- A cult-like political fringe group has taken over America.
- They desire control over every aspect of human life and
- DE-industrialization of society, overtaxation, intimidation
- and land grabbing is their modus operandi.
- These people DO NOT respect human rights or civil liberty.
- If fact, many have claimed humans are a �threat to the
- planet� and should be treated as such. This is no joke.
- Worse - these fanatics have been infiltrating and are
- exploiting politics and government agencies. Take note
- of the trends documenting their increasing abuse of power.
- http://survivalbackpack.us/fda-ban-organic-farming/
- (1) The Very Definition of Eco-fascism
- http://www.infowars.com/environmental-fascism-the-ecofascists-are-slowly-but-surely-taking-over-america/
- (2) Eco-fascists Believe Humans Are Parasites
- http://audio.kiroradio.com/seattle/kiro/2014/05/buzzporadio050514_1_260.mp3
- (3) Why is Everyone Talking About UN Agenda 21?
- http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/uploads/4/4/6/6/4466371/why_is_everyone_talking_about_un_agenda_21.pdf
- (4) MIT Professor ; It�s About �Crony Capitalism�
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhEdTW7hPRs
- Mirror here � http://upsto.re/tFv3a9
- (5) Ways Government Keeps Native Americans In Poverty
- If governments and their corporate-masters had their
- way, everyone would be forced to live in federalized
- �preservations� where every aspect of life is audited.
- http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2014/03/13/5-ways-the-government-keeps-native-americans-in-poverty/
- (6) �We need to reduce consumption by 80%!�
- http://www.iclei.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ICLEI_WS/Documents/events/gth/presentations/ICLEI_GTH_ICLEIeuropeansecretariat_20130412.pdf
- Mirror here � http://fileb.ag/gkeagsv1odmf
- (7) The Redistribution of Consumption
- http://www.thecommentator.com/article/1147/and_now_the_redistribution_of_consumption
- (8) The Growing Threat of an Economic Tyranny
- http://www.libertynewsonline.com/article_323_32177.php
- (9) Obama Promises to Bankrupt US Coal Industry
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpTIhyMa-Nw
- Mirror here � http://f.lui.li/get_1506_4f4d.html
- http://www.buildfreedom.com/news/archive.php?id=4411
- (11) Neighborhood Property Seized ... FOR NOTHING
- http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/kelo-revisited_776021.html
- The Bureau of Land Management�s eco-fascist gestapo is
- stealing American property and livestock. In attempt to
- rationalize their theft, they claim they will �save the
- tortoise.� The BLM is using environmentalism to confuse
- people to condone their theft of private property - yet
- the BLM cashed in with $1.27 million for fracking leases
- in Nevada!
- http://www.naturalnews.com/044670_BLM_lies_fracking_leases_Bundy_ranch.html
- http://www.naturalnews.com/files/Petroleum-Data-Clark-County-Nevada.pdf
- http://m.shalereporter.com/industry/article_0de547ba-8ca4-11e2-ab4e-0019bb30f31a.html
- http://www.8newsnow.com/story/4877010/nevadas-hidden-treasure-black-gold
- Similar to the Natural News investigation, Infowars has
- found and mirrored some evidence also confirming the BLM is
- being used to confiscate public property for new solar power
- generation facilities as well. Harry Reid and his oldest son,
- Rory are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant,
- ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel
- manufacturing plant on private property. Rory Reid was the
- chief representative for the Chinese energy firm.
- http://www.infowars.com/breaking-sen-harry-reid-behind-blm-land-grab-of-bundy-ranch/
- http://www.infowars.com/feds-back-down-from-bundy-siege-after-infowars-expose-of-chinese-land-grab/
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/reid-smelling-anything-but-rosy-in-ranch-fight/
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/04/Harry-Reid-s-Son-Representing-Chinese-Solar-Panel-Plant-In-5-Billion-Nevada-Deal
- (13) How Dare Kids Build Tree Forts!?
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX-u_fzIMFw
- http://www.infowars.com/cop-pulls-gun-on-fifth-graders-building-tree-fort/
- http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/04/06/georgia-cop-pulls-gun-on-black-children-because-building-a-tree-house-is-hazardous/
- (14) How Dare You Wash Cars for Money!?
- http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/25/high-school-cheerleader-car-wash-violates-environmental-laws/
- (15) How Dare You Plant a Vegetable Garden!?
- http://www.infowars.com/florida-couple-sues-city-after-being-forced-to-uproot-family-vegetable-garden/
- http://survivalbackpack.us/fda-ban-organic-farming/
- (16) How Dare You Use an Old Wood Stove!?
- http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2013-12/documents/proposed_requirements_for_wood_stoves_and_pellet_stoves.pdf%20
- http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/environment/item/17776-epa-wants-to-snuff-out-wood-and-pellet-stoves
- http://www.independentsentinel.com/epa-bans-most-wood-burning-stoves-in-a-corrupt-scheme-fireplaces-next/
- (17) How Dare You Use Old Electric Meters?
- http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/deferring-inevitable_781518.html
- (18) How Dare You Use Incandescent Lightbulbs!?
- http://reason.com/reasontv/2014/01/09/the-dumbest-new-ban-in-2014-incandescent
- (19) How Dare Gun Owners Buy Lead Ammunition!?
- http://www.nssfblog.com/epa-considering-ban-on-traditional-ammunition-take-action-now/
- (20) How Dare We Use Coal Powered Energy!?
- http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/energy/item/16250-obama-epa-war-on-coal-to-shut-200-coal-fired-plants-devastate-economy
- http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/obamas-epa-coal-regulations-increasing-natural-gas-prices-150/
- http://govtslaves.info/high-prices-shortages-follow-new-epa-mandate/
- (21) How Dare We Use Plastic Bags!?
- http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Plastic-Bag-Ban-at-Large-Retail-Stores-Begins-in-Los-Angeles-Recyclable-Reusable--238356621.html
- (22) How Dare We Smoke Cigarretes!?
- http://voices.yahoo.com/smoking-ban-passed-illinois-lawmakers-325179.html
- (23) How Dare We Use Electronic Cigarretes!?
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7ZRYctuzMU
- http://mashable.com/2013/12/19/new-york-city-adds-e-cigarettes-to-smoking-ban/
- http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/02/05/democrats_call_for_ban_on_e-cigarettes_on_capitol_121470.html
- (24) How Dare We Buy Heirloom Seeds!?
- http://truthstreammedia.com/eu-to-ban-heirloom-seeds-and-criminalize-unregistered-gardens/
- (25) How Dare You Feed Wildlife!?
- http://govtslaves.info/jailed-without-bond-81-year-old-woman-left-birdseed-outside-animals-property/
- (26) How Dare There Be Prosperity!?
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/21/un-global-prosperity-is-causing-global-warming/
- http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jan/19/co2-emissions-outsourced-rich-nations-rising-economies
- (27) How Dare Kids Set Up a Lemonade Stand!?
- http://theweek.com/article/index/255939/whatrsquos-the-point-of-regulating-lemonade-stands
- http://blogs.sfweekly.com/thesnitch/2014/05/bay_to_breakers_kiddies_lemona.php/
- http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-California/2014/05/19/Police-Shut-Down-of-11-Year-Old-s-Lemonade-Stand-at-California-Race-Widely-Unreported
- (28) How Dare You Own Property!?
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/02/14/Wyoming-Suing-Obama-s-EPA-for-Stealing-1-Million-Acres-of-State-Property
- (29) How Dare You Collect Rainwater!?
- http://www.darkgovernment.com/news/illegality-of-rainwater-collection/
- (30) Need Water? Tough Luck!
- http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2014/01/31/dwr-cuts-allocations-to-organizations-buying-water-from-the-state/
- http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/item/18278-to-protect-a-mouse-forest-service-cuts-off-water-access-in-n-mex
- (31) How Dare There Be Gold Mining!?
- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/02/28/epa-moves-against-major-alaska-gold-mine-could-sideline-project-over-salmon/
- (32) How Dare You Live Off The Grid!?
- http://www.againstcronycapitalism.org/2014/02/court-rules-off-the-grid-living-is-illegal/
- (33) How Dare You Live Near Water!?
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/biggest-land-grab-in-the-history-of-the-world/
- http://wealthydebates.com/epa-requesting-jurisdiction-public-private-streams-us/
- http://www.naturalnews.com/044912_EPA_land_grab_seasonal_streams.html
- http://govtslaves.info/epa-set-regulate-private-ditches-streams/
- (34) How Dare You Have an Alternative Opinion!?
- http://www.infowars.com/college-professor-calls-for-climate-change-deniers-to-be-imprisoned/
- http://www.infowars.com/liberal-fascist-calls-for-global-warming-skeptics-to-be-arrested/
- (35) How Dare You Use a Gun On You�re Property!?
- Now the fascist zoning regulations target gun owners.
- http://www.guns.com/2014/05/02/florida-carry-saf-file-lawsuit-against-tallahassee-for-gun-restriction/
- (36) How Dare Farmers Have Livestock!?
- Now the fascist zoning regulations target livestock.
- http://www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2014/04/holda_change_in_rules_for_mich.html
- http://www.offthegridnews.com/2014/05/02/michigan-bans-animals-on-small-farms/
- http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/michigan-right-to-farm/
- (37) How Dare You Invite People Into You�re Home!?
- Now the fascist zoning regulations target society.
- http://govtslaves.info/virginia-proposal-limit-many-people-can-visit-house/
- (38) How Dare You Sit on a Public Sidewalk!?
- More fascist ordinances passed by control freaks.
- http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/25453493/police-say-dont-sit-on-downtown-spokane-sidewalks
- (39) Incandescent Ban to Bankrupt Bird Care Centre
- http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/incandescent-bulb-ban-leaves-bird-care-centre-with-dim-hope-1.2492890
- Ottawa�s Wild Bird Care Centre has put the call
- out for incandescent light bulbs, which it uses to
- provide warmth for injured and recovering birds,
- after the federal government banned manufacturers
- from making the bulbs.
- In Canada, the more energy-efficient compact
- fluorescent light bulbs are considered the norm.
- The incandescent light bulbs use more power, but
- they are also warmer and serve an important role
- inside incubators.
- �As the light bulb is on, it will obviously warm
- things up and then the setting will turn it off to
- keep the right temperature,� explained Mireille
- Goguen, who works at the centre.
- She said they were caught off-guard by the bulb
- ban and they are already running short on
- incandescent bulbs. Now they are asking people
- to donate 100-watt bulbs.
- �(We will take) as many as possible. If people
- have them hanging around we will take them or if
- they want to buy them for us it would be much
- appreciated,� said Goguen.
- Donations can be dropped off at the centre,
- which is located on Moodie Drive in the city�s
- west end.
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (40) Plastic Bag Ban is a TAX SCAM
- http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Opponents-Slam-Proposed-Plastic-Bag-Ban-236474401.html
- Opponents of a proposed plastic bag ban gathered
- Wednesday to call on the San Diego City Council to
- abandon the plan to remove plastic bags from local
- stores.
- Community leaders, including Mark Arabo, president
- of the Neighborhood Market Association, held a press
- conference in front of Rainbow Market on Federal
- Boulevard in which they called the proposed ban a
- tax scam that will negatively impact working-class
- San Diegans.
- �This is a terrible plan. It�s terrible because
- the solution is worse than the so-called problem,�
- said Arabo. �It�s a classic case of politicians
- attempting to do something for the environment,
- in part to appease some environmental groups,
- without seeing the bigger picture.�
- The proposed ban would remove plastic bags from
- stores while imposing a paper bag tax on customers.
- Shoppers would be charged 10 cents for each paper
- bag they might need at a store.
- �This ban will have reaching ramifications. It�ll
- cost taxpayers � mothers, fathers and brothers �
- more money when they go shopping for groceries,�
- said Arabo.
- Though the ban is designed to reduce waste and
- help the environment, Arabo argued that plastic
- bags only make up one-third of one percent of
- the waste stream.
- On the other end of the plastic bag ban debate,
- Sherri Lightner, San Diego City Council President
- Pro Tem, District 1, supports the proposed ban.
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (41) Eco-fascists Want to Police Households
- http://www.chicoer.com/editorials/ci_24875035/editorial-toilet-police-dont-want-job
- The state mandates water-saving toilets and showers
- in all homes, but obviously didn�t think long about
- how to achieve that.
- First the city of Chico had the ban on nuclear weapons,
- then wood-burning stoves, then plastic bags. Now
- comes a ban on high-flow toilets. And if you think
- the city can�t enforce that, then you haven�t met
- the toilet police.
- OK, so the title �Toilet Police� probably doesn�t
- appear on any city worker�s business card, but
- that�s what they are.
- But let�s not blame city building inspectors for
- an odd law � or even the Chico City Council. For
- once, this ridiculous save-the-world concept doesn�t
- come from the council, but rather from the busybodies
- in the state Legislature. They passed a law that took
- effect Jan. 1 that requires water-conserving plumbing
- fixtures on any home built before 1994.
- How will that be enforced? Well, if a property has
- any work done that requires a building permit from
- a city or county, that entity�s inspector must verify
- that the home has low-flow toilets, showers and faucets.
- To make it even more disturbing, the low-flow
- inspection doesn�t occur if you�re getting plumbing
- work. It occurs if you�re getting any work that requires
- a building permit, such as getting a new heater, new
- windows or converting a garage into a den. Uh, maybe.
- So under the letter of the law, if a homeowner buys
- a new water heater or fireplace insert for a couple
- hundred dollars, he or she might spend considerably
- more than that converting all toilets, faucets and
- showerheads to low-flow devices.
- City and county building inspectors don�t want to be
- toilet police. We can�t imagine them wanting to spend
- time checking a person�s toilet when they�re there
- to check an air conditioner. They�re taking a loose
- interpretation of the law for now, and won�t inspect
- toilets during projects like repairs and maintenance
- that don�t involve plumbing.
- But there�s no guarantee the state, which passed
- the law, won�t require cities and counties to enforce
- a strict interpretation.
- With all the uncertainty, it entices a homeowner to
- ignore the government requirement to get a building
- permit for minor home improvement projects.
- Governments should be concerned if fewer people take
- out building permits. It means less revenue for
- cash-strapped local governments.
- The building industry is concerned that residents
- may put off rebuilding and home improvement projects
- because they would include this unwanted expense.
- With the building industry and contractors finally
- showing signs of recovery from the recession, we
- don�t want to see new obstacles.
- Once again the state passes a goofy law without
- thinking about the consequences, since somebody else
- has to enforce it. The city and county building
- departments urge residents not to be scared off by
- the new laws, to call and ask questions. It seems
- they are like the rest of us, trying to figure out
- how long they can ignore the fools in Sacramento
- before they get caught.
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (42) DOE Eco-fascists Roll Out Household Spy Grid
- DOE says its energy-scoring spyware - called the
- Home Energy Scoring Tool - is like a vehicle�s
- mile-per-gallon rating because it allows government
- to compare the energy performance of individual homes
- to other homes nationwide. It also provides homeowners
- with suggestions (or mandates, in the near future)
- for �improving their homes� efficiency.�
- The software is part of the government�s effort
- to reduce the nation�s energy consumption; but it�s
- also billed as a way to keep home-retrofitting going,
- at a time when stimulus funds for weather-proofing
- have run out - you see, the federated fascists care
- more about spying on our energy consumption rather
- than providing weather-proof options for our homes.
- Read the rest of the �trendy� PR garbage here,
- http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/doe-plugs-energy-rating-homes-similar-mpg-rating-cars
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (43) �Sustainable Communities Investment Authority�
- Plan to Bulldoze Households for Corporate Projects
- http://benswann.com/californias-dangerous-idea-give-unelected-bureaucrats-the-power-to-confiscate-the-private-property-of-americans/
- California�s Senate Bill 1 is what the founding
- fathers fought against. Straight from the UN Agenda
- 21�s playbook, SB1 will give power to a county to
- form a �Sustainable Communities Investment Authority�
- (SCIA). These Authorities have the power of eminent
- domain and can confiscate private property to build
- �sustainable communities.� The bill essentially paves
- the way for the loss of any true private property in
- California, resulting in the loss of freedom and
- driving down home values. If the Senate passes the
- modified bill, only Governor Jerry Brown (D � CA)
- will stand in its way of becoming law.
- This means that city and county governments can
- create unelected bureaucracies with the power to do
- what�s necessary to create �sustainable communities.�
- It also means that the definition of �blight� will
- change from the original definition of abandoned
- and decaying buildings on residential lots to a
- much wider definition including anything the
- bureaucracies need to create sustainable communities.
- Not only would the government be able to use eminent
- domain to procure land for public transportation,
- it could take private homes within half a mile of
- that public transportation in the name of creating
- a sustainable community. A private home is not
- really private if it could be taken at any time
- to create low income, low energy housing.
- According to Lawrence J. McQuillan, �each Authority
- will be granted powers to build �Sustainable Communities�
- means jamming people into dense, urban centers using
- high-density residential housing and high-intensity
- retail and commercial buildings near mass transit
- corridors. To that end, SB 1 will grant each
- Authority unprecedented powers.�
- Eminent domain has gradually grown to be one of the
- most oppressive government policies. Since the
- SCOTUS� decision in Kelo v. City of New London,
- eminent domain continues to be the enemy of property
- owners. Homeowners have lost their homes to private
- development projects. People have been paid less for
- their land than they originally paid for it. Businesses
- have even been forced to sell their buildings to
- corporations. It has become perhaps the most clearly
- identifiable example of crony capitalism and corruption
- in the country. The government has failed to protect
- citizen�s natural rights: protecting life, liberty,
- and property.
- In 2011, citizens voiced outrage over the ideas
- presented by activists, environmentalists and
- private developers. Property owners are worried
- that Senate Bill 1 will pass and the threat of
- increased taxes and possible property confiscation
- will become a reality in California.
- Read the full analysis of Senate Bill 1.
- http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/sen/sb_0001-0050/sb_1_cfa_20130307_114042_sen_comm.html
- Sponsors ; Darrell Steinberg & Mark DeSaulnier
- http://legiscan.com/CA/bill/SB1/2013
- SB1 Declares Suburbs & Rural Areas �Blight�
- http://www.bayarealiberty.com/libertyblog/?page_id=942
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (44) Eco-fascist Obama Forces New Trucker Regulations
- History is in the making today as the Obama regime
- has announced, for the first time ever, new regulations
- for medium- and heavy-duty trucks regarding both fuel
- economy requirements and emissions standards.
- The new standards are the result of a mandate first
- set in motion in 2007 by Congress, and later by an
- Executive Order issued by President Obama in May of
- last year. The regulations will apply to medium and
- heavy-duty trucks built in 2014 through 2018, aimed
- at reducing annual national fuel consumption by 530
- million barrels.
- The new regulations will be aimed at one of three
- specific subsets of trucks: combination tractors
- (commonly referred to as semi-trucks), heavy-duty
- pickup trucks and vans and vocational vehicles.
- Each category will have its own regulations, but
- the end goal is to reduce fuel consumption by as
- much as 20 percent by 2018, which is the case for
- semi-trucks.
- The category that will affect more than just freight
- companies and large business owners, heavy-duty trucks
- and vans, will require about a 15 percent improvement
- in required fuel economy, although standards will be
- unique based on fuel type.
- Vocational trucks, or delivery trucks, garbage trucks
- and buses, will be mandated to reduce fuel consumption
- by about 10 percent by 2018.
- http://www.leftlanenews.com/obama-reveals-mediumheavy-duty-truck-epa-regulations-for-2014-2018.html
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (45) Eco-fascist Regulations to Shut Down 40 Percent
- of Nation�s Electricity
- http://wealthydebates.com/obama-regulations-to-shut-down-40-percent-of-nations-electricity/
- Obama administration regulations could force power
- plants that make 40 percent of the nation�s electricity
- to shut down.
- At issue are EPA restrictions on emissions that would
- close hundreds of coal-burning power plants which
- represent around 40 percent of the nation�s electricity.
- If that wasn�t bad enough, some observers think the
- regulations could double electricity rates for average
- households. The rates would increase because utilities
- would have to pass the cost onto ratepayers of replacing
- coal burning power plants or modernizing them to comply
- with the regulations.
- The EPA rules � Carbon Pollution Standards for New Power
- Plants � are part of Obama�s plan to reduce greenhouse
- gas emissions which the agency says contribute to global
- warming.
- Obama Admitted Plan Would Raise Electricity Rates
- There is some evidence that President Obama has a
- deliberate strategy of increasing electricity rates and
- destroying the coal industry.
- �Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity
- rates would necessarily skyrocket,� Obama told the editorial
- board of The San Francisco Chronicle in 2008. �Even
- regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or
- bad. Because I�m capping greenhouse gases, coal power
- plants, you know, natural gas, you name it � whatever
- the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would
- have to, retrofit their operations. That will cost money.
- They will pass that money on to consumers.�
- �So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant,
- they can; it�s just that it will bankrupt them,� Obama
- said, �because they�re going to be charged a huge sum for
- all that greenhouse gas that�s being emitted.�
- Obama�s prediction about coal plants have been proven
- true. As Off The Grid News previously reported, in October
- 2013, FirstEnergy Corp announced that it would shut down
- two coal-fired powered plants in Pennsylvania because it
- said the cost of complying with EPA regulations was too high.
- Reuters estimated that coal-burning power plants capable
- of generating 15,000 megawatts of electricity have shut
- down since Obama took office in 2009. The news service
- also estimates that power plants that generate around
- 37,000 megawatts of power will close in the next 10
- years. One megawatt can provide electricity to up to
- about 1,000 homes.
- Awfully Expensive Electricity
- Those plants will be closing at a time when demand for
- electricity is increasing. That will force utilities to
- build power plants that burn other fuels such as natural
- gas. It will add additional cost to electricity rates at
- a time when the rates are already going up dramatically.
- �It could get awfully expensive,� Daniel Simmons of the
- Institute for Energy Research told World Net Daily. �Some
- people might see their electricity rates double. If there�s
- no backup power plants, that means electricity is going to
- get awfully expensive when you have shortages around the
- country.
- Another Obama Plan To Raise Your Electric Bill
- �We�re talking about dramatically increasing the cost of
- electricity all to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. I
- think that is the real goal,� Simmons said.
- Another Obama administration plan to reduce greenhouse
- emissions, Carbon Capture and Sequestration, or CSS technology,
- could raise electricity costs even more, Simmons predicted.
- He noted that a an experimental CSS power plant in the
- United States will cost an estimated $4.3 billion to build
- and the EPA doesn�t know if the technology would work.
- �The technology is awfully expensive because it hasn�t
- been tried anywhere, and that�s to try to capture the
- carbon dioxide as it comes out after they burn the coal.�
- Simmons said of CSS.
- CSS involves the use of filters to divert carbon emissions
- from the air � and every taxpaying American will pay. The
- CSS plants under construction will require $300 million in
- taxpayer subsidies.
- US Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has been critical
- of the Obama administration�s policy on coal.
- �This Administration is trying to hold the coal industry
- to impossible standards,� Manchin said. �Never before has
- the federal government forced an industry to do something
- that is technologically impossible. Forcing coal to meet
- nearly the same emissions standards as gas when experts
- know that the required technology is not operational on
- a commercial scale makes absolutely no sense and will have
- devastating impacts to the coal industry and our economy.�
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpTIhyMa-Nw
- (UPDATE) Supreme Court Rules EPA Can Enforce Endless Limits
- In Power Plant Emissions
- In a 6-2 decision, the justices sided with a 2011
- regulation issued by the US Environmental Protection
- Agency that had been challenged by Ohio Attorney General
- Mike DeWine and officials in states which produce large
- amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.
- Melissa McHenry, a spokeswoman for American Electric
- Power in Columbus, called the decision disappointing,
- but because the justices have returned the case to the
- federal appeals court �there is no immediate impact on
- AEP�s operations and we don�t expect the decision to
- change our plans for our coal-fueled power generation
- fleet.�
- McHenry said that �emissions of sulfur dioxide and
- nitrogen oxide from AEP�s coal-fueled power plants
- already have been reduced by more than 80 percent since
- 1990. Our mercury emissions have declined by nearly 60
- percent since 2001, and between 2005 and 2013, AEP
- reduced its carbon dioxide emissions by 21 percent.
- AEP will retire nearly 6,600 megawatts for coal-fueled
- generation between now and 2016.�
- http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2014/04/29/supreme-court-epa-ruling.html
- So, get ready to live in a third-world country where
- many power plants will continue to shut down as America�s
- utility bills skyrocket ...
- http://dailycallernewsfoundation.org/2014/04/29/epa-regulations-set-to-increase-natural-gas-prices-by-150-percent/
- _________________________________________________
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- (46) Obama Admits Climate Agenda Has NOTHING To Do With
- �Global Warming� (It�s About Government Control Stupid!)
- Dictatorships always desire to control and ration
- countries� natural resources and now it�s happening
- right here, in America.
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/01/23/obama-admits-his-climate-agenda-wont-curb-global-warming/
- President Barack Obama admitted in an interview with
- The New Yorker that his plan to lower US carbon dioxide
- emissions by banning new coal plants would do little to
- curb global warming since developing countries like
- China and India will still use coal power.
- The Obama administration published its proposed
- carbon dioxide emissions limits for new coal plants
- which would effectively ban coal power. That is,
- unless they use commercially unproven carbon capture
- and storage (CCS) technologies. Tighter emission
- controls for coal plants are part of Obama�s plan
- to fight global warming.
- Critics of the administration argue that banning
- coal plants won�t curb global warming because
- developing countries continue to build coal plants,
- frustrating US efforts to lower global carbon emissions.
- Obama conceded that fact, but argued that limiting
- emissions here will only help the US because other
- countries will come to us for the technology once
- we�ve developed it.
- �And so if we can figure out a carbon-capture mechanism
- that is sufficiently advanced and works, then we are
- helping ourselves, because the Chinese and the Indians
- are going to build some coal plants, and even if we
- don�t build another coal plant in this country, there
- are going to be a lot of coal plants around the world
- that are built,� Obama told the New Yorker.
- �And we have a huge investment in trying to figure
- out how we can help them do it more cleanly,� he added.
- Obama hopes that by requiring new US coal plants to
- use CCS technologies, the country could become a world
- leader and export the technology abroad when other
- nations can afford it. If the US doesn�t lead, Obama
- argues, other countries will not follow.
- �And it�s not sufficient for us to just tell them to
- stop,� Obama said. �We�re going to have to give them
- some help. We�re going to have to take some of our
- research and development on things like clean-coal
- technology and be able to export it to them or license
- it to them� There�s going to be a process where we
- help them leapfrog some of the development stages
- that we went through.�
- �This is why I�m putting a big priority on our carbon
- action plan here. It�s not because I�m ignorant of the
- fact that these emerging countries are going to be a
- bigger problem than us,� Obama added. �It�s because
- it�s very hard for me to get in that conversation if
- we�re making no effort. And it�s not an answer for us
- to say, �Well, since the Chinese and the Indians are
- the bigger problem, we might as well not even bother.��
- Indeed, countries like China and India are set to
- ramp up their coal use dramatically. The World Resource
- Institute reports that 76 percent of the proposed
- coal-fired capacity is in India and China � nearly
- 1,200 coal plants have been proposed globally, totaling
- more than 1.4 million megawatts of power.
- The Chinese greenlit 100 million metric tons of new
- coal production capacity last year as part of the
- government�s plan to bring 860 million metric tons
- of coal production online by 2015.
- The US coal industry, however, says CCS is not yet
- proven technology as there are no commercial-scale
- coal plants in the country that uses the technology.
- In fact, when the Environmental Protection Agency
- wrote its rule limiting coal plant emissions it only
- cited CCS projects that were government funded and
- not in operation.
- �It is disingenuous to state that the technology is
- �ready,�� said Charles McConnell, former assistant
- secretary of energy in Obama. �Studies have verified
- that implementation of [CSS] technology is necessary
- to comply with EPA�s proposed [EPA carbon-emissions
- limits] regulation and meet the [greenhouse gas]
- targets necessary for limiting CO2 emissions to our
- atmosphere.�
- �However, commercial [CSS] technology currently is
- not available to meet EPA�s proposed rule. The cost
- of current CO2 capture technology is much too high
- to be commercially viable,� said McConnell, who now
- serves as the executive director of the Energy &
- Environment Initiative at Rice University.
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- (47) Eco-fascist Governments Love to Steal Property
- The builder of a fantastical fortress in the Mojave
- Desert has been sentenced to jail for failing to pay
- for the demolition of his life�s work. Why art isn�t
- sacred in the eyes of code enforcers.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonehenge_West
- The bearded builder of Phonehenge West, a structure
- that became a famed piece of Mojave Desert folk art,
- is heading to jail after a Los Angeles County judge
- found he wasn�t paying enough toward the demolition
- of the fortress.
- Los Angeles County charged builder Alan Kimble Fahey
- $82,000 last year to demolish the structure, which
- included a 70-foot tower, stained-glass windows, a
- working windmill, and a replica of a Viking house
- in Antelope Valley, some 50 miles north of Los Angeles.
- This week, LA County Superior Court Judge Daviann
- Mitchell sentenced him to 539 days in jail after
- raising doubts about his inability to make payments
- on the bill.
- http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2012/1222/Phonehenge-West-creator-jailed-When-folk-art-and-building-codes-collide
- _________________________________________________
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- (48) Eco-fascists Call for Ban on E-Cigarettes
- Several eco-fascist senators and a congressman want
- electronic cigarettes banned on the US Capitol grounds.
- In a letter sent yesterday to the House Office
- Building Commission and the Senate Committee on
- Rules, Dick Durbin, Richard Blumenthal, Sherrod Brown,
- Ed Markey, Tom Harkin and Barbara Boxer, along with
- retiring Rep. Henry Waxman, said that e-cigarettes
- should be treated the same way as cigarettes. The
- latter are currently banned at the Capitol, nearby
- office buildings, and within 25 feet of the entrance
- of those buildings.
- http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/02/05/democrats_call_for_ban_on_e-cigarettes_on_capitol_121470.html
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- (49) Eco-fascist �Officials� Deny Farmers Water
- California officials announced last week they will
- not send any water from the state�s vast reservoir
- system to local agencies this spring, the first time
- that has happened in the 54-year history of the
- State Water Project. State Department of Water
- Resources Director Mark Cowin said there simply is
- not enough water in the system to meet the needs
- of farmers, cities and the �conservation efforts.�
- http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2014/01/31/dwr-cuts-allocations-to-organizations-buying-water-from-the-state/
- Men, women and children could die because arrogant
- politicians are not allowing water access to family
- farmers - which should be considered a crime against
- basic human rights.
- Jerry Brown has exposed himself as an Eco-fascist.
- http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2014/02/03/gov-jerry-brown-calls-congress-drought-bill-unwelcome-and-divisive/
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- (50) New Eco-fascist Regulations to Skyrocket
- Electric Bills
- http://cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/matt-vespa/doe-coal-regs-hike-price-electricity-70-80
- During the House hearing, �Department of Energy
- Oversight: Status of Clean Coal Programs,� Joe Barton
- (R-Texas) asked Dr. Julio Friedmann, the deputy
- assistant secretary for clean coal at the Department
- of Energy, about the additional costs carbon capture
- and storage technology would bring to coal plants.
- �My generic question is pretty straightforward. All
- of these carbon capture sequestration technologies
- - add cost to these coal plants could y�all give
- the committee, or the subcommittee, kind of a
- baseline estimate of how much it adds to the cost,
- does it double the cost, does it increase it by
- 25%, 50%, what�s the generic estimate?� Barton asked.
- �The precise number will vary by plant, whether it�s
- sub-critical or supercritical, by coal rank, and by
- the kind of technology used,� said Friedman.
- Concerning the first generation of carbon capture
- and storage (CCS) technology to be implemented,
- Friedman added �we�re looking at something on the
- order of $70-90 a ton. In that context, that looks
- something like a 70-80% increase on the wholesale
- price of electricity.�
- In short, that�s a knife to the throat for the
- American middle class.
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- (51) Eco-fascist Smart Meter Gestapo Raids Nevada Home ::
- Nevada is supposedly one of those states with a smart
- meter �opt out� policy. On the ground, however, the
- reality is that Nevada Energy Inc. is raiding home
- owners who have legally opted out.
- http://www.activistpost.com/2012/09/smart-meter-or-no-power-at-all-nevada.html
- _________________________________________________
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- (52) Eco-fascist Corporations Begin to Shut Off
- Electricity to Political Activists� Homes
- http://www.activistpost.com/2014/02/utilities-desperate-to-quash-dissent.html
- On the heels of Northeast Utilities admitting that
- smart meters are �irrational�, we�re seeing the wheels
- of reason and logic further come off the centralized
- energy cart(el).
- In what is an illegal and thinly-veiled �psy-op�
- (psychological operation) attempting to stem the
- rising tide of awareness of the massive rights
- violations associated with their �smart� meter
- deployments, Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative
- (PSREC) actually disconnected the electricity from
- the home of Joshua Hart, a leader in the movement
- and director of StopSmartMeters.org.
- http://stopsmartmeters.org/2014/02/19/disconnected/
- As documented in our boat-rocking film Take Back Your
- Power, so-called �smart� meter deployments are beleagured
- on many levels, being linked to in-home surveillance,
- unjustified billing increases, extortive �opt-out�
- practices/fees, home and appliance hackability, health
- symptoms (from pulsed microwave radiation and high-frequency
- voltage transients), and a rather long list of home fires.
- Like hundreds of thousands, perhaps upwards of a
- million now in Western countries, Hart is choosing to
- not have a �smart� meter installed, preferring to not
- to have his living quarters be surveiled, irradiated
- or made easily hackable. And like many, he is not
- contributing to his utility�s Punitive Opt-Out Fund
- for the insolence of exercising constitutional and
- human right. (There are many ways to retain your right
- and not pay a fee or penalty for doing so � we have
- written about one such method here. Under no
- circumstances are you obligated to pay a fee to keep
- your analog meter, though writing a well-written
- notice via registered mail is often required.)
- Joshua Hart said on his website: �This is the first
- disconnect by PSREC for failure to pay �opt out� fees.
- No one in PG&E/ SCE/ SDG&E areas of California have
- been disconnected solely for refusal to pay �opt out�
- fees, and thousands have been ignoring toothless
- disconnect warnings and deducting the fees from their
- bill every month. Why are utilities going to such
- lengths to silence critics of their smart meter
- policies?�
- So-called �smart� meters are not UL approved and have
- never been safety-tested. But according to grid
- engineering firms such as Raab Associates they are
- part of a technology roadmap which includes �mining
- data for intel� purposes, and �data mining and
- analytics� becoming core competency. What�s perhaps
- even more troubling is the connection between �smart�
- meters and military R&D funding.
- Thank goodness that huge numbers of people are
- realizing that, yes, our government is so corrupt,
- they would actually do deploy such technology upon
- their own people. Nipping the cognitive dissonance
- squarely in the bud is the starting point for things
- to change for the better.
- Of government/corporatist/utility desire to maintain
- domination over their awakening customers, when
- pondering the latest PR stunts, the word �desperation�
- doth cometh to mind.
- And when you watch the below video of PSREC�s General
- Manager Bob Marshall fighting with his conscience,
- you have to wonder how much he got paid off to
- disconnect, photograph and stalk Joshua Hart and
- his family. In an absurd demonstration of doublespeak
- -cronyism, Marshall actually accuses the individual
- whose electricity he illegally disconnected of being
- the bully. See for yourself:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33cjPZepb9c
- Re-mirrored here �
- http://www.uploadmini.com/index.php/files/get/BhgwS86E2I/eco-fascist-bob-marshall-psrec-general-manager.mp4
- _________________________________________________
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- (53) EPA Gestapo Will Not Allow Prosperous Opportunity ::
- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/02/28/epa-moves-against-major-alaska-gold-mine-could-sideline-project-over-salmon/
- The EPA gestapo on Friday moved against a massive mine
- project in Alaska which supporters say could contain
- billions of dollars in gold and copper, delivering a
- win for �environmentalists� who claimed the mine could
- endanger sockeye salmon populations.
- The decision on Pebble Mine was highly anticipated,
- and comes after an EPA report in January found
- large-scale mining in the Bristol Bay watershed posed
- significant risk to salmon and could adversely affect
- Alaska Natives in the region, whose culture is built
- around salmon.
- The gestapo will now examine whether to block or
- otherwise restrict the mine project. But that decision
- alone promises to significantly delay the project;
- whether the EPA decides to bar construction entirely
- remains to be seen.
- The action, announced Friday, is what supporters of
- the proposed Pebble Mine have feared. Backers have
- claimed the project could yield more than 100 million
- ounces of gold, 80 billion pounds of copper and other
- precious minerals. Companies have spent millions
- researching and monitoring the area in an effort to
- assure the EPA the mine would not cause ecological
- damage.
- It�s well over due for some class-action lawsuits
- against this gestapo who consistently interferes in
- just about everything in today�s society.
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- (54) Court Rules Off-The-Grid Living Is Illegal
- Speronis disconnected all the utilities from her
- modest home in Cape Coral for an experiment in
- off-the-grid living some time ago. City officials
- ignored her activities until she went public and
- discussed them with Liza Fernandez, a reporter for
- a local TV station. A code enforcement officer
- designated Speronis�s home as uninhabitable and gave
- her an eviction notice a day after the piece aired.
- http://www.offthegridnews.com/2014/02/22/court-rules-off-the-grid-living-is-illegal/
- _________________________________________________
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- (55) Grandmother Gets Eviction Notice for Colored Drape
- http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2014/03/25/grandmother-gets-eviction-notice-labeling-american-flag-a-colored-drape/
- Oregon woman who was threatened with eviction if
- she did not remove the American flag from her front
- window has now been asked to place the �colored drape�
- on a flag pole.
- Elodia Royce, 58, received a notice two weeks ago
- that she would face eviction after an eco-fascist
- neighbor complained to the landlord about the �colored
- drape� placed in her window. But the �colored drape�
- is an American flag she has displayed for six years
- in support of her family and friends who have served
- in the military, KGW-TV reports.
- http://www.kgw.com/news/Grandmother-faces-eviction-over-a-US-flag-251797901.html
- _________________________________________________
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- (56) Professor Calls For �Deniers� To Be Imprisoned
- A professor with Rochester Institute of Technology
- has called for the incarceration of any American who
- actively disagrees that climate change is solely caused
- by human activity.
- Lawrence Torcello, a philosophy professor with a Ph.D.
- from the University at Buffalo, published the comments
- as part of an essay submitted to the academic website
- The Conversation.
- Torcello argues that malignant individuals, who he
- does not identify, are collectively organising a
- �campaign funding misinformation� about climate change.
- Torcello goes on to suggest that such activity �ought
- to be considered criminally negligent.�
- http://www.infowars.com/college-professor-calls-for-climate-change-deniers-to-be-imprisoned/
- Torcello�s America would also see countless scientists
- thrown into prison for continually presenting evidence
- that shows there is no scientific evidence that human
- activity is causing the planet to warm. The latest to
- be locked up would be Greenpeace co-founder Patrick
- Moore, who testified in front of a Senate committee
- last month that �There is no scientific proof that
- human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant
- cause of the minor warming of the Earth�s atmosphere
- over the past 100 years.�
- _________________________________________________
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- (57) EPA Tested Deadly Pollutants on Humans to Push
- Their Eco-fascist Agenda
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/02/report-epa-tested-deadly-pollutants-on-humans-to-push-obama-admins-agenda/
- The Environmental Protection Agency has been conducting
- dangerous experiments on humans over the past few years
- in order to justify more onerous clean air regulations.
- The agency conducted tests on people with health issues
- and the elderly, exposing them to high levels of potentially
- lethal pollutants, without disclosing the risks of cancer
- and death, according to a newly released government report.
- http://www.scribd.com/doc/215909101/EPA-Human-Study-Subjects
- These experiments exposed people, including those with
- asthma and heart problems, to dangerously high levels of
- toxic pollutants, including diesel fumes, reads a EPA
- inspector general report obtained by The Daily Caller
- News Foundation. The EPA also exposed people with health
- issues to levels of pollutants up to 50 times greater
- than the agency says is safe for humans.
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- (58) Eco-fascist Cop Pulls Gun On Fifth Graders Building
- �Environment-hurting� Tree Fort
- http://www.infowars.com/cop-pulls-gun-on-fifth-graders-building-tree-fort/
- Police in Georgia forced a group of fifth graders to
- the ground at gunpoint this week as they attempted to
- build a tree fort in their own neighborhood.
- According to 911 records, Henry County Police were
- called after a neighbor noticed the children �chopping
- off tree limbs,� an activity she claimed was hurting the
- environment and creating �tripping hazards.�
- Police arrived on scene to find 11-year-old Omari Grant
- and his friends playing in a small patch of trees,
- prompting at least one officer to reportedly draw his
- firearm and force the boys to the ground.
- �I was thinking that I don�t want to be shot today,
- so I just listened to what they said,� Grant said.
- As the children lay face down, the officer allegedly
- screamed profanities as he forced them to spread their
- arms and legs. Grant�s mother, Janice Baptiste, detailed
- her son�s experience in an interview with WSB-TV.
- �All he could get out at the time was, �Mom, he had a
- gun in my face, he had a gun in my face,�� Baptiste said.
- �So my son was of course traumatized by that.�
- After the children were searched, Grant was taken back
- to his home by the officer, who also startled Baptiste
- with his unstable appearance.
- �He just came with such an attitude,� Baptiste said.
- �His whole physical appearance was one of, �I�m Mr.
- Big and bad.��
- Grant says he is now hesitant to play outside in his
- own neighborhood, afraid of the very police he always
- looked up to.
- �I learned that they�re supposed to help you, not make
- you feel scared to even come outside,� Grant said.
- Edgar Dillard, whose wife made the 911 call, was
- reportedly stunned to hear of the neighbor boys�
- encounter with police.
- �Yeah, that�s pretty shocking to hear that a gun was
- pulled on a child,� Dillard said.
- Baptiste has filed an excessive force complaint with
- the department, which has now opened an internal
- investigation. When questioned about the officer�s
- actions, Sgt. Joey Smith remained relatively tight-lipped.
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- http://www.independentsentinel.com/chilling-truth-siege-of-bundy-ranch-reaches-into-the-white-house/
- InfoWars has found a smoking gun in the case of embattled
- rancher Cliven Bundy. A lucrative contract � which will
- benefit Harry Reid and his son Rory Reid � specifically
- mentions the need to rid the land of Cliven Bundy. In
- addition, Natural News pointed out that the BLM is in
- the business of selling lucrative oil and gas leases.
- It does answer the question, Why now?
- There is a much bigger picture in all of this, however,
- and that is the fact Mr. Obama believes the government
- should control the land and water in the United States.
- He sees the government as the protector of the nation�s
- resources. It is his belief. He does not respect private
- property � it is the government�s to take. That should
- now be obvious to everyone.
- Mr. Obama is social engineering citizens off their land
- into congested hubs to preserve the land for nature and
- to have it available for government use, maybe even to
- share the resources with U.N. member nations such as China,
- because he believes in globalism, an extreme form of
- globalism. He has already expressed a desire to share
- the wealth from our resources with the world through
- treaties such as The Law of the Sea treaty.
- Natural News reported that the Bureau of Land Management
- is in the business of leasing government lands to energy
- companies. Significant exploratory drilling is being
- conducted in precisely the same area where the Bundy
- family has been running cattle since the 1870s. The
- �Gold Butte� area can be clearly seen in the map of
- areas drilled (purple demarcations).
- http://www.naturalnews.com/044670_BLM_lies_fracking_leases_Bundy_ranch.html
- http://www.naturalnews.com/files/Petroleum-Data-Clark-County-Nevada.pdf
- Oil has been found in nearby areas but oil and gas drilling
- have worked alongside ranching over the years without a
- problem. Of course, if the government can lease the land
- on which the cattle graze, it will be lucrative for them.
- In July 2011, the federal government agreed to allow
- China to buy up 600,000 acres of gas & oil fields in
- Texas. This is the same administration that would not
- allow new drilling; kicked Shell out of Alaska after
- billions of dollars of investments; shut down most
- offshore drilling; and tried to shut down Texas oil
- fields on the remote possibility that it might harm a
- tiny useless lizard that was most often known for being
- road kill.
- The acreage takes in the Gold Butte area where Bundy
- grazes his cattle.
- Mr. Obama prefers solar and windmills to oil and gas
- however.
- Bundy�s name came up in a solar project that the government
- currently wants to put in place with the Chinese communists
- using Nevada land This time.
- InfoWars posted documents found on the BLM website which
- BLM has since taken down. One document is titled, �Cattle
- Trespass Impacts� and it states that Bundy�s cattle
- negatively �impacts� solar development and would prevent
- the construction of utility-scale solar power generation
- facilities� on �public lands.�
- They are talking about a very lucrative �investment� of
- $5 billion by Chines communists who will set up an enclave
- � a Chinese communist enclave � on US land in Nevada.
- http://www.infowars.com/breaking-sen-harry-reid-behind-blm-land-grab-of-bundy-ranch/
- http://www.infowars.com/feds-back-down-from-bundy-siege-after-infowars-expose-of-chinese-land-grab/
- *** How the BLM Gestapo Conducts Land Theft ***
- http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/fromaranchersmouth.html
- Now, for Cliven Bundy, he�s not fighting this for his
- cattle or his own livelihood. He recognizes that he
- will probably die before this fight is over. He has
- said multiple times that he is fighting this to wake
- people up about the tyranny of the Federal Government
- and also to help wake up the western states about
- getting the rights to their own land back from the
- federal government, which has repeatedly shut down
- ranchers and closed off land. (MO = 1st, get all the
- ranchers, farmers, Native Americans, and foresters
- that use the land for positive, sustainable production
- off of the land; 2nd, grab up all the resources; 3rd,
- close off the lands to public access including camping,
- hiking, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, boating,
- shooting, etc; 4th, sell off the resources to the
- highest bidder regardless of what that will do to the
- land, the local environment, or the economy; 5th,
- collect royalties on the resources in perpetuity;
- 6th, reduce and eliminate all SLS and PILT payments
- to the states, impoverishing them beyond belief.)
- Harry Reid has now exposed himself as the fascist
- he really is - claiming Americans who try to protect
- their land from being confiscated from federal agents
- for corporate leases are �criminals.� Harry has now
- made it very clear - he has no respect for Americans�
- property rights at all. Having a vested interest with
- a Chinese corporation, why would he care about us? It
- looks as if Harry Reid would be willing to put civil
- lives at risk for offshore corporate interests.
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/harry-reids-last-roundup/
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/reid-smelling-anything-but-rosy-in-ranch-fight/
- http://www.infowars.com/sen-harry-reid-bundy-dispute-not-over/
- http://www.infowars.com/harry-reid-calls-cliven-bundy-supporters-domestic-terrorists/
- http://clashdaily.com/2014/04/inconvenient-rancher-blm-docs-show-feds-solar-plan-targets-bundy-elimination/
- -------------------------------------------------
- UPDATE! Scrubbed BLM Land Grab Info LEAKS
- https://www.quickleak.org/yjmMgmPP
- UPDATE! Reid�s BLM Land Grabber Contacts
- https://www.quickleak.org/I6XS36R1
- UPDATE! BLM Contingency Plan, Use of Drones
- https://www.quickleak.org/a3J0amsp
- UPDATE! BLM Info Action Pack
- https://www.quickleak.org/jay47iy6
- -------------------------------------------------
- HERE THEY GO AGAIN! BLM Claims 90,000 Acres Does Not
- Belong To Texas, Attempts To Seize Another Ranch
- http://wearechange.org/blm-claims-90000-acres-belong-texas-attempts-seize-ranch/
- http://misguidedchildren.com/domestic-affairs/2014/04/red-river-rumble-blm-wants-to-seize-90000-acres-of-texas-ranchers-land/18596
- http://thelastgreatstand.com/lgs/2014/04/13/blm-wants-to-seize-90000-acres-of-texas-ranchers%E2%80%99-land-red-river-rumble/
- http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2014/04/22/blm-eyes-90000-acres-of-texas-land/
- Identifying Mercenaries Violating US Citizens� Rights
- https://mercid.wordpress.com/
- Eco-fascists Pushed for BLM Bundy Ranch Standoff
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/21/environmentalists-pushed-bundy-ranch-standoff-over-endangered-tortoises/
- It�s not only about Reid and one Chinese company.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWt2iNNchMA
- http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/blm-whistleblower-exposes-clark-county-land-grab-much-bigger-thought/
- http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2014/04/21/blm-whistleblower-exposes-clark-county-land-grab-this-is-huge/
- The Long History of BLM�s Aggressive Cattle Seizures
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/04/29/The-Long-History-Of-BLM-s-Aggressive-Cattle-Seizures
- BUSTED! Harry Reid Owns 93 Acres Next to Bundy Ranch
- http://www.truthandaction.org/busted-harry-reid-owns-93-acres-next-bundy-ranch/
- -------------------------------------------------
- BLM_Land_Grabbing_Exposed.zip
- (91 files | ZIP | 39.5MB)
- http://fileb.ag/opcvkiyjekaa
- http://redload.net/w5rgy94do2ng/BLM_Land_Grabbing_Exposed.zip.html
- http://directxex.com/index.php?a=download&q=30521
- http://files.wwqt.net/index.php/files/get/31-RlV038I/blm-land-grabbing-exposed.zip
- BLM_Info_Action_Pack.zip
- (180 files | ZIP | 182MB)
- http://fileb.ag/wyv069kodhid
- https://www.mediafire.com/?edq8578ri33dyda
- https://www.mediafire.com/?5jua9jlyahs9bja
- _________________________________________________
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- (60) EPA Denies Any Scientific Basis for Regulations
- http://lastresistance.com/5403/shocking-news-epa-scientific-basis-regulations/
- I�m sure this will come as quite a shock to our
- faithful readers, but the Environmental Protection
- Agency (EPA) admitted that it can�t actually reproduce
- the �science� it has been using for years as the
- justification for its Clean Air Act.
- I remember very distinctly the attitude on the
- Georgia Tech campus toward the environmental �science�
- department. I�m sure that much of what was studied by
- environmental science majors was legitimate, especially
- as it concerned local phenomena and processes. But
- when it comes to the global aspects of environmental
- science (weather systems, causation, the long-term
- effects of pollution, etc.), it becomes obvious that
- environmental scientists are less reliable than
- weathermen and relying heavily on extremely speculative
- models of explanation.
- Pollution is defined by concentrations. Nothing that
- is considered a pollutant is necessarily bad intrinsically
- or necessarily. Even toxic elements occur naturally at
- low concentrations. The EPA determines what those
- concentrations are allowed to be in order to still
- be considered �safe.� And recently, the EPA has been
- narrowing those regulations even further, most recently
- in an attempt to force businesses to �go green.� But
- as it turns out, for years, the EPA has created and
- enforced regulations based on data that it pawned off
- as �hard science� that is impossible to reproduce
- independently. It was secret science. Pet science.
- Not hard science:
- ... The House Science Subcommittee on Investigations
- and Oversight, . . . issued its first subpoena in 21
- years last August after being stonewalled by the EPA
- for two years ...
- However, despite �multiple interactions with the
- third party owners of the research data in an effort
- to obtain that data,� [EPA Administrator Gina] McCarthy
- wrote, some of the data subpoenaed by the committee
- �are not (and were not) in the possession, custody or
- control of the EPA, nor are they within the authority
- to obtain data that the agency identified. ... The EPA
- acknowledges, however, that the data provided are not
- sufficient in themselves to replicate the analyses in
- the epidemiological studies, nor would they allow for
- the one to one mapping of each pollutant and ecological
- variable to each subject.�
- So, in other words, the actual particulars of how much
- particulate pollutants are considered dangerous are
- totally arbitrary. The EPA largely set those regulations
- how they wanted to, and supported their legitimacy with
- a thin fig leaf of �science.� What did you expect though?
- Politicized science is always suspect.
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (61) EPA Requesting Jurisdiction Over All Public And
- Private Streams In The United States!
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/biggest-land-grab-in-the-history-of-the-world/
- http://wealthydebates.com/epa-requesting-jurisdiction-public-private-streams-us/
- In a move lawmakers and farmers are calling �the biggest
- land grab in the history of the world,� the Environmental
- Protection Agency is requesting jurisdiction over all
- public and private streams in the United States that are
- �intermittent, seasonal and rain-dependent.�
- The EPA and the US Army Corps of Engineers in late March
- jointly released a proposed rule, Waters of the United
- States, in an effort to clarify which streams and wetlands
- are protected under the Clean Water Act.
- A statement issued by the EPA says �the proposed rule
- will benefit businesses by increasing efficiency in
- determining coverage of the Clean Water Act.� ... ...
- But lawmakers and farmers express concern that this
- kind of regulation would allow the EPA in conjunction
- with the Bureau of Land Management, the Department of
- Energy and the Army to dictate on a never-before-seen
- scale everything from grazing rights, food production,
- animal health and the use of energy on private lands.
- �We�re hearing from farm groups throughout the United
- States about uncertainties regarding agricultural
- exemptions,� Murkowski said. �They say it�s not so
- farm-friendly as the statements that have been made
- by your administration.�
- UPDATE! ; EPA Declares War Against Property Owners
- New water way rules proposed by the EPA could devastate
- homesteaders, farmers, ranchers and other rural property
- owners, US Senator John Thune (R-South Dakota) says.
- The agency�s attempt to expand its jurisdiction over
- wetlands and water ways could make it impossible or
- prohibitively expensive for property owners to make use
- of their own land, Thune says.
- Under the current rules the Clean Water Act only applies
- to large streams and rivers. The Environmental Protection
- Agency wants to rewrite the rules so the Act applies even
- to seasonal streams and creeks, and also to wetlands that
- are near protected rivers and streams.
- Critics like Thune charge that this will give the agency
- the power to fine property owners who build stock ponds,
- drainage ditches and even small hydroelectric systems
- without a permit. They also say it will expand the EPA�s
- power over private property and entangle regular everyday
- citizens in lengthy bureaucratic paperwork.
- http://govtslaves.info/epa-set-regulate-private-ditches-streams/
- _________________________________________________
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- (62) Family Forced to Sell Property - UN Agenda 21!
- http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/04/16/colo-eminent-domain-case-settled-with-115000-sale/
- A contentious eminent domain case in which a local
- government sought to take private backcountry land for
- open space has been settled, with the landowners agreeing
- to a $115,000 sale.
- �To me, what just came out of it is, you can�t win,
- you can�t fight the government,� landowner Ceil Barrie
- said Wednesday.
- She and her husband, Andy, owned ten acres of land
- perched at 11,000 feet elevation in Breckenridge. The
- property, with breathtaking views, was a private patch
- of land surrounded by White River National Forest.
- An old, uninhabited day-use cabin, an outhouse and a
- shuttered gold mine sit on it.
- The Barries� legal troubles began when they worked to
- access their personal paradise with a utility vehicle.
- They traveled on an old mining road dating back to the
- 1880s and said the county did not even know about the
- road until they made them aware of it.
- The county asked to buy the land, but the Barries did
- not want to part with their piece of Colorado heaven.
- So Summit County condemned it, filed for eminent domain
- and petitioned for immediate possession.
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (63) Energy Giants Caught in Green Tax Racket in UK
- Millions of households have missed out on a �50 saving
- on their energy bill because a green tax cut has been
- swiped by suppliers.
- All of the big six firms � British Gas, EDF Energy, Eon,
- Npower, Scottish and Southern Energy and Scottish Power
- � will save money this year after the Government slashed
- network charges and the cost of implementing green schemes.
- And they will no longer have to pick up the tab for a
- Warm Home Discount � which gives vulnerable customers a
- �135 reduction on their electricity bill.
- The Government says these changes would save households
- around �50 on their annual gas and electricity bill.
- However, four months on and millions of customers have
- not received a penny in discount.
- An estimated five million households have missed out
- on the reduction because they are on a fixed-rate deal.
- The energy companies claim most people have benefited
- by up to �35. But this still means they have pocketed
- the remainder � at �15 from each fixed-rate customer,
- that makes �75 million.
- Npower has told customers they would receive a bill cut
- from February only if they were on a standard or variable
- tariff and had been affected by a price rise last December.
- Its fixed-rate customers get no price cut. They are
- effectively still paying the green tax because it is
- priced into their bills.
- Customers on fixed tariffs with ScottishPower also missed
- out. The firm said it would cut their bills only if customers
- ended up worse off than those who are on variable deals.
- EDF Energy and Eon have similarly neglected customers
- locked into fixes. Their customers have had potential
- price hikes lowered instead of receiving reductions to
- their current bills � but this affects only those on
- variable deals.
- British Gas, Scottish and Southern Energy have reduced
- bills for all their customers � both on fixes and variable
- deals.
- The suppliers are also hiding behind a baffling array of
- price hikes and cuts. READ THE REST ...
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2610842/Energy-giants-pocketed-75m-green-tax-cuts.html
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (64) California Water Gestapo to Spy on Homeowners
- The drought in California has caused 45 water agencies
- in the state to enforce mandatory limits on water use.
- Citizens are encouraged to turn in neighbors who are
- suspected of wasting H2O to water-waste patrols.
- These water patrols teach people to avoid wasting water
- on driveways, lawns and swimming pools, but can also
- cite residents for repeated violations.
- �We do have the stick if people don�t get it,� Kim Loeb,
- a Visalia, Calif. natural resource conservation manager,
- told the Associated Press.
- Sacramento has deputized 40 government employees, from
- building inspectors to meter readers, to stop water waste.
- Six employees patrol full time for violations.
- http://www.infowars.com/california-cities-start-water-waste-patrols-encourage-residents-to-snitch/
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (65) Thanks to An Endless Avalanche of EPA Regulations,
- Electricity Prices Are Going to Get Much More Expensive
- The problems confronting the electricity system are the
- result of a wide range of forces: new federal regulations
- on toxic emissions, rules on greenhouse gases, state
- mandates for renewable power, technical problems at
- nuclear power plants and unpredictable price trends for
- natural gas. Even cheap hydro power is declining in some
- areas, particularly California, owing to the long-lasting
- drought.
- �Everywhere you turn, there are proposals and regulations
- to make prices go higher,� said Daniel Kish, senior vice
- president at the Institute for Energy Research. �The trend
- line is up, up, up. We are going into uncharted territory.�
- New emissions rules on mercury, acid gases and other toxics
- by the Environmental Protection Agency are expected to result
- in significant losses of the nation�s coal-generated power,
- historically the largest and cheapest source of electricity.
- Already, two dozen coal generating units across the country
- are scheduled for decommissioning. When the regulations go
- into effect next year, 60 gigawatts of capacity � equivalent
- to the output of 60 nuclear reactors � will be taken out of
- the system, according to Energy Department estimates.
- Moeller, the federal energy commissioner, warns that these
- rapid changes are eroding the system�s ability to handle
- unexpected upsets, such as the polar vortex, and could
- result in brownouts or even blackouts in some regions as
- early as next year.
- http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-power-prices-20140426,0,6329274.story
- http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/obamas-epa-coal-regulations-increasing-natural-gas-prices-150/
- The EPA is conducting legislative warfare tactics to force
- an incremental shutdown of our current electric grid. In
- the meantime, Americans are being forced out of their homes
- when not being connected to the electric grid or for simply
- choosing to live off-the-grid.
- http://www.offthegridnews.com/2014/02/22/court-rules-off-the-grid-living-is-illegal/
- UPDATE ; State Regulators Warn New EPA Regulations Could
- Harm America�s Electrical Grid
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/05/12/report-state-regulators-wont-let-epa-harm-electrical-grid/
- �Congress never intended for the Clean Air Act to authorize
- EPA�s extraordinary policy decisions to phase out entire
- sources of energy in this proposed rulemaking,� the American
- Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) and the American
- Petroleum Institute alleged in comments to the EPA. The
- organizations were commenting on proposed new rules for
- power plants, oil refineries and other industrial facilities.
- �Mandating the use of specific energy sources will only
- serve to drive up US manufacturers� costs,� Charles T.
- Drevna of the AFPM said. �Our nation is on the verge of
- a manufacturing renaissance, but this and other all-cost,
- little-to-no-benefit rules will threaten our tremendous
- opportunity, erode our competitive advantage and drive
- business overseas.�
- The proposed rules could drive coal-fired power plants
- and many oil refineries out of business, the two groups
- alleged. This could lead to energy shortages and higher
- energy costs, particularly for electricity.
- http://govtslaves.info/high-prices-shortages-follow-new-epa-mandate/
- _________________________________________________
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- (66) Eco-fascist Governor Forces Carbon Tax Through
- Executive Order (The War Against Prosperity Continues)
- Washington Democrat Governor Jay Inslee is not waiting
- for the state legislature to regulate carbon dioxide
- emissions, but instead has issued an executive order
- to implement a cap-and-trade program, eliminate coal
- power and fund green energy projects.
- Eco-fascist control freaks like Jay Inslee are
- determined to bankrupt both middle and lower class
- Americans in the name of fraudulent politicized science.
- The only way they can enforce this (of-course) will
- be through corrupted power-craven fascist gestapo
- agencies through a barrel of a gun.
- http://www.governor.wa.gov/office/execorders/documents/14-04.pdf
- http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/29/washington-governor-imposes-cap-and-trade-through-executive-order/
- _________________________________________________
- �������������������������������������������������
- (67) Eco-fascists In Virginia Pushing Zoning Ordinance
- To Outlaw Social Gatherings at at Household Residences
- http://govtslaves.info/virginia-proposal-limit-many-people-can-visit-house/
- A plan to ban �frequent and large gatherings at neighborhood
- homes� is a lawsuit waiting to happen, a Fairfax County
- supervisor predicts.
- Officials will get an idea Wednesday when public-comment
- hearings begin in Virginia�s most populous county.
- �I believe the county is risking a lawsuit and/or
- aconstitution challenge by interfering with peoples�
- right to assemble,� Supervisor Pat Herrity said in a
- statement.
- The proposed zoning ordinance limits �group assembly�
- at residences to 49 people a day. Such gatherings �shall
- not occur more frequently than three times in any 40-day
- period.�
- County officials say they have received complaints about
- group meetings at homes. But Herrity said �they haven�t
- even reached 1 percent of the thousands of complaints
- our Department of Code Compliance investigates a year.�
- �This is yet another instance where we appear to be
- punishing the many for the actions of the few,� said
- Herrity, who reported a total of six complaints were
- received last year.
- Church groups, scouting organizations or even sports
- fans drawn to a home�s big-screen TV during playoffs
- could be potential targets of the proposed county law.
- Realtors worry that even open houses would invite civil
- penalties.
- John Whitehead, an attorney and president of the civil-
- libertarian Rutherford Institute, calls the Fairfax plan
- �nefarious.�
- �Broad enactments like these have governments assuming
- that private property is their property,� Whitehead said
- in an interview with Watchdog.org.
- �If you can�t determine what goes on at your own residence,
- you have surrendered your rights. The Constitution is
- founded on property rights.�
- Nevertheless, some courts have upheld aggressive zoning
- restrictions. In Phoenix, a minister was sentenced to 60
- days in jail for conducting Bible study classes with 10
- people at a home.
- _________________________________________________
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- (68) Congressional Investigation Into Secret EPA Gestapo
- A rogue group within the Environmental Protection Agency
- (EPA) that is run out of the White House is operating outside
- the law and for years has �blocked independent investigations
- by the EPA�s inspector general,� according to an Associated
- Press account of an EPA investigator�s prepared congressional
- testimony.
- In testimony at a hearing of a House oversight committee
- scheduled for Wednesday, May 7, Patrick Sullivan, an
- assistant EPA inspector general for investigations, is
- expected to provide compelling evidence of an extraordinary
- abuse of power � even for Barack Obama � by the all but
- unknown EPA Office of Homeland Security.
- The Associated Press reports:
- The office of about 10 employees is overseen by EPA
- Administrator Gina McCarthy�s office, and the inspector
- general�s office is accusing it of impeding its independent
- investigations into employee misconduct, computer security
- and external threats, including compelling employees
- involved in cases to sign non-disclosure agreements.
- �Under the heavy cloak of national security, the Office
- of Homeland Security has repeatedly rebuffed and refused
- to cooperate with the OIG�s ongoing requests for information
- or cooperation,� Sullivan wrote in prepared testimony
- obtained by The Associated Press. �This block unquestionably
- has hamstrung the Office of Inspector General�s ability to
- carry out its statutory mandate to investigate wrongdoing
- of EPA employees.�
- In other words, a unit within the EPA that is under the
- direct control of the White House and its political associates
- is using the �national security� trope to actively prevent
- investigations into EPA violations of the law. Given the
- high profile of their benefactor, this group fears no
- repercussions. ... ...
- Representative Darrell Issa (R-Calif), a frequent foe
- of the Obama administration, is advantageously positioned
- to put the screws to the president in this scandal, as
- well. As chairman of the House Oversight and Government
- Reform Committee, Issa will be heading the investigation
- in the White House�s secret EPA squelch squad. �It�s
- disturbing that even investigations by this administration�s
- own nonpartisan watchdogs are being blocked by political
- appointees,� Issa said, as quoted by the AP.
- Given the EPA�s egregious disregard for the Constitution
- and the formerly unalienable rights of life, liberty, and
- property, it is little wonder that the president�s political
- team has spiked any investigation that might expose to the
- light of public notice the truth of the agency�s reign of
- terror. The evidence is overwhelming.
- Two years ago, the Supreme Court handed the EPA (and the
- Obama administration) an unfavorable ruling in the case of
- Sackett v. US, but it�s the events leading up to that high
- court hearing that boil the blood of constitutionalists
- and property owners. As reported by William Jasper, senior
- editor of The New American:
- How long would your bank account hold out if an agency of
- the federal government were fining you $75,000 per day? A
- couple of hours, maybe � or a few minutes? Not many
- homeowners could handle that kind of crushing financial
- blow. Even a Bill Gates, a Warren Buffett, or a George
- Soros might blanch at such astronomical fines.
- But that was the potential cost facing Idaho couple Mike
- and Chantelle Sackett ... who ran into the iron fist of
- the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) when they began
- building their home in 2007 on a two-thirds acre parcel in
- a residential neighborhood of Priest Lake. Like their
- neighbors who had already built homes next door, the
- Sacketts got their permits from the county and began
- laying gravel and preparing the ground for building.
- That�s when the EPA came in and, without hearings or
- notice, declared that the property is �wetlands� and
- ordered the Sacketts to restore it to the EPA bureaucracy�s
- satisfaction.
- The Sacketts, having good reasons to believe their
- property is not a wetlands, were determined to contest
- the EPA order. However, the EPA denied their request for
- a hearing. They sought judicial relief, but the US Ninth
- Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the EPA, ruling that
- the Sacketts had no right to immediate judicial review
- of the matter. The Ninth Circuit held that the couple
- would first have to go through the EPA�s years-long
- wetlands permit process, which would end up costing the
- property owners many times the value of their land!
- Basically, a group of unelected and unaccountable federal
- officials has shattered the dreams of the Sackett family,
- robbed them of the due process of law guaranteed to every
- citizen by the Constitution, and charged them $75,000 a
- day for the privilege.
- The Sacketts understood the enormity of the issue raised
- by their pouring of a little gravel on less than an acre
- of land. Said Mrs. Sackett in the days leading up to the
- Supreme Court decision, �The EPA can come in and turn your
- life upside down. They can make you feel really small and
- insignificant. And they take away from you your sense of
- America.�
- The EPA is not content to obliterate property rights,
- however. Recent actions taken against the country's last
- lead smelting facility will affect the right to keep and
- bear arms, as well, by substantially impacting the production
- of ammunition. On December 31, 2013, the lead refining plant
- closed for good.
- The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported just before the
- shuttering of the plant:
- About 145 employees of the Doe Run lead smelter [in Herculaneum,
- Missouri] learned they will lose their jobs at the end of
- December because of the plant�s closure, the Doe Run Co.
- said Wednesday. An additional 73 contractor jobs also will
- be eliminated.
- By forcibly closing this plant, the Obama administration
- took yet another unconstitutional step � one that will
- severely impinge on the nation�s ammunition-manufacturing
- capability.
- Why would the Doe Run Company, the owners of the Missouri
- lead smelting facility, agree to being run out of business
- by the EPA? One word: extortion.
- In a document published on its website, the EPA explains
- that in order for Doe Run to continue its operations, the
- company would have to agree to pay �$65 million to correct
- violations of several environmental laws at 10 of its lead
- mining, milling and smelting facilities in southeast Missouri.
- The settlement also requires the company to pay a $7 million
- civil penalty.�
- In a statement to the press, Doe Run said the fine and the
- required upgrades to its facilities were �too financially
- risky.�
- In cases such as those of the Sacketts, the Doe Run smelting
- facility, and scores of others nationwide, the EPA�s heavy
- handed, unconstitutional tactics should have been investigated
- and the nearly unbounded power should have been reined in.
- They carried on without oversight, however, and perhaps
- now we know why.
- Many who have felt the wrath of the dictators�s shadowy
- EPA division are hopeful that the House�s committee hearings
- will finally expose the group�s many misdeeds.
- http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/18204-are-obama-linked-operatives-covering-up-epa-abuses
- _________________________________________________
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- (69) �Eco-friendly� Venture Capitalist Vindo Khosla to
- Testify in Court After Blocking Access to Public Property
- A Silicon Valley billionaire will be forced to testify
- on Monday as surfers battle venture capitalist Vindo Khosl
- over access to a popular northern California beach. The
- case may be the most significant challenge to the state�s
- public access laws.
- According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the Surfrider
- Foundation has accused Khosla �of flouting the California
- Coastal Act when he blocked the only road into Martins
- Beach� from the public.
- A lawyer for Khosla�s company countered and said that,
- �Surfrider, in this lawsuit, is asking to protect an
- access right that simply doesn�t exist.� But they were
- denied their motion to prevent Khosla from testifying in
- the matter, and Khosla will have to do so on Monday as
- the trial resumes.
- As the Chronicle noted, a 1972 �California Coastal Zone
- Conservation Initiative� made the �entire coast public
- property, including beaches below the mean high tide,�
- and the lawsuit presents the biggest challenge to that
- initiative.
- Khosla �is famous for his backing of bold, eco-friendly
- projects and is a darling of Democratic politicians,� and
- is company paid �$37.5 million for the property, which
- includes 45 leased cabins along the coastal cliffs.�
- Surfrider is claiming that since the �closed gate means
- the only way people can get there is from the ocean,�
- Khosla is in violation of the �public access provisions
- in the coastal act.�
- Lawyers for Martins Beach have also weighed in, saying the
- previous historic $5 �beach fees prove that the public never
- had a right to access that beach.�
- http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-California/2014/05/12/Venture-Capitalist-Forced-to-Testify-as-Surfers-Battle-Silicon-Valley-in-Beach-Access-Fight
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- (70) Agenda 21, The Plan for a Global Fascist Dictatorship
- http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/05/13/agenda-21-plan-global-fascist-dictatorship/
- One of the most popular films of 2012 was The Hunger Games
- which portrayed a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem in
- which a super-rich, super-pampered, super-callous �elite�
- lived in high-tech luxury while the rest of the population
- daily battled to survive in abject poverty locked away behind
- prison fences in intensively-populated �people zones�. Panem
- comes from the Latin phrase panem et circenses or �bread and
- circuses� � a term derived from Rome and meaning to give the
- people diversions and distractions to hide what is being done
- to them. Exactly what is happening today.
- The Totalitarian Tiptoes to just such a world are happening
- all around us, although most people can�t see this because
- they don�t connect the dots. People tend to live in their own
- �little world� and focus on only a few subjects and interests.
- This gives them a distorted view of what is happening because
- they are so busy concentrating on the strands that they cannot
- see the tapestry. The world of The Hunger Games is already
- well on the way to fruition unless humanity has a fundamental
- reassessment of reality.
- The foundations, structure and �must haves� of a Hunger Games
- society are detailed in a plan being imposed through the United
- Nations called Agenda 21 which encompasses two related themes
- of �sustainable development� and �biodiversity�. Sustainable
- development � as in don�t use more than can be replaced � sounds
- sensible enough at first until you realize what this and
- biodiversity really mean in the context of the conspiracy.
- Agenda 21 was established at the United Nations Conference on
- Environment and Development in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, in 1992,
- hosted by Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire
- and long-time front man for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
- Strong has been a leader of their exploit-the-environment-to-
- scam-the-people programme which is now in full flow. Strong is
- a member of the Club of Rome, the environmental Hidden Hand in
- the Round Table network that includes the Bilderberg Group,
- Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations.
- Strong said in support of Agenda 21: �Isn�t the only hope for
- this planet that the industrialised civilization collapse? Isn�t
- it our responsibility to bring that about?� This is a man who
- became mega-rich through the oil industry. He now lives in
- billionaire luxury in China where carbon-emitting industry is
- booming and he is a director of the Chicago Climate Exchange
- (largest shareholder, Goldman Sachs), which is �the world�s
- first and North America�s only legally-binding greenhouse-gas
- emission registry reduction-system for emission sources and
- offset projects in North America and Brazil�. The Exchange was
- established with funding from the Joyce Foundation where Barack
- Obama was once a director. Strong and Al Gore make money through
- the Carbon Exchange and other means from the lies they promote
- about climate change and the solutions they propose. Kate
- Johnston wrote on the Globalresearch.cawebsite: �The same men
- that sold us the myth of man-made global warming are the same
- men that sold us the �solution� of a Carbon Tax and Emissions
- Trading Scheme and now they�re profiting off their lucrative
- investments which are based on lies.� Strong fled to China in
- 2006 after being accused of corruption with respect to the UN
- oil for food program.
- Climate change propaganda is a No-Problem-Reaction-Solution
- technique to justify Agenda 21 and its stable-mate the Biodiversity
- Treaty. This is an internationally-binding document involving
- nearly 200 countries. The United States signed the treaty, but
- it was not ratified by the Senate after people like ecologist
- and ecosystem scientist Dr. Michael Coffman exposed its true
- consequences and implications. He said that he realized during
- the 1980s and 1990s that the plan was to use the excuse of
- protecting the environment to confiscate half the land of the
- United States. Similar plans exist for every other country.
- America may not have ratified the treaty, but it is being
- implemented by the day. Agenda 21 demands the central global
- control of all land; all private property; all water sources
- and distribution; all other resources which includes people
- in its definition; all energy supplies and distribution and
- all food production and distribution.
- Agenda 21 is called �the agenda for the 21st century� and that
- refers to global fascism / communism. This is a summary of what
- Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development / Biodiversity is seeking
- to impose:
- � An end to national sovereignty
- � State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems,
- deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water; agriculture;
- rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring �equity�
- � The State to �define the role� of business and financial
- resources
- � Abolition of private property (it�s not �sustainable�)
- � �Restructuring� the family unit
- � Children raised by the State
- � People told what their job will be
- � Major restrictions on movement
- � Creation of �human settlement zones�
- � Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where
- they currently live
- � Dumbing down education (achieved)
- � Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all the above
- Learn more of the history of the UN�s Agenda 21 here ...
- http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/05/13/agenda-21-plan-global-fascist-dictatorship/
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- (71) US Department of Agriculture Prepping For War
- A May 7th solicitation by the US Department of Agriculture
- seeks �the commercial acquisition of ballistic vests,
- compliant with NIJ 0101.06 for Level IIIA Ballistic
- Resistance of body armor.�
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/15/Dept-of-Agriculture-Orders-Ballistic-Body-Armor
- A May 7th solicitation by the US Department of Agriculture
- seeks �the commercial acquisition of submachine guns [in]
- .40 Cal. S&W.�
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/05/14/Dept-Of-Agriculture-Orders-Submachine-Guns-With-30-Round-Magazines
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