- 21:52:45 @jared � wes
- 21:52:49 @jared � i was cuttin dope the other day
- 21:52:53 @jared � i had like
- 21:53:01 @jared � a pound of pot
- 21:53:08 @jared � some crystal, and some coke
- 21:53:11 mq522 � HOLY SHUIT
- 21:53:14 mq522 � COOL STORY BRO
- 21:53:16 @gerry � sup Affinity
- 21:53:19 @jared � !addban mq522
- 21:53:19 @ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@xx.xx.xx.xx
- 21:53:19 mq522 was kicked by @ChanServ ((jared) Bye.)
- 21:53:19 Unable to join #в˜� (you're banned)
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Posted by jared ragd on July Wed 22nd 8:30 PM - Never Expires
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