- Posted @ quickleak.org/015V5GQ5
- Bundy Ranch indicates Chinese emenent domain is in fact reality
- The story goes like this - In 2009 Hillary went to China
- and made all sorts of promises to get China to secure more
- American debt by buying U.S. treasury bonds, and if America
- ever defaulted, China would get vast tracts of American land.
- I don't know if you know about the Escalante staircase land
- grab, (read that one, it's great) but I suggest you look into
- it if you never heard of it, that land grab would be a definite
- precursor to what may be going on now. Anyway, The rumor had it
- in 2009 that China would get to act militarily to secure American
- lands put up as collateral to secure American debt. And it was
- widely reported as a hoax by many mainstream news sites, but
- alternative news sites held their ground and said the following
- is true. This is the story that started it all, in 2009. I do not
- know one way or the other about whether or not any of this is
- true, but I will state that it is very suspicious that China is
- in the mix out at Bundy Ranch, and therefore despite this not
- being confirmed, I really think people should know about it
- Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have
- just CONFIRMED to me that the United States of America has
- tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the
- People's Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent
- Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued
- purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves.
- The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of
- State Hillary Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during
- her recent trip to China.
- This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its
- financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China
- would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land,
- buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the
- financial obligations of the US government.
- Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical
- land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United
- States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional
- power to "take" all of our property, as actual collateral for
- continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued
- carrying of US national debt.
- My response: This may or may not be true, but I ask the reader to
- consider something - it is easily concluded fact that the Federal
- government hates the nation and wants it destroyed. This is why
- illegals are being allowed up into America unchecked, all the
- while they get first class medical care at our expense no questions
- asked while Americans get the shaft via the "affordable care" act.
- Many other examples of government hatred for the American people
- abound, from tainted vaccines to ridiculous taxes to family courts
- that absolutely eviscerate men, all the way down to items such as
- deep water horizon, haarp drougts and Bundy ranch. There is no
- doubt the Federal government, with it's intentionally sabotaged
- Common Core education that is no doubt geared to destroy the future
- of this nation would find it outside of reach to pledge American
- lands to china while they death smash this country into a permanent
- black hole. I find the above to be very plausible and though the
- above cannot be definitively confirmed, Bundy Ranch and the rest
- of these BLM land grabs sure look bad after reading that.
- This is a response I sent out to a mail I received which is worthy
- of posting. It is a little disjointed if you did not see the preceeding
- mail, but there are a lot of good points here in condensed form
- Don't sweat anything. Just don't vaccinate. And don't get caught
- in all the rumor traps, it's all simple -
- Eat meat and potoatoes every day, eggs and toast for breakfast,
- the same diet America became great on and you won't have problems.
- If you want to store food, just buy the same stuff you always eat
- in cans and jars and bags, don't waste money on so called "emergency
- kits".
- If it comes down to it, people can eat cat food but never dog food
- because dog food is a much lower grade and will eventually cause
- brain decay. (this is because dogs can take scrapie infected animals,
- which get mixed in with everything else in the final wash, and not
- get a prion induced encephalothopy disease. Cats can't ward off the
- prions and neither can people. So people and cats get much better
- food.)
- The best source of non GMO seeds on the planet is old fashioned
- pop corn in one pound bags, it is shipped live and plantable.
- The bottom line with practically everything is if it comes across
- the mainstream media it is a lie. The nanobot report is verified
- accurate, I am not kidding when I say that was vetted by a doctorate
- of pharmacology, the same one who co wrote Tainted Nightmare. It is
- simply modeled around a bacteriophage which would normally never
- attack people, and modified to look the way it does.
- And I'd like you to do something for verification the vaccines
- are bad. Something that will prove it to you in no uncertain terms.
- Go to Wal Mart and look at the children in the check out line
- (the age group that sits in the shopping carts). They usually all
- have blank stares now, and when you do something to make them
- laugh or smile, they don't respond anymore. Walk the check outs
- until you see a kid who is totally engaged with people, smiling,
- bright and acting intelligently. Ask the mom if she vaccinated
- her baby, and if she says yes, ask if she is Jewish. If she says
- no, then ask if she is from a foreign country and never vaccinated
- in America. You will be surprised, I have discovered this is a
- great way to figure out who is Jewish or who is foreign.
- I never figured out the method, but I can definitely state that
- somehow, "they" do not get the same shots.
- James
- April 29 2014
- http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/
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