- [00:48] tatootian: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080429163330AA6f9eL
- [00:48] tatootian: rofl
- [00:48] maqzek: HAHAHAHAHAHAHh
- [00:49] tatootian: probly u
- [00:49] maqzek: ya
- [00:49] maqzek: sry
- [00:49] maqzek: wrote chris m8
- [00:49] maqzek: inder
- [00:50] tatootian: u no wat we shud plae?
- [00:50] tatootian: rainbow six
- [00:50] tatootian: pls
- [00:50] tatootian: rouge sper
- [00:50] maqzek: suk gaem
- [00:50] maqzek: shud brek ur faec
- [00:50] tatootian: R USRs
- [00:50] maqzek: 4 suggstin dat
- [00:50] maqzek: if u had a faec
- [00:50] maqzek: dat is
- [00:50] tatootian: UR DUMMMmm
- [00:50] tatootian: bai
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Posted by doubl lul convo on April Thu 9th 10:52 PM - Never Expires
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