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Posted by sum1 ragd on September Sat 19th 3:28 AM - Never Expires
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  1. <|Shadow|> LOL n00b
  2. <|Shadow|> useing a small as card just like the size of your dick top put games on
  3. <-- fdl1 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  4. --> fdl1 ([email protected]) has joined #gbatemp
  5. <tatootian> |Shadow|, funny thing is you may call me a "n00b" but do you know anything about how to forge fragmented syn packets?
  6. <tatootian> i thought not...
  7. <tatootian> and it was only a win7 error
  8. <tatootian> o wel
  9. <|Shadow|> what does that have to do with the size of your penis?
  10. <|Shadow|> NOTHING
  11. <Bonjela> !list
  12. <-- ysilog has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  13. <tatootian> |Shadow|, what does the file size of a USB Flash Drive or external HD have anything to do with a penis?
  14. <tatootian> rofl
  15. <tatootian> your logic is severely flawed and you just look dumb
  16. <tatootian> lols
  17. * |Shadow| sets ban on tatootian!*@*
  18. <tatootian> rifk
  19. * #gbatemp :Cannot send to channel
  20. * |Shadow| sets ban on *!*[email protected]
  21. <-- You have been kicked from #gbatemp by |Shadow| (Shitlisted <119>)
  22. * Cannot join #gbatemp (You are banned).
  23. >|Shadow|< raged rofl
  25. |Shadow| sets ban on *!*[email protected]
  26. <-- You have been kicked from #wiitemp by |Shadow| (Shitlisted <120>)
  28. |Shadow| sets ban on *!*[email protected]
  29. <-- You have been kicked from #NDSTemp by |Shadow| (Shitlisted <121>)
  31. query:
  32. <|Shadow|> ignored
  33. <tatootian> raged

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