- <tatootian> wer i can get ac2 crack
- <tatootian> ?
- <tatootian> plz
- <starclaws> try #support
- <tatootian> sry
- <tatootian> i will get g-lined again
- <starclaws> we dont do support here
- <tatootian> plzz stop being gay1!!1!
- <-- Monet has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
- <NESQUIKO> what is ac2
- <-- Supernorn has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.8/20100202165920])
- <tatootian> ASASINS CRED 2
- <Insane^> tatootian, we don't deal in warez here.
- <tatootian> wat u men
- <Insane^> Because you said "crack"?
- <-- uffo has quit (Quit)
- <NeonWraith> Also
- <NeonWraith> Learn to spell
- <NeonWraith> jesus christ
- <tatootian> rofl
- <tatootian> so "crack" obviusly means warez
- <tatootian> ?
- <tatootian> d2 has an offical crack
- <tatootian> omg i fkin talxin about warez
- <tatootian> wc3 2!!!!
- <Insane^> Pretty much yeah.
- <tatootian> FK BLIZARD GONA BAN ME!!!
- <tatootian> HALP
- --> draco ([email protected]) has joined #naturalselection
- <Insane^> So lets not talk about AC2 and cracks okay!
- <NeonWraith> Agreed.
- * NeonWraith pokes thaldy
- <MrFwar> Wc3 has a crack?
- * starclaws sets up a bait shop selling troll bait. $5
- MadOnos Mega- miffu Monkfish Monopolowa MrFwar
- <MrFwar> I believe it was an official patch?
- <tatootian> MrFwar, ya
- <-- Rutix has quit (Quit)
- <tatootian> = crak
- <tatootian> ?
- <MrFwar> nope?
- <tatootian> alows me 2 plae gaem witout cd = crak
- <tatootian> bai
- <MrFwar> no..
- <starclaws> lol
- <tatootian> cricumvent security
- <tatootian> bai
- --> Les ([email protected]) has joined #naturalselection
- <tatootian> ofical circumventment bai
- <MrFwar> but blizzard removed the security?
- <tatootian> ya
- <tatootian> ?
- <MrFwar> and it was blizzards game..
- <starclaws> ohemgee he type a word correctly... ban him
- <tatootian> so
- <tatootian> ?
- <starclaws> ahahaha
- <Insane^> tatootian - new topic! pick one!
- <MrFwar> so its not a crack then is it?
- <tatootian> keygens
- <tatootian> ?
- <MrFwar> Silly.
- <-- lolfighter has quit (Quit)
- <MrFwar> The Key Master!
- <starclaws> tatootian read the channel topic
- <starclaws> stick to it or be g-lined
- <tatootian> ????
- <tatootian> i alrdy bought ns2
- <tatootian> dun ned 2 buy agin plz
- <MrFwar> say again?
- <MrFwar> I don't speak stupid.
- <NeonWraith> What's g-lined?
- <tatootian> I ALRDY BOUGHT NS2
- <starclaws> whats alrdy?
- <NeonWraith> Just out of curiousity?
- <tatootian> yo u wana c me get g-lined
- <MrFwar> one more time?
- <tatootian> i wondr if matt is her
- <starclaws> whats 'yo u wana c" mean?
- --> cH40z-Lord ([email protected]) has joined #naturalselection
- <NeonWraith> So, starclaws, what's g-lining?
- <starclaws> try #support
- <NeonWraith> Aside from 50 Cent feminine products?
- <Cidsa> getting banned from the irc network
- <tatootian> HAHA UR SO FUNY CIDSA
- <tatootian> U DUNO SH1T
- <tatootian> DUMAS
- <NeonWraith> oh
- <NeonWraith> Thanks Cidsa
- <Monopolowa> who's dumas?
- <Insane^> !k tatootian Cut down on the shouting.
- <-- You have been kicked from #naturalselection by ChanServ ((Insane^) Cut down on the shouting.)
- FiSH: Chat in #naturalselection will NOT be encrypted (no key found)
- --> Now talking on #naturalselection
- * Topic for #naturalselection is: The official Natural Selection channel | unknownworlds.com | naturalselection2.com | NS2: NS2 is coming to Steam! Valve says pre-orders WILL be brought over. Also, new Lerky screenshot here: http://bit.ly/9cpg4A (please RT!)
- * Topic for #naturalselection set by ChanServ at Tue Mar 02 17:00:37 2010
- -ChanServ- (#naturalselection) No scripts allowed || Rules: http://www.unknownworlds.com/community
- <tatootian> i am sory
- <tatootian> plz forgiv
- <Cidsa> like a k-line will kick you off of one of the servers in the network, a g-line will kick you off all of them
- <starclaws> tekdude is tatootian probably lol
- <Tekdude> Uh.
- <KFDM> o.O
- <Cidsa> tatootian's hostmask says canada
- <draco> tekdude's alter ego is canadian
- <draco> i mean his other personality
- <tatootian> HAHAHA SO FUNNY!!!!
- <Tekdude> I tatootian is this guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWQf13B8epw
- <draco> shut up tatootian, you scumbag
Copyright © 2007-2011, n3t-t3z Team
Posted by FKIN HURT FELING on March Wed 3rd 12:10 AM - Never Expires
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