Former CIA Informant - Obamas No. 1 Agenda Former CIA informant Dr. Jim Garrow has worked hard to help reveal and expose the fascists’ Number One agenda in America ; to fully disarm the American people. In order to force Agenda 21 to micromanage and fully control the American population, the fascists must either (A) disarm the citizens of the United States, or (B) they must kill those who refuse to be disarmed. Obama is only a puppet [s]elected by these fascist elites who desire to rule the planet, all it’s resources and suppress the masses into DE-industrialization, poverty and 21st century neo-feudal serfdom. Only an armed, informed and prepared minority stand in the way of the UN’s goals for their “New World Order” (btw, that’s their own term!) A dire warning for those who disregard Agenda 21: you are not exempt from this agenda - this is designed by dictators around the world to enslave you as well! It is NOT - I repeat - NOT about “environmentalism.” IN FACT - major oil oligarchs have also stood behind the scenes in support of the UN’s Agenda 21. This agenda only benefits and exempts the super-rich 1% and everyone else will be under authoritarian neo-feudal police state which is designed to ban organic farming, promote toxic GMO, the confiscation of property, abolishing civil rights and endless fees and regulations that are set to make you an obedient, defenseless surf who will be forced to live in government-run urban stack-n-pack micro-apartments where you’re movement is under constant surveillance and slave labor would become you’re only option of survival. In January 2013, a new litmus test began being applied to America’s military leaders - one of the questions that was asked is “if orders were given to confiscate firearms from American civilians and a civilian refused to relinquish the firearms, would you fire upon that citizen?” This shocked many top brass officials and Jim Garrow had been informed. Audio (3:21) #1 Audio (2:15) #2 Audio (9:34) #3 Audio (4:56) #4 Audio (5:39) #5 Soon after, many military leaders were removed from their positions and later replaced by orders from Barack Obama. There has been a purge within the US military ever since then to remove those who would protect the American people from their positions of authority. Here is a mirror to all five audio clips posted above, zipped. (56.4MB) ALL THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN BACKED UP TO HARDCOPY, FARADAY CAGED! n3tBin

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