- 19:07:45 Loki ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 19:09:58 Rube ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 19:10:13 Loki � Rube
- 19:10:13 Rube � ( Yes, Master Loki ?)
- 19:10:19 Loki � join -help-
- 19:16:33 Rube ([email protected]) quits (Connection reset by peer (TCP/IP connection broken))
- 19:17:01 Loki ([email protected]) quits (Connection reset by peer (TCP/IP connection broken))
- 19:22:39 Rube ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 19:23:25 mq521 � USLS BOT
- 19:23:30 Loki ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 19:23:44 mq521 � USLS BOT
- 19:24:03 Loki � !send SiccnesS someone is ddosing me
- 19:24:57 Loki � i'm so goddamned tired of ur shit, dude
- 19:25:52 Loki � Hey can you /dns for me, i cant seem to get a hostname, can you try please, thanks.
- 19:26:51 mq521 � notin
- 19:26:52 mq521 � fkr
- 19:32:15 �Loki� DCC Send A_Ankh_for_Ankh_by_Xale-black-and-red-q75-335x536.jpg (
- 19:32:15 DCC send request from Loki/ received. Trying to get A_Ankh_for_Ankh_by_Xale-black-and-red-q75-335x536.jpg/26.87KB through port 4316...
- 19:36:42 Loki � DCC CHAT C:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- 19:40:54 * Disconnected
- // DCed because KIS blocked IP and I was AFK:
- 25/05/2009 19:40:54 TCP from to local port 28098
- Detected: Intrusion.Win.mIRC.DCCSEND.buffer-overflow.exploit
- 20:41:26 � �-�� #Lobby join ��-� �
- 20:41:26 topic: /SERVER irc.chatwave.net
- 20:41:26 set by: SVCAGENT-1237992882 (Friday, May 22nd 2009, 02:56:01)
- 20:41:26 users: 10 users, 2 opped, 0 voiced, 8 regulars
- 20:41:26 sync: 0.03 seconds
- 20:41:26 � �-�� join end ��-� �
- 20:42:28 Loki � wb mq521, wanna talk some more shit?
- 20:43:06 Loki � didnt think so
- // Major Suxup START
- 20:55:05 @SiccnesS � i was moving to new host but he just got bought out
- 20:55:29 Loki � if i find host i get admin, rite?
- 20:55:31 Loki � :P
- 20:55:51 @SiccnesS � yep
- 20:55:55 Loki � sweet
- // Major Suxup END
- 01:49:24 Loki ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 01:51:23 Rube ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 01:51:46 Loki � join -help-
- 01:51:56 Loki � hmmm
- 01:52:12 Loki � lag
- 01:54:58 Loki � ...
- 01:55:15 mq521 � ya
- 01:55:16 mq521 � 20:42:28 Loki � wb mq521, wanna talk some more shit?
- 01:55:16 mq521 � 20:43:06 Loki � didnt think so
- 01:55:17 mq521 � wat dis
- 01:55:18 mq521 � ?
- 01:55:21 mq521 � sry i not on PC 24/7
- 01:55:23 mq521 � liek u
- 01:55:28 Loki � lmao
- 01:55:38 Loki � one more time and ur gone
- 01:55:40 Loki � try me
- 01:55:41 mq521 � k waitin
- 01:55:48 Loki � PRIVMSG mq521 :DCC SEND "a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a" 1370673706 3500 4
- 01:55:52 mq521 � hi
- 01:56:13 DCC Send from Loki rejected (invalid parameters)
- 01:56:27 Loki � hmmm
- 01:57:04 DCC Send from Loki rejected (invalid parameters)
- 01:57:13 mq521 � so u tel me 2 get a life
- 01:57:21 mq521 � yet ur de 1 wid a bot
- 01:57:22 mq521 � ?
- 01:57:28 mq521 � being e-tuff on IRC
- 01:57:29 mq521 � ?
- 01:57:29 Loki � u on irc?
- 01:57:34 mq521 � so?
- 01:57:36 mq521 � im also on msn
- 01:57:37 @Xtreme ([email protected]) quits (Web Browser closed)
- 01:57:46 mq521 � dun prov anytin?
- 01:58:11 Xtreme ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 01:58:11 ChatWave.chat.server sets mode: +o Xtreme
- 01:58:15 Loki � wb
- 01:58:30 mq521 � ya suxup more
- 02:05:00 mq521 � so ja
- 02:05:01 mq521 � rinsd much
- 02:05:43 mq521 � thot so
- 02:06:48 @Xtreme � do what?
- 02:06:57 mq521 � not u plz
- 02:07:07 Loki � i think he has down syndrome, he can't help it
- 02:07:09 Loki � :P
- 02:07:33 DCC Send from Loki rejected (invalid parameters)
- 02:08:00 mq521 � dun tink u shud be talkin
- 02:09:13 mq521 � mr wanabe haxr
- 02:09:25 Loki � lmao
- 02:10:08 mq521 � ya laff
- 02:10:11 mq521 � cuz das all u can do
- 02:10:43 Loki � i can do alot more, but im behaving because im on a friends' server
- 02:10:46 Loki � ur lucky
- 02:10:55 mq521 � ya sur
- 02:11:13 mq521 � ur jus worthless
- 02:11:15 mq521 � wid ur shity bot
- 02:11:28 mq521 � nd if u wud be on friends
- 02:11:30 mq521 � y u not op?
- 02:11:37 Loki � !memo SiccnesS permission to pwn mq521?
- 02:11:56 tatootian ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 02:11:59 tatootian � SRY
- 02:12:00 tatootian � LOKI UR DUM
- 02:12:13 Loki � !send SiccnesS permission to pwn mq521?
- 02:12:14 Rube � Memo has been sent to SiccnesS.
- 02:12:33 Loki � im not op cause jeff is lazy
- 02:12:34 Loki � lol
- 02:12:35 mq521 � !send ur mom u can haz com again
- 02:12:36 Rube � Memo has been sent to ur.
- 02:12:42 mq521 � ya sur
- 02:12:47 mq521 � excuses
- 02:13:01 mq521 � jeffs lazy 2 give my admin 2
- 02:13:08 Loki � [6:12] (mq521) !send ur mom u can haz com again LMFAO
- 02:13:52 mq521 � ya laffin again
- 02:13:54 mq521 � cuz all u can do
- 02:14:44 mq521 � 20:55:29 Loki � if i find host i get admin, rite?
- 02:14:44 mq521 � 20:55:31 Loki � :P
- 02:14:47 mq521 � and wat dis suxup
- 02:14:47 mq521 � ?
- 02:14:51 mq521 � y u ned admin on like
- 02:14:55 mq521 � 12 ppl serv
- 02:14:55 mq521 � ?
- 02:15:02 mq521 � der enough admins alrdy plz
- 02:15:46 Loki � LMFAO
- 02:16:06 mq521 � laff x3
- 02:16:18 mq521 � sems u even mor usls den ur bot
- 02:16:37 tatootian � Loki, you know...
- 02:16:39 tatootian � the funny thing is
- 02:16:44 tatootian � you're trying to act like a hacker
- 02:16:52 tatootian � but you probably couldn't even forge a fragmented syn packet
- 02:17:12 Loki � !send SiccnesS nevermind, i wont pwn him, he's hilarious
- 02:17:12 Rube � Memo has been sent to SiccnesS.
- 02:17:17 mq521 � pusy
- 02:17:21 mq521 � u never wud anyway
- 02:17:23 mq521 � cuz ur a noob
- 02:17:42 DCC Send from Loki rejected (invalid parameters)
- 02:17:47 DCC Send from Loki rejected (invalid parameters)
- 02:17:48 DCC Send from Loki rejected (invalid parameters)
- 02:17:49 DCC Send from Loki rejected (invalid parameters)
- 02:18:16 CTCP from Loki: PING 1243293495
- 02:18:20 Loki ([email protected]) quits (Excess flood)
- 02:18:22 tatootian � rofl
- 02:18:28 mq521 � did he ping you?
- 02:18:28 mq521 � rofl
- 02:18:31 Loki ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 02:18:33 mq521 � 02:18:16 CTCP from Loki: PING 1243293495
- 02:18:33 tatootian � Loki, where is you fragmented syn packet to me?
- 02:18:33 mq521 � pwnt?
- 02:18:46 Loki � flood
- 02:18:47 tatootian � your* rather :\
- 02:18:51 tatootian � Loki, where is your fragmented syn packet to me?
- 02:18:54 mq521 � he tryin 2 ddos me wid his uber leet IRC pingg
- 02:18:54 tatootian � waitin
- 02:18:55 tatootian � o Riet
- 02:18:56 mq521 � omgggggggg
- 02:18:56 tatootian � OlOLoLol
- 02:19:07 Loki � lmao
- 02:19:28 mq521 was kicked by @Xtreme (chill the hell out)
- 02:19:30 � �-�� #Lobby join ��-� �
- 02:19:34 mq521 � OMHGGG!111111!
- 02:19:37 mq521 � STOP HAKKKKKKKK
- 02:19:41 tatootian � Xtreme, you shouldn't be kicking him out...
- 02:19:46 tatootian was kicked by @Xtreme (Xtreme)
- 02:19:50 tatootian ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 02:19:51 tatootian � ragd
- 02:19:51 tatootian ([email protected]) quits (Connection reset by peer (TCP/IP connection broken))
- 02:19:52 mq521 � he da butt budy
- 02:19:52 mq521 � plz
- 02:19:55 Loki � got him
- 02:19:56 Loki � :P
- 02:19:57 @Xtreme � rorfl
- 02:19:57 @Xtreme � :)
- 02:19:59 mq521 � ya how he got him
- 02:20:02 mq521 � u jus abuse power
- 02:20:03 mq521 � das all
- 02:20:03 mq521 � ?
- 02:20:05 mq521 � obv
- 02:20:11 @Xtreme � Lol
- 02:20:14 mq521 was kicked by @Xtreme (Xtreme)
- 02:20:15 � �-�� #Lobby join ��-� �
- 02:20:17 mq521 � hi
- 02:20:18 mq521 was kicked by @Xtreme (Xtreme)
- 02:20:19 � �-�� #Lobby join ��-� �
- 02:20:21 mq521 was kicked by @Xtreme (Xtreme)
- 02:20:21 � �-�� #Lobby join ��-� �
- 02:20:23 mq521 was kicked by @Xtreme (Xtreme)
- 02:20:28 � �-�� #Lobby join ��-� �
- 02:20:28 mq521 was kicked by @Xtreme (Xtreme)
- 02:20:29 Unable to join #Lobby (you're banned)
- 02:21:24 � �-�� #Lobby join ��-� �
- 02:21:25 mq521 � hi
- 02:21:28 @Xtreme � Lol
- 02:21:29 mq521 � y such ragd
- 02:21:29 mq521 � ?
- 02:21:34 @Xtreme � whatt
- 02:21:37 mq521 � u tel
- 02:21:42 @Xtreme � ragd?
- 02:21:42 mq521 � keep abuisin Op
- 02:21:42 mq521 � ?
- 02:21:46 @Xtreme � not even a word
- 02:21:48 Loki � i think hes turkish or something
- 02:21:49 mq521 � ya is
- 02:21:49 @Xtreme � learn spell
- 02:21:52 mq521 � u lern
- 02:21:58 Loki � A SALAAM!
- 02:22:01 mq521 � every1 understand me
- 02:22:01 @Xtreme � i can abuse
- 02:22:03 @Xtreme � Lol
- 02:22:05 mq521 � excpt u 2 retards
- 02:22:05 mq521 � ?
- 02:22:08 mq521 � no u cant
- 02:22:10 @Xtreme � all i want
- 02:22:12 mq521 � wer authority
- 02:22:12 mq521 � waitin
- 02:22:13 mq521 � ?
- 02:22:16 @Xtreme � yes i can
- 02:22:18 mq521 � prof?
- 02:22:22 @Xtreme � im bestfriends with owner
- 02:22:23 @Xtreme � :)
- 02:22:26 mq521 � so
- 02:22:26 mq521 � ?
- 02:22:32 mq521 � means shit network then
- 02:22:32 mq521 � ?
- 02:22:34 @Xtreme � and he said i could do whatever i wantt
- 02:22:35 @Xtreme � :)
- 02:22:40 mq521 � if owners allow frnds 2 abuse
- 02:22:42 Loki � lmao
- 02:22:49 mq521 � no wonder u has liek
- 02:22:50 mq521 � 12 ppl
- 02:22:52 Loki � BAWWWW
- 02:22:56 Loki � quit whining
- 02:23:00 mq521 � ur de 1 whinin
- 02:23:01 @Xtreme � u could carry ur ass out
- 02:23:02 @Xtreme � :)
- 02:23:03 mq521 � tryin 2 dcc hax me omg
- 02:23:04 Loki � u wingy poof
- 02:23:07 mq521 � ya can
- 02:23:08 @Xtreme � why u on here?
- 02:23:08 mq521 � maek me
- 02:23:09 mq521 � ?
- 02:23:10 mq521 � duno
- 02:23:12 mq521 � killa invite
- 02:23:12 mq521 � ?
- 02:23:19 @Xtreme � rofl
- 02:23:32 @Xtreme � a guy that dont know how to spell
- 02:23:34 @Xtreme � woopie
- 02:23:38 mq521 � woopie not a word
- 02:23:38 mq521 � ?
- 02:23:47 mq521 � hypocrite?
- 02:23:49 @Xtreme � yes it is
- 02:23:51 mq521 � nope
- 02:23:52 @Xtreme � a word
- 02:23:55 @Xtreme � dumbass
- 02:23:57 mq521 � nope
- 02:24:03 mq521 was kicked by @Xtreme (Xtreme)
- 02:24:03 Unable to join #Lobby (you're banned)
- 02:24:48 � �-�� #Lobby join ��-� �
- 02:24:50 mq521 � so ya
- 02:24:52 mq521 � y so raged
- 02:24:52 mq521 � ?
- 02:25:26 Xtreme ([email protected]) joins #Lobby
- 02:25:27 ChatWave.chat.server sets mode: +o Xtreme
- 02:25:39 mq521 � 02:24:50 mq521 � so ya
- 02:25:39 mq521 � 02:24:52 mq521 � y so raged
- 02:25:39 mq521 � 02:24:52 mq521 � ?
- 02:26:42 @Xtreme sets mode: -k+bb * mq521!*@* *!*@xxxxx.mus.estpak.ee
- 02:26:42 mq521 was kicked by @Xtreme ({]}r3g(z)Shit@List: Difficulties are meant to rous)
- 02:26:43 Unable to join #Lobby (you're banned)
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by Loki ragd on May Tue 26th 12:48 AM - Never Expires
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