- ABQ Cop Who Killed Mary Hawkes Doxed
- http://pastebin.com/Rp9HyujK Mirrored �
- http://www.abqjournal.com/388106/news/apd-patrol-officer-fired-fatal-shot.html
- The Officer who killed Mary Hawkes
- Jeremy J Dear
- 505-866-0536
- 29 Margarita Cir, Los Lunas, NM 87031-5916
- #OpAlbuquerque #APDProtest
- ------------------------------------------
- Two Albuquerque Cops Doxed for Murder
- http://pastebin.com/sCBe8xWe
- Mirrored �
- James Boyd Killers Who Murdered him in COLD Blood
- Keith P. Sandy
- Addresses:
- 1.2015 Shcool Loop Rd, Moriarty, NM 87035
- 2. Po Box 2011
- Moriarty, NM 87035
- DOB: May 8, 1975 (38 years old)
- Known Alias:Keith P Pierce
- Phone Number: (505) 832-1432
- Phone Number: (505) 832-4632
- Email Address: [email protected]
- Wife:
- Deanna L. Sandy
- DOB: September 26, 1975 (38 years old)
- Known Aliases: Deanna L Pierce
- Donna Pierce
- Dominique W. Perez
- 1135 Diamondback Dr
- Albuquerque, NM 87113
- DOB: March 13, 1981 (33 years old)
- Known Aliases: Dominique E Perez
- Dominioue Perez
- Dominique W Perry
- Phone Number: 505-343-1492
- ------------------------------------------
- Albuquerque Police Doxed for Police Brutality
- http://pastebin.com/1r5YBgUz
- Mirrored �
- ################################################## DoX By Anonymous ##################################################
- #OpAlbuquerque
- Name Phone Office Title Company Alias
- Acosta, Art J. 505/224-6643 PD-Family Advocacy Ctr Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E14805
- Adams, Carlton 505/332-5240 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E27185
- Anaya, Adam 505/3435000 PD-Recruitment & Trng Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polada
- Andolina, Anthony D. 505/764-3288 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaza
- Aragon, Benito J 505/3325240 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E26784
- Arbogast, Bruce J. 505/823-4600 PD-Criminalistics Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E14921
- Archibeque, Brian C. 505/332-5240 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E10188
- Armijo, Alejandro A. 505/7682200 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E26692
- Baca, David R. 505/401-3816 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E23936
- Bassiri, Alexander 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E29309
- Beck, Aron D. 505/332-5240 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque poladb
- Briones, Bonnie 505/7682200 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E23439
- Calt, Brian T. 505/3325240 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E25503
- Chavez, Anselmo D. 505/6888892 PD-Chief Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E21890
- Cook, Andrew B. 505/823-4455 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polavc
- Daffron, Benjamin J. 505/2562050 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E25866
- DeHerrera, Bruce J. 505/761-8800 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbjd
- Dehne, Adam C. 505/8314705 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E27213
- Dennison, Briane L. 505/768-2131 PD-Ops Support Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbld
- Drexler, Andrew M. 505/8578721 PD-Traffic Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polazd
- Economidy III, Bryon 505/256-2050 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E19836
- Feist, Andrew 505/350-8115 PD-Special Investigation Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polasf
- Forsberg, Brandon PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E30626
- Fuchs, Brian T. 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E28247
- Garcia, Adam P. 505/768-2467 PD-Inspections Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polapg
- Garcia, Adrian C. 505/2646020 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E25442
- Garcia, Andrew M. 505/4408532 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polamg
- Heller, Brian K. 505/7684850 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E22449
- Hennig, Andrew G. PD-APD Area Commwhere Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E08552
- Hernandez, Armando F. 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E26703
- Herpolsheimer, Andrew J 505/6158951 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E24878
- Herrera, Brian M. 505/5081424 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbmh
- Heyman, Aaron 796-1938 Early Retirement Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polazh
- Heyman, Adam 761-8853 Early Retirement Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaah
- Hoisington, Aaron P. PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaph
- Hsu, Andrew 505/7618800 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E25469
- Jaramillo, Andrew S. 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E21377
- Johnson, Brian A. 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E29318
- Jones, Aaron M. 505/8234455 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E26705
- Knipprath, Brock 505/8234455 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E26708
- Leal, Ashley 505/7682200 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E27256
- Lee, Arlys 505/7682200 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E27478
- Lehocky, Andrew J. 505/924-6000 PD-Family Advocacy Ctr Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polazl
- Lovato, Angelo J. 505/553-3975 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E17347
- Lund, Brian J. 505/332-5240 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E04735
- Maldonado, Aaron PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E18823
- Marentes, Alex PD-Family Advocacy Ctr Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaxm
- Markwick, Amy R. 505/7618800 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E27270
- Marmon, Amy PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polamm
- Martinez, Anthony J. PD-Open Space Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E06998
- Martinez, Armand L. 505/7507510 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E30952
- Martinez, Benito A. 505/967-9466 PD-Tactical Svcs Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbym
- McDonnell, Ashley A. APD Area Command Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polanm
- Melendrez, Benjamin 505/256-2050 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E08031
- Michaud, Andrew 505/2562050 PD-Family Advocacy Ctr Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaim
- Montoya, Adrian L. PD-Special Investigations Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polalm
- Moon, Alan J. PD-Traffic Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaqm
- Neal, Bryan S. 505/244-6643 PD-Family Advocacy Ctr Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque POLBSN
- Nunez, Ana R. 505/2562050 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polarn
- Ortiz, Andrea L. 505/7614060 PD-Family Advocacy Ctr Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polalo
- Paige, Brian 505/768-4850 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbdp
- Parra, Brandon 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E29329
- Perea, Adam L. 505/823-4455 PD-Family Advocacy Ctr Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polazp
- Perea, Brad 344-7169 PD-Special Investigations Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbjp
- Perry, Bradley G. PD-Special Investigations Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E22456
- Pitzer, Brian D. 505/2562050 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E24159
- Portillos, Adam J. 505/2562056 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E24188
- Price, Bryan H. PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E21750
- Provencher, Andrew 505/831-4705 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polarp
- Quesada, Adam B. 505/8234455 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E17930
- Quillman, Andrew P. 505/924-6059 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polapq
- Ramirez, Alma J. 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E27221
- Roberto, Andrew 505/343-5000 PD-Recruitment & Trng Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polatr
- Rodriguez, Ambrosio 505/761-4000 PD-Traffic Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaxr
- Romero, Adam J. PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E19587
- Romero, Albert 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E25473
- Saladin, Annette 505/831-4705 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polats
- Samora, Byron 505/768-2105 PD-Family Advocacy Ctr Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbas
- Sanchez, Bernie J. Jr. 505/508-9616 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E07739
- Sandoval, Albert T. 505/9346627 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E24117
- Sedler, Amy J. PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polajf
- Sedler, Anthony J. PD-Tactical Svcs Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaus
- Shannon, Brian-Michael PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E30640
- Simmons, Albert 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E29336
- Snow, Brian 505/343-5043 PD-Recruitment & Trng Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbns
- Solis, Brenda M. PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E21760
- Suarez, Anthony 505/3435000 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E26729
- Tapia, Amanda 505/2562050 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E23851
- Trujillo, Alfredo Buddy 505/343-5013 PD-Recruitment & Trng Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polaft
- Volzer, Bruce A. 505/8753577 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polbav
- Warwick, Benjamin A. 505/3325240 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E28277
- Werley, Brian E. 505/332-5240 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E14483
- Wesenberg, Brandon L. 505/761-8800 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E25495
- Wild, Amanda 505/7682200 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E27271
- Younger, Art 505/823-4610 PD-Evidence Mgmt Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polany
- Zambrano, Anthony 505/839-6428 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque polazz
- Zamora, Anastacio 505/768-4705 PD-Internal Affairs Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E04538
- Zwicky, Aaron W. 505/8234455 PD-APD Area Comm Police Officer 1/c City of Albuquerque E23940
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Posted by ABQ Cop Who Kill on April Fri 25th 7:06 PM - Never Expires
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