13:29 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.ctrlaltdel-online.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 13:31 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Ctrl+Alt+Del - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Down] [Down] [Down]wwww [Backspace].xkcd.com [Enter]www.penny-are [Backspace]cade.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 13:35 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Penny Arcade! - On Weak Points And Massive Damage - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.google.ca [Enter] ------------------------------------- 13:35 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer forums.purepwnage.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 13:38 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Pirate Bay Trial - The OFFICIAL Pure Pwnage forums - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Right] [Right] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Left] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] [Down] ------------------------------------- 14:13 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.ytrt [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]rt.ca [Enter] ------------------------------------- 14:13 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: York Region Transit - Schedules, maps and public transit information - Microsoft Internet Explorer 091A ------------------------------------- 14:15 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: YRT VIVA Information Line Headway Sheet - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.gmail.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 14:15 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Gmail: Email from Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer hal [Backspace]ileycheng92@ [Backspace] [Tab] [Backspace]bgreen33 [Backspace] [Backspace]33 [Enter] ------------------------------------- 14:15 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Gmail - Compose Mail - Microsoft Internet Explorer rac [Enter]you'e [Backspace]ve got mail [Backspace] [Backspace]aaaaiil!hey there, rach! [Enter] [Enter]haven't talked to you in a while! so how are you d [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]'s life treating t [Backspace]you? there [Backspace] [Backspace] weather's getting warmer and sunnier each and every day here in Tono [Backspace] [Backspace]ronoto. [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Delete] [Right] [Right] [Right] [Right]I [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]. I hope that it's just as nice and a [Backspace]sunner [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]y in Montreal! I just wanted to tell you that you got a [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]were mailed a letter from the Governe [Backspace]ment of Canada recently this week. Do you want me to mail it to you? or scan it, o r [Backspace] [Backspace]r just tell you [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]read it to you over the phone? let me know :) [Enter] [Enter]i boroo [Backspace] [Backspace]rowed this movie called Princess Mononoke from the library last weekend. it's supposed to be a classic (because I e [Backspace]remember studying it [Backspace] [Left]i rente [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]borrowed it because I remember learning that [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Right] [Left] [Left] [Ctrl] [Left] [Left] [Right] [Delete]considere [Backspace]from english class, and [Delete] [Delete] [Delete]you saying that Max likes anime. it a [Backspace]was cute. a little bit a of a love [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]of love between two characters, main [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]but mainly about the [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]humans destroying the resources/ [Backspace]/feorests [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]orests/ [Backspace] + environment and how the animal gods were fighting back. anywahoe [Backspace]w [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]y [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]t [Backspace]now i [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]for this weekend, i'v [Backspace]e borrowed 27 dresses, and i'm so excited to see it because i've seen the previews and it looked cute.i also watched j [Backspace]Juno and Breakd [Backspace]fast Club, both of t [Backspace]which i thought were mediocre. [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left]o [Right] [Right] [Right] [Down] [Backspace]DTrailers [Enter] [Enter]I'm supposed to be in co-op rih [Backspace]ght now, but they went opn a [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left] [Left]at the school for autistic children, Giant Steps, [Backspace] [Right] [Right] [Right] [Right]s [Backspace]field trip to fairview mall and i couldn't miss my biology class. tell me how your week was~! [Enter] [Enter] [Enter]love you and miss you lots! [Enter]hailey ------------------------------------- 14:25 [4.17.2009] Explorer.EXE: Program Manager [Left Windows] ------------------------------------- 14:25 [4.17.2009] Explorer.EXE: u ------------------------------------- 14:25 [4.17.2009] Explorer.EXE: Shut Down Windows [Enter] ------------------------------------- 14:52 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer mx2006.10.21.blog.163.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 14:55 [4.17.2009] Explorer.EXE: Program Manager [Num Enter] ------------------------------------- 14:55 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: http://thornlea.sharpschool.com/cms/One.aspx - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Num Enter] ------------------------------------- 14:55 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.tu [Enter] ------------------------------------- 14:56 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: www.tu - Live Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.tudou.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:01 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: ??? - ?? - ?? - ?????????? - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.ghost [Num 8] [Num 8] [Num 9].com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:02 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Welcome to Ghost.com - Symantec Corp. - Microsoft Internet Explorer wwww. [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]www.ghost [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]ost [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]www.goo [Down] [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:02 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: ???? - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Ctrl]v [Ctrl]vb [Ctrl]vghost ------------------------------------- 15:03 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: ????? - Google ??? - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Ctrl]cwww. [Ctrl]v [Num 8] [Num 8] [Num Lock]889.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:03 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: YouTube - Mystery creature attacks SUV - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Alt] [F4] [F4] ------------------------------------- 15:05 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace]http://hk.yahoo.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:06 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: ?? Yahoo! ?? - Microsoft Internet Explorer felixcat1990bowlongfelixcat1990bowling ------------------------------------- 15:09 [4.17.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace]http://hk.yahoo.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:10 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Yahoo! Canada - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace]http;//thestar.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:16 [4.17.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace]http://hk.yahoo.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:18 [4.17.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: ?? Yahoo! ?? - Microsoft Internet Explorer few [Backspace]lixcat1990bowling ------------------------------------- 15:21 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: TheStar.com - Latest Toronto News, GTA News, Greater Toronto Area, Local News - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace]http://hk.yahoo.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 15:22 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Yahoo!?? - ?? - Microsoft Internet Explorer abduction ------------------------------------- 15:24 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Yahoo!?? - abduction??? - Microsoft Internet Explorer drug ------------------------------------- 15:24 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Yahoo!?? - drug??? - Microsoft Internet Explorer debt ------------------------------------- 15:24 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Yahoo!?? - debt??? - Microsoft Internet Explorer rum [Backspace]ourm ------------------------------------- 15:26 [4.17.2009] iexplore.exe: Yahoo!?? - rumour??? - Microsoft Internet Explorer e=r [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]rumor ------------------------------------- 15:26 [4.17.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Yahoo! Canada - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace]http;//hk.yahoo.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:28 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: No page to display - Microsoft Internet Explorer hjo [Backspace] [Backspace]otmail.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:28 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Sign In - Microsoft Internet Explorer simpsons_rocker@hotmail.com [Tab]inufan [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:29 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: No page to display - Microsoft Internet Explorer hotmail.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:31 [4.20.2009] WINWORD.EXE: Document1 - Microsoft Word A [Backspace]The Not- ------------------------------------- 08:35 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Pause] [Left Windows]mail.yahoo.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:36 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Yahoo! Mail: The best web-based email! - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:36 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?&.src=ym - Microsoft Internet Explorer mail.yahoo.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:40 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Yahoo! Mail: The best web-based email! - Microsoft Internet Explorer jacobwaldo2a@ [Backspace] [Backspace]@rogers.com [Tab]kindersuprise1 [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:43 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer google.o [Backspace]com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:48 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: http://thornlea.sharpschool.com/cms/One.aspx - Microsoft Internet Explorer google.ca [Enter] [Ctrl]nn ------------------------------------- 08:49 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer external data b [Down] connector [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:49 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Ctrl]o ------------------------------------- 08:49 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Open ogmail.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:50 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: What is external data bus? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary - Microsoft Internet Explorer [F5] ------------------------------------- 08:50 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Gmail: Email from Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer jonathanlam98 [Tab]Tmebp7ZapDawYzd8 [Enter] ------------------------------------- 08:50 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/E/external_data_bus.html - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Alt] ------------------------------------- 08:50 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Gmail - Microsoft Internet Explorer [F5] [Alt] ------------------------------------- 08:51 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: What is external data bus? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Alt] [Ctrl] ------------------------------------- 09:35 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: http://thornlea.sharpschool.com/cms/One.aspx - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.hotmail.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 09:37 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Sign In - Microsoft Internet Explorer google.ca [Enter] ------------------------------------- 09:38 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer hotmail.com [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]msn.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 09:38 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Cannot find server - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.msnc [Backspace].com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 09:43 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: http://thornlea.sharpschool.com/cms/One.aspx - Microsoft Internet Explorer yaho.mail.com [Enter] ------------------------------------- 09:45 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Free Email Account, 3GB Storage, Spam and Virus Protection at Mail.com - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Num 0] ------------------------------------- 10:15 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Cannot find server - Microsoft Internet Explorer +++++++++ ------------------------------------- 10:15 [4.20.2009] Explorer.EXE: Program Manager ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------- 10:21 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: http://thornlea.sharpschool.com/cms/One.aspx - Microsoft Internet Explorer hotm [Down] [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:39 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Sign In - Microsoft Internet Explorer hottie_52_me@hotmail.com [Tab]moveit52 [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:46 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Thornlea - Home - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.google.ca [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:46 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer demonoid [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:46 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: demonoid - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Ctrl]nTWEWY dubbed [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]undubbed [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:50 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: No page to display - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.google.ca [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:51 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer twewy undubbed o [Backspace]soundta [Backspace]rack [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:51 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: twewy undubbed soundtrack - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace] [Backspace] [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:51 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: twewy undubbed - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer music [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:51 [4.20.2009] iexplore.exe: Demonoid.com - Microsoft Internet Explorer World ends with you undubbed [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:53 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: twewy undubbed music - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace] [Enter] ------------------------------------- 10:55 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Cannot find server - Microsoft Internet Explorer [F5] [F5] [F5] [Num Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:00 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: No page to display - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.google.ca [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:01 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Ctrl]v dundubb [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]undubbed [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:01 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: ???? undubbed - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer "Wonderful World" [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:01 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: "Wonderful World" undubbed - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer It's a [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:01 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: "It's a Wonderful World" undubbed - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]subarashiki kono sekai [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:02 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: "subarashiki kono sekai" undubbed - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer [Backspace] [Backspace] [Backspace]The World Ends With You [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:03 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: "The World Ends With You" undubbed - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer nyaarg [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:04 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: nyaarg - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer aaag [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:05 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: aaag - Google Search - Microsoft Internet Explorer wiki sotc [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:06 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Replacing TWEWY Music - GBAtemp.net - Microsoft Internet Explorer [F5] [F5] ------------------------------------- 11:06 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: DS Audio Swapping - Microsoft Internet Explorer [F5] ------------------------------------- 11:06 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: SotC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Microsoft Internet Explorer www.google.ca [Enter] ------------------------------------- 11:06 [4.20.2009] IEXPLORE.EXE: Google - Microsoft Internet Explorer shadows of the colossus wiki [Enter] ------------------------------------- n3tBin

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