- First thing I want to make clear - this is far
- from over - this is just the first small archive
- of reports related to The Obamacare Fraud!
- Many updated archives will be mirrored in the future.
- Obamacared.zip
- (307 reports | ZIP | 6.9MB)
- http://fileb.ag/r61ts4f53luu
- http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=73898
- http://redload.net/o9cyq4hwhn5w/Obamacared.zip.html
- http://msfire.tk/files/get/OlJIeMMDmJ/obamacared.zip
- Obamacared.zip ~ Full Index of Reports ;
- `Obamacare' health care reform ALREADY forcing doctors to close practices
- �I Was All for Obamacare Until I Found Out I Was Paying For It�
- �Risk Corridors� - Obamacare Bailout
- 0-care Increases Cost Of Employer-Sponsored Insurance
- 0-Care Premiums Skyrocket
- 0-care Site Flagged for Heartbleed Bug
- 10 Ways the Obamacare Train Wreck is Screwing the American People
- 12 Facts About The Epic Obamacare Launch Train Wreck That Every American Should Know
- 16,500 new IRS agents to force Obamacare fraud
- 18 New 'Obamacare' Taxes
- 58,000 Californians to lose current insurance under Obamacare
- 75 percent of Obamacare enrollees forced to pay higher premiums, says Cleveland Clinic
- 474 Million For 4 Failed Obamacare Exchanges
- 500,000 Californians Lose Coverage - Obamacare
- 900,000 to lose health insurance in California as Obamacare disaster spreads
- 312363-obama-tries-to-regain-the-obamacare-edge
- A disastrous start for Obamacare health exchanges
- Advice from a Physician How to Avoid Obamacare
- Americans Flood Obamacare Facebook Page With Complaints
- Are you ready for ObamaCare home visits
- Beyond Obamacare glitches, some consumers face dramatically higher rates
- Bill to Begin Process of Obamacare Nullification Passes Out of Committee in Georgia
- Boehner Calls for One Year Obamacare Delay
- Boehner Repeal Obamacare or It Will �Ruin� Health System and �Bankrupt Our Country� CNSnews_com
- Boehner Statement on Latest Manipulation of ObamaCare
- Brain Surgery Patient's Obamacare Plan Denies Meds, Drops Doctors
- California Obamacare Sends Out Voter Registration Cards Premarked Democrat
- California�s largest health care insurer for small businesses drops out of Obamacare exchange
- California-Obamacare-Turning-Cancer-Patients-Away
- Canadian firm hired to build troubled Obamacare exchanges
- Cancer Patient�s Treatment Put on Hold Over ObamaCare
- Chris Christie Embraces Obamacare
- Confidential Obamacare Navigator training manual uploaded online
- CONFIRMED - Obamacare Costs More
- Congress Exempt from Obamacare in Last-Minute Deal
- Convicted Terrorist Worked as Obamacare Navigator in Illinois
- Corporate Profits Behind HHS and �Obamacare�
- DEA Snoops Electronic Health Records , Prescription Data
- DEA to Snoop Electronic Health Records , Prescription Data
- dem-congressman-obamacare-worst-yet-come-its-going-hit-fan-andrew-johnson
- Democrat Congressman on Obamacare
- Democrat Senator Warns of Obamacare Blowback
- Democrat Wants to Delay Obamacare
- Democrats Fear Obamacare Blowback
- Dictatorship - Obamacare to Target Gun Owners
- Digital Medical Devices Being Hacked
- Digital Medical Devices Next Frontier in Cybercrime
- Doctors Forced to Use Electronic Medical Records
- Doctors Forced to Use Electronic Medical Records _ Medicaid CUTS for Patients Who Refuse Policy
- Doctors Very Angry Over Obamacare Disaster
- Don't Open Obamacare Exchanges If Privacy Isn't Protected
- Door-To-Door Identity Theft Likely Under Obamacare
- Elderly patients sick over losing doctors under ObamaCare
- Electronic Health Record Theft 05
- Electronic Health Record Theft 06
- Electronic Health Record Theft 07
- Electronic Health Records Implementation Plan
- epic-fail-99-of-obamacare-applications-cant-be-processed
- Equal Coverage Provision Destoyed BECAUSE of Obamacare
- Establishment Republicans Cower, Support Obamacare
- failed obamacare websites are bankrupting states
- Fascists Declare War Against Obamacare Victims
- FDA Warned About Medical Device Hacking
- Federal Court in Texas Rules Against Obamacare Contraception Mandate
- Federal Judge Declares Obamacare Unconstitutional
- Feds Begin Fingerprinting Medicare Providers and Suppliers - Obamacare
- First Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Nevada Obamacare Exchange
- Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Due to Obamacare Payment Cuts
- FTC Warns of Security Breach of Digital Medical Records
- Get Ready for the Obamacare Bailout of Insurance Corporations
- Google Spying On Users Health Records
- GOP Seeks Coverage Choices in Obamacare
- GOP Win In November Could Mean The End Of ObamaCare
- GOP�s NEW plan to repeal, replace Obamacare
- Hacked Data Brokers Could Spell Trouble for Obamacare
- Hagan runs from Obamacare question on canceled plans
- Here Comes the Obamacare Big Brother Database
- HHS Buys 2.5 Million Worth of IT Equipment for Obamacare
- HHS didn�t want users to see Obamacare�s true costs
- Higher Health Insurance Premiums - The Obamacare Debate We Didn�t Have
- House Democrat slams Obamacare� after announcing his retirement first
- House Passes Obamacare Surf-Breach-Informant Bill
- House to Vote on Defunding Obamacare
- How Matt Drudge and Other Obamacare Victims Can Escape the 'Liberty Tax'
- Hundreds in Ohio Lose Their Doctor Due to Obamacare
- I Will Not Comply with Obamacare
- In Deep South Where GOP Rejected Obamacare, Tens of 1000s Die Unnecessarily Every Year
- In Illinois, gun permit applications outpace ObamaCare sign-ups
- Individual mandate of Obamacare will be delayed; White House still delusional about timeframe
- Insurance Giants See Stocks Soar on Launch of Obamacare
- Insurers Oppose Obamacare Extension as Danger to Profits
- Intel chairman slams ObamaCare site's cybersecurity plan
- IRS Comes to Police Obamacare Tax
- IRS Prepared to Enforce Obamacare with Fines and Fees
- IRS seizure of 60 million medical records
- IRS Spy on Our Shopping Records, Travel, Social Interactions, Health Records
- IRS Threatens Obamacare Victims
- IRS Wants More Money, Agents To Enforce 0-Care
- irs-will-spy-on-our-shopping-records-travel-social-interactions-health-records-and-files-from-other-government-investigators
- It's Official , HHS Says Obamacare Is a Hardship
- Kansas Hospital Lays off Employees Due to ObamaCare
- Lawmakers push probes of two state Obamacare exchanges
- Lawsuite Over ObamaCare Exemptions for Congress
- Legal Glitch �Has The Potential To Sink Obamacare�
- Liberal Blogger In Shock Over Obamacare Premium Increase
- Man Claims Harassment From Telemarketers After Signing Up For Obamacare
- Man�s personal info stolen after using Obamacare website
- Massachusetts Becomes Latest State to Ditch Failed Obamacare Exchange
- media-cover-shutdown-victims-over-obamacare-victims-100-1
- Medical Dictatorship - Doctors Forced to Become State Snitches
- Medical Drug-Pumping Microchip Plan to be Carried out by 2017
- Medical Establishment Firing Patients Who Refuse Big Pharma-Big Government Vaccines
- Medical records sent to pharmacies have no protected privacy
- Members of Congress to be exempt from Obamacare
- Members, staff will keep health-care subsidies under Obamacare
- michael-moore-obamacare-awful
- Millennials Abandon Obama and Obamacare
- Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare
- Millions of Young Americans Refusing to Enroll in Obamacare
- Millions Wasted on Broken Obamacare Websites
- Mission Accomplished - Millions of Americans Will Pay Billions to Avoid Obamacare
- Missouri Voters Overturn Medical Dictatorship!
- More On The Obamacare Nanny State
- More Patients Rejected Healthcare - Obamacare
- More States Warn Against Obamacare Fraud
- NBC Confronts Pelosi About Obamacare Lies
- Nearly 1.5 Million Lose Health Insurance Due to ObamaCare
- New ObamaCare Fees and Taxes to Mulct Low and Middle Class
- NJ Obamacare Cancels Insurance Plans of 1,800 Children
- No Obamacare for Obama
- No security ever built into Obamacare site
- No Security for Health Records
- NO SHIT - Obamacare network vulnerable to cyber attack
- NOW They Admit It - Obamacare Decimates Middle Class
- ObamaCare - digital patient records raises security concerns
- Obamacare - Epic Cluster Fucker of Em All
- Obamacare - Erroneous WA Health Exchange Debits
- Obamacare � Not As Advertised
- Obamacare - tens of thousands of new regulations added
- Obamacare - The Final Nail In The Coffin For The Middle Class
- Obamacare - The Identity Thief Wolves are at the Door
- Obamacare �destroying� the progressive philosophy of government
- Obamacare a massive privacy breach waiting to happen
- Obamacare Agenda Includes RFID Microchips
- Obamacare and the assault on workers� health benefits
- ObamaCare Another Sucker Punch to the Middle Class
- ObamaCare approval drops to record low
- Obamacare Architect `Be Prepared to Kiss Your Insurance Company Good-Bye Forever'
- Obamacare Architect Admits Epic Cluster Fuck
- Obamacare Bailout for Insurance Corporations
- Obamacare Bailout for Insurance Corporations P2
- Obamacare Blocks Sick Children From Receiving Care
- Obamacare blocks sick children from receiving specialty care
- Obamacare Blowback, Supporters Deny Support
- Obamacare causing 539 percent increase in health insurance costs for Texans
- Obamacare Claims Another Victim as Company Forced to Close Down
- Obamacare Compared to Hitlercare
- Obamacare Computers Not Equipped To Fix Errors
- Obamacare Contractor Blamed for Slow Medicare Payments to Hospitals
- Obamacare could force THOUSANDS of volunteer fire departments to close
- Obamacare Credibility Melting
- Obamacare Data Theft
- Obamacare Deals Death Blow to One-doctor Clinics
- Obamacare Death Spiral, As Warned Before
- Obamacare debuts with more canceled plans than enrollments
- Obamacare Designed to Deny Seniors Healthcare
- Obamacare DID NOT Expand Medicaid
- Obamacare Disaster Does Need to Be Repealed
- Obamacare Downward Spiral
- Obamacare enrollee claims a total hoax
- Obamacare Fallout. Medical Privacy Rights are Violated
- Obamacare Federal Exchanges
- Obamacare fraud and the case for socialized medicine
- Obamacare Fraud Could Doom Democrats in November
- Obamacare Has 90 Percent FAILURE rate
- Obamacare is a ticking time bomb for Democrats in the 2014 elections
- Obamacare Is Falling Apart Before Our Eyes
- Obamacare is literally ruining lives
- Obamacare Is Prohibitively Expensive
- Obamacare IT Lacking �Data Security�
- Obamacare Mandate is Covered by Congress `Power to Tax'
- Obamacare Mandate is Covered by Congress �Power to Tax�
- Obamacare months behind in testing IT data security
- Obamacare Not So Trendy Anymore
- Obamacare nullification bill on SC Senate
- Obamacare Only Looks Worse Upon Further Review Kevin Hassett - Bloomberg
- Obamacare Operator Fired
- Obamacare Plans Will Exclude Top Hospitals
- Obamacare Raises Cost of Medication
- Obamacare Rationing Health Care Coverage
- Obamacare Should Be A Major Issue
- Obamacare site goes live, with glitches
- Obamacare Slashes Senior Home Health Care Services
- Obamacare STILL not working CNN Reporter Cannot Sign Up A Fortnight After Launch
- Obamacare Targets Small Buisnesses
- Obamacare taxes add BILLIONS to rising premiums
- Obamacare Taxes Now Appearing On Restaurant Bills
- Obamacare Tele-medicine Spy Program
- Obamacare To Crush Workforce By 2.5 Million Workers In Next Decade, CBO Admits
- Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%
- Obamacare to Leave 31 Million Uninsured
- Obamacare Was a Train Wreck
- Obamacare Was Designed to Fail, Pave Way for Single-Payer
- Obamacare Website Crashes As Government Announces It Is Fixed
- Obamacare Website Fails as Deadline Arrives
- Obamacare Website Failures Only a Sideshow 2
- ObamaCare Website Plagued by Security Problems
- Obamacare Website Quietly Deletes Reference to 'Free Health Care'
- Obamacare will force 72 percent increase in individual insurance plan rates
- Obamacare will push 2 million workers out of labor market
- Obamacare will triple men's premiums, double women's
- Obamacare woes widen as insurers get wrong data
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 02
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 04
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 06
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 07
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 08
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 09
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 10
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 11
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 12
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 13
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 14
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 15
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 16
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 17
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 18
- Obamacare, An Absolute Fraud 19
- Obamacare, The Final Payment
- Obamacare_new_taxes_mandate
- Obamacare�s Branch of the NSA
- Obamacare�s Killer Burden on Nurses
- Obamacare�s Privacy Nightmare
- Obamacare�s Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn�t Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are
- obamacare-customers-double-check-insurance-status
- Obamacared - may 2014
- obamacare-insurance-regs-raise-costs-kill-jobs
- obamacare-plunges-new-lows-presenting-dogecare
- obamacare-ruled-unconstitutional-again
- ObamaCare's Effects Are Already Showing
- Obamacare's stealth tax hikes
- Obamacare's Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are
- obamacares-branch-nsa-john-fund
- -Obamacare-will-double-my-monthly-premium
- Obozo Working Hard for Medical Dictatorship
- ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent
- One Obamacare Tax Could Cost Up To 286,000 Jobs
- oops-hhs-secretary-kathleen-sebelius-admits-to-double-counting-in-obamacare-budget
- Over 5 Billion and Counting for Failed Obamacare Websites
- Patient Privacy Goes Out the Window and Into the ObamaCare Data Hub
- Politicians Don�t Even Understand Obamacare
- Proposed Tax Expansions Could Help Pay for Government Run Medical Dictatorship
- Psychiatrist Reported Gun Owner to Police, Raid Followed
- Psychiatrists - The New Federal Gestapo
- Psychiatrists Are the New Federal Gun Control Agents and Political Thought Police
- read-my-lips-18-new-obamacare-taxes
- Reports of problems precede launch of Obamacare
- Republicans Present Alternative to Obamacare
- Seattle Hospital Sues After Obamacare Cuts Children�s Access
- Sebelius Finally Admits Premiums Will Rise as a Result of ObamaCare
- Secret Obamacare handbook the feds don�t want you to see is online
- Security Flaws in Obamacare Website Endanger Americans
- Senators push bill to prevent insurance industry bailout over ObamaCare
- Simple Obamacare Question Democrats Can Not Answer
- Smear campaign unleashed against Obamacare victims
- South Carolina House passes bill making `Obamacare' implementation a crime
- South Carolina Set to Block Implementation of Obamacare
- States retaliate against ObamaCare website developers, halt payments
- Suicide Rates Will Skyrocket Due to Obamacare
- Supreme Court's Obamacare decision hands federal government unlimited power to force you to spend 100% of your paycheck on things you don't even want
- Taxpayers to Bailout Insurance Companies - Obamacare
- tax-preparing-companies-getting-paid-by-government-to-sign-people-up-for-obamacare
- Team Boehner to Drudge - We Didn't Expand Obamacare - We Repealed a Piece
- Technocrats Push Medical Spying Software
- Thank Obamacare for Medicare Cuts
- The Cost Of Defying Obamacare $2,250 a Month And IRS Goons Pointing Guns At Your Family
- The Obamacare Gestapo 001
- The Obamacare Gestapo 002
- thousands of doctors now being dropped from Obamacare coverage networks
- Three Quarters of Enrollees in Obamacare to See Premiums Rise
- Thus Far, Obamacare a �Big Failure�
- UK High-tech Slavery Resembles Obamacare
- Union Fears �Destructive Consequences� From Obamacare
- Unions Against ObamaCare
- Very Simple Obamacare Question Democrats Just Cant Answer
- Veterans know Obamacare because they already have it
- Veterans Obamacared
- Week Two of the Obamacare Federal Health Insurance Exchange Rollout��No Improvement
- White House ally reveals anti-working class agenda behind Obamacare
- White House postpones Obamacare�s employer mandate until after midterm elections
- White House releases disappointing Obamacare enrollment total 106,000 - Washington Times
- Why ObamaCare Will Fail to Solve Our Health Care Crisis
- Yep, ObamaCare is Raising Insurance Costs
- Yet Another White House Obamacare Delay
- You Might Not Be Able to Keep Your Doctor Under Obamacare
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by OBAMACARE ARCHIV on May Wed 21st 5:03 PM - Never Expires
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