- Another Banker Deaded
- http://www.nu.nl/binnenland/3744622/doden-laren-oud-bankier-en-gezin.html
- Dead Laren former banker and family
- Police have confirmed Saturday that former CEO Jan Peter
- Schmittmann ABN Amro , his wife (57 ) and their daughter
- ( 22 ) came from a family drama in their home in Laren.
- Killed
- The other daughter of the family was not home , police said .
- An acquaintance of the family alerted police Saturday .
- Police found the bodies of the three and has since been
- engaged in research into the events at the villa to the
- High Hoefloo .
- ABM Amro
- Schmittmann worked between 1983 and 2009 at ABN Amro and
- eventually worked his way up to chairman in the Netherlands
- in 2003. He made that ABN Amro was bought by a consortium
- of Royal Bank of Scotland , Santander and Fortis . He was
- allowed to stay , but still lost his job when ABN Amro
- was nationalized .
- After the nationalization former Finance Minister Wouter
- Bos went to court to prevent Schmittmann would get 16
- million euros . Severance pay them ABN Amro wanted to
- give him up to 2.4 million euros . Eventually Schmittmann
- got 8 million.
- The house located in a residential area , by an investigation
- team investigated what exactly happened . The part of the
- street in front of the villa is spacious dropped and there
- are many cars of forensic investigators , who are already
- busy for hours .
- shocked
- Mayor Elbert Roest Laren is deeply shocked by the family
- drama Saturday in his church. '' It is a terrible event
- that deeply affects society in Laren . It is an unimaginable
- grief that this family has to process . Our sympathy goes
- out to the people, we wish them much strength '' , he says
- in a statement .
- The mayor is in contact with close family of three dead
- family members to provide support.
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Posted by Another Banker D on April Sat 5th 9:25 PM - Never Expires
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