- 05:25:20 &deltatsunami � Jammie
- 05:25:20 &deltatsunami � w
- 05:25:22 &deltatsunami � ho
- 05:25:22 &deltatsunami � the
- 05:25:22 &deltatsunami � fuck
- 05:25:23 &deltatsunami � are
- 05:25:23 &deltatsunami � u
- 05:25:23 +Jammie � i want to abuse some drugs
- 05:25:24 &deltatsunami � ?
- 05:25:27 +Jammie � is how i feel
- 05:25:31 +Jammie � kthnxbai
- 05:25:37 +Jammie � i is
- 05:25:41 +Jammie � me
- 05:25:55 +Jammie ([email protected]) quits ([irc.0v1.org] Local kill by deltatsunami (bai then.))
- 05:26:01 @mq521 � deltatsunami ragd
- 05:26:02 @mq521 � bai
- 05:26:02 &deltatsunami � oops
- 05:26:03 &deltatsunami � meant
- 05:26:03 &deltatsunami � to
- 05:26:05 &deltatsunami � type
- 05:26:06 @mq521 � ya sur
- 05:26:08 &deltatsunami � /kick
- 05:26:08 @mq521 � xcuses
- 05:26:11 Jammie ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
- 05:26:11 &csbot sets mode: +v Jammie
- 05:26:13 &deltatsunami � oops
- 05:26:14 &deltatsunami � sorry
- 05:26:15 &deltatsunami � meant to type
- 05:26:17 &deltatsunami � /kick
- 05:26:17 +Jammie � lol u rinsd
- 05:26:23 +Jammie � not ur fault
- 05:26:25 &deltatsunami � not really no
- 05:26:25 &deltatsunami � ?
- 05:26:40 @mq521 � ya is
- 05:26:50 &deltatsunami � no isn't
- 05:26:52 &deltatsunami � ?
- 05:27:02 deltatsunami is now known as mq520
- 05:27:02 @mq521 � www.n3t-t3z.com/misc/towel.jpg
- 05:27:02 +Jammie � im fukn depressd now
- 05:27:03 @mq521 � ?
- 05:27:20 &mq520 ([email protected]) quits (NickServ (GHOST command used by mq521))
- 05:27:20 �NickServ� Ghost with your nick has been killed.
- 05:27:23 @mq521 � thx
- 05:27:30 mq520 ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
- 05:27:34 mq520 ([email protected]) quits (NickServ (GHOST command used by mq521))
- 05:27:34 �NickServ� Ghost with your nick has been killed.
- 05:27:45 mq520 ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
- 05:27:45 mq520 ([email protected]) quits (NickServ (GHOST command used by mq521))
- 05:27:45 �NickServ� Ghost with your nick has been killed.
- 05:27:56 �NickServ� Ghost with your nick has been killed.
- 05:28:31 noisnt ([email protected]) joins #CS1.6
- 05:28:32 @mq521 � ohi
- 05:28:35 @mq521 � www.n3t-t3z.com/misc/towel.jpg
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by delta rinsd on April Mon 13th 3:33 AM - Never Expires
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