- They�ll hawk for war - they�ll take you to war!
- Then they�ll stab you right in the back!
- http://www.militarytimes.com/article/20140227/NEWS05/302270033/Senate-blocks-huge-vets-benefits-bill
- A massive veterans legislative package that would have expanded a
- host of post-military benefits was sidelined Thursday after Senate
- Democratic backers failed to find enough support among their Republican
- colleagues.
- A procedural motion to cut off debate and allow the bill to move to
- a floor vote fell short by four votes, with all but two Republicans
- voting along party lines. Bill sponsor Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.,
- chairman of the Senate Veterans� Affairs Committee, called the defeat
- a frustrating disappointment and vowed to find a way to guide the
- measure through Congress this year.
- �I thought that maybe, just maybe, the Senate could come together
- and do the right thing for our veterans,� he told reporters after
- the vote. �But, no.�
- The vote came after three days of debate on the Senate floor �
- much of it focusing on what topics should be debated. Each day,
- Sanders implored his colleagues to focus on the veterans bill and
- avoid offering unrelated amendments.
- But Republicans shifted much of the floor focus to new sanctions
- on Iran for its nuclear program, a move opposed by the White House,
- and continued objections to portions of the Affordable Care Act.
- They also criticized plans to pay for the veterans bill with
- expiring overseas contingency funds, labeling it a budget gimmick
- that creates more long-term spending without a real offset.
- �That is more money we were going to spend that we haven�t spent,
- that we never had because we were borrowing it, and now we are going
- to use it to expand this,� said Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., senior
- Republican on the Veterans� Affairs Committee.
- Both sides accused the other of attempting to paint their opposition
- as anti-veteran. Veterans groups, in turn, labeled the fight another
- Washington embarrassment.
- �The partisanship that has trumped most political action in
- Washington has left this important veterans legislation in its
- wake,� Paralyzed Veterans of America National President Bill Lawson
- said in a statement. �We are deeply disappointed that the Senate
- could not set aside its differences to support the men and women
- who have already sacrificed so much for this country.�
- Paul Rieckhoff, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America,
- was even blunter: �Republicans blame Democrats. Democrats blame
- Republicans. And veterans are caught in the crossfire.�
- Sanders� comprehensive legislative package was introduced in January
- as a vehicle to repeal unpopular trims in military retirement pay.
- But Congress overturned those cuts earlier in February in a separate
- vote, sapping much of the political urgency out of the omnibus bill.
- It contained a host of benefits and program changes advocated by
- veterans groups, including improved services for military sexual
- assault victims, new fertility treatment options for wounded veterans
- and an extension of health care coverage for recently returned veterans.
- Several provisions had received bipartisan support, such as language
- to ensure in-state tuition rates for all Post-9/11 GI Bill users,
- regardless of where they live. That move could save veterans using
- the benefit to attend out-of-state public schools tens of thousands
- of dollars in tuition costs.
- But the bill also had a hefty price tag. The Congressional Budget
- Office originally estimated its cost at $21 billion over 10 years,
- but the removal of the retirement issue would drop the total to
- about $15 billion over the next decade.
- Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., planned to offer companion legislation
- to Sanders� Senate bill with tweaks in how the overseas contingency
- funds are used to cover the bill�s costs.
- But its fate remained unclear. Despite passing portions of the
- Sanders� bill as stand-alone measures, House Republicans have not
- offered support for the whole package, expressing skepticism about
- using the expiring war funds to pay for the new programs and benefits.
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Posted by Senate Blocks Ve on March Tue 4th 7:34 PM - Never Expires
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