- Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) -
- Environment Consolidated Text ::
- https://wikileaks.org/tpp-enviro/
- Today, 15 January 2014, WikiLeaks released the
- secret draft text for the entire TPP (Trans-Pacific
- Partnership) Environment Chapter and the corresponding
- Chairs' Report. The TPP transnational legal regime
- would cover 12 countries initially and encompass 40
- per cent of global GDP and one-third of world trade.
- The Environment Chapter has long been sought by
- journalists and environmental groups. The released
- text dates from the Chief Negotiators' summit in
- Salt Lake City, Utah, on 19-24 November 2013.
- The Environment Chapter covers what the Parties
- propose to be their positions on: environmental
- issues, including climate change, biodiversity and
- fishing stocks; and trade and investment in 'environmental'
- goods and services. It also outlines how to resolve
- enviromental disputes arising out of the treaty's
- subsequent implementation. The draft Consolidated
- Text was prepared by the Chairs of the Environment
- Working Group, at the request of TPP Ministers at
- the Brunei round of the negotiations.
- When compared against other TPP chapters, the
- Environment Chapter is noteworthy for its absence
- of mandated clauses or meaningful enforcement measures.
- The dispute settlement mechanisms it creates are
- cooperative instead of binding; there are no required
- penalties and no proposed criminal sanctions. With
- the exception of fisheries, trade in 'environmental'
- goods and the disputed inclusion of other multilateral
- agreements, the Chapter appears to function as a
- public relations exercise.
- Julian Assange, WikiLeaks' publisher, stated:
- "Today's WikiLeaks release shows that the public
- sweetner in the TPP is just media sugar water.
- The fabled TPP environmental chapter turns out to
- be a toothless public relations exercise with no
- enforcement mechanism."
- The Chairs' Report of the Environment Working Group
- also shows that there are still significant areas of
- contention in the Working Group. The report claims
- that the draft Consolidated Text displays much
- compromise between the Parties already, but more
- is needed to reach a final text. The main areas of
- contention listed include the role of this agreement
- with respect to multilateral environmental agreements
- and the dispute resolution process.
- The documents date from 24 November 2013 ? the end
- of the Salt Lake City round. They were requested by
- the Ministers of the TPP after the August 2013 Brunei
- round. The Consolidated Text was designed to be a
- "landing zone" document to further the negotiations
- quickly and displays what the Chairs say is a good
- representation of all Parties' positions at the time.
- The WikiLeaks Consolidated Text and corresponding
- Chairs' Report show that there remains a lot of
- controversy and disagreement within the Working
- Group. The Consolidated Text published by WikiLeaks
- is not bracketed, as per the IP Chapter released
- in November 2013, as it is drafted by the Chairs
- of the Working Group at their responsibility.
- Instead, the accompanying Chairs' Report provides
- commentary on the draft Consolidated Text and is
- the equivalent of bracketed disagreements for the
- countries that have not agreed on certain Articles,
- and provides their positions.
- Current TPP negotiation member states are the United
- States, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia,
- Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and
- Brunei. This is the third in the series of Secret
- Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) leaks
- published by WikiLeaks.
- https://wikileaks.org/tpp2/static/pdf/tpp-treaty-environment-chapter.pdf
- http://fleetupload.com/pz2l1d207aeq/tpp-treaty-environment-chapter.pdf
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Posted by TPP Environment on January Fri 17th 6:30 PM - Never Expires
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