- All gun grabbing and forced microchipping reports will be
- documented and archived. Obamacare IS NOT about healthcare,
- it�s about control over human beings� lives!
- � Medical Dictatorship Rolling Out - Children and Parents
- Loosing Their Privacy Rights ::
- Secret interrogation of children to reveal private family
- lifestyles for paranoid government gestapos to scrutinize.
- Intentions may be to kidnap children away from politicaly
- �radical� parents like YOU.
- http://oneduffy.blogspot.nl/2014/06/whos-in-charge.html
- http://www.infowars.com/new-medical-law-mandates-private-conversation-with-child-before-every-doctor-visit/
- http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/shock-medical-law-we-need-to-have-a-short-5-minute-private-conversation-with-your-child_06052014
- � FLASHBACK ; Political Abuse of Psychiatry ::
- http://cryptomeorg.siteprotect.net/psychiatry-political-abuse.pdf
- Mirrored � http://upstore.net/ZtWdpw
- � Psychiatrist Reported Gun Owner to Police, Raid Followed ::
- The medical gestapo are comming for you�re guns!
- http://www.infowars.com/court-upholds-warrantless-entry-seizure-of-gun-rights-activist/
- UPDATE! The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals may have just
- dealt a serious blow to the US Constitution.
- In a unanimous decision earlier this month the Court
- determined that law enforcement officers are not required
- to present a warrant or charges before forcibly entering
- a person�s home, searching it, and confiscating their
- firearms if they believe it is in the individual�s best
- interests.
- The landmark suit was brought before the court by Krysta
- Sutterfield of Milwaukee, who had recently visited a
- psychiatrist for outpatient therapy resulting from some
- bad news that she had received. According to court records
- Sutterfield had expressed a suicidal thought during the
- visit, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, when she said �I guess
- I�ll go home and blow my brains out.� This prompted her
- doctor to contact police.
- The police then raided her home without a warrant and
- confiscated her firearms - all because of a psychiatrist
- who snitched. Psychiatrists can no longer be trusted in
- the police state and neither can the cops.
- http://www.infowars.com/shock-fedgov-court-ruling-police-can-kick-in-your-door-and-seize-guns-without-warrant-or-charges/
- � Illinois Department of Human Services Targets Patient�s
- Second Amendment Rights ::
- An Infowars.com reader has emailed a brochure released
- by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). The
- brochure describes the responsibility of doctors and
- health care professionals under the Firearm Owner
- Identification (FOID) Mental Health Reporting System
- as part of the Firearm Concealed Carry Act (PA 98-063).
- The law requires clinicians and facilities to report
- patients who own firearms they believe pose a �clear
- and present danger� to themselves or others.
- http://www.infowars.com/2nd-amendment-clear-and-present-danger-in-illinois/
- � Psychiatrists Are the New Federal Gun Control Agents
- and Political Thought Police ::
- Meet the new gestapo under Obamacare being recruited.
- http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/psychiatrists-are-the-new-federal-gun-control-agents-and-political-thought-police_04272014?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SHTFplan+%28SHTF+Plan+-+When+It+Hits+The+Fan%2C+Don%27t+Say+We+Didn%27t+Warn+You%29
- � Dictatorship ; Obamacare to Target Gun Owners ::
- http://www.infowars.com/obamas-surgeon-general-pick-guns-are-a-public-health-issue/
- � Dictatorship ; Shrinks Now Work for Police State ::
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/see-a-shrink-lose-your-gun/
- � RESIST! Obamacare Agenda Includes RFID Microchips ::
- Civils who care about their privacy will never comply.
- http://www.infowars.com/medical-drug-pumping-microchip-plan-to-be-carried-out-by-2017/
- �I don�t see Obamacare as something designed to
- offer healthcare. � I think the question comes down
- to a bigger one, which is, are we going to create a
- society where one hundred percent of everything is
- digitized and under central control?�
- http://traffic.libsyn.com/casey/Catherine_Austin_Fitts_FINAL.mp3
- https://www.caseyresearch.com/sound-money/episode-22-the-popsicle-index-catherine-austin-fitts-interview
- ______________________________________
- � OBAMACARE ARCHIVE - MAY 21st 2014 ::
- https://www.quickleak.org/vPUifhRg
- ______________________________________
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 1 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1114/
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 2 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1123/
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 3 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1132/
- � Veterans Obamacared! Part 4 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1144/
- ______________________________________
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 001 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1101/
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 002 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1110
- ______________________________________
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (16 May 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1106/
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (22 May 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1119/
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (29 May 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1134/
- ______________________________________
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 01 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1024/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 02 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1025/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 03 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1026/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 04 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1027/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 05 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1031/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 06 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1056/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 07 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1112/
- ��������������������������������������
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Posted by The Obamacare Ge on June Wed 11th 4:05 PM - Never Expires
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