- AIG Archive
- https://www.quickleak.org/ne9Vlrmw
- Mirrored �
- https://mega.co.nz/#F!BgFj3QyQ!NVpnZCSbTFciZ2EtWTpTNQ
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3GB of confidential emails and documents from the 2008
- AIG Meltdown, Federal Reserve of New York boardmembers,
- New York Federal reserve chair Timothy Geithner (Kissinger
- Associates, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations),
- Goldman Sachs, Maiden Lane II and Maiden Lane III toxic
- assets transactions and much much more documenting the
- $182 billion dollar "bailout" of AIG - the biggest financial
- fraud in history!
- Too Big To Fail? More like Too Big To Keep Secret! And may
- Wall Street forever be Occupied!
- Federal Reserve Dox (5th Repost)
- https://www.quickleak.org/bQRfnLTZ
- Mirrored �
- A couple years ago, anonymous hackers released a
- detailed dox of federal reserve board associates.
- Before it was taken down - and it was 404'd within
- a day - I happened to stumble upon a twitter account
- that linked a mirror to this dox. It was no longer
- available a few hours later ... however, I grabbed
- it just in the nick of time.
- When I re-re-mirrored it to pastebin, it was taken
- down FOUR seperate times!
- OK, here�s the last repost. Grab it while you can!
- Fed_Reserve_Dox.zip | ZIP | Mirrored
- http://f.lui.li/get_1579_bb11.html
- http://filebeam.com/8bb11422a89705f8042053af86f66944
- http://megaswf.com/f/2658450
- https://anonfiles.com/file/8bb11422a89705f8042053af86f66944
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Posted by AIG Archive Fed on April Wed 30th 3:52 PM - Never Expires
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