- 18:26:28 fantasyy � Hi, I had the ssw 3.9 priv on my computer, but forgot to back it up when i reformatted. I would be very greatful if you could provide me with the link to the SSW private builds.
- 18:26:43 mq521 � sur
- 18:26:58 fantasyy � :D
- 18:28:29 fantasyy � thanks :p
- 18:31:30 mq521 � k found
- 18:31:33 mq521 � xxx/SSW39.rar
- 18:31:42 fantasyy � Thank you very much! :D
- 18:34:51 +fantasyy ([email protected]) quits (Client closed the connection)
- 18:51:38 fantasyy:#0v1 ([email protected]) joins #0v1
- 18:51:56 fantasyy � Well, was that a virus or what?
- 18:52:27 mq521 � ?
- 18:53:07 fantasyy � the "SSW39.rar"
- 18:53:10 fantasyy � you sent me
- 18:55:07 mq521 � what about it
- 18:55:16 fantasyy � Was that a virus?
- 18:55:58 mq521 � no
- 18:56:00 mq521 � why would it be
- 18:56:17 fantasyy � ok, because when i doubleclicked the exe my computer went apepoo
- 18:56:50 mq521 � wtf
- 18:56:56 fantasyy � yea
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by fantasyy pwnt on July Sat 18th 5:19 PM - Never Expires
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