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Posted by How Much The Gov on May Wed 14th 6:53 AM - Never Expires
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  1. How Much The Government Cares About You
  3.  �The first and most important responsibility of the
  4. President, the Commander in Chief, is to keep Americans
  5. safe from harm,�  - CIA director John Brennan
  8. No Plans at DOJ to Investigate Secret Waiting Lists and
  9. Veteran Deaths at VA Hospitals
  13.  Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that the Department
  14. of Justice doesn't have any plans to investigate allegations
  15. that veterans placed on secret waiting lists at VA hospitals
  16. died while waiting for care.
  18.  "Well, obviously these reports if they're true are unacceptable,
  19. and the allegations are being taken very seriously by the administration.
  20. But I don't have any announcements at this time with regard to
  21. anything that the Justice Department is doing," Holder told reporters
  22. at a press conference.
  24.  "This is something on our radar screen at this point, but there is
  25. an investigation being done by the [VA] inspector general, and we'll
  26. see what happens as a result of that inquiry and other information
  27. that comes to light in some form or fashion," Holder added.
  29.  According to CNN, at least 40 veterans died while waiting for
  30. treatment at one VA hospital in Phoenix. Members of Congress have
  31. said in recent weeks that the inspector general investigation is
  32. inadequate and have called on the DOJ to launch its own investigation.
  34.  "Because these cases involve individuals working in their capacity
  35. as federal employees, and these incidents have occurred at federal
  36. facilities throughout the nation, I urge you to work with the state
  37. Attorneys General in Arizona and across the country to investigate
  38. these preventable deaths thoroughly, determine appropriate criminal
  39. charges, and prosecute the offenders accordingly," Rep. Tom Rooney,
  40. a Republican of Florida, wrote in a letter to Holder on May 1.
  42.  Holder's announcement that the DOJ doesn't currently have any
  43. plans to investigate the VA hospital scandal was made Tuesday
  44. afternoon at a press conference held to announce that the DOJ
  45. was filing a lawsuit against lenders under the Servicemembers
  46. Civil Relief Act, which caps interest rates on student loans at
  47. 6 percent for members of the military.
  49.  "We are here to announce a landmark step forward in our effort to
  50. achieve justice for victims of improper lending practices -- and to
  51. protect the men and women of America's armed services from anyone
  52. who would take advantage of those who wear the uniform," Holder said.

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