- 18:09:27 � �-�� #modmywhat.com join ��-� �
- 18:09:28 mq521 � 18:09:13 sIN`bored`as`fuck � pilot unbanned you
- 18:09:28 mq521 � 18:09:16 mq521 � really now.
- 18:09:28 mq521 � 18:09:19 sIN`bored`as`fuck � must have fucked him in the arse or sumtin
- 18:09:29 mq521 � OLOLOL
- 18:09:40 +sjaak327 � actually, why not simply add all that stuff on release ?
- 18:09:40 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � nice
- 18:09:49 mq521 � sjaak327, busy doing other games?
- 18:09:51 mq521 � deadline?
- 18:09:52 +sjaak327 � that way they wouldn't have so many people complaining
- 18:09:52 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � posting PM out of context
- 18:09:59 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � posting PM out of context
- 18:10:00 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � nice
- 18:10:02 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � just like pilot
- 18:10:04 Darkder � I wonder if old melee weapon animations could be found somewhere.
- 18:10:04 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � on forums
- 18:10:07 DrEams � yeah , i'm thinking of buying it also ,
- 18:10:08 mq521 � not out of context
- 18:10:09 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � you must be related or sumtin
- 18:10:17 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � ou really
- 18:10:22 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � not out of context?
- 18:10:23 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � well ok
- 18:10:24 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � sec
- 18:10:34 @Pilot � Why you getting me involved wtf
- 18:10:36 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � [17:08] <mq521> anger management problems
- 18:10:37 mq521 � lol
- 18:10:37 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � [17:08] <mq521> ?
- 18:10:37 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � [17:08] <sIN`bored`as`fuck> read the rules
- 18:10:37 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � [17:08] <mq521> what rules
- 18:10:39 +sjaak327 � what deadline ?
- 18:10:42 mq521 � yeah
- 18:10:46 mq521 � what about rules
- 18:10:59 mq521 � I dont care, paste w/e you want, unless it's edited
- 18:11:00 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � i said that you unbanned him pilot
- 18:11:05 @Pilot � Ye
- 18:11:24 @Pilot � He wasnt worth a ban up to that point
- 18:11:37 DrEams � was quite quick in being banned i admit
- 18:11:45 mq521 � sure is
- 18:11:59 mq521 � Not my first day on irc
- 18:12:09 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � just your first day at life
- 18:12:12 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � i guess
- 18:12:15 mq521 � get ragd
- 18:12:20 +sjaak327 � well calling people dumb and ignorant isn't considered proper IRC behaviour..
- 18:12:30 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � well like i said
- 18:12:30 mq521 � ...and that is governed by?
- 18:12:32 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � read the rules
- 18:12:34 +sjaak327 � sure way to kill of any discussion..
- 18:12:36 mq521 � no rules in topic.
- 18:12:38 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � no insulting of admins
- 18:12:40 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � or senior members
- 18:12:58 DrEams � 2 in my case but i've worked for chats as a moderator a few years , was quick.
- 18:13:09 DrEams � ANYWAy , can't we change of subject?
- 18:13:14 Darkder � Im sure we can
- 18:13:17 mq521 � iono
- 18:13:18 DrEams � let's talk about cherry ice cream shall we?
- 18:13:18 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � yea
- 18:13:20 @sIN`bored`as`fuck � like this
- 18:13:21 mq521 � people just qq over m2 sucking
- 18:13:27 mq521 was kicked by @sIN`bored`as`fuck (mq521)
- 18:13:27 � �-�� #modmywhat.com join ��-� �
- 18:13:31 @sIN`bored`as`fuck sets mode: +b *!*@x.estpak.ee
- 18:13:36 +sjaak327 � gone again ?
- 18:13:37 +sjaak327 � lol
- 18:13:41 Darkder � so any opinions on removal of melee weapons on Mafia 2?
- 18:13:43 mq521 was kicked by @sIN`bored`as`fuck (yep..gone again)
- 18:13:43 Unable to join #modmywhat.com (you're banned)
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Posted by mmw ragd pt2 on August Mon 30th 4:24 PM - Never Expires
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