- 03:48:31 PhaNTOM � fuck u cunt
- 03:48:45 mq521 � hypcrit?
- 03:48:46 mq521 � ur de pusy
- 03:48:50 tatootian � u no wat funy
- 03:48:51 mq521 � so basicly ur de cunt
- 03:48:51 PhaNTOM � u learned a new word? inferior? really? good for FUCKING U
- 03:49:00 mq521 � wow
- 03:49:00 sars � sars is [email protected] * sars
- 03:49:01 tatootian � phantom, u stil havn't startd pickin de rice
- 03:49:01 tatootian � ?
- 03:49:01 tatootian � pls
- 03:49:01 sars � excellent
- 03:49:08 mq521 � "good for FUCKING U"
- 03:49:11 mq521 � do u fuk tatootian
- 03:49:11 mq521 � ?
- 03:49:21 PhaNTOM � end every thought with pls?
- 03:49:27 mq521 � pls?
- 03:49:34 PhaNTOM � fukin ten year olds
- 03:49:34 tatootian � yo
- 03:49:35 tatootian � pls
- 03:49:35 tatootian � ?
- 03:49:37 tatootian � yo fk u
- 03:49:38 tatootian � pls
- 03:49:38 mq521 � WOW
- 03:49:39 tatootian � ?
- 03:49:39 mq521 � NOT 10
- 03:49:40 sars � id like you to go pls
- 03:49:41 mq521 � IS 9
- 03:49:44 mq521 � GET UR FACTS RITE
- 03:49:45 sars � maybe you should stfu pls
- 03:49:48 tatootian � u
- 03:49:51 sars � like take the fucking hint pls
- 03:49:54 PhaNTOM � what was so bad about link net? switching to these cunts
- 03:49:58 mq521 � srs
- 03:50:01 mq521 � linknet betr
- 03:50:04 mq521 � ddos 24/7
- 03:50:07 mq521 � no vhost
- 03:50:08 PhaNTOM � stfu nub
- 03:50:08 mq521 � pwn
- 03:50:11 mq521 � ur de nub
- 03:50:12 sars � ... bnc
- 03:50:15 +okone � ^
- 03:50:15 mq521 � dun tink u shud be talkin
- 03:50:18 mq521 � ya bnc 4 pusies
- 03:50:25 +okone � if u cant get a secure connection
- 03:50:26 mq521 � get real yo
- 03:50:28 +okone � not out prob
- 03:50:29 sars � and your mom too
- 03:50:32 mq521 � wow
- 03:50:34 sars � she loves my bnc
- 03:50:37 sars � on it all the time
- 03:50:38 PhaNTOM � Ban the muthafucka
- 03:50:38 mq521 � am i complaining bout secur conection
- 03:50:41 sars � she really rides it
- 03:50:42 mq521 � i talkin bout shit pusys
- 03:50:42 sars � you know?
- 03:50:44 mq521 � using vhosts
- 03:50:47 mq521 � and bncs
- 03:50:47 mq521 � pls
- 03:50:54 +okone � like me then
- 03:50:57 +okone � so stfu plz
- 03:50:57 sars � +1 ban
- 03:50:59 mq521 � ya ur
- 03:51:04 mq521 � -9001 ban
- 03:51:04 mq521 � ?
- 03:51:06 mq521 � ty
- 03:51:09 PhaNTOM � someone ban the idiot
- 03:51:11 PhaNTOM � oks
- 03:51:12 mq521 � oks
- 03:51:13 mq521 � ?
- 03:51:14 mq521 � hi
- 03:51:15 sars � grepp?
- 03:51:17 mq521 � Grep
- 03:51:19 sars � j9?
- 03:51:21 PhaNTOM � u didnt understand?
- 03:51:22 mq521 � Owa
- 03:51:22 mq521 � ?
- 03:51:22 PhaNTOM � pls
- 03:51:24 mq521 � pls.
- 03:51:25 sars � pandaking
- 03:51:28 mq521 � Owa
- 03:51:29 mq521 � ?
- 03:51:29 sars � owa
- 03:51:29 mq521 � hi
- 03:51:30 PhaNTOM � u'r stupid?
- 03:51:31 mq521 � ya
- 03:51:33 PhaNTOM � pls
- 03:51:34 &Owa � wat?
- 03:51:35 mq521 � You're*
- 03:51:38 sars � pls ban these fags
- 03:51:41 iddqd � sars owa is one of them
- 03:51:41 sars � we're all in agreement
- 03:51:43 sars � they're gay
- 03:51:43 mq521 � pls ban sars and PhaNTOM
- 03:51:43 iddqd � deal with it
- 03:51:44 mq521 � pls ban sars and PhaNTOM
- 03:51:44 mq521 � pls ban sars and PhaNTOM
- 03:51:45 mq521 � ?
- 03:51:47 mq521 � dey cunts
- 03:51:53 &Owa � i dont ban eni1
- 03:51:55 &Owa � ty
- 03:52:01 sars � :(
- 03:52:05 PhaNTOM � whatever happend to the fuckin spam filter?
- 03:52:05 mq521 � :)
- 03:52:07 sars � awwww a
- 03:52:10 mq521 � wat spam filter
- 03:52:10 mq521 � ?
- 03:52:10 sars � they're homos
- 03:52:11 sars � comeon
- 03:52:14 mq521 � how i homo
- 03:52:16 PhaNTOM � no flood protection?
- 03:52:16 sars � want to ddos us
- 03:52:17 slinkeh � owa just shut them up
- 03:52:18 PhaNTOM � pls
- 03:52:18 mq521 � wen ur de 1 making out with slinkeh
- 03:52:18 mq521 � ?
- 03:52:22 slinkeh � U 3 STFU
- 03:52:28 mq521 � y
- 03:52:33 +okone � wen am i gonna get half-op?
- 03:52:34 +okone � :p
- 03:52:35 iddqd � that was me mq521
- 03:52:37 iddqd � get facts straight
- 03:52:39 +dewlap � u listen well mq
- 03:52:40 mq521 � saem ting
- 03:52:42 slinkeh � when am i gonna get voice?
- 03:52:46 +dewlap � proud of u
- 03:52:50 iddqd � yes give slinkeh voice
- 03:52:52 slinkeh � :D
- 03:52:54 iddqd � +m this place
- 03:52:54 +okone � wen u talk rather than just idle
- 03:52:54 mq521 � slinkeh dum
- 03:52:55 mq521 � plz
- 03:53:06 +okone � slinkeh is kl
- 03:53:08 +okone � so stfu
- 03:53:08 PhaNTOM � iddqdick
- 03:53:09 sars � they behave like they're 14, they can't spell, they're real shitheads, and they're suggesting they want to ddos us. If you wont ban them, will you temporarily op me so I can kickban them?
- 03:53:11 mq521 � srs
- 03:53:14 mq521 � im 9
- 03:53:17 mq521 � GET UR FACTS RITE
- 03:53:17 mq521 � OMG
- 03:53:22 +dewlap � lol
- 03:53:26 mq521 � wow
- 03:53:27 tatootian � u no wat funy sars
- 03:53:28 mq521 � sars
- 03:53:30 PhaNTOM � BAN HIM
- 03:53:30 mq521 � wer i sed i want 2 ddos u
- 03:53:31 mq521 � ?
- 03:53:31 tatootian � wen nd wer we say ddos
- 03:53:31 tatootian � ?
- 03:53:32 tatootian � waitin
- 03:53:32 mq521 � waitin
- 03:53:32 tatootian � ya
- 03:53:48 Meelu � ya
- 03:53:50 mq521 � ja
- 03:53:53 Meelu � ja
- 03:53:56 PhaNTOM � ha
- 03:53:58 Meelu � ha
- 03:54:01 mq521 � u
- 03:54:02 Meelu � u
- 03:54:06 mq521 � u
- 03:54:06 mq521 � u
- 03:54:07 mq521 � ?
- 03:54:11 Meelu � ?
- 03:54:11 PhaNTOM � stop mocking me
- 03:54:17 slinkeh � meelu dont add to it
- 03:54:25 mq521 � slinkeh dont talk 2 it
- 03:54:27 mq521 � ?
- 03:54:30 � � � PhaNTOM is stopping
- 03:54:31 slinkeh � Phantom and mq STFU
- 03:54:31 sars � meelu you really want to be associated with them?
- 03:54:34 slinkeh � owa seriously
- 03:54:36 slinkeh � ban them
- 03:54:37 mq521 � slinkeh u stfu
- 03:54:37 mq521 � ?
- 03:54:37 sars � even if you are only doing it for the lols
- 03:54:37 Meelu � nope not realy
- 03:54:44 sars � BAN them
- 03:54:47 Meelu � i just opened the channel and saw annoying messages
- 03:54:49 iddqd � Owa wont, he's too much of a loser.
- 03:54:52 mq521 � Owa seriously, ban sars and PhaNTOM
- 03:54:54 mq521 � dey troll me
- 03:54:55 mq521 � :(
- 03:55:00 mq521 � ya
- 03:55:01 mq521 � iddqd
- 03:55:04 mq521 � way to insult ops
- 03:55:05 mq521 � ?
- 03:55:07 slinkeh � all 3 of u are annoying
- 03:55:10 mq521 � makes zerosec better
- 03:55:11 mq521 � srs
- 03:55:13 iddqd � Who cares if they are ops.
- 03:55:16 mq521 � u
- 03:55:18 iddqd � You scared of them?
- 03:55:18 mq521 � u ask 2 ban
- 03:55:21 mq521 � yet u insult
- 03:55:21 mq521 � ?
- 03:55:21 sars � they're irritating
- 03:55:24 Meelu � look this is not a chat room
- 03:55:26 iddqd � You scared of them?
- 03:55:28 mq521 � me?
- 03:55:28 mq521 � not
- 03:55:29 mq521 � ?
- 03:55:32 mq521 � r u?
- 03:55:36 Meelu � asl?
- 03:55:38 mq521 � Meelu
- 03:55:39 mq521 � wat is it then
- 03:55:41 sars � mq521, tatootian, zabikten
- 03:55:42 tatootian � yo
- 03:55:43 mq521 � yo
- 03:55:44 tatootian � yo
- 03:55:45 mq521 � hi
- 03:55:45 sars � very annoying those three
- 03:55:46 tatootian � iddqd u no wat funy
- 03:55:48 tatootian � wud u say
- 03:55:51 tatootian � "who caers if der ops"
- 03:55:53 tatootian � to a sietop
- 03:55:53 tatootian � ?
- 03:55:54 tatootian � waitin
- 03:55:58 Meelu � i
- 03:55:58 Meelu � am
- 03:55:59 Meelu � so
- 03:55:59 Meelu � cool
- 03:56:01 mq521 � ya
- 03:56:01 Meelu � coz
- 03:56:01 Meelu � i
- 03:56:01 mq521 � i
- 03:56:02 mq521 � like
- 03:56:02 mq521 � to
- 03:56:03 Meelu � write
- 03:56:03 mq521 � type
- 03:56:04 mq521 � liek
- 03:56:04 Meelu � stuff
- 03:56:04 mq521 � dis
- 03:56:04 mq521 � 2
- 03:56:05 mq521 � ?
- 03:56:06 Meelu � lik
- 03:56:06 mq521 � thx
- 03:56:06 mq521 � 4
- 03:56:08 mq521 � agreding
- 03:56:08 mq521 � with
- 03:56:08 mq521 � me
- 03:56:08 Meelu � e
- 03:56:09 mq521 � on
- 03:56:09 mq521 � this
- 03:56:10 Meelu � this
- 03:56:10 mq521 � styke
- 03:56:12 mq521 � style*
- 03:56:13 mq521 � ty
- 03:56:21 sars � mq521, tatootian, zabikten ban pls
- 03:56:22 PhaNTOM � i would be fuckin laughing like shit when they DDoS ur weakasses
- 03:56:25 PhaNTOM ([email protected]) quits ([P2P] Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
- 03:56:31 mq521 � ragd
- 03:57:45 +dewlap � sars is all QQ
- 03:58:02 iddqd � why dewlap
- 03:58:02 +dewlap � you guys should say sry
- 03:58:06 +dewlap � idk
- 03:58:10 iddqd � stfu
- 03:58:11 +dewlap � think they got to him
- 03:58:25 iddqd � no
- 03:58:29 iddqd � they aint getting to no one
- 03:58:33 +dewlap � o
- 03:58:35 mq521 � ya
- 03:58:35 mq521 � did
- 03:58:36 mq521 � ?
- 03:58:39 tatootian � iddqd
- 03:58:39 mq521 � scrol aobv
- 03:58:40 tatootian � u frum japs
- 03:58:40 tatootian � ?
- 03:58:42 iddqd � it's pretty easy to spam chans
- 03:58:45 mq521 � no
- 03:58:46 mq521 � not ezy
- 03:58:46 iddqd � no i'm not
- 03:58:46 mq521 � ?
- 03:58:46 Zabikten � ?
- 03:58:48 mq521 � not spammin
- 03:58:48 mq521 � either
- 03:58:49 Zabikten � fuck you want?
- 03:58:52 tatootian � wer u frum iddqd
- 03:58:52 tatootian � tel
- 03:58:58 iddqd � my mommy
- 03:59:01 tatootian � plS
- 03:59:35 sars � fuck you owa. seriously.
- 03:59:37 sars � bye
- 03:59:39 sars ([email protected]) quits ([P2P] Quit:)
- 03:59:44 mq521 � wow
- 03:59:45 mq521 � r u srs
- 03:59:46 mq521 � he ragd?
- 03:59:55 iddqd � ya i raged too
- 03:59:57 mq521 � omg
- 03:59:58 &Owa � lol
- 03:59:58 mq521 � !!!!!
- 04:00:00 &Owa � RAGQUIT
- 04:00:01 mq521 � WAT HAPN
- 04:00:02 iddqd (~sc0rff@very.long.vhost.is.very.long.cuz.very.long.vhost.is.very.long) quits ([P2P] Quit: Leaving)
- 04:00:17 Zabikten � fuck you want?
- 04:00:18 Zabikten � fuck you want?
- 04:00:18 Zabikten � fuck you want?
- 04:00:19 +Waldo ([email protected]) quits ([P2P] Quit: I just quitttttted)
- 04:00:28 +dewlap � lol he was crying zab
- 04:00:33 +dewlap � he neded tissue
- 04:00:36 mq521 � wow
- 04:00:41 mq521 � epic ragquit
- 04:00:48 +dewlap � ye rite?
- 04:01:29 tatootian is now known as [n3t-t3z]tatootian
- 04:01:59 Meelu ([email protected]) quits ([P2P] Quit: if they leave i leave!)
- 04:03:42 yo ([email protected]) joins #zerosec
- 04:03:55 &ZeroSex � [ZeroSec: TV] F1.Monaco.GP.2009.WS.PDTV.XviD-WATERS & Formula1.2009.Monaco.Grand.Prix.Complete.Event.WS.PDTV.XviD-NOsegmenT by pandaking - http://www.zerosec.ws/?p=35868
- 04:05:31 Meeeeelu ([email protected]) joins #zerosec
- 04:05:57 mq521 is now known as [n3t-t3z]mq521
- 04:06:01 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � acidnt
- 04:06:44 Inz3nyr ([email protected]) joins #zerosec
- 04:07:15 [n3t-t3z]tatootian � yo
- 04:07:16 [n3t-t3z]tatootian � owa no 1 cers
- 04:07:19 [n3t-t3z]tatootian � liek
- 04:07:22 &Owa sets mode: +b *!*boris@*.dsl.bell.ca
- 04:07:22 [n3t-t3z]tatootian was kicked by &Owa (Thank you, drive through (12))
- 04:07:22 [n3t-t3z]tatootian � srs
- 04:07:27 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � ragd
- 04:07:44 &Owa sets mode: +b *!*maqzek@*.mus.estpak.ee
- 04:07:45 [n3t-t3z]mq521 was kicked by &Owa (Sorry, but you are dismissed (13))
- 04:07:45 Unable to join #ZeroSec (you're banned)
- // Owa PM
- 04:06:31 Owa � ur such a cunt
- 04:06:33 Owa � tbh
- 04:06:39 Owa � next time i see u spamming crap
- 04:06:39 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � lolo
- 04:06:41 Owa � ill ban u and ur pal
- 04:06:43 Owa � dont lolo me
- 04:06:46 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � ololll!O!
- 04:06:47 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � OGM!!
- 04:06:53 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � WAT HAPN 2 FRENHIP
- 04:07:03 Owa � ya soz u just faileded
- 04:07:04 Owa � eet
- 04:07:09 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � OGM!
- 04:07:15 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � did sum1 QQ 2 u
- 04:08:12 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � omg srs
- 04:08:16 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � u guna get fIRED!!!!!!!!
- 04:08:25 [n3t-t3z]mq521 � U DINT BAN ME IN TIMLY MANR!
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by ZS epic ragequit on May Mon 25th 2:14 AM - Never Expires
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