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Posted by Anonymous on December Fri 18th 9:22 PM - Never Expires
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  1. (22:10:22)<Pereza0>hi
  2. (22:10:30)<Pereza0>i just discovered this place
  3. (22:10:42)<Pereza0>i used to be a pacsteam user
  4. (22:11:01)<Pereza0>i feel as i had been cheated all along
  5. (22:11:30)- Pereza0 quited (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
  6. (22:16:59)<aTr>go die
  7. (22:19:28)<aTr>you used pacsteam, therefore you are still a sinner
  8. (22:19:46)<aTr>and saying that you feel bad because you used that won't wash it away
  9. (22:19:52)<aTr>he should read a bible or something

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