in 2013, because CPS
- wanted to do a child welfare check on her child, Dylan, age 4 at the time.
- After hours of brutal interrogation, the CPS agents accused the mother of
- strangling her child. Even though the police were present during the entire
- Gestapo type interrogation, no charges have ever been brought against
- Wesolowski. A subsequent pediatric report exonerates Ms. Wesolowski from
- the original allegation. No judge has held her accountable. Yet, her son
- has been removed from her custody and Ms. Wesolowski claims that the two
- foster �dads� who now have custody are molesting the boy and the boy is
- failing to thrive.
- Despite the fact that Ms. Wesolowski has repeatedly expressed her suspicions
- to local police, the Fairfax County Attorney�s office and to CPS as well as
- the Virginia Department of Family Services, no meaningful investigation has
- taken place in a case of what I consider to be an extreme example of depraved
- indifference as to the welfare of the child. The boy is autistic, and as such,
- was receiving occupational therapy. The mother states that this therapy,
- deemed necessary, is not being met by Virginia public officials. The boy is
- Catholic and this is not being honored as well.
- This five year old boy, is no longer toilet trained and has been put back
- into diapers by the foster �dads�. There are clear signs of the child�s
- failure to thrive in the foster home under very questionable circumstances.
- Former Virginia CPS Workers Spill the Beans
- Since I first began exposing these heinous set of events, former CPS agents
- across the country, have come forward. In Virginia, I am presently speaking
- to two former CPS agents from this state. As of this writing, they must
- remain unidentified because they fear for their safety if they expose what
- they have seen. However, one former agent has agreed to appear on my show
- when her life circumstances change over the next few weeks.
- What these former CPS agents tell me is that the entire CPS and Virginia
- legal system is designed to separate mothers from their children. CPS is
- motivated by greed and money. For every child taken from the parents, the
- Federal government pays approximately $5,000 dollars. If the child is a
- minority, as is the case with Dylan, more money is paid. And if the child
- has a disability, the feds payout even more in taxpayer�s money to take
- children.
- Many of the CPS agents I have spoken to across the country, tell me that
- there are �off-the-books� quota systems imposed on individual agents to
- take children because the money is funneled back into agency operations.
- As a result, the system is prejudiced against parental rights and keeping
- families together. Yes, the Virginia CPS will publicly say all the right
- things, but the system is undeniably tilted towards the removal children
- from their parents. According to one former Virginia CPS agent, forged
- documents and fabricated evidence are all too frequently part of the
- equation leading to the removal of children from their parents.
- There Is Only the Pretense of Due Process for Parents
- Recently, Ms. Wesolowski sent me the following and very disturbing
- information in an email:
- �My therapist said that DFS Social Worker Magda Alarcon told her that
- I was �unstable� because I contacted the media and was on your show.
- Magda had said that people left comments about the show that place Dylan
- in harm and danger as the comments stated that people wanted to hurt and
- threatened the lives of the foster parents. She said that Magda stated
- that my actions to go to the media did not factor in threats to DFS and
- therefore I am �unstable.� She also said that Magda told her I would not
- be getting more visitation time with my son because of this�.
- If the above is true, this represents the abrogation of parental rights
- for exercising one�s First Amendment rights. I have requested on two
- separate occasions an interview to answer these allegations against the
- Department of Family Services agent, Magda Alarcon, who is the point
- person in this case. My calls to her have not been returned.
- The Wesolowski case is garnering public attention and is a legitimate
- news story. Further, I have received several requests from my media
- colleagues for interviews with Ms. Wesolowski. Monika Wesolowski has
- the First Amendment right to speak out in the media when she feels her
- rights are being violated. Ms. Wesolowski is reporting that she is being
- retaliated against for exercising her First Amendment rights with regard
- to the possible cessation of family reunification exercises in retaliation
- for appearing on my show. Further, my article and subsequent radio
- interview with Monika Wesolowski has not and could not endanger her
- son in any way. If anything, by shining the light of day on the case,
- the potential for wrong doing against the boy is diminished because of
- the attention brought to the case. To imply that my show or column is
- designed to bring harm to a five year old boy for his mother daring to
- expose unconstitutional behavior, is libelous and constitutes slander.
- I certainly hope that my show is not being used as a thinly veiled
- excuse to separate a mother from her child. In case the Virginia
- DFS/CPS officials deny Ms. Wesolowski�s claims of them trying to
- eviscerate her First Amendment rights are bolstered by the contents
- of a letter written by Fairfax Assistant County Attorney to Ms.
- Wesolowski�s attorney.
- Ms. Kramer,
- It is my understanding that you are representing Ms. Wesolowski.
- The Department would like to schedule a meeting with you and your
- client so that we can discuss the case and moving forward. The
- Department has some concerns about Ms. Wesolowski�s radio appearance
- this past weekend and would like to discuss that with you and your
- client. Please let me know when you and Ms. Wesolowski would be
- available for such a meeting. Thank you for your attention to this
- matter. I look forward to working with you.
- Chris M. Christopher Sigler
- Assistant County Attorney
- Fairfax, VA
- Conclusion
- Since when should a radio appearance cause concern for the County
- Attorney? Should any public official fear the light of day? One of
- the former Virginia CPS workers stressed that the CPS likes to operate
- in the shadows and wants to avoid the light of day as much as possible.
- Given the media interest that the Wesolowski case has generated, it is
- too late, for this case is destined to become a media circus and a
- possible campaign issue for the County Attorney in the next election.
- Parents of America, do you feel safer after reading these accounts?
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- Illinois and Virginia CPS� Conspire to Steal and Sex Traffic Children
- By Dave Hodges
- May 19, 2014
- http://republicbroadcasting.org/illinois-and-virginia-cps-conspire-to-steal-and-sex-traffic-children/
- When holding on to sensitive information, I have found it prudent
- to go public as I believe it gives the greatest chance of not becoming
- a statistic such as Breitbart, Hastings, Clancy and appropriately in
- this case, Nancy Schaefer. Subsequently, I am publishing notice of
- the fact that the state of Virginia Child Protective Services is
- sex-trafficking in children that it illegally seizes and that the
- Illinois Child Protective Services is cooperating with Virginia in
- order to complete a child abduction with sex-trafficking connections.
- Obamacare and Child Abduction
- Nearly three weeks ago, I wrote an investigative article which exposed
- a massive conspiracy designed to separate parents from their children
- and an obscure element of Obamacare would subsequently give the government
- complete control over your children.
- In the article, it was documented that Human, Health and Services (HHS)
- and their state level emissary, Children Protective Services (CPS) are
- engaged in a conspiracy which will culminate in (1) the Agenda 21 designed
- breakdown of the family; (2) the eradication of any semblance of parental
- authority over children; and, (3) unbridled and unfettered access to
- seizing children from the home in unlimited quantities for whatever
- nefarious purposes (e.g. child sex trafficking) which might dictate the
- volume of child seizures.
- Based upon the emails and comments the article generated, it became clear
- that most people saw the threat to American children as being real. However,
- there were the typical allegations of fear mongering and falsifying facts
- and conclusions by the programmed sheeple in this country who would have
- everyone believe that there is no such thing as a conspiracy in which
- two, or more, bad people would ever jointly plan to do something nefarious.
- Well, it did not take more than 24 hours after publishing the article for
- me to receive notification of a case that would parallel the hysteria I
- was promoting in the April 29, 2014 article.
- The case, in question, involves a single mom, Monika Wesolowski, who just
- happens to be a State Department employee with a security clearance. I am
- vaguely aware that some of her work involves ambassadors and the White
- House. Please note that if Wesolowski can be targeted by the new Obamacare
- �child protection� guidelines, given her lofty federal employee status,
- then we should conclude that no parent and no child is safe from the evil
- intentions of this administration and some of its sex trafficking minions.
- With absolute certainty, it can be stated that the Virginia Child
- Protective Services and its partner, the Department of Family Services,
- along with the Illinois Child Protective Services are conspiring to
- steal children and sex traffic these same kids.
- A Quick Review of Obamacare �Child Protection� Provisions
- This unprecedented program mandates a partnership between various
- United Nations organizations and ICF, acting on behalf of HHS, CPS
- and Obamacare (i.e. The Affordable Health Care Act). The evidence
- demonstrates that Obamacare is representative of the fact that our
- families are living in a Hitler Youth Movement hellish nightmare in
- which the state owns and can seize your children for whatever reason
- and purpose they deem appropriate.
- After reviewing HHS, CPS and UN documents. What is being presently
- reported in the alternative media is merely the tip of the iceberg with
- regard to HHS� intentions toward the ultimate outcome of the children
- in this country. After reviewing the documents, there is no doubt that
- Obama is representing international interests which will seek to remove
- as many children as possible from the homes of their parents in the
- spirit of the Hitler Youth Movement.
- In the 110 page HHS/CPS manual, written by the UN think tank group ICF,
- on behalf of HHS, now serves as the field manual for CPS child snatching
- operations. The new �variables� which comprise child neglect, worthy of
- government intervention is frightening beyond any words I can find to
- express their undisguised intentions.
- Under the HHS/CPS policy manual, they label any �grounding� of a child as
- neglect by isolation. There are no time frames set forth which constitutes
- isolation and it is left to the field representative. This obviously erodes
- parental discipline.
- If your child is judged to be underachieving in school, this is referred
- to as educational neglect and is worthy of governmental intervention.
- Further, if your child is absent for five days in any one month from
- school, the same allegation would be made against the parent.
- If your child has ADD or ADHD, you could be accused of neglect because
- the document details how this can be somehow caused by poor nutrition,
- although the variables associated with the cause are not specified.
- Of course, no Obama inspired program would be complete without an attack
- upon the Second Amendment. Obamacare is no exception as one of the criteria
- for child neglect are parents who are also gun owners.
- I am sure that now some of the sheeple remember this referenced article
- where provided detailed documentation on how Obamacare allowed for CPS
- to steal children for nefarious purposes. They said it just was not
- true. Unfortunately, it is true and I now have a shining example of
- this horrendous program in action.
- Monika Wesolowski and Son Dylan
- The father of Monika Wesolowski and the grandfather of Dylan sent
- Monika the article described above to his daughter. This prompted an
- introductory email sent by Ms. Wesolowski to myself. After reading
- Monika�s email, I had flashbacks to the Stacy Lynne case that I have
- been working on since December of 2011, when Stacey�s son, Jaden, was
- stolen by a Judge Julie Kunce Field who was a former consultant to the
- IMF and World Bank. Stacy�s was not accused of committing any crime
- except for publicly opposing the Agenda 21 policies in her hometown
- of Ft. Collins, Colorado. For her public advocacy, she now has no
- contact with her son and has no idea where the boy is living.
- Wesolowski is guilty of even less that Stacy Lynne, who was guilty of
- nothing. She is guilty of being a conservative working in an ultra liberal
- environment. She has an NRA bumper sticker on her car, he screen saver
- promotes conservative causes and she is not personally and morally on
- board with the �gay� and �green� agenda that has come to dominate every
- federal administration under the most liberal President in American
- history. Wesolowski does believe that she has been targeted because of
- Catholic based, conservative views. She has been audited by the IRS
- and �randomly drug tested� by her employer. Before you dismiss these
- occurrences as random events, keep in mind that the enforcement agent
- for the new snatch and grab policies of Obamacare is the IRS and that
- this President has been exposed for using the IRS to harass Tea Party
- members and uncooperative members of the mainstream media.
- Wesolowski Makes Contact
- On April 30, 2014, I received a lengthy email from Monika Wesolowski
- who detailed how her son Dylan was stolen from her home without any
- legitimate provocation.
- On 4/30/2014 11:07 AM, Monika Wesolowski wrote:
- Dave,
- I read your article in the RBN about how HHS is taking away children
- through means of CPS. This happened to me in December of 2013, the
- night before my son turned five years old. He is on the spectrum of
- Autism with PDD, sensory processing, and behavioral disorders. He is
- in special education. Our lives were turned upside in a matter of
- hours. I had no idea prior that this would happen. They came in SWAT
- gear to my home, with CPS arriving over an hour later. The ordeal
- lasted from 8:30pm to past 11pm. I did not let them in my home, and
- in this way they classified me as a danger. They claimed I choked my
- son 2 days prior and therefore he was in imminent danger of life and
- that they were taking him away. I never hurt my son. It was the first
- sign of a skin condition, eczema patches, that my son started having.
- He had one small round one on the back of his neck. This is what they
- used against me. They did not take him to a doctor but ruled on hearsay.
- Once in temporary custody of my neighbors, we immediately took my son
- to the pediatrician, who claimed there was no injury and no bruising.
- stated my son had a skin condition and provided medication. CPS was
- very angry that we took him to the doctor. They used the doctor�s
- report against me saying I coerced the doctor and that I was trying
- to use the medication as a cover. I was never arrested or criminally
- charges, rather my son was taken based off hearsay and Civil Court
- Order, an Emergency Removal. Once in court, the judge refused to
- incorporate any medical records. By this time my son was in a foster
- home of two gay men. I am Roman Catholic and have been very opposed
- to the foster home. By the time this went to court, there were two
- medical records as my son was taken to the pediatrician while in foster
- care and given medication for a second eczema (dermatitis) rash. He
- has had a few of these rashes since the ordeal started.
- My son was kidnapped by CPS in order to traffic him into foster care.
- He is in a home of two gay dads. I don�t know what to do. I live in
- Fairfax County, Virginia, which is now exploding with more cases such
- as mine. I am having a hard time getting a lawyer, no one wants to
- oppose the system. People are afraid. They have now accused my son�s
- daycare of child abuse. The daycare testified on my behalf in court,
- so they are now accusing the daycare of abusing my son and pulling
- out his hair, leaving bald marks, and putting poop in his face. I
- know this is all false also. When they removed my son from my home,
- they took him out of the daycare too, so these were new charges,
- even though he was no longer attending. They are trying to scare
- everyone around me.
- I am a good mother, and my son has developmental disabilities. This
- was used to interrogate and coerce my son, and kidnap him. The father
- started this mess when he lost custody and all appeals, I had won sole
- legal custody. Two months later they were taking my son away and the
- ex now had the chance to modify custody. He added false claims of
- abuse and has been working with CPS and DFS (Dept. of Family Services)
- to keep our son in foster care.
- I need help or advice. Can you put my story out for people to see?
- Can you help me expose this more, or maybe let me know if you know
- of anyone that can help?
- Kind Regards,
- Monika Wesolowski
- Falls Church, VA
- Monika went to court to try and get her son removed from CPS custody.
- She took the pediatrician�s report as well as the CPS psychological
- investigation which stated that Monika posed no threat to her son
- and the fact that the boy had not been injured. Amazingly, the judge
- would not allow the evidence to be entered into testimony leaving
- with the conundrum of this being her word vs. the word of CPS.
- Monika has sent me the following in a later email:
- Attached are also the pediatrician records I tried to use in court,
- with sworn affidavits. The 12/9/13 is the evaluation to prove I did
- not injure my son. The full CPS report is attached too. It�s full
- lies and fabrication, they refused to also use my maiden name despite
- that I was divorced at this point. They also listed me as Hispanic
- in one section in order to justify their funding. �
- Speaking of funding, All CPS organizations receive $ 5,000 for each
- child taken from the home and that money is paid by HHS. If the child
- and mother are minorities, the funding stipend increases, hence the
- Hispanic designation.
- Many of these new wards of the state simply disappear and are never
- heard from again as was the case in Oklahoma. This is the kind of
- case that got former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer killed for
- daring to expose the criminal connection between CPS and child sex
- trafficking done by organizations like DynCorps and HSBC Bank.
- Child sex trafficking is big business and the business is run like
- a Mafia organization which eliminates with extreme prejudice those
- persons who would expose the practice. As an aside, I am all too
- cognizant of the fact who and what I am dealing with. Therefore,
- I have distributed the Wesolowski �proof� of these claims to trusted
- sources for all the obvious reasons. This article also represents a
- kind of insurance policy as well.
- Monika Wesolowski Can Prove What She Claims
- Rather than placing Dylan with family and close friends as a
- foster care arrangement, CPS has opted to place the boy with
- two gay men. This is where the situation becomes very concerning.
- Gay rights advocates can relax, I am not going to discuss the
- wisdom of such a custody arrangement. Rather, I am going to
- expose reported criminal activity of two men who have no CPS
- oversight with regard to their parenting of Dylan.
- As result of Monika�s visitations with Dylan, she has made some
- frightening discoveries. Dylan has �marks� in sensitive areas
- consistent with sexual abuse. The information is graphic and I am
- trying to determine the best method to release this photographic
- evidence. In addition, Dylan has regressed to defecating in his
- pants. He has unexplained fits of temper where he talks about
- cutting off his hands and the hands of others. Think sexually,
- this boy is describing the mechanics of sexual abuse. As some
- readers know, I am a former mental health counselor. If this case
- was taking place in my state of Arizona, I would be compelled to
- report these facts to the authorities or face going to jail.
- Here is another excerpt of an email that Monika sent me with
- graphic evidence.
- These are the photos I sent to my new attorney concerning my son�s
- abuse & neglect, and fear or sexual abuse.
- His dermatitis rashes are on his back and shoulder and have been
- there for at least several weeks, are getting worse. My son is
- skinnier and has lost weight since in the foster. He last yelled
- repeatedly that he wants to cut his hands off over and over and
- over prior to the bath�
- Why the Delay In Reporting This Case?
- Up until this point, I have been publicly silent on this issue
- because I was hopeful that Monika and Dylan would be reunited and
- I did not want to muddy the waters. CPS laid out a set of conditions
- that Monika had to follow if she was going to get her son back. She
- has fulfilled all of the unwarranted mandates that CPS laid out in
- order to get her son back. However, CPS/DFS is delaying the
- reunification until December of 2014. As I have discovered if this
- case gets dragged out for 12 months, CPS can take the child and no
- report requirement with regard to status has to be made to the
- original parent. This mother has no chance of getting her son back.
- I delayed in reporting this case because Monika had a meeting,
- yesterday, with the Virginia Department of Family Services. I was
- hoping against all odds that she would get her child back and I
- did not want to antagonize the authorities. The following email
- description is summarizes Monika�s meeting with DFS.
- Ok. Met with DFS, all they are trying to do is damage control. I
- called the police, it�s a county over and their process is I have
- to talk to an officer first and only then it can go higher. I am
- saving brief clips of proof along with photos and dates, and going
- tomorrow during the morning as I have a feeling it will take half
- the day, and during the day. They won�t let me speak to a detective
- until I have enough proof, so I�m compiling!
- But yes, I will talk on your show. Send me details of exact date,
- time, and number.
- Monika Wesolowski
- Virginia and Illinois Are Conspiring to Steal Dylan From His Mother
- On May 15, 2014, I received a very disturbing email from Monika
- which described the following collusion between the Virginia and
- Illinois CPS with regard to her son�s case.
- ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
- Your Child Is Not Safe from the Global Elite�s Child Sex Trafficking Rings
- Dave Hodges
- May 18, 2014
- The Common Sense Show
- There is no greater nightmare than for a parent to lose their child.
- Subsequently, it is undeniably an inborn instinct for the majority of
- parents to guard their children�s welfare with their lives. When we
- read or hear about parents who have lost children our collective hearts
- break for these parents and grieve for the lost children.
- What do we as parents do when key public officials, large corporations
- as well as powerful governmental institutions the key players in both
- stealing and sexually abusing our children. In my years of investigating
- these heinous crimes against humanity, I have learned that many in the
- global elite do not view the abduction and sexual abuse of our children
- to be a crime. Our children are merely the sexual toys for many of the
- world�s elite whether they be associated with the royal family of England,
- the Bush family, Dyncorps, Wachovia Wells Fargo, Blackwater (now Academi)
- or HSBC bank.
- I have interviewed experts which have detailed stories of how our children
- are abducted by the various state run CPS� and then trafficked into sex
- rings which service such events as the Super Bowl. As recently as three
- months ago, the FBI busted a child sex trafficking ring associated with
- the most recent Super Bowl in New York City. The corporate controlled media
- reported the bust as if the problem was now solved. There are dozens of
- such sex rings who steal children, in one form or another, and then
- prostitute these children to various Super Bowl functions. Many times,
- these children are exploited right under the noses of NFL security and
- local authorities because it�s good for business.
- Monika and Dylan
- Yesterday, I introduced the country to Monika Wesolowski and her
- five year old son, Dylan. I revealed how Dylan was stolen from his
- mother without provocation by Virginia�s CPS, who in turn placed the
- boy with two gay fathers. Monika has discovered that the boy is being
- sexually abused and most likely sex trafficked. Comments from the two
- fathers about the boy�s desirability and his cute blond hair have been
- made to the mother during visitations.
- Equally disturbing, I revealed how Illinois CPS� tried to coerce Monika�s
- parents to sign an affidavit which implicated Monika for abusing her own
- child. The Illinois CPS officials made clear statements which clearly
- demonstrated that Illinois CPS officials were working hand in glove
- with Virginia CPS officials to permanently remove Dylan from the custody
- of his mother. If one takes the time to investigate the self-appointed
- authority of Obamacare to control all 50 CPS organizations across the
- country, through a Human Health Services, United Nations inspired 110
- page field manual, it is easy to establish collusion between Illinois
- and Virginia CPS� in the theft and sex trafficking of children.
- The public encourages government to step in and remove endangered
- children from abusive parents. However, all too often, as is the case
- with Monika and Dylan, the CPS is there to fabricate charges of parental
- wrongdoing and place the child in foster care where children all too
- often, as was the case in Oklahoma, disappear by the dozens.
- I do not say this lightly. When CPS officials show up at your door,
- you must view them as federal abduction officials who are there to
- procure your child for possible use as a sex slave in child sex rings
- run by the elite, which profit the elite and service the perverse needs
- of the elite.
- The following paragraphs will detail how pervasive and murderous are
- thse global elite child sex rings.
- Jerry Sandusky
- [Picture]
- A picture is worth a thousand words.
- Most Americans think that when former Penn State football coach,
- Jerry Sandusky, received a 30 to 60 prison term after being found
- guilty on 45 counts of the sexual exploitation of minors, that the
- case was closed. And that is what the global elite controlled sex
- trafficking industry with their allies in the corporate controlled
- media would have the public believe.
- Sandusky was first accused of sexual abuse of a minor in 1999. The case
- was investigated by local police, referred to Centre County�s District
- Attorney, Ray Gricar, who refused to press charges despite the fact
- that the mother of the alleged victim had voicemail tapes and tape
- recordings of Sandusky and her son and their sexually explicit
- conversations. However, at a later time, the formerly rejected case,
- as well as other Sandusky victims resurfaced in 2005 and Gricar
- reopened his investigation. Shortly thereafter, on his day off,
- Gricar went missing and has body has never been found. His laptop
- was found in a nearby creek, but none of the data could be retrieved
- according to the FBI investigative report.
- [Picture]
- This DA. Ray Gricar, dared to investigate Sandusky and Second Mile
- and paid for his efforts with his life.
- Gricar was declared legally dead in 2011, after the Sandusky scandal
- surfaced. The investigation of the apparent kidnapping and murder of
- Ray Gricar could politely be described as incomplete. Gricar�s fate
- is an all too common fate experienced by whistle blowers and investigators
- into the controlled world-wide pedophile ring.
- The corporate controlled media was all too eager the Sandusky case
- until The Second Mile Foundation surfaced and the Gricar disappearance
- came to light.
- [Picture]
- How quickly we forget!
- Jerry Sandusky�s �The Second Mile Foundation� was recognized as one of
- President Bush�s top �1000Points of Light.� Interestingly, Marvin P.
- Bush is on the National Collegiate Athletic Association Board of Directors
- which helped make the selection. Former president, George H. W. �Pappy�
- Bush is no stranger to accusations of pedophilia as evidenced by the
- accompany headline adjacent to this paragraph.
- The board members of the Second Mile Foundation have not exactly been
- forthcoming with evidence against Sandusky during the trial process.
- These same board members have not uniformly disavowed the actions of
- the Sandusky created entity which was responsible for pimping out
- children. The board members have not totally disavowed the organization�s
- complicity in these heinous crimes by resigning. The overall silence of
- the following board members should give anyone cause for concern.
- Second Mile Foundation Official Governing Board Members
- Second Mile Governing Board Member
- Institutional Affiliation
- David Woodle
- Chairman & CEO, NanoHorizons, Inc.
- Clyde Shuman
- Principal, Precision Medical, Inc.
- William Martin
- Certified Financial Planner Martin Financial
- Cliff Benson
- Retired, Deloitte Tax LLP
- Donald Carlino
- President, Airgas Safety, Inc.
- Sen. Jake Corman
- Pennsylvania State Senator
- Neal DeAngelo
- Owner, DeAngelo Brothers, Inc.
- Edward Dunklebarger
- President, Susquehanna Bancshares, Inc.
- Kenneth Ewing
- Retired, Hershey Foods Corporation
- Michael Fiaschetti
- Senior Vice President, Highmark Blue Shield
- Michael Fiore
- Executive Vice President, Leonard S. Fiore, Inc.
- Linda Gall
- Community Volunteer
- Anne Deeter Gallaher
- Owner, Deeter Gallaher Group LLC
- Bruce Heim
- Chairman, Keystone Real Estate Group, LP
- Dorothy Huck
- Community Volunteer
- Dick Kile
- President, Tri-Emerald Financial Group
- Tom Knepley
- Sales and Marketing Coordinator, Techbldrs
- Michael Kuntz
- Vice President and General Manager, Turner Construction
- Matt Millen
- ESPN Football Analyst
- Heidi Nicholas
- Real Estate Developer & Manager, CEI, Inc.
- Michael O�Donnell
- Vice President, Wealth Advisor, Morgan Stanley
- Kim Ortenzio-Nielsen
- Community Volunteer
- Chuck Pearson
- Retired, Bank Chairman, Waypoint Financial
- Eric Peterson
- CPA, Walz, Deihm, Geisenberger, Bucklen & Tennis
- Alec Pringle
- Real Estate Appraiser/Developer/
- Nancy Ring
- Realtor, REMAX Centre County
- DrueAnne Schreyer
- Community Volunteer
- Steve Seltzer
- President, Steve Seltzer Honda
- Lauren Shank
- Corporate Attorney and Community Volunteer
- Louie Sheetz
- Executive Vice President for Marketing, Sheetz, Inc.
- Fred Strouse
- Realtor, Kissinger Bigatel Brower
- Richard Struthers
- Retired, Bank of America
- Michael Sullivan
- Owner, Automated Records Centre
- Daryl Milliner
- Regional Vice President, Paradigm Partners
- Jerry Burton
- Certified Brain Specialist
- Mark Greenberg
- Director, The Prevention Research Center, College of Health and
- Human Development, Pennsylvania State University
- Do the above mentioned board members of The Second Mile Foundation
- expect a naive public that from 1977 to 2011, that absolutely no
- Second Mile official, nobody at all, except for the abused children
- and Sandusky, had any knowledge of the abuse? Keep in mind that
- these young victims were pimped out in broad daylight.
- What about Ray Gricar? How does a District Attorney, who has
- shown interest in the Sandusky case, go missing and it does not
- trigger an internal investigation from the identified board
- members? The best case scenario is that these individuals are
- guilty of depraved indifference to the heinous crimes committed
- by Sandusky et al. The worst case scenario suggests a possible
- cover-up at the highest levels of this organization.
- The fact also remains that former District Attorney, Ray Gricar,
- is dead and there is no outrage. The obvious connections between
- Sandusky and Second Mile have been largely ignored by the corporate
- controlled media and stunningly, no investigation in conjunction
- with the obvious interconnections between Sandusky, Second Mile
- and Gricar�s disappearance has been conducted.
- Please take note how quickly the Sandusky affair disappeared
- following the revelation of Second Mile�s involvement in child
- sex trafficking.
- Former Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer
- Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schaefer was an outspoken
- opponent of CPS. Schaefer authored an investigation in which,
- among other findings, revealed the following:
- ��the separation of families is growing as a business because
- local governments have grown accustomed to having taxpayer dollars
- to balance their ever-expanding budgets.
- The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President
- Bill Clinton, offered cash �bonuses� to the states for every child
- they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the �adoption
- incentive bonuses� local child protective services need more children.
- They must have merchandise (children) that sell and you must have
- plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to
- give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000
- for a �special needs� child. Employees work to keep the federal
- dollars flowing.
- The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that
- six times as many children died in foster care than in the general
- public and that once removed to official �safety�, these children
- are far more likely to suffer abuse, including sexual molestation
- than in the general population.
- That according to the California Little Hoover Commission Report in
- 2003, 30% to 70% of the children in California group homes do not
- belong there and should not have been removed from their homes.
- �poor parents often times are targeted to lose their children because
- they do not have the where-with-all to hire lawyers and fight the
- system. Being poor does not mean you are not a good parent or that
- you do not love your child, or that your child should be removed and
- placed with strangers.�
- In this document, Schaefer makes it clear that organizations, such
- as The Second Mile, procure their underage victims by making children
- wards of the State. CPS has unchecked legal authority to remove
- children, with or without cause. Subsequently, CPS and their partners,
- the corrupt juvenile court judges can place these children wherever
- they see fit (e.g. The Franklin House, Boys Town, Elm House, The
- Second Mile Foundation) where unimaginable horrors take place.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry5eSKyZ98g
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y73nFp0Y19c
- Given the deaths of so many people who have tried to expose this
- international conspiracy, do I think that Monika and Dylan are in
- danger? Without question, they are in danger. Their best protection
- is the light of day. Therefore, I would ask that you would circulate
- this three part series far and wide.
- Conclusion
- In the last part in this series, I am going to expose just how high
- this problem goes and the public officials who are involved is shocking.
- Short of uncontrolled vigilantism directed at those who would dare steal
- our children for such nefarious purposes, I do not have any hard and fast
- answers as to what we can do, but we must do something because there are
- a number of Monika�s and Dylan�s out there and their numbers growing
- exponentially.
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by Mom Declared Inn on July Wed 9th 12:49 AM - Never Expires
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