- INSANITY - people who think the same government that
- can�t even take care of those who fight it�s wars will
- somehow be able to help manage the whole countries�
- health care system along with it.
- � Vets Died as VA Obsessed Over Renewable �Green� Energy ::
- The sick and halt wait but the solar panels don�t.
- The administrators at the Veterans Administration have
- apparently been busy while old soldiers waited to see a
- doctor, after all. Serving those who served is not necessarily
- a priority, but saving the planet is Job 1. Solar panels and
- windmills can be more important than the touch of a healing
- hand.
- The department early on set up an Office of Green Management
- Programs designed to �help VA facilities nationwide recognize
- opportunities to green VA, and to reward innovative �green�
- practices and efforts by individual facilities and staff within
- the VA.� This sometimes means paying more attention to greening
- the department and saving the polar ice caps than to health care.
- In the department�s words, it adopted a far more important
- mission to �become more energy efficient and sustainable, focusing
- primarily on renewable energy, energy and water efficiency,
- [carbon-dioxide] emissions reduction, and sustainable buildings.�
- The green office isn�t merely a desk and telephone tucked away
- in the dark corner of a nondescript government building. It�s a
- substantial undertaking, with all the luxury, bells and whistles
- of a bureaucracy that means business. Eric K. Shinseki, who
- resigned as secretary in the wake of the VA scandal of the sin
- of omission, traveled the country to boast of the green initiative.
- In one instance, he traveled to Massachusetts to flick the switch
- at a half-million-dollar windmill project at the Massachusetts
- National Cemetery. �Nationally,� he said, �VA continues to expand
- its investment in renewable sources of energy to promote our
- nation�s energy independence, save taxpayer dollars, and improve
- care for our veterans and their families.
- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/19/editorial-strange-priorities-at-the-va/
- � More Vets Obamacared ::
- http://www.naturalnews.com/045579_Veterans_Affairs_health_care_system_government_programs.html
- � FBI Opens Criminal Investigation Into VA ::
- Multiple internal investigations by the inspector
- general and the VA have concluded that schedulers
- throughout the VA system faced pressure from supervisors
- to make it appear as though veterans were receiving care
- within 14 days. In reality, veterans at many hospitals
- throughout the country were waiting months to see doctors.
- Hospital administrators� bonuses and promotions were tied
- to their ability to hit the 14-day target.
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/fbi-joins-review-of-allegations-into-va-misconduct/2014/06/11/7f750b02-f177-11e3-914c-1fbd0614e2d4_story.html
- � Obama Regime Trying to Cover up the VA Scandal by
- Issuing Subpoenas to Whistle-Blower Sites ::
- http://www.infowars.com/the-obama-administration-is-trying-to-cover-up-the-va-scandal-by-issuing-subpoenas-to-whistle-blower-sites/
- LEAK INFO HERE � http://vbmwh445kf3fs2v4.onion/
- � 100,000 Veterans Face Long Waits to See VA Doctors ::
- Some 100,000 veterans across the country are waiting
- long periods to see doctors, according to an internal
- Department of Veterans Affairs audit released Monday.
- The VA says it already has contacted 50,000 veterans
- trying to get them quicker medical care.
- A total of 57,436 veterans across the country have waited
- 90 days to see a doctor and still did not have an
- appointment as of May 15, the VA said. The agency also
- found evidence that in the past 10 years, nearly 64,000
- veterans who sought VA care were simply never seen by
- a doctor.
- http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/06/09/va-waiting-lists-phoenix-shinseki-gibson/10224797/
- � Midwest VA Hospitals Also Had Secret Waiting Lists ::
- The problems with delayed care and unauthorized wait
- lists that caused a furor at a Veterans Affairs health
- care campus in Arizona existed at several facilities
- in the Midwest, but in much smaller numbers, VA officials
- said in letters to two US senators.
- The Department of Veterans Affairs maintained 10 such
- �secret waiting lists� of military veterans in need of
- care at facilities in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and
- Indiana, the letters said. They also said at least 96
- veterans waited more than 90 days for treatment at seven
- facilities in those states, including 26 in St. Louis
- and 19 in Columbia, Missouri.
- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/3/wichita-va-hospital-had-secret-waiting-list/
- � Man Dies in Veterans� Hospital After Police Stomped Him
- for Trying to Leave ::
- When a 65-year-old veteran tried to discharge himself
- from a VA hospital, he received a fatal beating from
- police, his widow alleges in a federal lawsuit.
- Jonathan Montano, 65, survived the Vietnam War, but he
- did not survive the Department of Veterans Affairs. His
- widow, Norma Montano, has come forth with a complaint
- against the VA describing how beating by police caused
- him to die an untimely death.
- http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/jonathan-montano/
- � OBAMACARED! VA Hospital Staff Got $1,000,000 in Bonuses
- While Therapy Pool for Wounded Vets Shut Down ::
- Uncle Sam treats his pawns well.
- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/3/va-hospital-staff-got-1m-bonuses-while-therapy-poo/
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/02/va-hospital-axed-veteran-programs-while-approving-1-million-in-bonuses/
- � Relative Describes Squalid State of St. Louis VA ::
- http://www.progressivestoday.com/exclusive-filth-feces-urine-and-trash-veterans-abused-at-st-louis-va-pictures/
- � Veteran to Colorado VA - You Owe Me a Leg ::
- http://www.progressivestoday.com/veteran-to-colorado-va-you-owe-me-a-leg/
- � Vets Around the Country Describe VA Hospital Experiences ::
- http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/Health-News/VA-hospital-veterans-experiences/2014/05/31/id/574401/
- � Shinseki Resigns ::
- Politicians want to sweep this injustice under the rug
- from bad publicity because elections are drawing near.
- In reality they don�t give a flying fuck about the vets.
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/shinseki-apologizes-for-va-health-care-scandal/2014/05/30/e605885a-e7f0-11e3-8f90-73e071f3d637_story.html
- � 1,700 Vets Left Off VA Hospital Wait List ::
- http://cnsnews.com/news/article/report-1700-vets-left-va-hospital-wait-list
- � Internal VA Email Reveals Los Angeles VA Hospital
- Manipulated Records ::
- http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-California/2014/05/29/LA-VA-Hospital-Manipulated-Records
- � The VA - A Window Into the Future of Obamacare ::
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/27/Window-Into-the-Future
- � Texas VA Run Like a �Crime Syndicate,� Whistleblower Says ::
- Last week, President Obama pledged to address allegations
- of corruption and dangerous inefficiencies in the veterans�
- health-care system. But before the president could deliver
- on his pledge, the scandal has spread even further. New
- whistleblower testimony and internal documents implicate
- an award-winning VA hospital in Texas in widespread wrongdoing
- �and what appears to be systemic fraud.
- Emails and VA memos obtained exclusively by The Daily Beast
- provide what is among the most comprehensive accounts yet of
- how high-level VA hospital employees conspired to game the
- system. It shows not only how they manipulated hospital wait
- lists but why�to cover up the weeks and months veterans spent
- waiting for needed medical care. If those lag times had been
- revealed, it would have threatened the executives� bonus pay.
- What�s worse, the documents show the wrongdoing going unpunished
- for years, even after it was repeatedly reported to local and
- national VA authorities. That indicates a new troubling angle
- to the VA scandal: that the much touted investigations may be
- incapable of finding violations that are hiding in plain sight.
- �For lack of a better term, you�ve got an organized crime
- syndicate,� a whistleblower who works in the Texas VA told
- The Daily Beast. �People up on top are suddenly afraid they
- may actually be prosecuted and they�re pressuring the little
- guys down below to cover it all up.�
- �I see it in the executives� eyes,� the whistleblower added.
- �They are worried.�
- The current VA scandal broke in Phoenix last month, when a
- former doctor at a VA hospital there became the first whistleblower
- to gain national attention. The doctor's allegations of falsified
- appointments�and veterans dying while they waited for treatment
- �unleashed a wave of similar claims from VA employees nationwide.
- In Cheyenne, Wyoming, Chicago, and Albuquerque, more VA
- whistleblowers came forward claiming that the same fraudulent
- scheduling was being used in the hospitals where they worked.
- At last count, the VA inspector general�s investigation had
- expanded to 26 separate facilities.
- The torrent of claims led to Senate hearings, calls for VA
- Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign, multiple investigations
- and President Obama�s own public statement last week. Paul
- Rieckhoff, founder and chief executive officer of Iraq and
- Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), believes that even
- more revelations are coming.
- �This newest case just further illustrates that the scandal
- is much more far reaching than most people realize,� Rieckhoff
- said, �Phoenix was just the tip of the iceberg. Scandal has
- become the new normal, it�s the status quo at the VA right now.�
- But, despite the political uproar and the growing investigations,
- the root causes of the VA crisis have remained murky. New
- documents and whistleblower testimony obtained by The Daily
- Beast shed light on exactly how fraud is being perpetrated
- in the VA and its underlying causes.
- There�s enormous pressure to report favorable wait times for
- VA patients, the Texas whistleblower explained, even if those
- wait times are completely false.
- http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/05/27/exclusive-texas-va-run-like-a-crime-syndicate-whistleblower-says.html
- http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1174549/1-cancelled-order.pdf
- http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1174544/2_emailchain.pdf
- http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1174555/4-performanceobjs.pdf
- http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1174556/5-speakdirector.pdf
- � Infowars Investigates the VA�s History of Neglect ::
- http://www.infowars.com/infowars-investigates-the-vas-history-of-neglect/
- � Yet Another Vet Obamacared - Widow Claims Veterans�
- Hospital Police Beat Her Husband to Death ::
- https://www.courthousenews.com/2014/05/25/68182.htm
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/27/family-alleges-va-police-killed-vet/
- � FLASHBACK! Obama in 2008 - VA Will be Leader of Health
- Care Reform ::
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/obama-2008-va-will-become-a-leader-of-health-care-reform/
- � VA Scandal Is the Future of Obamacare Says Palin ::
- �Government health care will not reduce the cost; it
- will simply refuse to pay the cost,� Palin wrote in 2009
- while predicting �death panels.� �And who will suffer the
- most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and
- the disabled, of course.�
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/21/Sarah-Palin-VA-Scandal-Future-of-Obamacare-if-Democrats-Not-Voted-Out
- � VETS OBAMACARED ; VA Has Already Admitted 23 Veteran
- Deaths Linked to Delays in Care ::
- Delays in endoscopy screenings for potential gastrointestinal
- cancer in 76 veterans treated at Department of Veterans
- Affairs hospitals are linked to 23 deaths, most of them
- three to four years ago, according to the VA.
- The delays occurred at 27 VA hospitals with deaths at 13
- of the facilities.
- http://www.usatoday.com/story/nation/2014/04/08/va-cancer-treatment-deaths-delay-veterans-hospitals/7457255/
- http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/contradiction-presidents-claim-va-admitted-23-veteran-deaths-linked-delays-care_793459.html
- � VETS OBAMACARED ; Director of Phoenix VA Hospital Where
- Vets Died from Delays Received $8,500 Bonus ::
- http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/director-phoenix-va-hospital-where-vets-died-received-8500-bonus-april_793434.html
- � VA Delay Obamacared Washington State Man ::
- http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2014/05/21/va-delay-killed-washington-state-man/
- � 0-care ; Louisiana VA Staff Falsified Documents ::
- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/may/22/louisiana-va-staff-falsified-documents/
- � Whistleblower Reveals VA Corruption & Abuse ::
- VA Supervisor said older veterans should be �taken
- outside and shot in the head� to save money!
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI3dEsjrXXA
- http://www.infowars.com/exclusive-whistleblower-reveals-new-va-scandal/
- � Veterans Have Felt the Wrath of Obamacare for Years ::
- New scandle breaks out after veterans die while having
- to wait for medical care.
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/328546c0-dd10-11e3-8546-00144feabdc0.html
- � How Much The Government Cares About You ::
- http://0paste.com/5938
- � FLASHBACK - Obama Promised to End Deplorable Conditions
- at VA Hospitals - Now Spreads the VA Scandle Throughtout
- the Country With Obamacare ::
- http://www.nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/378322/obama-2007-time-end-deplorable-conditions-some-va-hospitals-jim-geraghty
- � Veterans Know �Obamacare� Because They Already
- Have It ... and It SUCKS! ::
- �������������
- By now, the slow-motion train wreck that is Obamacare
- has been well documented, as new revelations about the
- law become known to the public. From antiquated technology
- to cost uncertainty to not keeping your doctor, the reality
- of government-mandated health care is smacking Americans
- in the face.
- But for America�s war veterans, this is all old news. If
- you�re looking for an even more damning glimpse of
- Obamacare�s future, ask a military veteran about their
- experiences with the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
- You will not find their responses reassuring. ... ...
- When their benefit claims are stymied by the VA�s Kafkaesque
- bureaucracy, veterans often recite a mordantly cynical refrain:
- �Delay, deny, wait till I die.�
- http://dailycaller.com/2013/11/25/veterans-know-obamacare-because-they-already-have-it/
- ______________________________________
- � OBAMACARE ARCHIVE - MAY 21st 2014 ::
- https://www.quickleak.org/vPUifhRg
- ______________________________________
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 1 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1114/
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 2 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1123/
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 3 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1132/
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 4 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1144/
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 5 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1161/
- ______________________________________
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 001 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1101/
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 002 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1110
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 003 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1158/
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 004 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1165/
- ______________________________________
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (16 May 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1106/
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (22 May 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1119/
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (29 May 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1134/
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (16 June 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1164/
- ______________________________________
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 01 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1024/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 02 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1025/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 03 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1026/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 04 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1027/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 05 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1031/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 06 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1056/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 07 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1112/
- ��������������������������������������
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