- Warning! BLM Hoodwinking Militia
- http://pastebin.com/BZPmqQvr
- Ben Pam Date: Saturday, 12 April 2014
- Time: 1840 ET
- To: Steve Quayle
- From Doug Hagmann
- At 1750 hours ET, I was contacted by my source within the
- Department of Homeland Security regarding the current situation
- at the Bundy Ranch. To put it bluntly, the people are being
- hoodwinked into believing that the situation is being resolved.
- It is not. It is a strategic de-escalation to fool the public.
- This source stated that the retreat of the BLM agents and the
- release of the cattle was actually crafted as a potential plan
- yesterday (Friday, 11 April 2014) based on the following:
- 1. A military assessment of satellite and drone surveillance
- imagery of the �patriot resistance. Drones under the control of
- the U.S. military were in use, taking real-time photographic
- images of not just the activity at the ranch, but "identifying
- the protesters, any arms and any supplies they might have or be
- carrying. �Mission accomplished.�
- 2. Real-time communication intercepts between patriots on-site
- and their off-site support;
- 3. Active monitoring of internet traffic regarding the coverage
- of events at ranch;
- 4. The monitoring of real-time video from the scene.
- This source stated that a response by the patriot movement was
- anticipated, although exceeded their expectations. Although this
- was a real operation, they also ran this as a test case for future
- government operations once they saw the response. They were also
- actively managing the media, in some cases threatening to cut off
- White House access to anyone covering the event.
- Despite this, the coverage by the alternative media began to
- create a public relations problem that was not easily managed.
- Note the lack of acknowledgment by the White House regarding
- this event. They are intentionally framing it as a state issue,
- despite the fact that all federal response has been and continues
- to be from the White House. There is a reason for this � a reason
- that has not been identified in any of the public reports to date.
- I will explain in further detail in a follow-up report on Sunday,
- after this source attends [redacted] to obtain more specific
- information about future federal operations. Regardless, according
- to this source, the government will take back �their land� as they
- must to fulfill international obligations. It was never about
- grazing rights or anything other than (1) �securing clear title�
- to the land, and (2) further demonizing any patriotic resistance.
- It is my understanding, based on the information from this source,
- that it is a critical task to create a situation that will also
- advance their agenda of gun control and confiscation.
- A more detailed report will follow on Sunday, 13 April 2014,
- with additional and much more specific information about their
- inside plans and future operations. PLEASE MAKE THIS VIRAL!
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- The Bureau of Land Management�s eco-fascist gestapo is
- stealing American property and livestock. In attempt to
- rationalize their theft, they claim they will �save the
- tortoise.� The BLM is using environmentalism to confuse
- people to condone their theft of private property - yet
- the BLM cashed in with $1.27 million for fracking leases
- in Nevada!
- http://www.naturalnews.com/044670_BLM_lies_fracking_leases_Bundy_ranch.html
- http://www.naturalnews.com/files/Petroleum-Data-Clark-County-Nevada.pdf
- http://m.shalereporter.com/industry/article_0de547ba-8ca4-11e2-ab4e-0019bb30f31a.html
- http://www.8newsnow.com/story/4877010/nevadas-hidden-treasure-black-gold
- Similar to the Natural News investigation, Infowars has
- found and mirrored some evidence also confirming the BLM is
- being used to confiscate public property for new solar power
- generation facilities as well. Harry Reid and his oldest son,
- Rory are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant,
- ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel
- manufacturing plant on private property. Rory Reid was the
- chief representative for the Chinese energy firm.
- http://www.infowars.com/breaking-sen-harry-reid-behind-blm-land-grab-of-bundy-ranch/
- http://www.infowars.com/feds-back-down-from-bundy-siege-after-infowars-expose-of-chinese-land-grab/
- http://www.wnd.com/2014/04/reid-smelling-anything-but-rosy-in-ranch-fight/
- http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/04/Harry-Reid-s-Son-Representing-Chinese-Solar-Panel-Plant-In-5-Billion-Nevada-Deal
- Patriots Confront BLM & Show How to Take Country Back (Video)
- http://www.infowars.com/recap-patriots-confront-blm-show-how-to-take-country-back/
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Posted by Warning BLM Hood on April Sun 13th 10:59 PM - Never Expires
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