- � FLASHBACK! Obama in 2008 - VA Will be Leader of Health
- Care Reform ::
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/05/obama-2008-va-will-become-a-leader-of-health-care-reform/
- � VA Scandal Is the Future of Obamacare Says Palin ::
- �Government health care will not reduce the cost; it
- will simply refuse to pay the cost,� Palin wrote in 2009
- while predicting �death panels.� �And who will suffer the
- most when they ration care? The sick, the elderly, and
- the disabled, of course.�
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/21/Sarah-Palin-VA-Scandal-Future-of-Obamacare-if-Democrats-Not-Voted-Out
- � VETS OBAMACARED ; VA Has Already Admitted 23 Veteran
- Deaths Linked to Delays in Care ::
- Delays in endoscopy screenings for potential gastrointestinal
- cancer in 76 veterans treated at Department of Veterans
- Affairs hospitals are linked to 23 deaths, most of them
- three to four years ago, according to the VA.
- The delays occurred at 27 VA hospitals with deaths at 13
- of the facilities.
- http://www.usatoday.com/story/nation/2014/04/08/va-cancer-treatment-deaths-delay-veterans-hospitals/7457255/
- http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/contradiction-presidents-claim-va-admitted-23-veteran-deaths-linked-delays-care_793459.html
- � VETS OBAMACARED ; Director of Phoenix VA Hospital Where
- Vets Died from Delays Received $8,500 Bonus ::
- http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/director-phoenix-va-hospital-where-vets-died-received-8500-bonus-april_793434.html
- � VA Delay Obamacared Washington State Man ::
- http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2014/05/21/va-delay-killed-washington-state-man/
- � 0-care ; Louisiana VA Staff Falsified Documents ::
- http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/may/22/louisiana-va-staff-falsified-documents/
- � Whistleblower Reveals VA Corruption & Abuse ::
- VA Supervisor said older veterans should be �taken
- outside and shot in the head� to save money!
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI3dEsjrXXA
- http://www.infowars.com/exclusive-whistleblower-reveals-new-va-scandal/
- � Veterans Have Felt the Wrath of Obamacare for Years ::
- New scandle breaks out after veterans die while having
- to wait for medical care.
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/328546c0-dd10-11e3-8546-00144feabdc0.html
- � How Much The Government Cares About You ::
- http://0paste.com/5938
- � FLASHBACK - Obama Promised to End Deplorable Conditions
- at VA Hospitals - Now Spreads the VA Scandle Throughtout
- the Country With Obamacare ::
- http://www.nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/378322/obama-2007-time-end-deplorable-conditions-some-va-hospitals-jim-geraghty
- ______________________________________
- � OBAMACARE ARCHIVE - MAY 21st 2014 ::
- https://www.quickleak.org/vPUifhRg
- ______________________________________
- � Veterans Obamacared! - Part 1 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1114/
- ______________________________________
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 001 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1101/
- � The Obamacare Gestapo 002 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1110
- ______________________________________
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (16 May 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1106/
- � Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud (22 May 2014) ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1119/
- ______________________________________
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 01 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1024/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 02 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1025/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 03 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1026/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 04 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1027/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 05 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1031/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 06 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1056/
- � Electronic Health Record Theft 07 ::
- http://code.hackerspace.no/1112/
- ��������������������������������������
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Posted by Veterans Obamaca on May Fri 23rd 4:25 PM - Never Expires
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