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Posted by d on August Sun 16th 12:55 PM - Never Expires
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  1. <tatootian> LOL!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. <beachlife777> ive only been awake for a couple of hours, i'm still not prepared to do anything...more coffee - stat
  3. <tatootian> no one cares
  4. <tatootian> thx
  5. <Catalyst> Your--aaaah forget it
  6. <tatootian> Catalyst, ur a fgt
  7. <tatootian> thx
  8. <Catalyst> You can't spell.
  9. <tatootian> omg rly?
  10. <tatootian> howd u no
  11. <beachlife777> cuz ur an ass.
  12. <tatootian> rly?
  13. <Catalyst> You spell like if CatBox360 drank a 40 pounder of Vodka, beat himself senseless then broke his fingers.
  14. <Catalyst> And I thought he typed bad.
  15. <onijin> ... there seems to be a lot of raw emotion going around right now
  16.  Camicio Captin_Spyro Catalyst CatBox360 cecilb Channel6 chas10zZz`s cj42057 CloverHunDreaming CrazedNSanity crookie Ctrice
  17. <beachlife777> xD
  18. <onijin> do y'all need a timeout?
  19. <tatootian> Catalyst, u tink ur a hackr?
  20. <onijin> �_�
  21. <beachlife777> i like timeouts
  22. <tatootian> onijin, go eat yourself
  23. <tatootian> :D
  24. <Catalyst> No thanks, I don't tinkle on the rugs like you.
  25. <onijin> !kb tatootian timeout
  26. * Daemon sets ban on *!*
  27. <-- You have been kicked from #demonoid by Daemon (timeout (onijin))
  28. >onijin< raged

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