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Posted by latr11111 on September Mon 21st 1:02 AM - Never Expires
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  1. <tatootian> Oddlyunknown, then stfu
  2. <tatootian> u dun no anytin
  3. <vappy> thats what it said
  4. <tatootian> vappy wat
  5. <tatootian> ur prety dum
  6. --> fby ([email protected]) has joined #rsbot
  7. <tatootian> next tiem u shud red de forums?
  8. <vappy> it said to update my jdk at this website
  9. <vappy> dude if your going to be a prick to everyone, just leave
  10. <Oddlyunknown> Really tatoo? Please leave. Your no help
  11. <vappy> and i screenied all this shit
  12. <vappy> gf kid
  13. <-- parliman ([email protected]) has left #rsbot
  14. --> layfield ([email protected]) has joined #rsbot
  15. <-- vappy has quit ()
  16. <b_man> tatt prove ur rite so everyone will shut up
  17. <tatootian> wat
  18. <Oddlyunknown> Prove it kid
  19. <tatootian> ur de 1 askin
  20. <tatootian> y ned 2 prov it
  21. <tatootian> ?
  22. <b_man> what it will take 2 weeks
  23. <tatootian> ur de 1 dat can't wait
  24. <tatootian> ???
  25. <tatootian> so y i ned 2 prov
  26. <Oddlyunknown> Because it's not true?
  27. <tatootian> den QQ
  28. <Oddlyunknown> Your lying
  29. <tatootian> you're*
  30. <tatootian> u sux @ spel
  31. <tatootian> nd
  32. <tatootian> gramr
  33. <Oddlyunknown> Rofl.
  34. <Oddlyunknown> Mmmhm
  35. <Oddlyunknown> I sure do

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