- Yet Another Attempt to Censor Our Internet
- As the White House pushes for mandatory biometric tech
- to access the internet (in total disgrace to online freedom),
- and while the FCC and Tom Wheeler plan to kill Net Neutrality,
- control freaks like Feinstein & Chambliss are drafting a new
- pro-spying, chinese-style online censorship bill.
- http://cryptome.org/2014/04/cybersec-share.pdf
- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140429/07203227062/cispa-take-3-sens-feinstein-chambliss-draft-another-cybersecurity-bill-with-weak-privacy-protections-expansive-data-sharing.shtml
- http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-senates-new-cispa-bill-might-let-law-enforcement-create-backdoor-wiretaps
- Operation KILLCEN (Kill Censorship) presents � a present.
- Teleport_Pro_Bundle.zip includes ; Teleport Pro (a decent spider
- but the limit is 60,000 files each, Teleport Ultra (unlimited use)
- and Teleport VLX (to spider both http and https - unlimited use)
- Download a bundle from one of the following mirrors, get started
- and please remember, share any news websites you collect!
- Teleport_Pro_Bundle.zip | 6.5MB
- http://fileb.ag/z4bcma25un9d
- http://filedump.org/files/lXDlsuMc1399039104.html
- http://fileslab.com/files/get/LEe_y9sf-7/teleport-pro-bundle.zip
- Tell Feinstein & Chambliss to fuck right off!
- We backup everything and farraday cage the shit underground!
- KILLCEN 001 - 300 �
- http://paste.yt/p2919.html
- KILLCEN Compressed Files Mirrored @ Mediafire �
- https://www.mediafire.com/folder/wb1i9q3yqcmuo/Alternative_News_Articles_Archive
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Posted by Yet Another Atte on May Fri 2nd 3:04 PM - Never Expires
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