I erased all my cp this morning yay :D it wasn't really cp now was it? if it was hopefully you will eventually get caught lol so Harry you are a pedophile? or will be when you are old enough no, if i was, why would i erase my cp, Jammie? if you weren't why would you have cp in the first place? and you will get more no i wont :< you will all the cp was from liek 3 years on 4chan yeah ok i have never seen cp on 4chan thnx cuz you dont lurk it enough at odd hours yes i do all my hours are dd for 4chan since it is mostly US ppl who use it no, then you are not lucky or unlucky* i see so you are a pedo no yes :( no, then you are not lucky nee u basically said it if I was, the /cp/ would still be on my hd kthx oh it is is not im sure it coudl be recovered yes it can be I used file multator and? gutmann wipe it cans till be reassembled no it can not. gutmann is pointless on modern drives 35pass mode will not work he Gutmann method is an algorithm for securely erasing the contents of computer hard drives, such as files. Devised by Peter Gutmann and Colin Plumb, it does so by writing a series of 35 patterns over the region to be erased. how is it pointless, Jammie? In fact performing the full 35-pass overwrite is pointless for any drive since it targets a blend of scenarios involving all types of (normally-used) encoding technology, which covers everything back to 30+-year-old MFM methods (if you don't understand that statement, re-read the paper). If you're using a drive which uses encoding technology X, you only need to perform the passes specific to X, and you never need to per Gutmann himself said that and if you were not a pedophile you wouldnt have delted it with gutmann and you wouldnt have downloaded it in the first place what WOULD I have erased it with then, Jammie? if you weren't a pedophile you also wouldn't have left it on your hdd for 3 years 3 years = over exgerated moar like 3 weeks yeah im sure i coudl report you to the police harry well blame it on one of your parents that wouldnt be naice because i happen to know someon who knows somone who has access to the information for the customers of a few ISP's which happens to include your one and you know how many federal laws he would need to break to give you that information? ^_~ yes luls then i call bs, he isnt gonna just give out customer info you can call bs all you want all i have to do is tell him you are a pedophile and give him your ip address i am not though kthx but i can say it anyway ill tell him you downloaded cp then you are a douchebag who is trying to ruin an innocent guy's life innocent? lol yesh you downloaded cp no I did not yes you did do you know how many federal laws you have broken? this can talk all day none ^_^ by downloading cp then trying to conceal the fact with gutmann lol, you just got massivetrolled by me now gtfo yeah nice excuse u r rinsd kthnxbai n3tBin

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